LAS VEGAS AGE VOLUME X. LAS VEGAS. CLARK COUNTY. NEVADA, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1014 NUMBER 30 OPPOSE TWO 6E0. WIN6FIELD SUPREME COURT ITAX COMMISSION WILL EXHIBIT SUPT. BRAY ASKS | MHJHQOLS | AJSANDIDATE fOR CURLER RAISES VALUES AT STATE FAIR DEMOCRAT VOTE !3W People Emphatic is Condemning filed Papers (or Nomination for Elko Jnrist Announces Candi­ Railroads and Public Service Clark Connty Will Be Promi­ Candidate for Renoraination Has Proposition to Give $5000 the State Senate From dacy for Justice of the Corporations of Clark Co. nent At Reno Show in Statement on Opening of ^^^^;BnnkerYille. Washoe Connty Supreme Court -..'., : | Boostep.,120,987 September , ., Ifl Primary Campaign A very strong sentiment has devel­ Geo. Wingfield,' without doubt the Hon. B. F. Curler, of Elko, one of The tax commission has this year "There is every indication that the The formal announcement of John oped the past week in opposition to the busiest man in Nevada, unlike most the best known and highly respected boosted the assessed valuations of the state fair will prove one of the most Edwards Bray as candidate for re- demand of Bunkerville for $5,000 from business men, is able to find time to do attorneys of the state, has announced railroads and public service corporations successful ever held in the state,'' said nomination at the hands of bis fellow the general fund of the county for high his duty politically. In a statement his candidacy for the Republican nom­ within the state of Nevada to the ex­ Secretary W. D. Phillips of the Nevada Democrats for the office of state super­ school work tor that district. The made by Mr. Wingfield some months ination for justice of the supreme tent of more than five and a half mil­ State Agricultural Society this morn- intendent of schools at the September members of the county board of ago he expressed the sentiment that court. His official announcement ap­ lion dollars for {he year 1914 over the ing. primaries), appears in this issue of the education, with the exception of Mr. substantial business men should largely pears in another column of thia issue. year 1913. In 1013 the railroads of the "There are now about two score Journal. Darling who resides in Bunkerville, compose the next state legislature. The determination of Judge Curler to state were assessed on a valuation o* horses at the track and a number of State Superintendent Bray has served have awakened to tbe fact that the Candidates being slow in showing up, become a candidate will be received $43,389,604 and in 1914 the valuations other stables are coming. The course in that ofiice nearly four years now. proposed action would be exceedingly the business men as well as prominent with pleasure by many voters through­ are raised to $47,600,621, being an in­ is in the best possible shape and a num­ His advocacy on more practical work detrimental to the Clark county high Republicans of Reno put the matter out the state. Being a native of Nev­ crease for taxation purposes of $4,211.- ber of improvements are being made to in the schools throughout the state, bas school and that whatever benefit would fairly up to the busy man, -that be ada (the Judge was born in Churchill 017 for the railroads. the grounds. met the approval of the great body of be derived from the establishment of a should prove his faith by his works. county 48 years ago) it is especially The public service corporations with­ "The agricultural exhibit will proba­ the people, and wherever funds have second high school would inure entirely Although to spend 60 days attending a fitting that hia native state should in the state are raised $2,241,926 bly be the finest ever shown in the been obtainable for the work useful to the Bunkerville district and not at session of the legislature would involve honor him with a place upon the sup­ against which is offset a decrease of state. Already Lyon and Clark have commercial branches have been intro­ all to the county generally. The fact serious sacrifices on his part, Mr. reme bench. He has lived in the state of certain ones, principally Wells Fargo notified me that they will have county duced into the high schools, and manual that the contribution which the Bunk­ Wingfield accepted the challenge and all his life excepting the few years he Express company, which retired from exhibits, embracing every line of indus­ training, domestic science and the erville district makes to the county has declared himself for the Republican spent in California completing his edu­ this field the past year, of $768,288, try. The chamber of commerce of Elko elements or industrial art and agricul­ funds is very small and that practically nomination for state senator. cation. He is experienced in public leaving a net increase of $1,473,638. says that pressure is being brought to ture in the various grades. He declares the whole of the $5,000 sought to be Viewing this action in the light of matters, having been district attorney This added to the increase in the rail­ bear to have Elko county send in a these things as the beginnings of im­ given that district is contributed by his refusal to accept the office of of Esmeralda county in the years 1889- road assessment gives a total increase splendid exhibit. portant developments in public school property in other portions of tbe county United States senator to which he was 1894. This varied experience well fitted in these two items of $5,684,655. "A great many of the exhibits will be education in Nevada, the purpose of . which-iflLftlso. carrying pjtaeticaHy #>a appointed two years ago, one gets an Judge Curler for the office of district In. Clark county, the San Pedro, Los of such a nature that they may be kept which is more useful material and in­ whole burden of Clark county high TniTgbf IfitO the tstraracter of^Nevada's- judge of the HW-MHJ- judicial district, -A»*^lM.>ju^jg^jy^^e:jja^. is raised to show tourists during 1915. In fact, struction in the schools and better prep­ school is evident to all. richest and busiest man. It becomes then comprising the counties of Washoe from $2,243,170i in 1913 to $3,_S5,&_in th6 fair tttts year piuinises to be fehe-aration for life on tbe part of - the boy's Copies of the following petition have again apparent that Geo. Wingfield and Churchill, which he held for the 1914; the Moapa Valley branch from starter for a permanent exhibit of the and girls. IKs been circulated and signed by practical­ don't care to have anything handed to eight years from 1899 to 1907. Retiring $65,130 in 1913 to $194,400 in 1914; the products of Nevada."—Gazette. Superintendent Bray advocates great­ ly every voter and taxpayer to whom him on a silver platter, but that he is from the bench he took up the practice A. T. & S. I*, from $38,510 in 1913 to er facilities and opportunities for train­ presented. They will be presented to always ready to fight for whatever he of law in Reno. About three years.ago $40,600 in 1914, being an increase of ing Nevada boys and girls for teaching the board of county commissioners at thinks worth while. he moved.to the eastern portion of the $1,115,132. The Las Vegas & Tonopah Auto From Kingman in the schools of this state. He is a state for the practice of the law, hav­ the next meeting. road was reduced from $184,335 in 1913 W. F. Grounds arrived in Vegas warm supporter of the state university ing his home in Elko for the past two to $150,253 in 1914, a decrease of $34,082. from Kingman, Arizona, Friday. He and of all'its departments for the train­ To THE HONORABLE THE BOARD OF years. and making the net increase on the COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CLARK Improving is accompanied by his wife and three ing of teachers, including the summer railroads within Clark county $1,081,050. school. He has championed the eounty COUNTY,, NEVADA: E. W. Griffith has begun work on a Judge Curler is not only the lawyer children and they are traveling by and jurist, keen of mind and trained in The public service corporations in normal training schools, which 'in tbe We, the undersigned, citizens of porch to extend along tbe Second street automobile. Mr. Grounds came by the reasoning powers, but he is as well a Clark county receive increases amount­ way of Needles and reports the roads last three years have brought over the county of Clark, state of Nevada, frontage of his building. It will be a ing to $47,447 and decreases of $7,540, thirty capable Nevada young men and great improvement. kindly and companionable gentleman in very good condition. - hereby earnestly protest against the with a thousand ties of friendship bind­ being.a net increase of assessment of women into the successful teaching proposal to give $R,000 from the gener­ The party left yesterday afternoon ing him to the acquaintances of a life $39,907. Tbis added to the increase on for Goldfield. Tbey will return to force of this state. al county funds to the Bunkerville time scattered over the length and railroads makes the total net increase In conjunction with the department school district. We are opposed to said 3d. Because it is the duty of the Vegaa in a few weeks and will then breadth of the state.
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