SEYRAN OHANYAN: ARMENIA WILL HosT NO MORE THAN ONE Hrant Dink’s Fam- RUssIAN BASE PAGE 2 ily reFuses “amicablev Psettlement”witH turkisH Government PaGe 5 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia SEPTEMBER 1-8 2010 THEMA “Quote of the week” “KNOWLEDGE IS A GREAT POWER AND OUR STATE NEEDS THIS POWER, YES, PATRIOT- ISM, AS THE KNOWL- EDGE OBTAINED BY YOU IS ALSO A DISPLAY OF PATRIOTISM.” SERZH SARGSYAN RA PRESIDENT TIGRAN SARGSYAN, “WE MUST PAY HIGH ATTENTION TO DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS’ THINKING” Upcoming Events n the occasion of Knowledge order all the pupils understand that ODay Armenian Prime Minis- they will not be competitive without ter Tigran Sargsyan visited today knowledge, and will not have future,” September 1: Armenia Marks the N 29 School after Andranik Mar- Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarg- day of science garyan. Governmental press serv- syan said in a briefing with journalist September 16-17: Yerevan to host ice told Armenpress that by con- during his today’s visit to n 29 school Fruitfull Armenia winemaking fo- gratulating the pupils and teachers after Andranik Margaryan. According rum Tigran Sargsyan particularly noted, to him, times change quickly and to- September 19-23: PM tigran Sarg- “modern world is a world of com- day’s requirements, issues differ from syan pays an official visit to China petition of knowledge and intel- the previous ones with their quality. September 21: Armenia celebrates lect. The mission of the school is September 1, 2010 www.armenpress.am the Indipendence day to pass that wisdom to children, in THE DELEGATION HEADED BY TIGRAN SARGSYAN PARTICIPATED IN OPENING OF A SUB-BUILDING OF STEPANAKERT SCHooL N 11 he sub-building of N 11 senior school the opening ceremony. In the opening speech USEFUL LINKS Tceremonially opened today in Step- Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan • www.president.am anakert. It has been constructed by the co- noted that the biggest wealth of Armenian • www.gov.am financing of Trpanjyan family and NKR people is the knowledge, and the construc- • www.parliament.am government. The NKR high-ranking tion of a new educational establishment is di- • www.mfa.am leadership, headed by Prime Minister Ara rected toward preservation and development • www.armenpress.am Harutyunyan, Armenian Prime Minister of that very wealth. • www.panarmenian.net Tigran Sargsyan and the governmental September 2, 2010 www.armenpress.am • www.matenadaran.am delegation headed by him participated in ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA HEADLINES OF SERZH SARGSYAN: KNOWLEDGE IS GREAT POWER AND OUR STATE NEEDS THE WEEK THIS POWER sargsyan said: “as i promised, we in- • SEPTEMBER 2: Artsakh vite children regularly to honor them President attends events dedi- and express our gratitude. Thank cated to Independence Day you for your patriotism. Yes, patriot- AH ism, as the knowledge obtained by • SEPTEMBER 2: Greater volumes you is also a display of patriotism.” of wheat imported to Armenia Expressing gratitude to the win- AH ners of international Olympiads, • SEPTEMBER 2: Armenian Geno- the President noted that these vic- cide novel released by award-winning tories are of special importance for American author Steven E. Wilson Armenia with its small population. AH n August 31, on the eve of Mr. Sargsyan also congratulated • SEPTEMBER 2: Armenia prepar- OKnowledge Day, Armenian the school student on the occasion ing for Khanty Mansiysk Olympiad President Serzh Sargsyan received of knowledge Day. “knowledge is • AH gold medalists of Armenian schools, a great power and our state needs • SEPTEMBER 3: ArmRosgazprom not winners of international Olympi- this power,” noted serzh sargsyan. ready to comment on Gazprom statement ads and Math Kangaroo contest. September1, 2010 • AH Greeting the school students, Mr. www.panarmenian.net • SEPTEMBER 3: Pavel Avetisy- an: excavations in Nergin Goted- zor present major interest to TIGRAN SARGSYAN HANDS A MEDAL TO FORMER CHAIRMAN OF both Armenia and Western Asia THE ARMENIAN CENTRAL BANK, ADVISER OF THE CB CHAIRMAN • AH IsAHAK IsAHAKYAN • SEPTEMBER 4: Aronyan ties his game with Alexey Shirov in 2nd n September 1 in the Armenian sion of the Armenian Prime Minister, round of Grand Slam Chess Masters Ogovernment Armenian Prime Isahak Isahakyan was awarded with AH Minister Tigran Sargsyan handed Ar- Prime minister’s medal for fruitful • SEPETEMBER 6: Armenian Genocide menian Prime minister’s medal to activity of many years in state ad- Memorial to be inaugurated in Boston former chairman of the Armenian ministrative system and for outstand- • AH Central Bank, advisor of the chair- ing contribution to consolidation and • SEPTEMBER 7: Armenian Prime man of the CB Isahak Isahakyan. development of the financial system. Minister participates in Cul- Governmental press service told Ar- September 1, 2010 tural center opening in Artik menpress that on the August 10 deci- www.armenpress.am • AH • SEPTEMBER 7: Vladimir Putin: Nabucco has little chance for success SEYRAN OHANYAN: ARMENIA NORWAY ALLOCATES 180,000 EU- • AH WILL HosT NO MORE THAN ONE ROS TO FACILITATE SMALL HYDRO- • SEPTEMBER 8: Armenian Min- RUssIAN BASE POWER SECTOR OF ARMENIA ister of Education hopes for in- n September 7, 2010, Norsk Energi creased number of Iranian stu- O(NE) starts an innovative 4 month train- dents in Armenian universities ing program that will provide multi-stake- AH holder benefits within the small hydropower PRICES FOR PETROL DROP sector in Armenia, working in close partner- ship with local Partner Hydroenergetica. 7.6% IN ARMENIA IN JUNE- The program is financed by the Norwegian AUGUST 2010 Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop and he extension of Russian military .0% and 0.9% drop was re- execute a technical capacity-building pro- Tbase deployment terms is impor- 1corded in prices for petrol and gram for the small hydropower sector, Head tant for Armenia, RA Defense Minister diesel fuel respectively in Au- of the Project of Norsk Energi, Eun Joo Yi, said. “Protocol 5 cements armenian- gust 2010 as compared with July. said during the new initiative’s presentation Russian military and political union, According to the data provided by in Yerevan. According to her, Norway has what allows developing the army, the RA National Statistical Serv- allocated 180,000 euros for the project im- strengthening security and resist chal- ice, prices for petrol and diesel fuel plementation. The project is actively support- lenges,” seyran ohanyan told a news decreased by 7.6% and 6% respec- ed by Ameriabank, as a leader in financing conference on september 1. “we will tively in June-August 2010. Mean- small hydropower sector in Armenia, as well jointly implement all provisions of the while, prices for petrol and diesel as by the RA Ministry of Energy, the RA protocol but I would like to mention fuel grew by 7.8% and 16.3% re- Ministry of Environment, GAF-RE-KfW that Armenia will host no more than spectively in August 2010 as com- and Yerevan State University of Architecture one russian base,” the minister em- pared with the same period in 2009. and Construction. phasized.. Sptember1, 2010 September 7, 2010 www.panarmenian.net September1, 2010 www.panarmenian.net www.panarmenian.net 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA RA GOVERNMENT TO REHABILITATE HANDBALL TRADITIONS MaNOUCHEHR MOTTaki: IN ARMENIA ARMENIA HAS A SPECIAL PLACE The international tournament brought in Iran’s foreign policy together Armenian, Belarusian, Geor- gian and Iranian teams. In the first two matches, the Armenian team suf- fered a 20:37 defeat by Belarus and celebrated a 28:27victory over Iran. On September 4, Armenia will play the last match v Georgia. A Byelorussian handball team won Ar- rmenian Prime Minister Tigran menian Prime minister’s cup in a tourna- ASargsyan met with President of the ment held september 2-4 in vanadzor. on rmenian-Iranian relations are rapidly de- International Handball Federation, Dr September 4, Armenian Prime Minister Aveloping, specifically in energy and econ- Hassan Mustafa, who arrived in Arme- Tigran Sargsyan and International Hand- omy. How would you assess the political dia- nia to watch ra Prime minister’s cup ball Federation President Hassan Moustafa logue between the two countries? held in vanadzor on september 2-4. presented the cup to the Byelorussian team. Iran attaches importance to development of re- PM Sargsyan noted that the tournament Armenian team became the runner up in the lations with neighbor states and Armenia has a will serve as a new stimulus for hand- tournament, followed by Iranian and Geor- special place in tehran’s foreign policy. sig- ball development in Armenia and the gian teams. On closing day, the Prime Min- nificant progress has been registered in rela- RA government will do its utmost to re- ister congratulated the winners, expressing tions between the two countries. Mutual visits habilitate its traditions in the country. hope that the tournament will stimulate fur- of high ranking officials as well as the docu- Dr Mustafa hailed cooperation with the ther development of the handball in Arme- ment signed testify to the will to strengthen bi- RA Handball Federation and briefed the nia, governmental press service reported. lateral ties. Achievement of a final agreement Prime Minister on the outlooks, the RA September 5 2010 www.panarmenian.net to build transmission facilities with capacity of governmental press service reported. 400 kilowatt, a reservoir on River Araks and a hydropower plant in Meghri will help develop cooperation. I am also hopeful to witness con- GERARD DEPARDIEU MAY BE REPRESENTATIVES OF clusion of an agreement on construction of oil AWARDED WITH KAROT PRIZE MoTHER SEE OF HoLY ETCH- pipeline and oil terminal soon. Iran is willing MIADZIN REFUSE TO PAR- to join technical projects implemented in Ar- TICIPATE IN LITURGY IN menia, including the North-South transport cor- HoLY CRoss CHURCH ON ridor.
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