!¥•< PRIC1 THBI& C8NH CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1946 No. 3 15 V Show Artist looks North From Carteret On Route 100 Boro Files $100,00 Schedule ^ #. o \ I tract Crowd Formulated ^Ult Against Borough Pay For Boroofh At- New Action fattitM Audience Ex- torney, P»rk, Roati £«• Can They Get A Lawyer? In Attempt To RtfiW ,1 AI Revue To ployei In Or^aasce For Uie Of Sewtn eric ted May 5 Hew Ordinance Directed At Peripatetic Tup* Fait CARTERET -A compreiHmaWe U Permit OMenden Conntel At Trid CARTERET — New , Everything i» •uiUry schedule covering certain has been instituted in the gala variety officer* and employees of the CARTBHET —If ton wnd quired to pey a penalty of 11.00 prome Court against the I I,,, presented In Borough is contained in an erdin H«t»r a«t f»r • t»r«»th «f »tr pint fifty ceala lor eack day bit by the CamU Realty Compl pup has been IntereortUd prr high.Kh ance adopted on first reading Mon or for twk oth«r pun>oiei (or which $100,000 darflagw iocilof tM day night. A public hearing on its innably for beard a*4 lod|i««. which d«||l«t «r« Mnt oat, you sought to cover use of a Hi-iirvolcnt A provisions will take place May 16. Under the proposed Ww, ike system installed in the cot __ bottor IU lb«l ko J»*«n't w»n- Board cen compel the owaer to ..\ ),«), established • Borough Clerk Augnst J. Perry development by th« company. in out •( tk« ytrd. •orrender his do| )( UM h«i ,, f,,r iU lh0W 'i« stated the schedule an set up in A similar case filed againai been jadf ed to be • ••U«M« and „„, ,| is expected thl« the ordinance already i« in exist- Under tn or4lnan<« adoptod Borough last year was decided , ,| prpviou* sueee—tt. ence, but it was deemed advisable oa firit r*«4ln( by th* Board of fii|«r« to comply «Uk tbe order •ubjectt the owner to a fiae of favor of Carteret. „„, affair h#T to formally adopt it to coveT legal Hnltk »ny dot which It per- $5.00 per day for every day ke While the defense in th* _ ,I,, demand and requirements. The Borough At- mitlod to vim at lar|«, fr«m May f*iU to obey tbe ctuMii ent cade h-an not been m» ,,, i|| to b« hid torney, N. A. Jacoby is allowed a 1 to September 34, ii •abject <t salary of $2,500 for "attendance definitely, it is understood. |ll be to approlnntfon by any agent of A public hearlai oa tke »ro- lhey W at meetings, rendering legal opln poul will be conda«tedl by tbe Borough Attorney N. A. Ji ,,,,k-and. the Board. Hie pooch than will ions, drawing all resolutions, ord be Impounded for a period up to Bo.rd in tke Boreugk Hall May contemplating seeking an inances and all other legal docu dayi and the owaer re- 3 tt 7-JO P. M. tion in the Court of Chancery ; ments as arise in the ordinary restrain th« company from ; undone course of the contemplated routine ceeding with the action. At i ln< best of the administrative affairs of the course bi pursued, Mr. Jacoby i ho Borouihi government of the Borough." Funeral Services To Be Heldcontend the decision last yew nnoon of the hibits further action again* belBf done In Ike area of rl Car- The ordinance further provides ,,f ('arteret will b» first Mi lor work on lh« «•* R°«te SIOO Borough since all question* ,rtunity U> »•• ta»- teret. Showa above !• an drawim* »» «• this compensation "does not in- r ptcted lo be «dvertUed by Sp«ncer Mill«T, «orUi tomri Lin Today For Mrs. John H. Neuill earning the Borough's ItabilHjf ,i a matinee, it a* Hlfawer CommiMloiier, within the, next proposed ««w fclfHway clude legal services or matters of den Mlb Carter* in tke a special or technical nature nor damage* or rental . ,,r the Junior Safety j, § M(J mucli of »he ••rly work tlwadjr i« Tfr for legal services rendered in any Wife 0i Boro Rec- BoroSellslRahwayLots; *T?°'' , 1 actual litigation In which the Boro- At t the Reach Accord ugh may be involved." order long Prominent 100 Homes Planned was decided "* "", th*e Borough'*" s S, Ififffiam /amjjon /teportw Further stipulations in the ord- fn Community Affairs was estimated to have si inance provide H salary of $47.50 CARTERET — Final action wards of $600,000. State On Licenses per week for the Borough garage CARTERET — Rev. James A. which will permit large-wale John E. Toolan reprotevttd As Dead; 68th Boro CaMdlty mechanic; $1.10 per hour on an teret in that important u Mi I on the etv Mulligan, of Trenton, former pas- development of the East Rah- but since certain question of laTr^ „ we tfljr CARTERET—The end—tempor- eight hour per day basis for gener- tor of St. Joseph's Church; its way section was taken by the l were not decided at that j the Army. He received his Airarily, at leaBt—has been written to » utility men of the Street and present pastor, Rev, Paul Dwyer, Kdward Cttjkw- Holder 0/ Air Medal Borough Council Monday night Canda Interest* have I Corp? training and aviator's wings ad r OSM, and his assistant, Rev. Vic- unnmitteM are: , • •[ the acute controversy which arose ^° *>P»rt»««ti ^^ ^ P« when the Rapid Construction their plea for relief to the Btt- 5aWt Down Over Ger- i HI I.ari'ilo, Tex, His only survivors tor Grabrian, OSM, sang the sol- Committee — CWM hour for laborers on road mam- Company purchased large tracts preme Court. ire his brother and hit Hep-father. emn high mass of requiem this yS7.yba;Joh»lUltol»,| many March 25,1945 over the plan of the Republican t()lmncc. $41.00 per week for all on which houses will be built. ,ukownki. • . ! He is the sixty-eighth man from morning at 9:30 o'clock for Mrs. Silence Implied CenMtft majority in the BoroBgh Council truck drivers exclusive of those in The bid price was $26,886, Over a down points of law |Kkrt I ommitlee — CfcalttBfcUr urteret now known to have died John H. NevHl, wife of the bor- . CARTERET - George Jamison to increase the number of liquor the fire department the basf of; $24.50 per raised by Senator Toolan in hit. , i :l inwski; Joseph MtaV in the war. licenses permissable in Carteret. ™*. ™ f « '^™ ough's Police Recorder. Mrs. Over 100 homes are projected «f 626 Court Street, Elizabeth, a „, ., . -week, for street cleaners. Hourly „•„ „ 1 Hnhanek. / =. ; Nevill, who was Miss Bertha Car- by thc company and it hopes to defense, but the court appeared torporal in the Army until his The action was proposed to create employe(!9 ftre allowed timc 8m) to decide the case on the .com- C«»»tttts> <h#-' roll before her marriage fifty-one complete the work In a year un- aUtcharge last September, has been Fitzgerald Is Elected opportunities for return- one-half if they work over the set paratively simple legal theory erf ,v,h Avenue) years ago, died Monday night at less shortage of materials pre- notified his younger brother, S/Sgt. schedule. "qul tacet consentire videtut*';-* ,,,,.14, Kdward --., her home, 164 Penning Avenue. vents maintenance of the sched- William Jamison, is now consider- Perk Dept. Schedvle he who Is silent appears to MA* , S/VI.;L (Middle WwWm- The plan was the target of a She will be buried in St. Gertrude's ule. It is planned to u«e two lota ed to have dto) in action over CARTERET — Dennis Fit* The park foreman is allowed sent. In the broad application wf • :, i Chairman, Andjrt* bitter attack by the CartereC t Cemetery. for each house. - ;a Germany in 1946. The Adjutant Kerald of Carteret has been elected $42.00 per week; part attendants, this principle in the present Caaa»' \u,l,,w Prose, Joa^h Liquor Dealers' AssociationAiti , andd I General's Office sets S/Sgt. Jami- ice president of the Board of 187.00; park laborers, $25.00. All Mrs. Nevill was seventy-ebht Vice Chancellor Jayne held ths$*:, l'lip Konsevelt although the permissive ordinance ton's death as of March 25, 1946, lanuger*. of the Middlesex County wages in this category are on a years of age and came to Carteret since the Cnnrk interest* at wi11' Michael BobaMk; was adopted, it was' understood one year and one day after his 'olio Hospital. forty-hour per week basiB with in 1885 to teach in the two-story Hebrew Group time hud attempted to ,:,•,,. John Ban(O. the licenses would not be issued. A)lane went down while over Wes- Election took place at a meeting time and one-half for overtime. frajne school whith occupied the their holdings against use by, Inn Committee —• The passage of the ordinance [sel, Germany. This wan Jamison'tf of the Board in Roosevelt Hospital. These rates are exclusive of the present site of Columbus School connection with, Borough :.••, Musro; Edward C»aj was appealed fey the AttetMtion to [twenty - eighth mission. He waiIn addition to Mr. FiUgerald, the co»U>Miving bonus allowed in thc at Carteret and Roosevelt Ave Dance May 18tits, that evidently these step* uliii kuhora. tilt Slate Alcoholic Beverage Com. .-gunner on his plancatxl ha< trtinp named Wllllsm 8ehw«rt» 1946 budget. nues. She and Mr. Nevill Were the were HutWtictory to them.
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