i MONASH REPORTER AMAlAZIIJE FOR TIE UIIVEIIIlY Registered bV Australia Poot - publication No. VBG0436 NUMBER 4-83 JUNE 1, 1983 Senator Ryan at Monash: • A proposed launch: the Space Shuttle prepares to position the telescope on an orbiting platform. Eyes on 1990 for Starlab Iitt-off If J So far so good In getting Starlab, the Australian·Canadian·US space telescope proJect, off the ground. Thar was the feeling of the Starlab • The US will organise the first two joint science working group when it met launches. at the Goddard Space Flight Centre, In relUrn, observation lime will be Maryland, in late April, according to divided equally. Professor Kevin Westfold, Monash Professor West fold says that the Aus­ Deputy Vice-Chancellor. tralian Government allocated $3.37M in Professor West fold is one of four the last Budget for what is termed Phase Australian members of the working 8 study on the project. This provides group. funding for Ihe further design and Starlab. as proposed, is a one-metre testing of a photon-counting array, the orbiting telescope which would have basis of the imaging detector or camera, unique capabilities essential for the pur­ being developed by a team at Mount suit of a wide variety of frontier astro­ Stromlo. physical problems in the optical and He says that Australia's progress to ultraviolet spectral region. phases C and D will be a decision for the Universities 1984 Budget. In all, Australia's financial Its important targets would include commitment would be about $30M at globular star clusters, nearby galaxies curren[ costs, he estimates. and distant clusters of galaxies; among NASA has set its sights on launching the problems to which it could con­ Starlab as payload on two Space Shuttle tribute understanding - the early and the new flight s in 1990. The proposal is that two evolution of the universe. scientists will accompany it on these If Starlab does get into space - and exploratory missions. (Already, says 1990 is the date astronomers gaze at ProFessor West fold with a smile, the hopefully - it will mean that several scientific world has prepared a long list Government balls of funding and timing have been of eminently dispensable "volunteers".) juggled skilfully, given the tripartite par­ Uhimately scientists at NASA are A higher participation rate in tertiary education, wider access to It and a ticipation. looking towards locating Starlab on an greater capacity for university research and development, At the moment, the relevant agencies orbiting space station, SOO km above the Those were three educational objec­ • At the end of June she would earth, for a series of missions each - the Department of Science and Tech­ tives held by the new Federal Govern­ publish guidelines for the Common­ nology in Australia, the National lasting about six months. ment, according to the Minister for wealth Tertiary Education Commission Research Council of Canada, and the The telescope has a planned life of 20 Education and Youth Affairs, Senator outlining the Government's educational National Aeronautics and Space years, although its complement could Susan Ryan. objectives. She would expect these to be Administration of the US - have signed change as more sophisticated instru­ Senator Ryan visited Monash last taken into account when the CTEC a Letter of Intent on the project. ments are designed. made its recommendations on the Professor Weslfold says thOat Spaceiab month to speak at a forum organised by Given the green light, the next stage 1985-87 triennium. will be a Memorandum of Understand­ would complement ideally the 2.4 m the Staff Association of Monash Uni­ • The Government was committed Space Telescope which NASA hopes to versity. About 100 people attended. ing which will take the countries to a to university autonomy. At the same launch in 1985 . The Government saw the role of uni­ firmer level of commitment and more time it 'was anxious to see that resources Both are optical telescopes with Star· versities, in both undergraduate and detailed scientific planning. going into education "should have posi­ lab operaling down to shorter wave­ graduate areas, as an expanding one, she The division of responsibility in the tive consequences in terms of regenera­ lengths in Ihe ultraviolet. Starlab's said. It would, however, be planned, ra­ project is this: tion of the economy" . • Australia has undertaken to design imagery field, moreover, would be 100 tional expansion intended to achieve a times larger than the Space Telescope's. permanent upgrading in the role of • The Government was considering and build the instrument package, the reintroducing a body to promote educa­ chief items of which are an imager and Working together. the former would universities. tional research and development, [0 fill free the lalter from the ineFficiency of Among other points Senator Ryan spect roscope. the gap left by abolition of the ERDC by acting as ils own survey telescope . made during her address and then a • Canada will provide the telescope the previous Government. optical subsystems. • Continu~ page 4. questions and answers session were these: • Continu~ page 2. Fees Futures Fertility Festivals ..• And TEAS, and loans, and post· Markets 1~ future~, have expanded Whet ore lhe elhlcallmpllcallono 01 This month and next. Mondsh will be grect ...ietance. A Committ.. of rapidly in recent years not Without donating the 'Ingredlenta 01 111.' 10 alive with theatre and ilssnCl<tted R.vIew repot1a. P3. controversy _ Their functions. P4 combat lnlertll1tY? Pp 8, 9. events. P 12 Universities and the Government • From page 1. Senator Ryan said thaI the Govern· menI was examining the iss ue of access • The Government was looking at by overseas students to Australian uni­ the question of access to Australian versities against overall objectives, tertiary ins titutions by overseas including strategic. trade and foreign aid students. as well as educational ones. • TAFE would conlinue to expand. II was a discu ssion that would involve This sector had the capacity to run Foreign Affairs Minister. Bill Hayden, short, specific, vocationalty-oriented Employment Minister, Ralph Willis, courses - the type "we hope the and Immigration Minister. Stewart economy requires berore long". Growth West. in the CAE sector was unlikely. Reso lving Ihe issue of quotas was not however. as simple as saying thai overseas sludenls were now forcing able Austra­ lian students OUI of universities, there­ Back to peak fore quotas should be imposed. Senator Ryan said that the Govern· The new Governmcm was keen to ment would move to restore the higher develop a closer relationship with our education participation rate to the peak Asian neighbours and playa more con­ • Or ""n Troun.on, fresh from 8 press conference announcing the world 's fir$l pregnancy from 8 frozen embryo, mel ProfeMor tt."Y Gelber (right), UC member, and Mea C. SMrby, part-time member it reached in the early '70s. structive role in the region. This would of the CTEC. when they visited Medicine. Photo: Terry Martin. have to be taken inlO accoun!. She said the Australian rate now was much lower than those of other DECD But to a questioner who suggested countries. It was one of the reasons for that sub·quotas within a raculty lowered Australia'S extensive structural un­ standards, Senator Ryan said: "Lower­ Ceiling stays on employment. its slowness to develop ing entrance scores is not the same as new industries. and management which lowering standards." was not making the private sector truly Also under consideration was how the Government mighl upgrade education Monash funds: UC. efficient. research. The best way to do this, said "We have an under-educated, under­ It is unlikely that Monash will gel an an attitude in the University that Senator Ryan, might be 10 establish a increase in recurrenl funds or enrol progress could only be made if more trained workforce," she said. special unit within the Department or larger numbers of sludents in the funds were available. Education or to develop one or more of It was Ihe Government's aim to coming triennium. Professor Logan said that the UC improve the capacity of universities to the existing units working in this area. That was the message from the Uni­ Chairman, Professor D. N. F. Dunbar, attract and keep scudents by offering had indicated also that the ceiling on courses and education related to the Amalgamations versities Council when it visited Monash for two days early last month. Monash student numbers was rirm at broader needs of the economy and 12,800 EFTS. Senator Ryan said that the most diffi­ society. Members of the UC discussed with Professor Dunbar expressed satisfac­ cull issue she had dealt with since Monash administrators the University'S tion at the way in which the special There were twin aspects here - voca­ becoming Education Minister was the submission for the 1985-87 triennium research grant was being distributed at tional training and general education ­ amalgamalion of colleges of advanced (see Reporter 1-83). They also toured Monash - in particular the "seeding" the importance of which the Govern­ education. faculties and held discussions with money being made available to younger ment appreciated. "Rationalisation was necessary," she representatives of the two staff associa­ staff starting research. He also praised said, " and we accept amalgamations as tions, Union Board and Monash the University in achieving financial sensible." She added, however, that that Value of education Association of Studenls. support for its research and gave an approval did not embrace all the amal­ Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mal assurance that this success would not An interest in "training" and tech­ gamations which had been forced on Logan, lold Monash Council last month result in a recommended reduction of nology-related research would not be at colleges nor the manner in which they that members of the UC were impressed grants.
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