BIBLIOTHECA INDO-SINICA; Essai d'une Bibliographie - des Ouvrages relatifs à la presqu'île indo-chinoise. Première Partie: BIRMANIE et ASSAM. (Suite.)1) . BIRMANIE. III. - Ethnographie et Anthropologie. 477. - The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies. By E. G. La- tham... London, John van Voorst, MDCCCLI, pet. in-8, pp. vt-264. 478. - Ethnology of India. By E. G. Latham, M.A., M.D., F.R.S.... London, John van Voorst, MDCCCLIX, in-8, pp. vm–375. 479. - The West Himalaic or Tibetan Tribes of Asam, Burma and Pegu. By J. R. Logan. (Jour. Incl. Arch., N. S., Vol. II, 1858, pp. 68-114, 230-232). 480. - Ethnology of the Indo-Pacific Islands. The Afliliation of the Tibeto- Burrnan, Mon-Anam, Papuanesian and Malayo-Polynesian Pronouns and Definitives, as varieties of the ancient Himalayo-Polynesian System; and their Relation of that system to the Draviro-Australian. By J. R. Logan. (Ibid., N. S., Vol. III, Pt. I, 1859). 481. - On the History of the Burmah Race. By Lieut. Col. A. P. Phayre, C.B., Chief Commissioner of British Burmah. (Trans. Ethn. Soc. Lond., V, 1867, pp. 3-39). 482. - On the History of the Burma Race. By Col. Sir Arthur Phayre. (Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 38, ?1869, Pt. I, pp. 29-82). 483. - On a Hairy Family in Burmah. By the Rev. W. Houghton. (Trans. Ethn. Soc., VII, 1869, pp. 53-9). 484. - La famille velue de Birmanie; par M. E.-T. Hamy. (Bull. Soc. Anthrop., 1875, pp. 78-9; La Nature, IV, 23 janvier 1875, pp. 121-3). Cf. Henri Cordier, Odoric,pp. 216-7. - Yule, dva, pp. 93-5. - Crawfurd's Narrative. 485. - Magitot. - Les hommes velus. (Gazette mddicale de Paris, 15 nov. 1873). 486. - Bertillon. - Des deux individus exhib6s sous le nom d'hommes chiens. (La Nature, I, 22 nov. 4873, pp. 185-7). 487. - Krao, the "Human Monkey". By A. H. Keane. (Nature, XXVII, 4882-3, pp. 245-6). 488. - Krao. By a Resident. (Ibid., XXVII, 1882-3, pp. 579-80). Bangkok,Siam, March 3. 489. - Hr. Bartels. -- Krao, ein haariges Madchen von Laos. (Verhandl. d. Berliner Ges. f. Anthrop.... Jahrg, 1883, p. il8). 490. -- Stone implements from Burma. By J. Evans (Nature, II, 1870, pp. 104-5). A propos du meme sujet trait4 par M. W. TheobaldJunior, dans les Proceedings dsiat. Soc. Bengal, July, L869. 491. - The Celts of Toungoo. By Francis Mason, D.D. (Indian Antiqua)-y, I, 1872, pp. 326-8). 1) Voir Toung-pao,Déc. 1903; Vlai 1904. : 17 240 492. - Monograph on the Relations of the Indo-Chinese and Inter-Oceanic Races and Languages. By A. H. Keane, M.A.I. - Read before the British Association, Sheffield, August 1879, and reprinted f1'om the Journal of the Anthropological Institute for February,1880. London ::Trubner, 1880, br. in-8, pp. 36. ; 493. - The Indo-Chinese and Oceanic Races - types and affinities. By A. H. Keane. (Nature, XXIII, 1880-81, pp. 499- 203; pp. 220-224;' pp. 247-251; pp. 271-274). 494. - Classification of the Indo-Chinese and Oceanic Races. By A. H. Keane. (Ibid., XXIII, 1880-81, p. 529). 495. - Notes on Analogies of Manners between the Indo-Chinese Races and the Races of the Indian Archipelago. By Colonel Yule, C.B. (Journ. Anthrop. Inst. of Great Brit. and Ireland, Vol. IX, 1880-1881, pp. 290-30.1). 496. - Ethnology. (British Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Chap. IV, 497. - Histoire anthropologique des peuples de l'Indo-Chine. Par le docteur E. Maurel. (Bul. Soc. Anthrop., Paris, 1886, pp. 287-290). 498. - Notice bibliographique sur l'Anthropologie et l'Ethnographie de l'Indo- . Chine. Par le Dr. J. Harmand. (Arch. M6decine navale, XXXV, 1881, pp. 153-5). 499. - Anthropologie et Ethnographie de l'Indo-Chine. Lettre du Dr. J. Har- mand. (Ibid., XXXV, 1881, pp. 324-330). , 500. - Alcuni cenni sulla Tribu' dei Palaung del sig. G. B. Sacchiero vice- console d'Italia a Rangun. (Bol. Soc. geog. Ital., 1890, pp. 920-5). 501. - *Alb. Grunwedel. - Prahistorisches aus Birma. (Globus, LXVIII, pp. 14 et seq.). 502. - *Fritz Notling. - Ueber prahistorische Steinwaffen in Ober-Birma. (Verh. Berl. Ges. f. Anthr., Eth., 1891, pp. 694-5). 503. - *Fritz Noetling. - Ueber das Thanyet, eine merkwurdige Waffe der Birmaner. (Zeit. fiir Ethnol., XXVIII, pp. 36-401. 504. - *Fritz Noetling. - Ueber Kartenweberei in Birma. (Ibid., XXX, pp. 47i). 505. - The Wild Peoples of Farther India. By C. W. Rosset, Freiburg in Baden. (Btt. Am. Geog. Soc., XXV, No. 1, 1893, pp. 289-303). 506. - The gradual extinction of the Burmese race. By G. H. Le Maistre. (Imp. cE As. Quart, Rev., N. S., VI, 1893, pp. 321-328). 507. - The Pre-Aryan races of India, Assam, and Burma. By S. E. Peal. (Jotir. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 65, Pt. 3, 4896, pp. 59-63). 508. - *A Lost People in Burmah. By H. Fielding. (Temple Bar, CXVIII, Dec. 1899, p. £86). 509. - Ethnology. With Vocabularies. (Scott's Gaz. of Upper Burma, Pt. I. - Vol. I, 1900, Chap. IX, pp. 475-727). 241 ' 540. - A Spear-head and Socketed Celt of Bronze from the Shan States, Burma. Communicated by Henry Balfour, M.A , Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. (Journ. Anthrop. Irist. of Gr. Brit. and Ireland, Vol. XXXI, ' 1901, Man, pp. 97-98). 511. - Contribution a 1'etude des caract6res c6phaliques des Birmans par le ' Dr. R. Verneau. (L'Anthropologie, XV, 1904, Jan.-f6v., pp. I-23). " ' IV. - Climat et Micrologic. ; 512. - Table of the Fall of Rain at Tavoy, from 1st May to 3ist Oct., in inches and decimals. [Communicated by G. Swinton.] (Gleanings in Science, 4831, III, Calcutta, p. 408). 512 bis. - Climate of Ava. (Ibid., 1830, II, Calcutta, pp. 199-200). 512 ter. - Meteorological Observations kept at the Rangoon Field Hospital, Lat. 16° 47' N. Long. 96° 13' 27" for the Months of May-July 1852. Elevation of the Hospital above the level of the sea about 40 feet; distance from the river about one mile. By J. Fayrer, M.V. Assistant Surgeon, Field Hospital, Rangoon. (Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, XXI, 1852, pp. 520-534). - August-Sept., 1852. (Ibid., pp. 621-630). etc. 513. - A Practical Guide to the Climates and Weather of India, Ceylon and ' Burmah and the Storms of Indian Seas based chiefly on the Publications of the Indian Meteorological Department by Henry F. Blanford, F.R.S., F.R. Met. S........ London, Macmillan and Co., and New York, 1889, in-8, xni-369. , .. pp. ' Notice :Nature, XL, 1889, p. 221. 514. - *Henry F. Blanford.*- On the Variations of the Rainfall at Cherra Poonjee, in the Khasi Hills, Assam. (Quart. Jour. R. Met. Soc. London, XVII, pp. 146-154).. 515. - The Greatest Rainfall in Twenty-four Hours. By E. Douglas Archibald. (Nature, May 25, 1893, p. 77). , Chirapunji,Khasia Hills, June 24, 1876, 40.8inches. 516. - *Report on the Rainfall in Burma, for the year ending 34st March 1900. Compiled by the Director, Department of Land Records and Agriculture. 4900, in-fol. .... V. - Histoire naturelle. _ , 517. - The Natural Productions of. Burmah, or Notes on the Fauna, Flora, and Minerals of the Tenasserim Provinces, and the Burman Empire. By Rev. Francis Mason, A.M., ... Maulmain : American Mission Press, Thos. S. Ranney. 1850, in-8, 7 ff. n. c. p. 1. tit. et 1. pr6f., + pp. vm-332. 1'annoncede: "In and will ' Sur un dernier f. n. c. on lit the Press, shortly be published,an Appendixto the precedingwork...." 242 518. - Burmah. its People and Natural Productions, or Notes on the Nations, Fauna, Flora, and Minerals of Tenasserim, Pegu and Burmah, with Systematic Catalogues of the known Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Insects, Mollusks, Crustaceans, Annalids, Radiates, Plants and Minerals, with Vernacular Names; by Rev. F. Mason, D.D., M.R.A.S. Corresponding Member of the American Oriental Society, of the Boston Society of Natural History, and of the Lyceum - of Natural History, New-York, Rangoon : Thos. Stowe Ranney, 1860. London : Trubner & Co...... New-York: Phinney, Blakeman & Mason, in-8, pp. xvn-913. 519. - Burma, its People and Productions; or, Notes on the Fauna, Flora and Minerals of Tenasserim, Pegu and Burma. By Rev. F. Mason, D.D., M.R.A.S., Corresponding member of the American Oriental Society, of the Boston Society of Natural History, and of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York. Published by order of the Chief Commissioner of British Burma, by Stephen Austin & sons, Hertford. 1882-1883, 2 vol. gr. in-8, pp. ;xIv-560, xv-787. [Vol. I. Geology, Mineralogy and Zoology. - Vol. II. Botany. Rewritten and enlarged by W. Theobald, late Deputy-Superintendent Geological Survey of India.] 520. - Natural History Notes from Burmah. By R. Romanis. (Nature, XX, 9 879, p. 362). GovernmentHigh School,Rangoon. .. Zoologie. 521. - A letter to Dr. Helfer, on the Zoology of Tenasserim and the neigh- bouring Provinces. By Assist. Surg. J. T. Pearson. (Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, VII, April 1838, pp. 357-363). 522. - Note on a Species of Arctonix from Arracan. By Dr. G. Evans, Curator As. Soc. Museum. (Ibid., VII, Aug. 1838, pp. 732-735). 523. - Note on the Animal Productions of the Tenasserim Provinces; read at the meeting of the 10th October, 1838. By J. W. Helfer, Esq. M.D. (lbid., VII, Oct. 4838, pp. 855-863). 524. - Drafts for a Fauna Indica. (Comprising the Animals of the Himalaya Mountains, those of the Valley of the Indus, of the Provinces of Assam, Sylhet, Tipperah, Arracan, and of Ceylon, with Occasional Notices of Species from the Neighbouring Countries). By Ed. Blyth, Curator of the Asiatic Society's Museum, &c., &c. (Ibid., XIV, Pt. II, 1845, pp. 845-878).
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