Weather 4J?*J#i iemptwturemptwtur. «.. Part,. t > cloudy todtoday, i htonight md to- V t ; morrow. Hljh today and to- * " ' '25,475 , morrow near W. Low tonight I Red Bank Area J b the Hi, Sunday, mostly cloudy, possible showers, owl- V C**yright--The Red Bank Register, Inc.. 1965. •r. See weather, page 2, DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 88, NO. 53 [•suet dtlly. Hondar Uirouxh Frldiy. Second ciui Po«>n Paid U Red Buk ud U AddlUOMi Milling OHlceV FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10.' 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONI Bus Protesters in Raritan Face Possible Court Action RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Par- St. and Keansburg Park area, There were no school crossing be no problems which can't be day period, children were not re- «nts who keep their children out demonstrated at the restaurant guards yesterday along the route resolved, reported that state law turned to school. Municipal of school over the bus issue will parking lot by walking with thefrom Bethany Rd. to Beers Street must be followed if parents start Court summonses would have to lace Municipal Court, The Regsign- s they carried yesterday School. keeping their children out of be issued. ister was informed yesterday. morning on marches to Lillian The signs carried in the march- school. The fine for each offense i> Drive and Beers Street Schools. ing yesterday, last night and Theodore J. Stieve, school $25, he reported. Some of the parents who have They were there, raid spokesman , threatened such action had an again this morning read: "Keep board president, told The Reg-"If there is a mass movement George Pagano, 12 March Our Children Safe." ister he and the board support to. keep children out of school,* audience with Gov. Richard J. St., for the rally but decided to Hughes last night. "No Buses, No Sidewalks, What Mr. Jannarone in the matter. Mr. Jannarons added, "we do double duty by bringing the Next?" ' Eight Days would ask for guidance from die The governor, at Buck Smith's school bus problem to the atten- "Safety First." The policy, the superintendent county school superintendent," Restaurant for a Democratic ral- tion of Democratic officials. So far, the marohing has been states, is to allow no more than who is an agent of the (bite ly, said he sympathized and was Tuesday, night, more than 100orderly; according to police and three days of absence without sure that Mayor Marvin Olinsky Department of Education, and Keansburg Park sections at-school authorities. good cause. Then, he said, the The Mayor, and Township would work for a solution to thetended a school board meeting to attendance officer would issue a problem. Meantime, R. Thomas Jannar- Committee Wednesday nig.Jit demand more buses on hazardous one, the school superintendent, five-day notice, based on state rapped the school, board for Its Some 75 parents, from the Beers streets. while saying he hopes there will law. If, at the end of this eight- (See RARITAN, Page 2) , PROTEST MARCH — Raritan Township parents and children in protest march yesterday to Lillian Drive School, in attempt to force Board of Education to provide more bus On St. Benedict's Church Property service along hazardous routes. School but passes, headed in "wrong" direction. Country Fair Opens Catholic High School In New Shrewsbury NEW SHREWSBURY - It wascrowded with patrons rushing to hollered as they rode into the a great opening night for theand fro, rejoicing in old familiar Haunted Castle in bumpy little borough's 13th annual County sights and getting acquainted cars. Athletic teenagers swung To Be Built in Holmdel Fair. with new ones. flying cages higher and' higher, HOLMDEL - A new 1,000-pu quired by the diocese to enlarge will be staffed by the Sisters Catholic Church territory in Mid- inally swooping over the top. lion 18-classroom elementary Mayor John E. Lemon, Jr. The merry-go-round whirled, pil Catholic high school will be the St. Benedict tract. There is Marianites of Holy Cross. dletown, and a' part of the school in 1962. • opened festivities with a welcom- its calliope tones resounding; the There were hot dogs and ham'erected on St. Benedict's Catho- now an elementary school at the It will be opened in stages, Browntown area in Madison ing address at 7:30 p.m. The Ferris wheel spun, its lights a burgers and soda pop and penny lic Church property, off Line site which, including the 40 acres beginning with the ninth grade, Township, Middlesex County, Totai enrollment this year Is fair grounds In front of Borough delicate tracery against the candy and pies and cakes and Rd., it was learned yesterday. off Line Rd., totals about 55 Msgr. Frain reported. Msgr. Frain said. It will not 655, with a teaching staff of 17. Hall on Tlnton Ave. already night sky. Kids squealed and doughnuts and pizzas. Over The building, estimated to cost cres. Its territory will include the huge beds of coals, the Pine include any part of St. Mary's The parish expects to add a wing about $2 million, will include an The school will be named St. northern section of Monmouth territory. to the elementary building at a Brook Fire Company roasted Jolln County, up to the St. Mary's Long Branch Manager Issue chicken and ribs, auditorium, gymnasium, cafete- Vianney High School, It St. Benedict's opened a $1 mildate yet to be anonunced. Visitors could puncture bal- ria, science labs, administration suite, health suite, guidance suite loons with darts and win a live and approximately 30 class- baby rabbit; . you could extin- corns. , guish a candle .wlthr.aWaterrpls- O'Neill Offers tol at an impwsl!He'1tflie™Ktld The school will be under the win a color TV set. People sold direct jurisdiction of the Tren- ton Diocese,:' Msgr.. Thomas Act to Retire Same Debt you jewelry and canned goods and plants and paintings and Frain, diocesan superintendent perfume and second hand books of schools, said. It wiU.be the His Resignation third diocesan >,igh ichftrJ in la* and all kinds ot wftite elephants People could support their fa Trenton diocese. - tONG BRANCH-Public Works Mr. Roosevelt indicated this Of Mater Dei High School vorite political candidates whatwn«- the diowse fytpSes iight New Director James T. O'Neill yes- morning that he might have more ever their persuasion, Crafts J««ey counties! Catholic high terday handed his resignation to to say about Mr. O'Neill's status MIDDLETOWN — One goal of the $16.5 mUlion Trenton St. Mary's, the Kolmdel facility will be a diocesan high school. and arts and hobbies were all onschool enrollment in the diocese Catholic diocese fund drive, announced yesterday, is to re- City Manager Junes F. Roose- later today. is 11,674, an increase of 381 over Enrollment in Mater Dei Is 645, an increase'Of 129; over display to be picked and oooh'd tire part of the debt on the new,!}, million Mater Dei High last year. ' . velt, it was reliably learned last Meanwhile, other sources re- and aaah'd over. last year. Elementary enroll- School here, Msgr. Thomas Frain, diocesan superintendent night. ported that City Clerk Sanita J There were kids everywhere ment totals 70,415, up 5,386 from of schools reported. The Ugh school is adjacent to St. -Mary's elementary last year. Mr. O'Neill, reached at his Camassa told the council at laslittle ones fiercely active, charg- The report was, made in conjunction with a diocese an- school which opened in 1953. It has an enrollment, of 1,380. home late last night, declined night's caucus that she would ing from attraction to attraction; There are 14,505 Catholl nouncement that another Catholic high school is to be con- . Mater Dei is a three-story, '41-room- building.; ; comment, as did Mr. Roosevelt. refuse the interim manager's post subteens trying desperately to be school students in Monmouth structed on St. Benedict's Catholic Church property in Holm- Msgr. Frain said he cannot estimate it this tune how- Highly informed sources told i' it were offered her. taken for their somewhat sophis- County, about half of them in del. much of the Mater.Dei debt, wjllbe retired a3 a result of the The Register this morning that Reached at home ths morning, ticated teenage siblings, and, ofthe Bayshore area. Whereas the Mater Dei school is under the jurisdiction of new diocese fund drive. •' : • • • : '. during the caucus portion of theMiss Camassa declined comment. course, the teenagers, svelte and Target date for the new high City Council meeting last night, blase. school opening here is 1968 or vxmmamm The city clerk served as acting More sedately strolled the Mr. Roosevelt told the governing city manager for some nine weeks 1969. Construction is expected to body that he was in possession adults, just regular citizens out start sometime during 1967. in the summer of 1961, between for an enjoyable time. of a letter from Mr. O'Neill. July 1, when the governmenl Money for the project is to Sees 'No Confidence' And through the che/ry voice- come from a $16.5 million fund was reorganized in its presen sounds and the heavy hum of drive, which will include school Hughes Swings Through €oiiaty Thfi sources said that Mr. counoil-imanager form, to midamusemen- t machinery rumbled construction programs in a num O'Neill was resigning because September, when Richard Bowen the go-go beat of the jump com ber of other areas. Diocese of- he feels the council had implicitly was appointed manager.
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