Complete Papers of Philippe Flajolet assembled by Mark Daniel Ward (version of March 25, 2012) 1 Papers [PF001]{[PF208] Listed by Co-Author Philippe Flajolet as sole author: [PF014, PF015a, PF015b, PF016, PF017, PF022, PF023a, PF023b, PF029, PF032, PF037, PF038, PF039, PF044b, PF046, PF047, PF048, PF056, PF063, PF064, PF069, PF070, PF071, PF072, PF084, PF092, PF097, PF098, PF099, PF108b, PF108c, PF126, PF128b, PF133, PF134, PF148, PF162, PF171, PF180, PF187, PF192, PF203b, L02, P01, P07, P08, M01, M02, M03, M04, M05, M06, P03, RR0153, RR0397, RR0398, RR0400, RR0483, RR0518, RR0729, RR1025, RR1644, RR3401] (Should add the uncollected papers to this list too.) 1. Allouche, Jean-Paul [PF083] 2. Autebert, Jean-Michel [PF062, RR0492] 3. Bacher, Roland [PF203a] 4. Banderier, Cyril [PF146, PF152, PF160, PF167, PF168, RR3661, TR006, TR007, TR009] 5. Beaton, Nicholas R. [PF204, P06] 6. Bergeron, Fran¸cois[PF096, RR1583] 7. Blasiak, Pawel [PF205] 8. B´ona,Mikl´os[PF198] 9. Bostan, Alin [PF185, RR4579] 10. Bousquet-M´elou,Mireille [PF146, PF167, RR3661, TR006] 11. Broutin, Nicolas [PF195, PF206] 12. Chassaing, Philippe [PF175, P04] 13. Chauvin, Brigitte [PF177] 14. Ch´eno,Laurent [PF021] 15. Cheung, Y. K. [PF199] 16. Cl´ement, Julien [PF140, PF161, PF202, RR3295, RR3645] 17. Coffman, Edward G. [PF141, RR3223] 18. Conrad, Eric van Fossen [PF186] 19. Cunto, Walter [PF075] 20. Daud´e,Herv´e[PF114, PF132, RR2243, RR2798] 21. Denise, Alain [PF146, PF167, RR3661, TR006] 1 22. Devroye, Luc [PF147] 23. Duchon, Philippe [PF170, PF179, TR010, TR014] 24. Dumas, Philippe [PF120, PF125, PF188, U04, RR2163, RR2369] 25. Durand, Marianne [TR017, PF176] 26. Fayolle, Guy [PF049, PF055, RR0131, RR0245] 27. Fill, James Allen [PF202, TR016, PF182] 28. Flatto, Leopold [PF141, RR3223] 29. Fran¸con,Jean [PF018, PF019, PF021, PF024, PF025, PF077, RR0346, RR0758] 30. Fusy, Eric´ [PF189, PF193, PF194] 31. Gabarr´o,Joaquim [PF062, PF183, RR0492, TR015] 32. Gandouet, Olivier [PF193] 33. Gao, Zhicheng [PF104, RR1749] 34. Gardy, Dani`ele [PF073, PF081, PF082, PF100, PF146, PF167, PF177, RR0720, RR0892, RR3661, TR006] 35. Gerhold, Stefan [PF184, PF207] 36. Gittenberger, Bernhard [PF177] 37. Golin, Mordecai [PF105, PF115, PF199, RR1612] 38. Gonnet, Gaston [PF093, PF106, RR1336] 39. Gourdon, Xavier [PF107, PF120, PF127, PF135, PF145, PF163, PF189, RR1857, RR2369, RR2852, RR2997, RR3370, TR002] 40. Gouyou-Beauchamps, Dominique [PF146, PF167, RR3661, TR006] 41. Grabner, Peter J. [PF116, PF121, RR1498, RR1760] 42. Greenberg, Albert G. [PF068, RR0333] 43. Guillemin, Fabrice [PF153, RR3667] 44. Guivarc'h, Yves [PF164, TR008] 45. Guttmann, Anthony J. [PF204, P06] 46. Hatzis, Kostas [PF154, PF172, RR4069, TR004] 47. Hofri, Micha [PF049, PF055, PF141, RR0131, RR0245, RR3223] 48. Hoshi, Mamoru [PF103, RR1434] 49. Huet, G´erard[P05] 2 50. Huillet, Thierry [PF196] 51. Hurtado, Ferran [PF147] 52. Jacquet, Philippe [PF049, PF065, PF159, RR0245, RR0648, RR3399] 53. Kapur, Nevin [TR016, PF182] 54. Kherlakian, Jean-Pierre [PF010] 55. Kieffer, John [PF158, U03] 56. Kirschenhofer, Peter [PF074, PF076, PF116, PF121, RR0719, RR1498, RR1760] 57. Knuth, Donald E. [PF078, RR0888, A01] 58. Labelle, Gilbert [PF122, RR2249] 59. Ladner, Richard E. [PF068, RR0333] 60. Lafforgue, Thomas [PF117, RR1862] 61. Laforest, Louise [PF122, RR2249] 62. Lau, Gustavo [PF075] 63. Lee, C. Y. James [PF199] 64. Louchard, Guy [PF165, PF170, PF179, TR005, TR010, TR014] 65. Mahmoud, Hosam [PF159, RR3399] 66. Martin, G. Nigel [PF040, PF050, RR0313] 67. Mart´ınez,Conrado [PF135, RR2997] 68. Mathys, Peter [PF054, RR0334] 69. Mend`esFrance, Michel [PF083] 70. Meunier, Fr´ed´eric[PF193] 71. Nebel, Markus [PF190] 72. Nicod`eme,Pierre [PF151, PF174, RR3606] 73. Nikoletseas, Sotiris [PF154, PF172, RR4069, TR004] 74. Noy, Marc [PF147, PF149, PF155, RR3196, RR3914] 75. Odlyzko, Andrew M. [PF026, PF033, PF045, PF085, PF086, PF104, RR0056, RR0282, RR0826, RR1114, RR1749] 76. Ottmaan, Thomas [PF051] 77. Panario, Daniel [PF127, PF145, PF163, PF189, RR2852, RR3370, TR002] 78. Pekari, Helmut [PF183, TR015] 3 79. Pelletier, Maryse [PF200] 80. Pittel, Boris [PF078, RR0888] 81. Pivoteau, Carine [PF194] 82. Pouyanne, Nicolas [PF189] 83. Puech, Claude [PF021, PF030, PF041, PF058, PF059, PF081, PF082, PF093, PF106, RR0233, RR0241, RR0892, RR1336] 84. Poblete, Patricio [PF142, RR3265] 85. Prodinger, Helmut [PF057, PF066, PF116, PF121, PF150, PF190, RR0266, RR0484, RR1498, RR1760, RR3373] 86. Puyhaubert, Vincent [PF188] 87. Raoult, Jean-Claude [PF013, PF020] 88. Ramshaw, Lyle [PF027] 89. R´egnier,Mireille [PF052, PF053, PF159, RR0298, RR3399] 90. Richmond, Bruce [PF101, PF104, RR1423, RR1749] 91. Robert, Philippe [U04] 92. Robson, John Michael [PF093, PF106, RR1336] 93. Roux, Mathieu [PF208] 94. Saheb, Nasser [PF042, PF060, RR0159] 95. Salvy, Bruno [PF079, PF080, PF094, PF096, PF107, PF109, PF122, PF123, PF136, PF143, PF151, PF174, PF181, PF184, PF185, PF207, RT0209, RR0876, RR1233, RR1583, RR1857, RR2249, RR2497, RR2917, RR3606, RR4579, RR4581, TR013] 96. Schaeffer, Gilles [PF152, PF160, PF170, PF179, PF181, RR4581, TR007, TR010, TR013, TR014] 97. Schost, Eric´ [PF185, RR4579] 98. Schott, Ren´e[PF087, RR1066] 99. Sedgewick, Robert [PF052, PF061, PF110, PF111, PF118, PF124, PF129, PF130, PF131, PF137, PF166, PF201, L01, RR0311, RR2231, TR003, TR011, TR018] 100. Sipala, Paolo [PF089, RR1210] 101. Soria, Mich`ele[PF088, PF095, PF112, PF152, PF160, PF200, RR0809, RR1002, TR007] 102. Sotteau, Dominique [PF034, PF053, RR0298] 103. Spirakis, Paul [PF154, PF172, RR4069, TR004] 104. Steiger, William [PF147] 4 105. Steyaert, Jean-Marc [PF001, PF002, PF003, PF004, PF005, PF006, PF007, PF008, PF011, PF012, PF028, PF031, PF035, PF036, PF043, PF067, PF089, P02, RR0239, RR1210] 106. Szpankowski, Wojciech [PF138, PF156, PF164, PF173, PF191, RR3553, TR008, TR012] 107. Tauraso, Roberto [U04] 108. Thimonier, Lo¨ys[PF073, PF100, RR0720] 109. Tichy, Robert F. [PF074, PF076, PF116, RR0719, RR1498] 110. Vall´ee,Brigitte [PF090, PF114, PF132, PF140, PF144, PF157, PF161, PF202, PF208, RR1277, RR2243, RR2798, RR2931, RR3295, RR3645, RR4072, TR001, PF164, PF191, TR008, TR012, U01] 111. Van Cutsem, Bernard [PF113, PF119, RR1830] 112. Vardi, Ilan [U02] 113. Vepstas, Linas [PF197] 114. Viola, Alfredo [PF142, RR3265] 115. Vitter, Jeffrey Scott [PF091, RR0718] 116. Vuillemin, Jean [PF013, PF018, PF019, PF020, PF021, PF025, PF059, RR0241, RR0346] 117. Wood, Derick [PF051] 118. Yang, En-Hui [PF158, U03] 119. Zimmermann, Paul [PF079, PF080, PF094, PF113, PF119, RR0876, RR1233, RR1830] Editor for [PF009] Co-Editor for volumes [PF102a, PF108a, PF128a, PF139, PF169, PF178] Foreword to books [F01, F02] Delivered Algorithms Seminars: [PF102c, PF102f, S92-93a, S92-93b, S93-94b, S95-96a, S96-97a, S97-98d, S99-00b, S00-01b, S01-02a, S02-04a, S2007]; joint with Mich`eleSoria [S97-98a]; joint with Eric Conrad [S2005]; based on joint works with Philippe Duchon, Eric´ Fusy, Guy Louchard, Carine Pivoteau, and Gilles Schaeffer [S2006]; joint with Roland Bacher [S2009] Summarized Algorithms Seminars: [PF102b, PF102d, PF102e, S92-93c, S93-94a, S94-95a, S96-97b, S96-97c, S96-97d, S97-98b, S97-98c, S97-98e, S98-99a, S98-99b, S99-00a, S99-00c, S99-00e, S00-01a]; summary joint with Fabrice Guillemin [S97-98f]; summary joint with Philippe Dumas [S99-00d] 5 2 Papers [PF001]{[PF208] Listed by Publication (Should add the uncollected papers to this list too, whenever it becomes clear that most of the uncollected papers have been gathered.) 1. ACM SIGSAM Bulletin [PF136] 2. Acta Informatica [PF037, PF115, PF159] 3. Advances in Applied Probability [PF055, PF153] 4. Advances in Cryptology{EUROCRYPT [PF085] 5. Algorithmica [PF106, PF142, PF161, PF165] 6. Algorithms and Data Structures [PF075, PF081] 7. ANALCO [PF194, PF199] 8. Analytic Combinatorics [PF201] 9. Annals of Discrete Mathematics [PF022, PF053] 10. Annals of Probability [PF183] 11. Asian Computing Science Conference [PF180] 12. Ast´erisque[PF012] 13. BIT [PF048, PF103] 14. Codici, Complessit`adi Calcolo e Linguaggi Formali, [PF011] 15. Colloque de Lille sur les Arbres en Alg`ebreet en Programmation (CLAAP; continued as Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP)), [PF015a, PF015b] 16. Colloque sur les Math´ematiquesde l'Informatique, [PF035] 17. Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP; formerly Colloque de Lille sur les Arbres en Alg`ebreet en Programmation (CLAAP)) [PF042, PF096] 18. Combinatorial Algorithms on Words [PF052] 19. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing [PF104, PF132, PF177, PF179] 20. Computing [PF084] 21. Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [PF021] 22. Constructive, experimental, and nonlinear analysis [PF157] 23. Dagstuhl Seminar Report [PF108a, PF108b, PF108c, PF128a, PF128b] 24. Discrete & Computational Geometry [PF117, PF147] 25. Discrete Applied Mathematics [PF100] 6 26. Discrete Mathematics [PF023a, PF032, PF066, PF078, PF112, PF149, PF167, PF023b] 27. DMTCS Proceedings [PF188, PF193, PF195, PF196, PF208] 28. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [PF181, PF184, PF189, PF207] 29. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics [PF134] 30. Encyclopædia Universalis [PF044a, PF044b] 31. Experimental Mathematics [PF143] 32. European Journal of Combinatorics [PF077, PF087] 33. European Symposium on Algorithms [PF113, PF151, PF176] 34. Flow Control of Congested Networks [PF065] 35. Foundations of Computer Science [PF013, PF018, PF026, PF031, PF040, PF041, PF090] 36. Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science [PF188] 37. Gazette des Math´ematiciens[PF107, PF175] 38. Handbook of Theoretical
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