80 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Sept. 11, 1989 APARTMENTS HOMES I STORE AND I I 1921 SPORTING FOR RENT FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE TAG CARS GOOD USED furniture is GOODS [ ^ C A R S In demand. Why not ad­ SALES FOR SALE MANCHESTER - 5 MANCHESTER - 3'/2 FOR SALE vertise the furniture you rooms, 760 sa.tt. of rooms, 2 bedroom plus no longer use In clossi- GOLF Clubs. Used starter Outlook I N* prestigious office NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ Bakker AAANCHESTER - Three sun porch, garage and tled? Coll 643-2711. and full sets. $25 to $95. CHEVROLET 1984 Celeb­ PONTIAC Firebird 1977 - Giants fenced yard. $775 space available Imme­ Also miscellaneous eral Stofute 23-65 prohibits rity - 4 door, fully Needs work. Best offer. room apartment. Heat diately In Watkins Cen­ ♦he posting of advertise­ and hot water. $475 monthly. 649-0795. clubs. 649-1794. ments by ony person, firm or equipped. Excellent Call 649-9151 after 5pm. ter, Main Street. Call condition. Asking m onthly. Lease and 643-0078. corporation on a telegraph, FORD LTD Country Defense firms Witnesses testify references. 649-4820- telephone, electric light or $4,000. 646-2392. Squire Wagon - 1972, Not pretty, MISCELLANEOUS 1 ^ MISCELLANEOUS MANCHESTER - 300-700 power pole or to o tree, 646-4412,____________ | 0 I I j---------------- MISCELLANEOUS 400V-8, excellent condi­ 1 °1 J SERVICES SERVICES sa.tt. new office spaces shrub, rock, or any other tion. $500. 647-7890. are optimistic/9 on $5,000 Xmas tree/7 MANCHESTER - All new lust completed. Excep­ FOR SALE noturol oblect without o w rit­ ^*^J^Y^0LET Comoro but it’s a win/11 1 bedroom apartment. tio n a l location on ten permit tor the purpose of 1985 - V-6, tuned port PLYMOUTH Renault Stove, refrigerator, Spencer Street, lust off protecting Itorthepubllcond Inlectlon, 5 speed air, 1982 - All options, 81K. dish wosher. $500 POWER WASH 384 at the cross roads of carries o tine of up to $50 tor power steering and Excellent condition. 1 monthly plus utilities. END ROLLS each offense. brakes, am/fm, 82K, owner, $1,950 or best New England weather can make the exterior of Manchester, Glaston­ Coll 646-5355.________ bury and East Hart­ 27W width — 25C $4,499. 646-9826. offer. 647-0347. AAANCHESTER - One your home look tired. Brighten the look of your ford. All utilities In­ 13" width — 2 for 25C I CARS bedroom, carpet, ap­ home and protect It with Americlean’s advanced cluded. call 649-2748 or Newsprint end rolls can be FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICES pliances. Centrally lo­ hot water power cleaning system. 649-05W. __ picked up at the Manchester cated. $510 monthly Herald ONLY before 11 a m TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT WASH AWAY YOUR TROUBLES Monday through Thursday SUBARU Brat 1979 - NOTICE OF plus utilities and secur­ DFFICE Space available "P arts" ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ALUMINUM AND VINYL SIDING: "Russ Grand Tour T? Best offer. 643- ity. Call 646-2457 , 9am- tor sharing arrange­ 4526. provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 and 5pm.______________ Clean, protect and add new life ment. Approximately speed bike. $100. Wash­ L ? '*!.* ^°'9h Charter, notice Is hereby given of the adoption burn bass guitar. $200. PONTIAC Flero 1985 - AAANCHESTER - Spa­ Remove mildew and oxidized paint 860 sq.ft. Pleasant at­ Automatic, V-6, low Directors of the Town of Manchester, cious 4 room flat, 1st Help stop fading mosphere In profes­ 649-4975. Both excellent Connecticut on September 5, 1989. condition.__________ mileage, silver with floor. $575 plus utilities. sional building. Ideal black spoiler, mags, PROPOSED ORDINANCE iHanrliPBtpr Hrralft CEDAR SHINGLES: No pets. Call Sue, 643- for accountant, Insu­ GOLD leather wing chair, Board of Directors ot the Town of Clean that weathered look and add a clean a/c, am/fm cassette, Manchester that the Town of Manchester purchase from the 4862._______________ rance broker, financial triple dresser, antique tilt wheel, tinted win­ protective finish. planner or other ser­ pine, Hnmmond crgqn, ‘ “ "i O' SEVENTY-TW O AAANCHESTER - Two Restore shingles back to original beauty. dows. $5,495 or best THIRTY-TWO DOLLARS bedroom apartment. vice oriented profes- sewing mnchines, com­ offer. 742-1398 eJ^K-,7V ($72,732.30) the premises described In Stove, refrigerator, BRICK AND MASONRY WORK: slons. 646-8886._____ forters, hand made evenings. Schedule A attached hereto. rugs, pewter coffee set, heat, hot water, air Clean and restore to Its original color •'fc'ASY DDES IT " is the sholl be subleci to the terms, conditions ond Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1989 conditioning. Nice lo- some antlaues and col­ CHEVY Camaro Z-281985 restrictions set forth in sold Schedule A. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents Let US show you with a tree dem onstration how way to describe placing a lectibles, appliances. - T-top, power steerlng- 8-8-89 catlon. Call 649-5249. want ad. Just call 643-2711 we can make your house look like new. 643-6733. /brakes, V-8,5.0L, 47K, Prepared by William J. Shea, EAST HARTFORD - Tol­ and we do the rest! $5,900. 646-9826. land Street, 1 bedroom. Frank Young, owner of Americlean and local REFRIGERATOR - $50, Assistant Town Attorney $600 Including utilities. businessman for 18 years says, "Thejoblsnot General Electric carry AUDI 4000 1980 - $2500. SCHEDULE A 282-7337. done until the customer la satisfied." all air conditioner $75, Excellent condition That certain piece or parcel ot land situated In the Town ot Paraplegic rescued GARDENING a consul humidifier $25, plus extras. 646-9826. Monchester, County ot Hertford and State of Connecticut, Fully Insuranced. Senior citizen discount. 2 pairs green drapes, on the oenerollv northerly side of Present Tolland Turnpike, $75. 643-6733.________ at Demlng Street, Connecticut Route 30, containing 1.45 I CONDOMINIUMS Americlean CHRYSANTHEMUMS - acres, more or less, bounded and described as follows: You dig your con­ TRAILER - Utlllty/camp- H osp ital’s INVITATION TO BID FOR RENT 263 M ain St./ Manchester, CT 06040 SOUTHEASTERLY, - by Present Tolland Turnpike, from burning car I tainer. 550 Bush Hill Ing. Enclosed. $150.646- Sealed bids will be received SOUTHERLY AND In port non-access, 626 feet, AAANCHESTER - One ______ 645-8892 Rood, Manchester. 5828. In the General Services' of­ SOUTHWESTERLY more or less; bedroom townhouse. fice, 41 Center Street, Man­ NORTHERLY — by lond ot the State ot chester, CT until 11:66 o.m. menl paramedics for a few bumps Fully appllanced kit­ CARS on the dote shown below tor Connecticut, Interstate Route By Nancy Concelman chen, living room with CARS CARS CARS the following: 86,429 feet, more or less, by a aflcr Ebdon dragged him from ihe I FOR SALE line deslgnoted "Release Manchester Herald fireplace, air condi­ FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE SEPTEM BER 26,1989 — VAC- Line," os shown on the mop car. Ebdon, a nursing icchnician al tioning, washer/dryer ALL RENTAL FOR TOWN hereinafter referred to; Manchcslcr Memorial Hospilal, said rate hike * W IDE LEAF PICK-UP If David Ebdon hadn’t gotten out hook-up, deck. $675 per ~ the State ot month plus utilities. SEPTEM BER 28,1989 — ONE EASTERLY Connecticut, oismlna Street, of his college class 5 minutes early loday he probably would nol have 649-2369. i ’i . r o l l -o f f T R I­ Connecticut Route 30, a total Monday, Richard Mature might not been in ihe area had he nol gollcn CLYDE AXLE HOIST TRUCK distance ot 219 feet, more or AAANCHESTER - Porter­ CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. be alive today. oui of a speech class al Grealcr SEPTEM BER 28, 1989 — less, by a line designated ROUTE 83, VERNON field Condo for rent. 2 t h r e e (3) SIX (6) WHEEL "Release Une," as shown on Hartford Community College in bedroom townhouse sold mop. 84 Cutlass Coupe *5895 DUMP TRUCKS, ONE (1) Ebdon, a 39-ycar-old resident Hartford early. with iacuzzi, skylight, CONVENTIONAL TWO 2) For o mor^e portlculor description ot the above-described 84 Buick Century Wag *5995 w'emisw, rrterence Is mode to o moo to be tiled In the M onch^er who lives al 76 South Hawthorne Ebdon said that when he passed all appliances and gar­ 259 A d a m s St. DOT 62 d u a l d u m p W ITH PLOW bids filed 85 Reliant 4 Ooor ‘4995 ASSEMBLY Town Clerks Office, entitled: "Town ot MonchesW, Mop Si., was driving on Inlcrstalc 84 near Maluro’s car around 8 p.m., he age, 2'/j baths. No pets. MANCHESm OFFI-A4 ShowiTO Land Released To Town ot Manchester bv The State ot Available Imme- 65 Buick Elsctra 4 Dr. *9995 The Town of Manchester Is exil 60 Monday nighl when he saw noticed a look of terror on the 8 4 9 - 1 7 4 9 MANCHESTER Coniwctlcut, Tolland Turnpike, Scale 1--40', Jonuarv 1989, By Rick Santos tal would collect if every patient dlately. $1,300. Be­ 65 Buick Somerset 2 Dr. ‘ 7295 on equal opportunity em­ R o b ^ W. Gubolo, Transportation Chief Engineer — Bureou ot Maluro irappcd in his burning car. driver’s face that was out of propor­ tween 8am-3pm, 646- 86 Delta 88 2 Door *9995 ployer, ond requires qn affir­ Hlohwovs. Town No. 76, Prolect No. 7609, Serlol No. lOB, Sheet 1 Manchester Herald paid full charges. However, many ★ MANCHESTER ★ mative action policy tor all of of 1 Sheet. Bob Bycholski, depuly fire chief of tion to the problem of an overheated 6454, 6pm-9pm, 86 Bonneville 4 Ooor *8995 patients pay less through Medicare Member Conn.
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