Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2016 9) 2756-2764 ~ ~ ~ УДК 332.135 Mental Bases of National Security of the Baikal Subregion in the Euroasian Space Inna V. Antokhonova* East Siberia State University of Technology and Management 40V Klyuchevskaya Str., Ulan-Ude, 670013, Russia Received 30.05.2016, received in revised form 26.07.2016, accepted 15.09.2016 The escalated competition and complicated geopolitical processes bring to the fore the issues of the national security of Russia and its border territories. The aspects of the economic relations development in eastern regions which directly adjoin the Asian states in the conditions of the international sanctions, falling of oil price and orientation to the east are ambiguous. The objective of this research is the development of conceptual bases of the national security in the Baikal subregion taking into account changes of human mentality in the conditions of market relations. The methods are based on Toynbee civilization approach and the need of preservation and development of the local civilization. The article presents results of households’ selective inspection in the border municipal districts of Buryatia on the basis of the universal questionnaire within the scientific project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The study determines economic interests and criteria of preservation of the main component of territories’ capacity: human resources. Keywords: mentality, security, local civilization, Baikal subregion. The research is carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of the Republic of Buryatia (project No. 15-46-04388). DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-2016-9-11-2756-2764. Research area: economics. Introduction from the standpoint of the stability of regional New challenges of global economy and social and economic systems. Sustainable formation of the multipolar world define civilized development includes issues of national, the problems of preserving the sustainable economic, social, cultural and ecological security. development of national economies. Border In open economy there is a paradigm shift of development of regions of Russia in the Euroasian mental behaviour, the eastern type of mentality space is especially relevant. The assessment of is leaving metropolises and the regional centers system risks is necessary for national security and is replaced by the western style of behaviour. © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] – 2756 – Inna V. Antokhonova. Mental Bases of National Security of the Baikal Subregion in the Euroasian Space In such conditions the worthy answer to the Research methods challenges of global economy is possible from There are a lot of approaches to the study the consolidated socially related society with of the national economic security. The law of the effective and representative elite which have Russian Federation “About safety” defines the former traditions in mentality and the developing economic security of Russia as the protection system of values. of the vital interests of all country residents, There is an objective need for scientific the Russian society in general and the states in justification of the strategy of the Russian the economic sphere from internal and external regions’ development till 2030 in the conditions threats. of the changing mentality of the population in the Internal threats to preservation of the national Euroasian space. economy integrity arise at violation of balance in The space of Russia and its regions is Eurasia processes of involvement of resources in economic adjoining the Roman Christian civilization circulation. Resource-based character of the from the west, the population of Russia shares economy creates dependence on the demand, mainly Byzantine orthodox spiritual culture world prices for resources and the rate of national with presence of Islam and Buddhism in national currency. Orientation on cheap labour constrains historical territories. It creates a variety and the development of technologies and replacement richness of traditions, cultures, stories and at of human labour with materialized one. the same time in the conditions of economic Kondratyev’s theory of long waves or crisis can generate conflict situations. Russia business cycles had the defining value for the is open for international communication. In development of the society. Peculiarity of the this regard, attempts to search for the Russian cycles’ evolution includes the substitution of national identity occur in severe conditions of the one basic innovations by other ones which after competition between the eastern and the western their own life cycle, give way to the new ones. mentality with different systems of values. The The personality, the individual in this process development of the human resource potential plays different roles from the idea man and the of the territories is influenced by external and implementor to the end user of new goods and internal calls, demands the estimate of economic services. The previous waves provided new interests of all institutional units – households, technologies and power sources, information business and the state. and communication technologies allowing to The development of multinational and multi- easily overcome spaces and expand personal religious Russia in the global world lies in the space, to develop communications, to release area of humanitarian problems of the multipolar time for creativity and development. However, changing world. The dynamic development in the the increasing production of more and more 21st century significantly differs from the bipolar consumer goods was a test for the consumer and world of the last century when the USSR resisted has changed the need for the development of the to the USA in scientific and military spheres, being society, specific communities and individuals. the multinational power. Disintegration of the Since the classical works by M. Weber, J. Dewey, system, search of new partners, the competition U. Thomas, F. Znanetsky, P. Sorokin and T. for human and natural resources generate new Parsons, the research of values has continued internal and external challenges for the national in the modern western science in the works of security of Russian regions. P. Blau, S. Schwartz, M. Rokeach, R. Budon, – 2757 – Inna V. Antokhonova. Mental Bases of National Security of the Baikal Subregion in the Euroasian Space R. Inglehart, C. Kluckhohn, J. Habermas, N. (1984, D. V. Nikolayenko), the interdisciplinary Elias, A. Etzioni, H. Joas, H. Zetterberg and M. scientific approach studying various ways of Kohn. In the Soviet and Post-Soviet sociology representation and interpretation of terrestrial A. Zdravomyslov, V. Yadov, T. Lyubimova, I. spaces in the human activity including mental Surina, V. Spiridonova, V. Bakirov, A. Ruchka, E. (mental) activity, deserves special attention. In Podolskaya, I. Popova and many other scientists the late nineties the term was appropriated by addressed the problem of values. The American the school of Russian geographer and culture social psychologist Milton Rokeach has developed specialist D.N. Zamyatin to unite the independent the theoretical system of values with two main scientific approaches having many common types of values: terminal (values- purposes) and features in research methods into a unified instrumental (values-means), each of which has scientific field. been presented by 18 specific subtypes. Such Statistical aspects of the quality of life, values as completeness of life, wisdom, health, social problems, shadow economy have gained love, finanical well-being belong to the first type. development in the studies of S.A. Aivazyan, The second type of values-means is presented by I.I. Eliseeva, institutional issues of interaction various personal traits: accuracy, nice behaviour, of the state, business and households have found cheerfulness, independence, etc. reflection in the works of R.M. Nureev and Rokeach’s developments were continued by others. V.S. Zagashvili’s approach to the research the Israeli social psychologist Shalom Schwartz is based on the assessment of national interests who has managed to practically implement and interests of individuals and social groups all previous achievements in the field of the (Zagashvili, 1995). sociological and general theory of values. Concepts of the post-industrial information Problem Statement society consider information as a backbone Russia is multinational and diverse in all factor. natural and geographical meanings. Therefore, the The academician V. L. Makarov states processes with the economic nature predominate the following thesis: the mission of Russia is to there: promising education, qualitative health preserve the ethnic, ideological and religious care, search of the developed labour market, the variety in the world. The society develops in the comfortable place of residence and education conditions of new challenges with increasing for children, socially protected old age, etc. personal problems, conditions when the market Humanitarian problems in the conditions of offers the models of mainly consumer behaviour. instability and post-crisis recession go to the According to the corresponding member background. The national, ethnic and historical of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. B. roots and traditions forming the mentality are Kleiner, the modern Russian society
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