April 4, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 779 will ensure our continued superiority in the over protection of cultural and artistic prop- points per game for the season, and all 3 21st century. erties and their direct relevance for jobs at have scored over 1,000 career points. Stanley In addition to the combat awards I men- home serve the point. But similar success Bonewitz averaged 31.1 ppg, Donte Mathis with more intricate and strategic issuesÐex- tioned earlier, General Schnelzer has received tending the Non-Proliferation Treaty averaged 21.3 ppg, and Charles Jackson other numerous awards and decorations, in- against nuclear and other weapons of mass averaged 21.1 ppg. cluding the Defense Distinguished Service destructionÐplainly demands engagement The Hornets averaged over 109 points per Medal, the Distinguished Service Medal, the with others. It is illusory to think that the game during the regular season, and set a Defense Superior Service Medal, the Meritori- nation's needs are so limited that they can State tournament record for a 2-game series ous Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, be served without a high degree of planning with 215 points. the 108 to 86 victory in the the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with and effort with other nations, including at final tied the State record for most points in a Palm, and the Republic of Vietnam Campaign the UNÐthe example of the Gulf War surely championship game. Most valuable player not forgotten. Medal. No country has so large a stake in the ef- honors for the 5A state tournament went to General Schnelzer plans to answer a higher fective functioning of such institutions as east Central's Stanley Bonewitz, who scored calling and will be working for the Episcopalian the IMF and World Bank and in the evo- 42 points in a 107±94 semifinal win and 36 Bishop in San Antonio. There, he will be co- lution of the new World Trade Organization. points in the final game. His 78 total points set ordinating the activities of all the Episcopalian Development of export markets and invest- a 5A record. churches in south Texas. On behalf of my col- ment opportunities is vital to our general Under the direction of coach Stan Bonewitz leagues and the congressional staff who have prosperity. But these require a framework of for the past 14 years, East Central has gone known and worked with General Schnelzer we international rules and cooperative actionÐ 343±120 and captured 10 district champion- as for that matter does coping with vola- wish him and his wife Helen the very best in tility in international currencies and any ships, 7 area championships, 3 regional cham- their future endeavors. threat to the stability of our financial sys- pionships, and 1 state championship. Assist- f tem. In today's world we have no monopoly ant coaches Jay Mead, Matt Oden, Steve on new technologies, nor on competition in Ochoa, and head trainer Charlie Trevino also AMERICA'S ROLE IN THE WORLD the burgeoning global marketplace. The fact played a key role in the team's success. Here is that to a greater degree than ever before is an example of teamwork at its best, with our HON. LEE H. HAMILTON the economic well-being of virtually every young people coming together to play hard OF INDIANA American is affected by what happens out- and strive for success. This year, for the Hor- side our borders. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Finally, it should be clear that nets, that effort garnered the state trophy. I Tuesday, April 4, 1995 unilateralism today, like isolationism in the have no doubt that the positive experiences from this past season will yield continued suc- Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, many Ameri- past, would risk nullifying American leader- ship in the world. With the cold war at an cess both on and off the court to the East cans remember Bruce Laingen as the able end, our allies and friends are no longer Central players and coaches. diplomat who acted with superb professional- automatically responsive to our judgments f ism while being held hostage in Iran more on security concerns. Nor are we able or than 15 years ago. Now Ambassador Laingen ready unilaterally to devote massive finan- ARROGANCE OF POWER continues to serve American interests as cial resources to the solution of inter- president of the American Academy of Diplo- national economic issues. Effective leader- macy. In response to the foreign policy debate ship, therefore, cannot be dictated by the HON. BOB LIVINGSTON United States; it depends on recognition by now underway, the academy has adopted a OF LOUISIANA others that we share security and economic very brief but important statement on Ameri- interests in common. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ca's role in the world, and I commend it to my To protect and advance our own national Tuesday, April 4, 1995 colleagues. Much has been written and said interests as we go forward will require care- recently about what I consider a false debate: ful articulation of those interests, their Mr. LIVINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, attached Whether we should pursue our foreign policy alignment where possible with those of oth- are copies of correspondence received by me unilaterally, or through multilateral institutions. ers, and a commitment to lead cooperative from the Honorable Fred J. Cassibry, U.S. dis- Obviously, we will want to do both, depending efforts. To do otherwise would invite forms trict judge, retired, and now a member of the on the circumstances. I ask that the acad- of international anarchy both dangerous and Louisiana Economic Development and Gam- costly to our own national interests. emy's statement be printed in the RECORD. ing Corp. Judge Cassibry, a Democrat ap- AMERICA'S ROLE ABROAD f pointee to the bench, was an outstanding jurist Most Americans accept the need for the TRIBUTE TO SAN ANTONIO'S EAST throughout his 20 years on the bench. He is United States to remain engaged in the CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL a superlative human being, and he has docu- world. And most will agree that clearly de- mented some truly outrageous conduct by rep- fined national interest should guide that en- resentatives of the U.S. Justice Department. gagement. But many are finding it difficult HON. FRANK TEJEDA His concerns should be immediately ad- in this complex post-cold war world to reach OF TEXAS consensus on what engagement means and dressed by the Judiciary Committee. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where the national interest lies. LOUISIANA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In the current debate over these issues we Tuesday, April 4, 1995 AND GAMING CORPORATION, sense a tendency among some to equate a New Orleans, LA, March 31, 1995. Mr. TEJEDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pragmatic pursuit of vital interests with Hon. BOB LIVINGSTON, unilateralismÐarguing that international recognize the outstanding achievement of the House of Representatives, engagement must be a one-way street and boy's basketball team of East Central High Rayburn Building, Washington, DC. that our interests are best served when the School in San Antonio, TX. This remarkable DEAR CONGRESSMAN LIVINGSTON: I serve as US dictates the terms or acts alone when- team capped a 35-win, undefeated season by a member of the Louisiana Economic Devel- ever it chooses. This appeal of unilateralism winning the university interscholastic league's opment & Gaming Corporation [LEDGC] and doubtless arises from varied impulses, one of 5A State basketball championship on March I previously served as a United States Dis- which could be the disappointments we have 11, 1995. The East Central Hornets were the trict Judge in the Eastern District of Louisi- encountered from the shortcomings of the ana for twenty years. I write to you regard- United Nations. only undefeated team in the league this year, ing arrogance of power. In a flagrant and But in a world of instant communications, and the first undefeated 5a champion since shameless abuse of the authority entrusted globally linked financial markets, easy mi- 1987. As a testament to its basketball prow- to it by the American people the United gration of devastating diseases and impover- ess, East Central was ranked as the No. 1 States Attorney's Office in New Orleans has ished peoples, threats to the earth's oceans boy's basketball team in Texas for the entire sought to interject itself into the functions and atmosphere, terrorist networks operat- season. of LEDGC. The conduct was so egregious and ing without heed to frontiers, it is inconceiv- The Team included Stanley Bonewitz, Donte obvious that two of Louisiana's largest news- able that the United States could go it alone Mathis, Charles Jackson,, Chip Moxley, David papers editorialized against what was taking successfully. When nuclear weapons can be place. delivered by missile, ship, or in the baggage White, Keith Rice, Oliver House, Josh Barnes, By way of explanation I enclose copies of of a terrorist the necessity for active inter- Blake Sims, Eric Luke, Stacey Dubley, Ben those editorials together with a copy of my national collaboration is self-evident. Lakey, Jeremy Lear, Steve Shrum, Curtis letter to Attorney General Janet Reno. The United States can and will do some Lundy, Marquieth Braziel, Jason Minica, and When she did not see fit to intervene as re- things alone. Recent negotiations with China Matt Divin. Three Players averaged over 20 quested I then wrote a letter of complaint to E 780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 4, 1995 the Office of Professional Responsibility for foreclose citizen inquiries and complaints supplier of slot machines and other gaming the United States Department of Justice there would be no need for your office to devices to be used in the casino.
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