.<ttnngr tssinnal Jrrnrd SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION SENATE Mr. HEBERT. My colleague [Mr. METCALF] is unavoid­ ablY absent. I ask that this announcement may stand for 1t-IONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1930 the day. The first Monday of December being the day prescribed Mr. SWANSON. My colleague [Mr. GLASS] is detained ' from the Senate on account of illness in his family, and I by the Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Congress, the third session of the Seventy-first will let this announcement stand for the day. Congress commenced this day. Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce that the senior Senator from New York [Mr. CoPELAND] and the junior The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. Senator from New York [Mr. WAGNER] are necessarily de­ CHARLES CuRTIS, of Kansas, Vice President of the United tained from the Senate attending the funeral of former States, called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock meridian. Representative Quayle, of New York. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, .rector of the I also wish to announce that the senior Senator from New Church of the Epiphany, city of Washington, offered the Mexico [Mr. BRATTON] is necessarily detained from the following prayer: Senate on important business in his State. Eternal Father, whose glory is in all the world, we thank The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty Senators have answered Thee for this day, laden with promise and rich in oppor­ to their names. A quorum is present. tunity arising from the renewal of this fellowship of service. CREDENTIALS Let Thy fatherlY hand be over this Nation; give Thine The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Sen­ especial blessing to the President, Vice President, and all ate sundry certificates of election, which will be read and in authority over us, that we may dwell secure in peace filed. at home and with all the world. Give to the Members of The credentials were read and ordered to be placed on file~ the Senate implicit trust in Thee for strength and guidance; as follows: greatness of heart, that they may touch life wherever lived DANIEL 0. HASTINGS and make it great; wisdom beyond their wisest thought, To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES: transcending human experience, yielded by no human disci­ Be it known an election was held in the State of Delaware on pline; and integrity of purpose in the face of every task. Tuesday, the 4th day of November, A. D. 1930, that being the Tuesday next after the first Monday in said month, in pursuance May Thy spirit without measure quicken into new life of the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the State and hope all ~ho are oppressed and overborne with care; of Delaware in that behalf for the election of a Senator for the may it permeate every sphere of human activity, that truth people of the said State in the Senate of the United States. may banish falsehood and a passion for the common weal Whereas the official certificates or returns of the said election held 1n the several,counties of the sald State. in due manner made consume all dross of unworthy ambition. Let this be to us out, signed, and executed, have been delivered to me according a day of days, that when the twilight fills the quiet sea's to the laws of the said State by the superior court of the said dead face with creeping shadows and the white silence counties; and having examined said returns and enumerated and ascertained the numbet' of votes for each and every candidate or brims the hollow of the hills we may eastward turn and person voted. for for such Senator I have found DANIEL 0. HAsT­ homeward to the rest that shall be ours, saying, "Day that INGS to be the person highest in vote, and therefore duly elected I loved, the night is here, enshrining in its purple folds Senator of and for the said State in the Senate of the United States for the constitutional term to rt?mm.ence on the 4th day the splendor of another dawn." Grant this, 0 Father, for of March, A. D. 1925. the sake of Him who is the dayspring from on high, Jesus I, C. D. Buck, governor, do, therefore, according to the form of Christ our Lord. Amen. the act of the general assembly of the said State and of the act of Congress of the United States, in such case made and provided, CALL OF THE ROLL declare the said DANIEL 0. HAsTINGs the person highest in vote at the election aforesaid, and therefore duly and legally elected Sena­ The VICE PRESIDENT. This being the day designated by tor of and for the said State of Delaware 1n the Senate of the the Constitution of the United states for the assembling of United States for the constitutional term to commence on the 4th Congress, the Senate, pursuant thereto, is now in session. day of March, in th€ year of our Lord 1925. The Chief Clerk will call the roll. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state, in obedien~ to the said act of the general assembly and of the said The Chief Clerk (John C. Crockett) called the roll, and act of Congress, at Dover. the 14th day of November, A. D. 1930, the following Senators answered to their names: and in the year of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-fifth. Ashurst George King Shlpstead C. D. BucK. Barkley Gillett McCulloch Shortridge By the governor: Bingham Glenn McKellar Simmons [SEAL.} CHARLES H. GRANTLAND, Black Goff McMaster Smoot Blaine Goldsborough McNary Steck Secretary of State. Blease Gould Moses Stelwer Borah Greene Norris Stephens CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OF ROBERT J. BULKLEY TO THE OFFICE OF Brock Hale Nye Swanson UNITED STATES SENATOR-UNEXPIRED TERM Brookhart Harris Oddie Thomas, Idaho THE STATE OF OHIO. Broussard Harrison Overman Thomas, Okla. Capper Hastings Patterson Townsend This is to certify that at the general election held in the State Caraway Hatfield Phipps Trammell of Ohio on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1930, RoBERT J. BULK­ Connally Hayden Pine Tydings LEY was duly elected United States Senator, unexpired term, and Couzens Hebert Pittman Vandenberg that he is entitled to all the rights and privileges of such office. Dale Heflin Reed Walcott Given under my hand and seal at Columbus, Ohio, this 26th day Deneen Howell Robinson, Ark. Walsh, Mass. of November, A. D. 1930. Dill Jones Robinson, Ind. Walsh. Mont. MYERS Y. CooPER, Governor. Fess Kean Robsion, Ky. Waterman Countersigned: Fletcher Kendrick Schall Watson [SEAL.] CLARENCE J. BROWN, Frazier Keyes Wheeler ·secretary of .State. 3 _...... 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 1 GEORGE M'GILL oath prescribed by law having been administered to them STATE OF KANSAS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. by the Vice President, they took their seats in the Senate. ': To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES: LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES This is to certify that on the 4th day of November, 1930, GEORGE Alabama-J. Thomas Heflin and Hugo L. Black. :McGn.L was duly chosen by the qualified electors of the State of ~ Kansas a Senator from said St~te to represent said State in the Arizona-Henry F. Ashurst and Carl Hayden. Senate of the United States for the unexpired term ending on Arkansas-Joseph T. Robinson and T. H. Caraway. the 3d day of March, 1933, vice Hon. Charles Curtis resigned. Calitorni.a-Hiiam W. Johnson and Samuel M. Shortridge. Witness his excellency our governor, Clyde M. Reed, and our ·Colorado-Lawrence C. Phipps and Charles W. Waterman. seal hereto, affixed at Topeka, Kans., this 26th day of November, A. D. 1930. Connecticut-Hiram Bingham and Frederic C. Walcott. CLYDE M." ~EED. Delaware...:...Dame! 0. Hastings and John G. Townsend. ·By the governor: Florida-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. (SEAL.) E. A. CORNELL, Georgia-William J. Harris and Walter F. George. Secretary of State. Idaho-William E. Borah and John Thomas. W. E. BROCK Illinois-Charles S. Deneen and Otis F. Glenn. This is to certify that on the 4th day of November, 1936, W. E. BsocK was duly chosen. by the qualified· electors of the State of Indiana-James E: Watson and Arthur R. Robinson. T:ennessee a Senator from said S~ate · to represent said State in the Iowa-Daniel F. Steck and Smith W. Brookhart. Senate of the United States for the short term ·from December 1, Kansas-Aithur Capper and George McGill. 1930, until March· 4, 1931. Kentucky-Alberi Barkley and Ben·Williamson. Witness his excellency our governor, Henry H. Horton, and· our w. seal hereto, affixed at Nashville this 22d day of November, A. D. Louisiana-Joseph E. Ransdell and Edwin ·s. Broussard. 1930. Maine-Frederick Hale and Arthur R. Gould. HENRY H. HORTON, Maryland-Millard E. Tydings and Phillips Lee Golds- Governor. borough. By the governor: (SEAL.} E. N. HASTON, Massachusetts-Frederick H. Gillett and David I. Walsh. Secretary of State. Michigan-James Couzens and Arthur H. Vandenberg. ROBERT D. CAREY Minnesota-Henrik Shipstead and Thomas D. Schall. THE STATE OF WYOMING, Mississippi-Pat Harrison and Hubert D. Stephens. ExECU-TIVE DEPARTMENT, Missouri-Harry B. Hawes and Roscoe C. Patterson. Cheyenne. To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES: Montana-Thomas J. Walsh and Burton K. Wheeler. This is to certify that on the 4th day of November, 1930, RoBERT Nebraska-George W. Norris and Robert B. Howell.
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