S8196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 4, 2002 hate crimes legislation sending a sig- Charles Burlingame was known as with the Senate the memory of one of nal that violence of any kind is unac- ‘‘Chic’’ his entire life by family and my constituents, Lauren Grandcolas, ceptable in our society. friends. He was born in St. Paul, MN, of San Rafael, CA, who lost her life on I would like to describe a terrible and grew up in Anaheim, CA. Chic was September 11, 2001. Mrs. Grandcolas crime that occurred July 29, 2000 in an Eagle Scout and played trumpet in was a 38-year-old advertising sales con- Mahwah, NJ. A man attacked two gay his high school marching band. After sultant when the flight she was on, men after leaving an apartment com- graduating from Anaheim High School United Airlines Flight 93, was hijacked plex party. The assailant confronted in 1967, President Lyndon Johnson ap- by terrorists. As we all know, that the two partygoers in the apartment pointed him to the United States Naval plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field, parking lot, made obscene remarks Academy in Annapolis, MD. killing everyone on board. about their sexual orientation, and He continued developing his musical Mrs. Grandcolas was born in Bloom- then punched and kicked them. One of talents and played bugle in the Naval ington, IN and attended the University the victims had to be treated at a local Academy Drum and Bugle Corps. After of Texas at Austin, where she met her hospital. graduating from the Naval Academy in husband, Jack Grandcolas. After grad- I believe that government’s first duty 1971, he attended Naval air training at uation, she worked as a Marketing Di- is to defend its citizens, to defend them Pensacola, FL and then enrolled at the rector for a law firm and then for against the harms that come out of advanced tactical school at Meridian, Price, Waterhouse, Coopers. At the hate. The Local Law Enforcement En- MS, and Corpus Christi, TX. He flew F– time of her tragic death, Mrs. hancement Act of 2001 is now a symbol 4 Phantom jets as a carrier-based pilot Grandcolas was working as an adver- that can become substance. I believe aboard the U.S.S. Saratoga. tising sales consultant at Good House- that by passing this legislation and In 1979 Captain Burlingame was hon- keeping Magazine and was researching changing current law, we can change orably discharged from active duty and and writing a non-fiction book to help hearts and minds as well. became a member of the Naval Re- women boost their self-esteem. serves. During the Gulf War he served Lauren had enthusiasm and passion f at the Pentagon under the Assistant for life, loved the outdoors and was de- THE ELEVENTH OF SEPTEMBER Secretary of Defense and was awarded voted to physical fitness. She hiked, the Defense Superior Service Medal. jogged, kayaked, and enjoyed in-line Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, over the Later, as a pilot for American Airlines skating around her neighborhood. Her last year, Roger J. Robicheau, of Hol- he flew domestic and international energy was boundless and she took brook, MA, has taken the time to share flights. classes in cooking, gardening, scuba- with me many of his poems that were At his eulogy, Navy Vice-Admiral diving and wine appreciation. Lauren inspired by the events of September 11 Timothy Keating described Captain was also active with United Way, and our country’s efforts to heal the Burlingame as ‘‘a gifted aviator who March of Dimes, Project Open Hand, wounds of that day. His eloquence has could make jets talk.’’ Senator George Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Breast captured the heroes who sacrificed so Allen of Virginia eulogized him as a Cancer Awareness and Glide Memorial. much for so many, has lifted my spirits man who ‘‘gave his last breath in a Her husband Jack recalls she had a throughout the year and has offered in- struggle against terrorism. He was a heart the size of Texas. Knowing her sightful perspective on that tragic day. true American patriot who paid the ul- flight had been hijacked, Lauren left I ask that his latest poem, ‘‘The Elev- timate sacrifice as one of our Nation’s her husband a message on their home enth of September,’’ be printed in the first warriors to perish in the war on answering machine and then loaned her RECORD so that my colleagues and my terrorism.’’ Perhaps Chic Burlingame’s cell phone to another passenger to call fellow Americans can share in his attitude toward life is best summed up loved ones. thoughts and prayers for our country. by a statement he wrote in a class- The joy Lauren felt pursuing new in- THE ELEVENTH OF SEPTEMBER mate’s high school yearbook when Chic terests and developing new skills was We mourn their loss this day this year was about to graduate, ‘‘Remember, de- being interwoven in the book she was Those now with God, no danger near sire and hard work equal victory!’’ Chic writing for women. Jack recalls, ‘‘She So many loved ones left do stand believed that one person really can made a point to do things that were Confronting loss throughout our land make a difference. good for her, and she thought she could My heart goes out to those who do Captain Burlingame is survived by extend what she’d learned to help other No one can fathom what they view his wife, Sheri G. Harris Burlingame, adult women gain confidence. Her sis- I firmly pray for peace of mind his daughter, Wendy D. Pattavina, his ter and I will fulfill her dream by com- Dear God please help each one to find grandson, Jack Pattavina, step-sons pleting the book.’’ None of us is untouched by the terror And to our soldiers now at war John Harris and Chad Harris, brothers God guide above, at sea, on shore Mark M. Burlingame and Bradley M. of September 11th, and many Califor- nians were part of each tragic moment They are the best, I have no doubt Burlingame and sister Debra A. Bur- Our country’s pride, complete, devout lingame. of that tragic day. Some were trapped None of us is untouched by the terror in the World Trade Center towers. The finest force you’ll ever see All freedom grown through liberty of September 11th, and many Califor- Some were at work in the Pentagon. nians were part of each tragic moment And the fates of some were sealed as One final thought comes clear to me For what must live in infamy of that tragic day. Some were trapped they boarded planes bound for San in the World Trade Center towers. Francisco or Los Angeles. Absolutely—We’ll Remember I offer today this tribute to one of The Eleventh—of September Some were at work in the Pentagon. And the fates of some were sealed as the 51 Californians who perished on f they boarded planes bound for San that awful morning. I want to assure IN MEMORIAM: CAPTAIN CHARLES Francisco or Los Angeles. the family of Lauren Grandcolas, and BURLINGAME, III I offer today this tribute to one of 51 the families of all the victims, that Californians who perished on that their fathers and mothers, sons and Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I would awful morning. I want to assure the daughters, aunts, uncles, brothers and like to take this opportunity to share family of Charles Burlingame, and the sisters will not be forgotten. with the Senate the memory of one of families of all the victims, that their f my constituents, Captain Charles F. fathers and mothers, sons and daugh- YEAR OF THE BLUES RESOLUTION Burlingame, III, who lost his life on ters, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters September 11, 2001. Captain Burlingame will not be forgotten. Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, as you was 51 years old when the flight he was f may know, I introduced legislation (S. piloting, American Airlines Flight 77, Res. 316) on August 1, 2002, designating was overtaken and hijacked by terror- LAUREN GRANDCOLAS: IN the year beginning February 1, 2003, as ists. As we all know, that plane MEMORIAM the ‘‘Year of the Blues’’ and requesting crashed into the Pentagon, killing ev- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I would that the President issue a proclama- eryone on board. like to take this opportunity to share tion calling on the people of the United VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:15 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S04SE2.REC S04SE2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 4, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8197 States to observe the ‘‘Year of the Sonny Payne recalled that many of the the harmonica the centerpiece in a blues Blues’’ with appropriate ceremonies, songs played on ‘‘King Biscuit Time’’ band. His unique phrasings, compared by activities, and educational programs. I originated during the live broadcasts, many to the human voice, influenced count- less harp players. am proud to be joined by Senators and in some cases, words to the songs His partner, Robert Junior Lockwood, COCHRAN, THOMPSON, and FRIST. were known to change day to day. stepson of the legendary Robert Johnson, It has been said that ‘‘Blues is more After becoming involved with this also influenced this blues style. A fan of big than music; Blues is culture. Blues is project, I recently came across an arti- band jazz, he incorporated jazzier elements America.’’ As a native of Helena, Ar- cle ‘‘Pass the biscuits, cause it’s King into the blues, often playing the guitar with kansas, I could not agree more.
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