Table of Contents BERMUDA ............................. 1 CANADA ................................ 1 EL SALVADOR ..................... 1 UNITED STATES................... 1 ALABAMA ............................. 1 ALASKA ................................. 1 ARIZONA ............................... 1 ARKANSAS ........................... 1 CALIFORNIA ......................... 2 COLORADO ........................... 3 CONNECTICUT ..................... 3 DELAWARE .......................... 4 North American Reciprocal DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ... 4 FLORIDA ............................... 4 GEORGIA ............................... 5 Museum (NARM) Association HAWAII .................................. 5 IDAHO .................................... 5 ILLINOIS ................................ 5 INDIANA ................................ 5 Winter 2014-2015 IOWA ...................................... 5 KANSAS ................................. 6 KENTUCKY ........................... 6 LOUISIANA ........................... 6 MAINE .................................... 6 MARYLAND .......................... 6 MASSACHUSETTS ............... 6 MICHIGAN ............................ 7 MINNESOTA ......................... 7 MISSISSIPPI ........................... 7 MISSOURI .............................. 8 MONTANA ............................ 8 NEBRASKA ........................... 8 NEVADA ................................ 8 NEW HAMPSHIRE ................ 8 NEW JERSEY ......................... 8 NEW MEXICO ....................... 8 NEW YORK ........................... 9 NORTH CAROLINA .............. 9 NORTH DAKOTA ............... 10 OHIO ..................................... 10 OKLAHOMA ........................ 10 OREGON .............................. 10 PENNSYLVANIA ................ 10 RHODE ISLAND .................. 11 SOUTH CAROLINA ............ 11 SOUTH DAKOTA ................ 11 TENNESSEE ........................ 11 TEXAS .................................. 11 UTAH .................................... 12 VERMONT ........................... 12 VIRGINIA ............................. 12 WASHINGTON .................... 12 WEST VIRGINIA ................. 13 WISCONSIN ......................... 13 WYOMING ........................... 13 END NOTES ......................... 13 Winter 2014-2015 North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association Members BERMUDA ARIZONA ON, Aurora ON, Waterloo Decatur Hamilton Aurora Cultural Centre Canadian Clay & Glass Carnegie Visual Arts Camp Verde Bermuda National Gallery Verde Valley Archaeology 905-713-1818 Gallery Center 441-295-9428 www.auroraculturalcentre.ca 519-746-1882 256-341-0562 Center www.bng.bm www.theclayandglass.ca www.carnegiearts.org 928-567-0066 ON, Grimsby www.VerdeValley Paget Grimsby Public Art Gallery QC, Montreal Gadsden Archaeology.org The Masterworks Museum 905-945-3246 The Canadian Centre for Gadsden Museum of Art of Bermuda Art www.grimsby.ca Architecture 256-546-7365 Flagstaff 441-299-4000 514-939-7000 www.gadsdenmuseum.com Museum of Northern www.bermudamasterworks. ON, Hamilton www.cca.qc.ca Arizona com Art Gallery of Hamilton Huntsville 928-774-5211 905-527-6610 The McCord Museum of The Huntsville Museum of http://musnaz.org CANADA www.artgalleryofhamilton. Canadian History Art com 514-398-7100 256-535-4350 Nogales www.mccord-museum.qc.ca www.hsvmuseum.org Hilltop Gallery AB, Calgary ON, Kleinburg 520-287-5515 Glenbow Museum McMichael Canadian Art QC, Saint- Jérôme Mobile www.hilltopgallery.org/ 403-268-4100 Collection^ Musée d’art contemporain Centre for the Living Arts Welcome.html www.glenbow.org 905-893-1121 des Laurentides 251-208-5671 www.mcmichael.com 450-432-7171 www.centreforthelivingarts. Phoenix AB, Lethbridge www.museelaurentides.ca com Heard Museum* Southern Alberta Art ON, Mississauga 602-252-8848 Gallery Art Gallery of Mississauga SK, Regina Mobile Museum of Art www.heard.org 1-403-327-8770 905-896-5088 MacKenzie Art Gallery 251-208-5200 www.saag.ca www.artgalleryof 306-584-4250 www.mobilemuseumofart. Sedona mississauga.com www.mackenzieartgallery.ca com Sedona Arts Center BC, Courtenay 928-282-3809 Comox Valley Art Gallery ON, Sudbury Montgomery http://SedonaArtsCenter.org 250-338-6211 EL SALVADOR Art Gallery of Montgomery Museum of www.comoxvalleyartgallery.c Sudbury/Galerie d’art de Fine Arts Sedona Heritage Museum om Sudbury San Salvador 334-240-4333 928 282-7038 705-675-4871 Museo de Arte de El www.mmfa.org www.Sedonamuseum.org BC, Kamloops www.artsudbury.org Salvador Kamloops Art Gallery +(503) 2243-6099 Northport Tucson 250-377-2400 ON, Toronto www.marte.org.sv Kentuck Museum Tucson Museum of Art Kag.bc.ca Craft Ontario 205-758-1257 520-624-2333 416-925-4222 www.kentuck.org www.TucsonMuseumofArt. BC, Kelowna www.craftontario.com org Kelowna Art Gallery UNITED STATES Talladega 250-762-2226 The Bata Shoe Museum Jemison - Carnegie University of Arizona www.kelownaartgallery.com ALABAMA 416-979-7799 Heritage Hall Museum Museum of Art www.batashoemuseum.ca 256-761-1364 520-621-7567 BC, Prince George Auburn www.heritagehallmuseum. artmuseum.arizona.edu Two Rivers Gallery Museum of Contemporary Jule Collins Smith Museum org 250-614-7800 Canadian Art at Auburn University www.tworiversgallery.ca ARKANSAS 416-395-0067 334-844-1484 ALASKA www.mocca.ca http://jcsm.auburn.edu BC, Victoria Bentonville Art Gallery of Greater Crystal Bridges Museum of Museum of Inuit Art Birmingham Anchorage Victoria American Art 416-640-1571 Abroms-Engel Institute for Alaska Museum of Science 250-384-4171 479-418-5700 www.miamuseum.ca Visual Arts and Nature www.aggv.ca http://crystalbridges.org 205-975-6436 907-274-2400 The Power Plant http://www.uab.edu/cas/aeiva http://www.alaskamuseum. Royal BC Museum* Fort Smith Contemporary Art Gallery, org 250-356-7226 Fort Smith Regional Art at Harbourfront Centre Birmingham Civil Rights http://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca Museum 416-973-4949 Institute Haines 479-784-2787 www.thepowerplant.org 205-328-9696 Sheldon Museum and Winnipeg Art Gallery www.fsram.org YYZ Artists’ Outlet www.bcri.org Cultural Center 204-786-6641 416-598-4546 907-766-2366 www.wag.ca www.yyzartistsoutlet.org Birmingham Museum of Art www.sheldonmuseum.org Little Rock 205-254-2566 NS, Halifax Arkansas Arts Center www.artsbma.org Valdez Art Gallery of Nova Scotia 501-372-4000 Valdez Museum & 902-424-5280 www.arkarts.com Historical Archive http://www.artgalleryofnova 907-835-2764 scotia.ca www.valdezmuseum.org Page 1 Members from one of the NARM institutions listed above, who present a membership card validated with accepted NARM identification, are entitled to the following privileges at participating museums: Free/member admission during regular museum hours, member discounts at museum shops, and discounts on concert/lecture tickets. Guests are not included unless they present a current membership card validated with accepted NARM identification. Please note: Some museums restrict benefits and 'Family' benefits are defined by each participating institution. Please see the end notes for more information and/or contact the institution prior to your visit to avoid any confusion. Updated 12/15/2014 Winter 2014-2015 North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association Members CALIFORNIA Fresno Lancaster Newport Beach Petaluma Fresno Art Museum Lancaster Museum of Art Orange County Museum of Petaluma Historical Library Anaheim 559-441-4221 and History (MOAH) Art and Museum MUZEO Museum and www.fresnoartmuseum.org (661) 723-6000 949-759-1122 707-778-4398 Cultural Center http://lancastermoah.org www.ocma.net www.petalumamuseum.com 714-956-8936 Fullerton www.muzeo.org Fullerton Museum Center Long Beach Novato Pomona 714-738-6545 Long Beach Museum of Art Marin Museum of American Museum of Bakersfield http://cityoffullerton.com/ 562-439-2119 Contemporary Art Ceramic Art Bakersfield Museum of Art depts/museum/ www.lbma.org 415-506-0137 909-865-3146 661-323-7219 www.marinmoca.org http://ceramicmuseum.org www.bmoa.org Guadalupe Earl Burns Miller Japanese Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Garden, California State Oakland Redwood City Kern County Museum Center University Long Beach Pro Arts San Mateo County History 661-852-5000 805-343-2455 562-985-8885 510-763-4361 Museum* www.kcmuseum.org www.dunescenter.org www.csulb.edu/jgarden www.proartsgallery.org 650-299-0104 Hanford http://www.historysmc.org Benicia Hanford Carnegie Museum Museum of Latin American Oakland Museum of Arts Benicia 559-584-1367 Art (MoLAA) California Richmond 707-747-0131 hanfordcarnegiemuseum.org 562-437-1689 510-238-2200 Richmond Art Center www.artsbenicia.org www.molaa.org www.museumca.org 510- 620-6772 Hayward Chinese American Museum www.therac.org Berkeley Hayward Area Historical 213-485-8567 Oceanside Berkeley Art Center Society www.camla.org Oceanside Museum of Art Riverside 510-644-6893 510-581-0223 760-435-3720 Riverside Art Museum www.berkeleyartcenter.org www.haywardareahistory. Craft & Folk Art Museum www.oma-online.org 951-684-7111 org 323-937-4230 Ojai www.riversideartmuseum. UC Berkeley Art Museum## www.cafam.org Ojai Valley Museum of org 510-642-0808 Healdsburg History and Art www.bampfa.berkeley.edu Healdsburg Museum & Japanese American 805-640-1390 Roseville Historical Society National Museum* www.ojaivalleymuseum.org Blue Line Arts UC Botanical Garden at 707-431-3325 213-625-0414 916-783-4117 Berkeley www.healdsburgmuseum. www.janm.org Oxnard www.rosevillearts.org 510-643-2755 org Carnegie Art Museum botanicalgarden.berkeley. LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes 805-385-8157 Maidu Museum & Historic edu Homewood 213-542-6238 www.carnegieam.org Site Tahoe
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