0 3 - 6 9 X ’ 05^127p Wbraiu m a r l a n .olety . '■ 7 ~ 8 5 T t O l - ^ ------------ . ' >.☆ FFinal' ☆ a Chance O f-Showo w erse r s ~~~EditiohE d ' "fl MagicMag Valley’s’s Home Newspaperper _ ■, ^TEN CENTS V^65, N0.65 - TWIN FALLS, IDAHO.), WEDNESDWEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1968. ' Tlrom ainds JoiirCrCampaign am p crs Of 2 ;Initiati =B0lMa^ y^Mamk^ By AlisTIN SCOTT ^ -.-WASHINGTON-(AP-) -iJnInder. d er. ..... ^ M e a stp.u -er c s M[ is is s s D e a d ] a sky growing dark with the • ^ threat • of .rain, thousandss of few Am ericans m a r ^ ir a frtftTi the P y iTAPTT? y TF*fTg FB p ^.flnb an—tem r pn**wn1 rr^^Erpm tlld-beb? nnHUnrcaiiHUfiry yr<» faepAwelMo f«pfnp jt^.lctgnntnrpgctgnn^^; nf qttallflM ■ ' grounds of thc Washington mot- ^ BOISE (AP>—Backers of two approved.approvcc - trlbutin;trlbuting the documents. equal t(to 10 per cent of the num- TT; loriai . i o ^ ument to the Lincoln Memorial V. ' three ; proposed initiativelitiative CcnarrCenarrusa said the laww re- CenarrusaCenar said he does«s not ber of votes cast for govemor -j;-' today to demand a greater gov*gov- ffij mmeasures easure fcave failed to meet a quires tithat sponsors of an fn* know v 3 mee't iri the preceding election Must ; ' over- an in* know whether failure to mee't Id the emment effort to abolish ® deadline set by Idaho law,w, Sec-jiliativeSec-j illative must have filed .argu-argu- thc deadlinedea invalidates.thethe itirlbeiQ:lbe filCifiled jn -th e • secretary of. - __ retary of State Pete Cenarrusalarrusa ments wwith his office at-least itiative, ^Th'e iralf-mile tnarch^Iong the ^ __ re ta ry c -least itiative, or simply prevent«-swp-Wale’sit«-swp-5stale’8 office by July 5. Tha said tod;today. 150 daydays before the general;enerai porting-porllng- arguments froth1 belng'numberbeing'number required this year Is mon- BC v ■ v Reflecting Pool took the demon- O0"*y nly ssponsors of an initiativelitlative etection.ekiction. That date was Juneune 8. distributeddistribu a t s ta te expense.inse, 25,260. strators within yards of theip ply- iy ; •K ' Lv to restore Idaho to standardandard OpponOpponents of an Initiativetiative ... - So far,fa pnly the preliminarymlnary CenaiCenamisa said he notej tha * wnnrf and cflnvflss shelters_of_rs of __H j ■ to r e s u Jlme-filed-argumerfts-for-thelrrr-their must'file-argumentaragainst-the^peStionmust'fil< Mt-the^peStions-have-been-iiled-on-the^June-fl- -on-the^June-B-ergumenb-deadlln»»while— Resurrection City, home of mostm ost H r-*~7— ' - * i l r M , 7 ilm e -fil ■ m proposal by the deadline of June proposal 105 days..Jb^re.:c. the time andar urban renewal propo- checkinchecking the Initiative law. He - of thc Poor People’s Campaign-' - ■ proposal ^ 8; Cena:Cenarrusa said. jelectlon. That would'be Julyuly 23.'sals. PetitionsP w ith aboutJt 4.000 said he believes th e responsibil- ■ . ’ _ e r s who a rriv e d in the, naUon's M hmitt(?ri Ity fnr m cotlng theivarious d e a d e r. capltaV SIX wefika ago. - | E ^ m cnts' inir sunport of an initiativelitlnlive lassembl<[assemble the arguments in a inIn sup^rtsupp of the drcdgo,mining.mining llfiSlin^ is up to the sponsors and Orderly but disorganized, the ' H V ? ' to amamend en Idaho’s dredge mining I pamphlcpamphlet and provide copieslies for initiative.initiativ opponeiopponents of Initiative proposals, ;; inarch never officially started. ■■ from law and one to require a ref-jailref-1 all rcgisregistered voters at least:ast 75 To getg' an initiative proposaliroposal not his office. People Just began to move from n ercndunerendum by voters before; an ur-[days beibefore the election. County on the thr> tnil marble monument to the ' ■ County on the > general' election ballot, “It’s"It’s their problem,” he said... j ‘ "L in co ln —M e m o ria l- Unu iillbL H group was led by Walter Reuth- f d • er, head of the United, Auto ; • ;rj Workers Union. , M I Vietnamim AAnd U.S.U.S. Peace L | Washington Police Chief John |B ce Envoys B. Lavton estim ated 27,500) peo- ■ pie were in the arfea SttDrtly;.»f: _ M ter noon. Actor Ossie Davis told H the crowd at the monument that ■ Exchangemge Charges ^vng Talks \ “we arc advjsed that the crowd ■ rges During g for is now 35,000 a n d heading for ^ B r By JOHN M. HIGHTOWERWER speech, “quite a strong attack”ittack” and electionseic free from coercionzoerclon good faithf£ in bringing these offi- 1 50,000.” mMk AP Special Correspondentidem and indindicated it had forceded him or outsideouts interference.” cial c(conversations in Paris.- to It was the climacitc dem oivA-^ - PARIS (AP) — North^h Viet- to changechan his own statementnent in HarrimanHarr had said onn going results,results but it has even createAi- stratlon of the Poor People’s {■ v M nam acaccused the United1 States the'the ' memeeting today—the ninth Intointo thethi meeting that he planned obstaciobstacles preventing the conver- _CampaignJor_iob5jioysing.,ed:^^=4i i!Bi todaytoday-of-a-lack-of-good.faith_in- 0 faith_in slnce'.KsincelMay_ia^-AnswerIng_Xhuy, to-tall eva-ac* satlons-irom-rroaking-progress7'T~^’ ’i ucation and welfare benefitsts for n ^ the PaiParis peace talks. Striking he dendenounced “indiscriminateiminate cords, which ended Frenchnch rule HarrlmanHarr said- -Thuy . had ' , • ?i -th e.p o o r. - .......... .......... llu ' - bback,-the-U.S.-dclegatlon a c k .-l Jon .ac-.ac* attacksa tta c k s and-shelling-of-Salgon’'>algon” in Vietnam-and^leftViei the--north-e--north- Inconsistently-niisconstriied-thel^onsIi --------i, Blacks and whites, poor and . M '^^Q9M P cused INorth Vietnam ofr a gro- by the ienemy. south (division. But he turrieffW.mednis words and deeds of the United dem - • affluent participated in the dem- ■ M ' r - tcsquetesque distortion of ..Americanmerican HarriHarriman declared the United speech,speech In part to a counleratjunlerat States.States.” -He said h& particularly I onstration. Some wore business ■ aimaims s In the conflict. States ^wants to make peace;ace on tack afteri Thuy,~*who> spoke found It hard to believe North" J suits, others frayed coveralls. ■ North Vietnamese A'mbassa-mbassa- the basbasis of the Geneva accords /irst, had blasted tho United VietnamVietna really thinks that the . j . About 4.300 police and nation-ation- ■ ------'''' " dordor XXu u a n ‘Thuy . told U.S..S. Am-Am- ofof 1954.1954. He sketched a five-pointrt-point Sates. .> United States want to hold on to ' . .1 nl guardsmen patrolled theth e •- B < .'■ __bassador W. Averell Harrimanarriman p^rograrprogram which he said the Unit)-Unit- AfterAftei Thuy declared•ed air South Vietnam as a colony and . ^ a rta 7 T h e -demonstrauon ~WBs—was ■ I ' l l i i In' I (I i, lhat the United states hasIns been ed"Sfnred"States favors; ^ ^ strikes have increased in'm total militarymilicai bAse. ' ~~73 pfedgeTTo nonviolence byf The ■ escalating its fight In spite of The eessence,of the 14-year-oldI'car-old over hish country, thoughI the tar- ."If”If It1 does,” he declared, “It ■ ^ Rev. Ralph David Abernathy. M ■::* M PPresident reside Johnson’s statenient:atenfient agreem ent Whicl) th e United geteet areaa r is limited, he accused isIs &:a.‘ grotesque distortion- of ■ -~a tfiat'that'he he was ae4scaiaimg;~heTngT-He States ••aawtcated'' tckIa77-Harri*•Hnrri* Die United States of increasingicreasihg TCrie^American objecuves^and a lor- Christian Leadership Confer-onfer- H ti?*® claimed the number of air man totold Thuy, is “militarynry dis- strengthstreng in Saigon and bombing midablomidab obstacles to progress K ence. ’___ •____■ B strikes on territon^ of theie North engage]engagement, restoration ofthe residentialresidei areas. ---------- hBei-e e r e " . .. T he United States does. h a d —gl ~ g o n e ~ u p —from —2;500—inZ^SfflFTn siaius-<3iaitas~oF the- dftmllltaM zedrd^*ne? ^tie? “ "'rhes*--fjftti;^he4old^Harri-" T in a-'Ham- nof—8eeK--permanent—mmtaynoF=s r . '’.'-! Lincoln Memorial.' Whitney M. I — : M arch to 4,700 in May. ththe e rerrenunciation of the use of man, “show that not onlyonly has bases, military presence or ailf* • - Yoong Jr.. executive dlrettor of ' ■ « ■ Harriman callcd Thuy's forc&,force, iinternational-supervision,irvlslon, the . Unitedli States nott shown ances there." .. , — the National Urban - League, . ■ ■ ^■ ■ ii|i|H iii^m [m im m i u ?— said ‘This may -be -the last ■ K m ^----------------- . -------- march which Is nonviolentihffM and ,A CROSS SECnON.VIEW[EW ofof aupporterafUPP ot the Poor ^opie’aPeopie’a CamCampaign Is showinDi'ihey''' - —■ which brings blacks and whites- gathered" -Wednesday-on-the-Waahlogtoo- the-W«*hln| MonumeDtgrouads^Ilie.deiuodi^Hie-demonatratora-were-organ- irSST -- ---------- Deadline A/T. oeoln Memorial to beor apeecbesJS and to be entertained. (AP wire- ' ^°"The'^natlon and the Congress.gress “ *”* to'm arch to tbei UnColn Meinoi -.?*Deadllne for'the ;^McGarthy-Maecond n s - must Il8teo<to-U8.i)ow. bofore'ore HIt Ph°t?). ____ _______^ ■ M , Cafia final payment of proper- _ is too late; before ths prophetsspheti . • la \ . .; . ty,Uu<ra-f6¥lBG7'IsiThurSf ■: T tyT , of violence, replace (he prophets r r i drty, CcfliWyTrea-surer Rulh lw |, of^j)eace and. jusUce.*' Young | | * | | I Jpnes reniinded county1 prop- M a a g ifm g5TJEv-G*)s:up^OkaylEUC PU CConaJ-g j :_____ i .Shfi isiilfl hnr nfflnft. nsfls ofof _ xf 3By CHARiis biriWAS[AS ' [thethem urglngtdf K ennedy a'ndahd.Rep.|portera'of R ep .I portei RIchard MriNfait^imt ■ !-l , Wednesday morping, 81(11still 7^ *At ^ :BKW Y;.lj.Y.
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