Member of tfie Associalid Prist - CITY NEWS EDITION EVE LOOK 2 CENTS Eatabli.hed October 13, 1875 Each Day's Paper Better Than the Laai VOLUME UV, SANTA MONICA. CALIFORNIA. TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1929 NUMBER 161 QSBudget Indicates School Cost Increase UIIIUUMlUUlUUll UUIUIUllitllllUillU lllllllllllllllllllllltll JlMlCl l-zUlNVIJ MiiiiiiimniiHin* — uiiiiiiimiiiiitiiniUlllllllllllllllllllllil (iiiiuiiiiiiuuiiiiui _JUIIIIII_I__II | «„»,„«„«,„ ——UlllllllUiUUillUllili l iiimiiumiimiiiinti •i LINE ,S - ********** _. ___--__ _ — _-. —_ ___. __. _ __._— 0tata £?!/ ROBT. P. HOLLIDAY If you didn't read the sports page of the Outlook last even­ ing you missed a gem. We call your attention to It and sug­ BREAKWATER HOPES INCREASE llllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII gest that if you overlooked lllllllllllllllllllllll Roger Greene's column you Heads Teachers dig up Monday's issue and peruse the attack made upon Weber in him, which he so gallantly Pacific Electric Car Fare Raised published. Such attacks are always welcome in a newspa­ Awkward Pause Arises as Board per office. The staff always Conference reads them first and gets a Proposed Expenditures Fails to Approve Teacher Shift Round Trip good laugh and then we try, if they are not too scurrilous, to One of those awkward pauses In question wanted to make the On Harbor that are never recorded In the change. Martin replied that pass them on for the edifica­ minutes bat seem fall of signif­ they were witling and that It tion of the rest of the readers. For Coming Year Given icance came in last evening's had been "checked through" by Saving Cut The reason such letters are session of the Santa Monloa principals and supervisors for Gilbert Tells Cit3_ board of education when Su­ the last two weeks. Club Governor Not always welcome is very simple. perintendent Fred F. Martin There was more pause. Mrs. If a writer doesn't receive let­ recommended a shift of Carlisle said she could not see Influenced ters—good, bad, mild or indif­ four teachers from here to the need of harry. President In Statement to Board there and vice versa In the George Hart counseled approv­ To Nothing ferent—his boss soon comes to Judge Arthur A. Weber, physical education department. al, inasmuch as the changes the conclusion that his stuff is When he had quite folly ex­ were recommended by the su­ chairman of the breakwater so inane that no one reads it. Raise of 2-4 Cents in Tax Rate for High plained the changes proposed perintendent and had the o. k. Commutation Books association, ls in San Fran- Consequently he gets the sack the next In order was a motion of the supervlaor and princi­ Cisco today In conferenca School Among Items Listed; Matter Not to approve, bat Instead came pals. He couldn't see why an Remain Same; Sell fend a journalist who can com- Yet Definitely Settled the awkward pause. issue should be made of it. bat Monthly Pass with one of the foremost au** <mand the attention of the Ellet Harding smiled and Mrs. Carlisle Insisted that It thorltles ln California on mu­ public at large ls retained. Increases in the operating costs of the elementary and murmured something about was bettor to settle it satisfac­ Venice, Santa Monica and nicipal and public Improve­ the women of the board know­ torily now rather than allow ment laws, In reference to tha Estelle Lawton Lindsey, high school departments of the Santa Monica school system ing more about the teachers something to eome oat of It Culver City, and points on who so brilliantly holds forth are forecast in the budget figures studied by the members of than did the men of the board. later. lines running to those cities, breakwater bill now befor* on the woman's page of the the board at last night's meeting. They will be further con­ Thia seemed to pot the motion After still farther pause and Governor Young for signature. op to the women, bat Mrs. 1. B. are affected by a Pacific Elec­ Outlook, gets more letters sidered at a session of the board, Thursday afternoon. The stiU farther discussion the tric fare Increase ordered to­ The Santa Monica man hopes to Lorbeer said nothing. Mrs. Sam question went over until the gain the support of thla lawyer, who than any other member of the budget as amended or not amended, probably will be adopted Carlisle asked if the teachers Thursday session of the board. day by the state railroad com­ staff. She ls swamped every mission. ls regarded by the governor at a at that time. sound and impartial advisor. day. Many of these letters The kindergarten budget as proposed for next year is The explanation given for commend her, many condemn Judge Weber gave directors of tbo $21,600 less than last year, but this is due to a decrease in the Increase was one which Miss Caroline Lucy Judd, Santa Monica-Ocean Park Chamber her, but no matter what they rental paid to the elementary districts, under a ruling by the Municipal Bus System Is has been heard before, I.e., new president of the Santa say, her value to the paper is of Commerce a rather full report county offices. The total budget re that it is necessary ln order to Monica Classroom Teach­ of tbe activities ot officers of tbo maintain service on ita present in many ways gauged by the quirement for the kindergarten as ers' association. organization thus tar ln behalf of amount of attention she can Okeh, Committee Reports standard. tbe bill. Even if the governor command. proposed is $65,000. All round trip fares are increased should finally decide not to sign It, The amount held to be necessary on the entire P. E. system, and one Judge Weber told the directors that And that holds true for to meet expenditures for the ensu­ Say Circumstances Make Extension Into way fares to points beyond 12 •*•» the work done for the breakwater Roger Oreene, Charles S. War­ ing school year ln the elementary AMERICAN LEAGUE miles from the Los Angeles terminal wlU not be lost. Santa Moniea baa ren. Jim Fisher, or any of the schools is $498,000. For the year Juat At Boston— R H Los Angeles Inadvisable at Present are also raised. The one way fare Miss Judd Heads made Itself felt and bas brought to closing it -was $456,000. Increases in Detroit 003 001 001—6 7 Increase, however, does not affect the front with new force, be said, staff of the Outlook. We don't teachers' salaries, as provided for Boston 020 010 000—3 11 Time; Save Public Money communities in the Bay District. the great importance of acquiring want them to purposely insult in the graduated schedule, Superin­ Carroll and Phillips; MacFayden, ROUND TRIP more beach for public use. Gov­ people Just to get a letter ln tendent Martin stated, account for Russell and Berry. Santa Monica's municipal bus system has accomplished what it was RATE JUMPS Teachers' Group ernor Young has remarked to tho reply, but if in the course of $27,000 of the advance ln the total organized to do, is the finding of a report by a special committee of the Round trip fares to Santa Monica. committee of Santa Monlcans who Santa Monica-Ocean Park Chamber ot Commerce, presented at yester­ Ocean Park, Venice, Sawtelle, Cul­ waited on him last week that 11 their legitimate work some of for the year. Eight new or addi­ day's meeting of the board of directors in tbe Miramar Hotel. The ob­ Hold Election at Annual tional teachers are to be employed, Venice Men Seek ver City, and other points on the nothing comes from the breakwa­ our customers see fit to write jective of the bus business was to give Santa Monica residents transporta­ Meeting Yesterday ter bill that the etate park com­ discussion indicated. One cent in­ Connecting Highway tion to and from Los Angeles at a low rate of fare. system covering the Bay District, In, either praising or razzing crease in the tax rate on a basis are increased to twice the amount at Palisades mission may add to the playground Under existing circumstances the committee finds that lt would be areas in this section of the state by them, we shall be more than of a total valuation of $76,000,000 For the purpose of holding a con­ inadvisable to extend the Santa Monica bus lines into the downtown area of the one way fare, so that there proud. In fact we cannot help for the district ls the prospect. This ia no longer any advantage ln the Miss Caroline Lucy Judd was buying considerable stretches of ference with a committee from the of Los Angeles. The full report follows: beach sand. but think that a writer like is $6,000,000 more than the valua­ Santa Monica Chamber of Com­ Report of Special Committee on the purchase of a round trip ticket. This elected president of the Banta merce on selection of a route for ls said to represent an Increase of Monica Classroom Teachers asso­ GIVES ACCOUNT OF Roger Greene, who can com­ tion of last year. Matter of Extension of the Mn CALL ON HEARST a highway between Venice and nlclpal Bus System In the City of approximately five cents at most mand such a magnificent let­ V/-, CENT GAIN points. ciation at the annual business meet­ IN TAX RATE Santa Monica, Chairman Walter Santa Monica and Loa Angeles. Judge Weber also gave the direc­ ter as that published last Newcombe of the advisory board of Canal Order Commutation books for 30 and 60 ing and picnic of the organization In the high school district the Directors of Santa Monica-Ocean tors an account of bis caU yester­ •vening is worth more than he the Venice branch of the Los An­ rides will be sold at the present rate, late yesterday at the Pacific Palis­ day on WUliam Randolph Hearst, budget calls for an increase of two geles chamber, yesterday appointed Park Chamber of Commerce, prices on this form of transporta­ adee.
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