Han Zang dui zhao ci dian. Beijing Shi, Min zu chu ban she : Xin hua shu dian .(٢٠٠٢) .Han Zang dui zhao ci dian" xie zuo bian zuan zu" jing xiao. .Shir*izu gengo kagaku. T*oky*o, T*oky*o Daigaku Shuppankai .(٢٠٠٢) .Shir*izu Gengo Kagaku" Hensh*u Iinkai" (Ann Arbor, Univ. of Toronto (Ann Arbor, University of Toronto *al-**A*tifah wa-al-ibd*a* al-shi*r*i : dir*asah f*i al-tur*ath al-naqd*i *inda al-*Arab ilá nih*ayat al-qarn al-r*abi .(٢٠٠٢) .Ak*ub, I** al-Hijr*i. Dimashq, D*ar al-Fikr. Ilm al-lis*an*iyat al-*had*ithah : nu*zum al-ta*hakkum wa-qaw*a*id al-bay*an*at. *Amm*an, D*ar* .(٢٠٠٢) .Abd al-Jal*il, A. a.-Q. a* .*Saf*a&#x٠٢bc; lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawz*i* al-Usl*ub*iyah wa-thul*ath*iyat al-daw*a&#x٠٢bc;ir al-bal*agh*iyah. *Amm*an, D*ar .(٢٠٠٢) .Abd al-Jal*il, A. a.-Q. a* .*Saf*a&#x٠٢bc; lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawz*i* al-Usl*ub*iyah wa-thul*ath*iyat al-daw*a*ir al-bal*agh*iyah. *Amm*an, D*ar *Saf*a* lil-Nashr .(٢٠٠٢) .Abd al-Jal*il, A. a.-Q. a* wa-al-Tawz*i*. .Cross roads. 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Trento: Provincia .(٢٠٠٥) ٢٠٠٢ Autonoma di Trento . .٦٠ Beiträge zur Semitistik : Festschrift für Otto Jastrow zum ٦٠ : "!Sprich doch mit deinen Knechten aramäisch, wir verstehen es" .٢٠٠٢ Geburtstag. Hrsg. von Werner Arnold ;, Hartmut Bobzin . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz . Altorientalische und semitische Onomastik. Hrsg. von Michael P. Streck;, Stefan Weninger . Münster: Ugarit Verlag (Alter Orient .٢٠٠٢ . .(٢٩٦ , und Altes Testament . An introduction to applied linguistics. Ed. by Norbert Schmitt . London: Arnold .٢٠٠٢ Anthropology, history, and American Indians : essays in honor of William Curtis Sturtevant. Ed. William L. Merrill ;, Ives .٢٠٠٢ . .(٤٤ ,Goddard . Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution (Smithsonian contributions to anthropology ,Comparative Arawakan histories : rethinking language family and culture area in Amazonia. Ed. by Jonathan D. Hill and .٢٠٠٢ Fernando Santos-Granero . Urbana, IL: Univ. of Illinois Press . ; die erste Akademie-Grammatik der russischen Sprache. Hrsg. von Helmut Keipert : (١٧٣١) Compendium grammaticae Russicae .٢٠٠٢ in Verbindung mit, Andrea Huterer . München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akad. der Wissenschaften (Abhandlungen / Bayerische Akademie . .(١٢١ ,.der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. N.F Dicionário do Crioulo da Ilha de Santiago (Cabo Verde) : com equivalentes de tradução em alemão e português = Wörterbuch des .٢٠٠٢ Kreols von Santiago (Kapverde) : in portugiesischer Sprache mit deutschen und portugiesischen Übersetzungsäquivalenten. Erarbeitet von Martina Brüser und, André dos Reis Santos (Kapverde) unter Mitarb. von, Ekkehard Dengler und, Andreas Blum und unter Leitung von, Jürgen Lang . Tübingen: Narr . .Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British sources = Fasc. VII : N. Prepared by D. R. Howlett ; with the assistance of, T .٢٠٠٢ Christchev ;, C. White ; under the dir. of a committee appointed by the British Academy. Oxford: Oxford UP. .Die baskischen Materialien aus dem Nachlass Wilhelm von Humboldts : Astarola, Charpentier, Freret, Aizpitarte und anderes .٢٠٠٢ Bernhard Hurch (Hg.); unter editorischer Mitarbeit von, Maria José Kerejeta ,, Dīna az- Zarkāͅ : und, Ralf Vollmann . Paderborn: Schöningh . Donum grammaticum : studies in Latin and Celtic linguistics in honour of Hannah Rosén. Ed. by Lea Sawicki and, Donna Shalev .٢٠٠٢ . .(١٨ ,Leuven: Peeters (Orbis supplementa .Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis. Ed. by Peter Bellwood ;, Colin Renfrew . Cambridge: The McDonald Inst .٢٠٠٢ for Archaeological Research (McDonald Institute monographs). Gender in interaction : perspectives on femininity and masculinity in ethnography and discourse. Ed. by Bettina Baron ;, Helga .٢٠٠٢ . .(٩٣ ,Kotthoff . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Pragmatics & beyond. New series .ch godov. Izd. i issledovanie E. A. Kuz´minovoj. Napoli: Ist. Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Dipt-١٦٢٠ Grammatičeskij sbornik .٢٠٠٢ . .(١ ,di Studi dell'Europa Orientale (AION. Slavistica quaderno ; [Francisco J. Llera Ramo [dir.] ;, Pablo San Martín Antuña [responsable del análisis .٢٠٠٢ ,II Estudio sociolingüístico de Asturias .٢٠٠٢ [estudio realizado por el Equipo Euskobarómetro de la Universidad del País Vasco]. Uviéu = Oviedo: Acad. de la Llingua Asturiana . .(١ ,Estaya sociollingüistica) :Indian linguistic studies : Festschrift in honor of George Cardona . Ed. by Madhav M. Deshpande ;, Peter Edwin Hook . Delhi .٢٠٠٢ Motilal Banarsidass . Individual differences and instructed language learning. Ed. by Peter J. Robinson . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Language learning and .٢٠٠٢ . .(٢ ,language teaching Issues in formal German(ic) typology. Ed. by Werner Abraham, C. Jan-Wouter Zwart . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell .٢٠٠٢ . .(٤٥ ,Linguistics today = de ٢١-٢٠) Judíos y musulmanes en al-Andalus y el Magreb : contactos intelectuales : seminario celebrado en la Casa de Velázquez .٢٠٠٢ . .(١ ,Actas reunidas y presentadas por Maribel Fierro . Madrid: Casa de Velázquez (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez .(١٩٩٧ febrero de :Language contact and language conflict in Arabic : variations on a sociolinguistic theme. Ed. by Aleya Rouchdy . London .٢٠٠٢ RoutledgeCurzon (Curzon Arabic linguistics series). .Language in South Africa. Ed. by Rajend Mesthrie . Cambridge: Cambridge UP .٢٠٠٢ . L'Espagne et ses langues : un model écolinguistique?. Henri Boyer ;, Christian Lagarde (dirs.). Paris: L'Harmattan .٢٠٠٢ L'inglese e le altre lingue europee : studi sull'interferenza linguistica. Félix San Vicente (ed.). Bologna: CLUEB (Centro .٢٠٠٢ . .(٣ ,Linguistico Interfacoltà et : ١٩٩٨ and supplement for previous years = Bibliographie linguistique de l’année : ١٩٩٨ Linguistic bibliography for the year .٢٠٠٢ complément des années précédentes. Publ. by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under the auspices of the Intern. Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies ; ed. by Mark Janse ;, Sijmen Tol ; with the ass. of, Kuniko Forrer ;, Theo Horstman . Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers . Making dictionaries : preserving indigenous languages of the Americas. Ed. by William Frawley ;, Kenneth C. Hill ;, Pamela .٢٠٠٢ Munro . Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press . Mirror neurons and the evolution of brain and language. Ed. by Maxim I. Stamenov and, Vittorio Gallese . Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٢ . .(٤٢ ,Advances in consiousness research) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Standardisierung slavischer Schriftsprachen in der Gegenwart : Beiträge zur Konferenz der .٢٠٠٢ .Hrsg. von Karl Gutschmidt ; unter Mitarb .٢٠٠٠ Oktober .٢٨-.٢٥ ,Internationalen Kommission für slavische Schriftsprachen, Dresden von, Jana Schwarz ;, Claudia Richter ;, Silke Richter . Dresden: Thelem . Neue Beiträge zur Semitistik : erstes Arbeitstreffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenländischen .٢٠٠٢ :an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Hrsg. von Norbert Nebes . Wiesbaden ٢٠٠٠ September .١٣ bis .١١ Gesellschaft vom Harrassowitz (Jenaer Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient). New frontiers of corpus research : papers from the twenty first international conference on English language research on .٢٠٠٢ .(٣٦ ,Ed. by Pam Peters, Peter Collins, Adam Smith . Amsterdam: Rodopi (Language and computers .٢٠٠٠ computerized corpora, Sydney . Ogma : essays in Celtic studies in honour of Próinséas Ní Chatháin. Ed. by Michael Richter and, Jean-Michel Picard . Dublin: Four .٢٠٠٢ Courts Press . Papers of the thirty-third Algonquian conference. H. Christoph Wolfart (ed.). Winnipeg, MB: Univ. of Manitoba .٢٠٠٢ ,; ٦٠th birthday. Ed. by Angelika Braun Phonetics and its applications : festschrift for Jens-Peter Köster on the occasion of his .٢٠٠٢ . .(١٢١ ,Herbert R. Masthoff . Stuttgart: Steiner (ZDL Beihefte Texto, terminología y traducción. Joaquín García Palacios ;, María Teresa Fuentes Morán, eds.. Salamanca: Almar (Biblioteca de .٢٠٠٢ . .(٨ ,traducción . connection. Ed. by Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux, Juana Muñoz Liceras L٢/The acquisition of Spanish morphosyntax : the L١ .٢٠٠٢ . .(٣١ ,Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (Studies in theoretical psycholinguistics language ideologies and Hispanic intellectuals. Ed. by José Del Valle ;, Luis : ٢٠٠٠ and ١٨٠٠ The battle over Spanish between .٢٠٠٢ . .(٤ ,Gabriel-Stheeman . London: Routledge (Routledge studies in the history of linguistics The Celtic roots of English. Ed. by Markku Filppula ;, Juhani Klemola ;, Heli Pitkänen . Joensuu: Univ. of Joensuu (Kielitieteellisiä .٢٠٠٢ . .(٣٧ ,tutkimuksia = Studies in language . The grammar of causation and interpersonal manipulation. Ed. by Masayoshi Shibatani . Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٢ . The interpreting studies reader. Ed. by
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