Who’s going !H[appy / t o lthe l next round i n pprep baseball? MotherV SEE.SPORTS. C l Da}C;'^ I a w s . M3g'cValley.ar .c o m -----------------— Mini-Cassia Good tvloriiiiig y Local studenin ts aim B usine!isseswaiy ^ Ira i wonian bilies5 High: 75’5 B ^■<4 ji. iB R illlP to invent nevew to o ls 1 ^ 1 of posis tag e hike across Europele SEE MlMl CASSIA. D707 Nlco and watm. Details: C8 SEE MAGICGic VALLEY, C l SEE MONEY. C l Crimsor A nnother’ss deterrminaticon £ I I n th e la te ttirit‘JfiOs, le am ietie keep linlin y fin g ers away, ’i'liis year, ihe ■News asked silver, 1 bad no running "Iwoiivoultl gel np at ibreein the reaiiers to bring iislhesii.•sioriesof ' Vanden Uosch h; ,-e exceptional MagicValleyley m o th ers, g waier or indoorDriiliimhinginher j morniii|lin g to d o th e w ash so I'll have 1 ler'sDay.we & I MiiiDesota honuline. To dn th e Iaundr>’. it all (lonedm before die children In celebriilion of Motlier' ^ for h e r rapidlyr grgrow ing family, sh e woke." sas id V anden Hosch, 7'), from111 are fealuringVancleii liosiosch. who I last year lost Wif'V white h a n d -c ra n k ed1 cliclothing througli a berjeroieronie hom e eadier ibis raised 12 chiliireii and la^ > a leg as a resuli ofalife-ilu-ll.r.'Mci.ir.e _______ wnngi;r..iin.«ctivliviivsodaniu'rous month.'111: "ll WIS veryciialleiigiiigio iden Boich gels a hug from h e rso n ._ T she took e.’?cepii([Itional measures to do that.'la l."’ cafaccideiitl Dare, while hertiier husband, Manrin, looks on during a event. and ver^ J For mnore o aboul Jeannette, and otIother Magic Valley motheri2rs. see Family Ufe, page5 F l . recenl familjf evti i’ ‘green’ — Nudelearreseard h New high schooool ^ J J . I areasI a hotbed oiif in Tw in Falls to0 lbe 1 ^ V j r a Vi i listoric toolss en erg y efficientlit M Tho Assoclatciiatcd Pross____________________ _ By Joshua Palmer ■ Timos-Nows writor________ » ^ I’OCA ri'I.I.iii.LO — Tile Idaho Nationtnal * jmH Liboraior)’y i‘is an fl!)0-s(iiiare-mile fedetleral ■IWIN I'A U ii — Il m aay b e miclear resea;search area dial lesiod weapoi10ns ihu first '(Jruui)' huikiii) and contmuinues developing new uses ffor •iWin Bills. nuclear lechVcluiolo'gy. 1 1 i T h e ’IWin Tails Sc B h | | Vw J; Hut thous:msaiuls of years agi), ihe latiitest to w ater D istrici is iiivusiiiiK into v A ; technologyy iiinvolved sioiie looK, and lhthey ;m d uiK’ri;y cniiscr\’:ilioitio n for can bo seenen iill abundance in places on1 tth e jihougii fcHHHWiw tljc n e w high scluiol./Uiln IN I, w h eree prehistoricpi people hu n te d mlani- a i reQuest nfijj^D I I ihc districi will not rcc m o th s a n ddodiergame. 01 ificalion 'Green' building ceriifici The researearcli area in easiern Idaho cc for Ciinyon iUdgu I iinh Scl 1 Scliool. —* laiiis someIf 22,000 archaeological silcs llihat officials say llic biiildini;ling will ■■■■■. have beenII p reser\’od since d ie ISiliOs, s;said likely iiKTi the ceriific; ft.-i' INLarchaeolleologisl I lollie Gilbert. reciiiiremenis. ■Ilie a rea:a is now m ostly sagebrush, a nu d l all ■'We a re m o re c o n ce i o f it is normjrmallv olf limits to unauihori;ri/e tl ahom energy swings tha . I visitors. Hutim If n rth e la s t 10 years d ie INI.[.h 1 as R are about the certificate." j T a J i r, allouod one group jiei year lo tour• 1die Dale Thornsberri-, plant 1 •' arcliaeiiliii’icij’ical sites. 'Tu g e t a facilities director. "Tu ; "This iss 0our chance n. ,!iare our «!«;)()• ihe certificate, wo would A Ij, i '' ' , sc[uare-mi!eile office," Hioiida I’ace, an IIINI. to pay to have some'm eh o d y ’ 3 j arcliaoologis)gisl, a n d a iiih ro p o lo g isi. loldlid a ih e ^ inspect the school, am \ lo u r g roupp I'll-riday. '■■Jhore is niiicii m o re.•OUI <: only ihing-we would geiget / f H \ i(.'■ liorethanjiisjusl sagehrusli and deseri." a n award." Neverlheless, the disirictdi; M H E&B Please see TOOLS, Poge:e A3 ask ed th e architects to) inini c lu d e f I v I e n erg y a n d w a te r ss: a v in g ’j l .• '■iMiipli measures in ihe huib u ild in g I raq design. Thornsherry sailsa id ih e communiiy ex])ressedsod a n interest in seeing thailh a i th e t i b u ild in g o p e ra ted efficifficienily HVT^I S t a y i n g — o u l o f co n ce rn for ihetheenvi- ijA U)erts ^ offer advicea on i saafe m ronnient, as well as theih e ir liix • J- dolliirs. __________ --------------- Hnmmd—Architcctv ---------------------- firm llial designed diele S'sc h o o l V V l Meenjoyiiing-Idaho’ssoutdoor-s i l huilding. worked w ith research jirogninis ai soiso m e of lit b e fo re w e get 10 th e seri- w an d e r aw ay Iiefore you ge Idaho's iiniversiiies inlidciiiiry idi BjHaltClirtstcistensen Hut b •threat animals, lierkley ihere. ways of uiiii/ing naturaliral light- Tlm es^ow'9 s vwriter m is-thr pointsIts Iout that any animal, not In a n e n co u n io n Don'lI run.ri If I ing. heat and ventilatitla tio n in die ones listed bolow. can be you're'carryinga backpack,ick. (lro|) . o rd e r to reduce energy;y irusage. ' W lN rAALlii I J — Car accident.s, jusl die race die Iraqi soldiersrs takeU defensive position mhile on thehe geroiis, especially if pro- it a n d back aw ay slowly. l‘a( The school districiid also gunplay, bunlurglary. danger I mission with U.S. troops near L’d. Always sioer clear of wild b e a r an d keep It in sight, billbi joint search mil began working withI a local Sometime!lies life ill die ciiy can voked., nals, never feed them and d o n ’l m ake direci eye tont:intaci. Youssifiyah,, 1212 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq, lantlscape and irrigaiionion busi- he scary. HutJut for town folk seek- animal: M ake lols o f noise hyyollinlling an il Saturday. listicaled ingtoescapc:ipe urban strife for the always:iys b e o n yourtoos. ness to install a so])histi sto m p in g yo u r feet, and irjMoirj' hal will greal ouldooloors this spring and ^3 —— sprinkler system ihal in:ike yourself look iiigger I ounding summer, iheihe w ilderness m ay nol water -U) acres surroiii o p e n in g yo n r coal. 01 'llie sys- he tlie safee hhaven you are look- ^ f l | | Pre-did aw n attack in the new liigh school. 'Ill !f Ihe bo ar charges, fig;h h liiwt: ilh e g ro u n d in g for. te m will include above gi a n y th in g available. Ho aggn sors that Wildaniniim als can attack at and in ground sensor^ sive; Throw rocks or hil Kdie l . U .S .pp atro l kills five will monitor moisture,ire. w in d a n y tim e —- iiin so m e cases fatally. H j n M % m al w ith slicks. and temperature in orto rd e r to A nd it's n o:it t jju st traditionally deiermine when wativater is pred a to ry' cr,critters th a l can tu rn | ^ B | e still missing n eed ed . o n you. siiyslys Hegan Berkley, a iologist with die Idaho R lgM I "Il's really tpiiie amamazing wildlife hioli ByWmGamelmei .•nt of Pish a n d Gam e. because il will uirn theihe water Depanment Associatedid PPross writor_______ __________ oIT in specific areas wl:where il Any animalal iihat feels threatened Bears detects too inuch wwater," is libel to stristrike. DAD — U.S. and IraQi tro(•oops Jhcar. N o rth e rn MagicValley, Thornsherry said. "Mostost o f th e . ’Ilie goodjdiiews.shesaid,is I ..Whe 1-house-to-house and eoniliib e d - -......... - - c h u m a re a time people aro over wawatering dial animallal iattacks arc extrem ely Kelchu lb their bare hands Sauirilay nla fte r ers fear you more dian Qulclu lc k fa c t: Boars can ru n 60 the grass, hut tliis shoulould pre- rare: Crilters Aiiiericaii1 tntroops and their IniQi inlerpnire ie r sbly fear them , a n d in percencent faster than the speediest vent that from happeniiirning." you prohabl CJime u n dder e r attack in th e no to rio u s "trianangle ;s ihey’ll d o ju st ab o u t hmnan nai sprinter. The sclionl disirict.:t. which mosl cases l ■ of death"" sisouth of Haglidad. leaving; Ifive 10 avoid h u m a n con- Howlow to avoid: l-ood is usually ow ns w aier rights forir tlth e ’siie ' a n y ih in g io i Mountain lions dead a n d1 tinth ree missing.
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