Computing Three-dimensional Constrained Delaunay Refinement Using the GPU Zhenghai Chen Tiow-Seng Tan School of Computing School of Computing National University of Singapore National University of Singapore [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT collectively called elements, are split in this order in many rounds We propose the first GPU algorithm for the 3D triangulation refine- until there are no more bad tetrahedra. Each round, the splitting ment problem. For an input of a piecewise linear complex G and is done to many elements in parallel with many GPU threads. The a constant B, it produces, by adding Steiner points, a constrained algorithm first calculates the so-called splitting points that can split Delaunay triangulation conforming to G and containing tetrahedra elements into smaller ones, then decides on a subset of them to mostly of radius-edge ratios smaller than B. Our implementation of be Steiner points for actual insertions into the triangulation T . the algorithm shows that it can be an order of magnitude faster than Note first that a splitting point is calculated by a GPU threadas the best CPU algorithm while using a similar amount of Steiner the midpoint of a subsegment, the circumcenter of the circumcircle points to produce triangulations of comparable quality. of the subface, and the circumcenter of the circumsphere of the tetrahedron. Note second that not all splitting points calculated CCS CONCEPTS can be inserted as Steiner points in a same round as they together can potentially create undesirable short edges in T to cause non- • Theory of computation → Computational geometry; • Com- termination of the algorithm. So, the algorithm must filter away puting methodologies → Graphics processors; some splitting points. KEYWORDS For a splitting point p, its Delaunay region is the set of elements (subfaces or tetrahedra) who will become non-Delaunay (with their GPGPU, Computational Geometry, Mesh Refinement, Finite Ele- circumcircles or circumspheres, respectively, enclosing p) if p is ment Analysis inserted as a Steiner point into T . We know for two splitting points with disjoint Delaunay regions, their insertions into T will not 1 INTRODUCTION result in them forming an edge in T (while T is maintained as a Constrained Delaunay triangulations (CDTs) are used in various constrained Delaunay triangulation at the end of each round). As engineering and scientific applications, such as finite element meth- such, and to achieve good speed up with using the GPU, our algo- ods, interpolation etc. Such a CDT, in general, is obtained from a rithm seeks to identify a large set of splitting points with mutually so-called piecewise linear complex (PLC) G containing a point set P, disjoint Delaunay regions in each round. So, the problem becomes an edge set E (where each edge with endpoints in P), and a polygon how to identify disjoint Delaunay regions efficiently. set F (where each polygon with boundary edges in E). All vertices, The trivial way of one thread taking care of one splitting point to edges and polygons of G also appear in T as vertices, union of calculate its Delaunay region is inefficient as different threads can edges, and union of triangles, respectively; we also say T conforms need vastly different amounts of computation to process Delaunay to G in this case. For our discussion, we call an edge in E a segment, regions of different sizes. Instead, a good approach should deploy a an edge in T which is also a part (or whole) of some segment a number of threads in proportion to the size of a Delaunay region subsegment, and a triangle in T which is also a part (or whole) of so each thread does more or less similar amount of work. Such a some polygon of F a subface. desirable regularized work approach is developed in our grow-and- For a given constant B and a CDT T of G as input, the con- blast scheme as outline in the next paragraph. arXiv:1903.03406v1 [cs.GR] 7 Mar 2019 strained Delaunay refinement problem is to add vertices, called Initially, a thread is assigned to an element where the splitting Steiner points, into T to eliminate or split most, if not all, bad tetra- point is located. This element is also a part of the Delaunay region hedra to generate a new CDT of G. (A tetrahedron t is bad if the of the splitting point. The thread then checks the neighbors (sub- ratio of the radius of its circumsphere to its shortest edge is larger faces and tetrahedra) of this element to decide whether they are than B.) A solution to the problem should also aims to add few also a part of the Delaunay region of the splitting point. For such Steiner points. The TetGen software by Si [3] is the best CPU so- a neighbor, it is marked (grown) as a part of the Delaunay region, lution known to the problem. It, however, can take a significant and a thread will be assigned to it to perform the similar kind of amount of time of minutes to hours to compute CDTs for some checking and marking subsequently. Having said this, when an typical inputs from applications. We thus explore the use of GPU element appears as a neighbor to many and is to be marked into to address this problem. more than one Delaunay regions, only one is allowed while oth- ers with predetermined lower priorities must be stop (blasted) and 2 OUR PROPOSED ALGORITHM their corresponding splitting points filtered away. Those Delau- nay regions remain are mutually disjoint, and their corresponding Our proposed algorithm gQM3D follows the general Delaunay refine- splitting points are inserted concurrently into T as Steiner points. ment paradigm where subsegments, subfaces and bad tetrahedra, I3D ’19, 21-23 May 2019, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Zhenghai Chen and Tiow-Seng Tan γ 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 algorithm TetGen gQM3D gQM3D+ TetGen gQM3D gQM3D+ TetGen gQM3D gQM3D+ TetGen gQM3D gQM3D+ TetGen gQM3D gQM3D+ B 1:4 Time (min) 2.5 1.3 0.9 6.6 2.2 1.5 20.4 3.1 2.3 28.6 3.9 2.9 53.4 4.5 4.0 Points (M) 0.95 0.93 0.93 1.52 1.49 1.50 2.63 2.59 2.61 3.11 3.06 3.08 4.24 4.18 4.21 Tets (M) 5.98 5.85 5.88 9.58 9.40 9.44 16.68 16.37 16.45 19.67 19.35 19.46 26.89 26.44 26.64 Bad Tets 401 308 376 1461 1416 1564 2160 2059 2156 2885 2939 2894 3677 3395 3765 1:6 Time (min) 1.6 1.3 0.7 4.1 2.2 1.3 12.8 3.1 2.2 18.3 3.9 2.6 34.3 4.5 3.3 Points (M) 0.68 0.69 0.69 1.12 1.13 1.14 2.03 2.06 2.07 2.39 2.44 2.45 3.33 3.39 3.41 Tets (M) 4.27 4.33 4.34 7.00 7.10 7.11 12.73 12.91 12.97 15.06 15.29 15.36 20.94 21.28 21.40 Bad Tets 303 252 285 1279 1152 1245 1877 1725 1848 2520 2355 2480 3235 2924 3264 1:8 Time (min) 1.11 1.08 0.70 2.90 1.67 1.19 9.02 2.48 1.91 12.76 3.29 2.71 24.13 4.63 3.04 Points (M) 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.92 0.95 0.95 1.73 1.79 1.79 2.05 2.12 2.12 2.88 2.97 2.99 Tets (M) 3.46 3.57 3.58 5.74 5.93 5.93 10.76 11.10 11.14 12.75 13.16 13.22 17.94 18.51 18.60 Bad Tets 251 229 252 1083 1467 1107 1599 1473 1582 1998 2004 2025 2696 2484 2768 2:0 Time (min) 0.84 1.00 0.58 2.21 1.81 1.04 6.86 2.62 1.77 9.72 3.10 2.06 18.52 3.59 3.02 Points (M) 0.49 0.51 0.51 0.82 0.85 0.85 1.57 1.62 1.63 1.86 1.92 1.93 2.63 2.73 2.74 Tets (M) 3.02 3.14 3.14 5.06 5.26 5.27 9.66 10.03 10.06 11.48 11.89 11.94 16.25 16.85 16.91 Bad Tets 232 201 235 967 935 996 1381 1294 1397 1746 1670 1759 2330 2149 2332 Table 1: Comparison among algorithms with 25K input points of the ball distribution. "Tets" denotes tetrahedra. 3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS All experiments are conducted on a PC with an Intel i7-7700k 4.2GHz CPU, 32GB of DDR4 RAM and a GTX1080 Ti graphics card with 11GB of video memory. TetGen is the main CPU software we use to compare with our gQM3D implemented with CUDA pro- gramming model. During our experimentation, we notice gQM3D does not have particular advantage over CPU approach for the initial part of the computation. We thus replace this part of gQM3D 20465 points, 83768 tetrahedra, 7783 bad tetrahedra 20991 points, 86380 tetrahedra, 7518 bad tetrahedra by using TetGen in CPU to obtain a variant called gQM3D+. We note Figure 2: The output triangulations of a triceratops gener- that CGAL [1] and TetWild [2] are not part of the comparison for ated by TetGen (left) and gQM3D (right).
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