II ^ > (1 . .. »v’-WiSSfc|l>JiXr»; - - V*- -. TUBTOAT, SEPTEMBER 21, 1841 \ MARY C E fe N R Y LIBRARY. m m tAXPL rOVKSTXSf ManrlffBtw Epgttfng IfgrtUS i D a H y N s t P eenmlttss with the paraonal sf- I M«Ma «f Aufi fo rU o f the Individual eandldatas. American Legloa Auxiliary Plan Details members are reminded that toe Heritage Body On T o u r o f Duty F«rti pf the candidates plsdgsd About Town joint Installation of officers will hlmaelf to the assistance of the 9,243 take place tomorrow evening at Tosm committee In getting out toe H A LS E ’S Of Campaign largeet poeeible RepubUcan vota ■ b w M i a e A Frank J. MwikTUld H trlna Oorpt 7:30 sharp at the Legion haU. A Arrives Home pot luck supper and nodal for toe and arrangementa were completed MandteeUr^A City •/ VlUmgm Charm lg*gue AuxUlMT wlU hold It* Legionnaires and unit members for subeequent meetings of toe m iwftntiiiy m w tiiic tomorrow ovo- wlU follow toe ceremony. G. O. P. Candidates and candidates with the Town commit­ n u ig ^ «l»ht o’clock *t the Army Large Group al Railroad tee ao that an aggressive Wed. Mwning Spedals MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1848 (TWENTY PAGES): and N avy club. Election o f offi- Local Executive Com­ peign wlU be conducted for both IS) The first meeting of toe Moth­ Sgm c e n win take place at thU meet- Station; Funeral to Be toe Town and SUte elections. VOL. LXVIU NO. SOO er’s Circle of toe Sacred Heart mittee Hold Session ' > A*,.. In f. ____ will be held at toe home of Mrs. Tomorrow Afternoon A3 Frank Gardner. 82 Walker street, Commander William MacDonald The Republicsn csndldatss for Thursday evening at eight o’dock. The remains of Fireman 1-c Close Out! Smtdl Lot Smashed Cab Where Driver Met Death reoueata all offlcera and newly el­ All members are requested to at- all of the town offless to bs sleeted News Tidbits ected offlcera to report at the LiC- Charles W. Heritage, son of Mrs. Powerful Hurricane ' tend.' at the Town election on Monday, Formula to Avert flo n Home at aeven o clock tomor­ Isabelle Heritage of 1089 Main SHOULDER STRAP CaOei Froai (/P) Wires October 4, met' yesterdey after­ HALE’S row nlffht Our Lady of Fatima Circle will street, arrived at 6:30 last night noon with the Executlva comrnii meet tomorrow evening at toe at toe Manchester Railroad sta­ The Paat Mlatresa Club of home of Mrs. Howard Dukett, 74 tee of toe RepubUcan Town Com­ Headquarters • • World War to Be Chinese vice minister of defense tion, The local soldier died oti Dauahtera ot'*Liberty, No. 125, Durant street. mittee, to plan too campaign for Cben Kai-Min ordered to Sbang- O. l l I., will hold lU flrat fall Dec. 5, 1944 from wounds received toe election. FOR Goes Across Florida?! The RepubUcan Town commit­ Values to $2.98 bal to dispose o f surplus Am eri­ meetlna tomorrow evening at the ln"the Leyte Invasion. tee la already at work organlaing can supplies rotting and rusting home o f Mra. Margaret DonneUy A large group of persons met In stockpiles there. .Rasakars of Flower street. A good turnout Local Red Cross a large group of district workers Given in Address toe body. Jack Sanson, represent­ who wriU conduct a canvass of all Special Fine Quality Cotton ta some parts of Hyderabad re­ la hoped for. ing toe Manchester Chamber of RepubUcan voters before the elec­ ported to be traasterring tkelr ^eeds Volunteers Commerce, placed a wreath on the r to Oommunlsts in those Mothers of sixth, sevento and tion and operate district headquar­ Toward East Coast casket. The body was escorted by ters for both the local and State Dewey Schedules Vital areas Instead of toe Nisam'a gov­ eighth grade students at the M m - Chief Machinist's Mate Meyer Eld- ANKLETS or 100% Shannon TeUs ernment. .Dutch Foreign Min­ chester Green school are Invited Volunteers are needed by toe lo­ elections. The purpose o f yester­ elman of New York. day's meeting was to corralata the Presidential Campaign ister D. U. Stlkker says Nether­ to attend a membership tea to be cal Manchester Red Cross chapter. MaJ. M errill B. Rublnow lands’ backing of Indonesian re­ Funeral services w ill be held to­ general campaign of the Town held tomorrow afternoon l»tween A t Newington Veterans hospital Speech at Albnquer- public against Communist ravolt morrow afternoon at two o'clock Labor of Role three and four o'clock in the MaJ. MerrlU B. Rublnow, Medical WOOL ANKLETS wroald not Include military aid. Western Powers Set are a great many veterans for from the T. P. Holloran Funeral school auditorium. Corps Reserve, son o f Mr. and Mrs. cpie, N. M., Tonight; Condition of F.B.I. Director J. Ed­ whom toe war is not over. Home at 175 Center street. Rev. ween A _________^ a ' Pounce* on miamiM iam i WlUiam Rublnow, of East Center Will Give Plans for He Has Played gar H ooier continues to show A aewlng meeting of the ^ck- Red Cross workers supervise a Willard MacLaughlin, pastor of street, is at preaent aervlng a two Manchester "gratifying improvement.” . Limit on Agreement; wiu. ts-mhb wi»is; vlUe Emblem club will be held to­ veteran-given-radio program twice the North Methodist church will week tour of active duty at too 29c pr- 4 pr. $1.00 Just, Lasting Peace Schools of Bootobay Harbor, Ms., morrow night at the Elks Home a week to the bed patients with officiate. Burial, with military ser­ Station Hospital of Fort Mon­ wrtll eontlaue Bible readings and ---- ---------------------- j Biggest Damage Ex- In Rockville. The special meeting ear phones. Two volunteers are vices furnished by the Anderson- mouth, N ew Jersey. In c iv il. life Bowling Green Ranget, Refrigerator* Gives Reviciw on Legist recitations of Lord’s Prayer pend< In Wanted Colors En Route to Albuquerque o f the club scheduled for tomor­ needed to take charge of programs Shea post. Veterans of Foreign Dr. Rublnow is on toe surgical lag ruling by Maine attorney gen­ Give Soviet I nion ITigFligxr Fnrsis Don® «o row night has been postponed. and operations. This is a wonder­ Wars, Will be held In the Blast cem­ (New Eaglsad'a llaost Washer* and AH Olh W ith Dewey, Sept. 22.— <A>) lative Achievements in I i staff of Cushing Veterans Hospi­ Bowling Lanaa) eral on constitutionality of prac- Be/ore ^ j ful opportunity to persons Inter­ etery. Friends may call at the fun­ tal, Framingham, Mass., toe larg­ —A formula for preventing a State and His Part Uce. other Week Daughters of Uberty No. 125 eral home after 2 p. m. today. er Appliante* ested In radio and gives the veter­ est general medical and surgical We are arranging lengnea Western Berlin newspapers say UI.O.A., will meet tonight In Fireman 1-c Heritage Is sur­ new world war was promised Taking Berlin Situa- Not Enough 1 Indisoi R iv er ans much pleasure. veterans installation in New Eng­ for this aenson. Tbsre are still 12 CHRISTMAS CARDS, 12 ENVELOPES As Former* Counsel Commimlat leaders of mrlin and Orange hall. A social Ume wlto vived by his mother, Mrs. Isabella today by Gov. Thomas E. Grey Ladies are needed for New­ land. n few openings. Soviet occupation zone of Ger­ tkm to United ?iatiorts\ refreshments w ill follow .the busi­ Heritage: fiv e brothers, John E. of aiJIKIMlitcssi Dewey as he cut- across the Miami, Fla.. Sept 22.— ington hospital, to read, write let­ Dr. Rublnow volunteered and Call 48M Or 7191 In Cellophane Packet. 50c Values Bridgeport, Sept. S t—(JFi— Gov­ many have called secret meetiiig ness. Addison, Me., Raymond T- of New — A powerful hurricane that ters and shop for toe veterans. was granted military leave to help L. A. DeOON, Mgr. southwest for a vital presi­ ernor James C. Shannon today re­ for Friday. .New York city’s Increases Sought by |h Orleans, La., Chester L., Clarence Ballclint Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Chace of Also at Newington, volunteers alleviate the shortage of qualified dential campaign speech at viewed labor’s legislative achieve­ law enforcement agencies go into haa loet none of its punch are needed for arts and skills and W.. and Clifford E. of Manchester: JARVM BDILOINa action to prevent retora of rack­ Paris. Sept. 22.— </P>->So- Connecticut Company 29 Main street have returned aft­ four sisters. Mrs. Arnold Drlsko of specialists a t some m ilitary posts. Albuquerque tonight. ments in Connecticut and his pert pushed through Florid to­ there is always-a need for accred­ CENTEB 8TB1XT eteering and gangsterism In gar­ viet Delegate Andrei A. VI- er a w eA’a visit with friends In Portland. Me., Mrst Ernest Zoppa. He is at present aervlng as con­ 29c pkg. T* Olve Pisa for Foaee Seen Too Conservativo day toward the east coast and in them as form er counsel for toe ited nurses’ aidea sulting surgreon to too F ort Mon­ Hie RepubUcan presidential ment industry. .Argentina rec­ Bristol and Lakewood, R. I. Manchester, Mrs. 'William Ed­ Connecticut Federation of Labor ehinsky declared today “the one of the atata’a ikhast cit­ A t the local chapter rooms, staff mouth Hospital. nominee planned In hla third for­ ommends gradual establlahment wards, Vernon, and Mrs. Edward (AFL). United Nations may become assistants are needed to help with During toe recent war Dr.
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