E I 5657 E/ CN.14/ 642 I ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA ANNUAL REPORT (24 February 1974 - 28 February 1975) VOLUME I (includes discussions and resolutions of the twelfth session/ third meeting of the Conference of Ministers) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: FIFTY-NINTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 10 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA ANNUAL' REPORT (24 February 1974 - 28 February 1975) VOLUME I (includes discussions and resolutions of the twelfth session/ third meeting · of the Conference of Ministers) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: FIFTY-NINTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 10 UNITED NATIONS New York • 1975 NOTE Symbols of the United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. United Nations docu• ments symbols which are preced~d by the designa• tion E I CN.14 I ... indicate that the documents are issued under the au spices of the Economic Commission for Africa • . E/ 5657 E I CN.l4/ 642 T.AilLE OF CONTENTS Paragraphs Page ABBREVIATIONS - vi INTRODUCTION · 1 1 PAR'r I WORK OF THE COMMISSION SINCE 24 FEBRUARY 1974: A. MATTERS THAT REQUIRE ACTION BY, OR ARE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COtTI~CIL 2 l ACTIVITIES OF STJBSIDIARY BODIES 3 l c. OTHER ACTiviTIES - 4 - 155 l Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples 5 - 6 l Agriculture - 7 - 18 2 Economic research and planning - 19 - 34 4 Eaucation and training 35 39 6 Human settlements 40- 46 7 Industrial development - 47 - 56 8 International trade 57 - 63 10 Natural resources 64 - 91 11 Po~·ti.£~tion Centre 92 - 101 15 Pul:5ii~t,"administration 102 105 16 ,•: I Public finance and financial institutions 106 - 110 17 Sci ~;nc.e: .·and t ech!io logy 111 115 17 Soci-~l-d:evelqpment 116 - 122 18 Stati'stics· 123 - 135 19 : ,, Transp9rt, .. communications and tourism 136 - 151 21 Conferences and meetings 152 23 D. THE AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEI~ AND PLANNING 153 - 155 23 - iii - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont 1 d) PART II Paragraphs Pa~e TlrJELFTH SESSION OF THE COMMISSION - THIRD MEETING OF T}E CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS A. ATTENDANCE AND ORGANIZATION OF lnJORK - 25 Opening of the meeting 156 25 Membership and attendance 157 - 163 25 Election of officers 164 26 AGENDA 165 26 ACCOUNT OF PROCEEDINGS 166 - 511 27 AMENDMENTS TO Tlill TERMS OF REFERENCE AND THE RULE OF PROCEDURE OF THE COMMISSION~ PARTICIPATION BY NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMISSION 192 - 193 31 MEMBERSHIP AND ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMISSION 194 - 195 32 REPORT BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE EXECDriVE COMMITTEE - 196 - 216 32 STAFF AND ADMINISTRAIJ.1IVE QUESTIONS - 217 - 228 35 MID-TERM REVIEVJ AND APPRAISAL OF AFRICAN. PERFORMANCE IN IMPLEMENTING THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY AND A REVIEW OF CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS AND POLICIES IN COill\ITRIES MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION REPORT BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS (a) Programme of work for the period 1974-1975 (b) Medium-term plan for the period i976-1979 (c) Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order MEASURES TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION, THE PROGRAMME OF ACTION AND THE RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE CONFERENCE OF DEVELOPING COu.t~TRIES ON RAvJ MATERIALS, HELD IN DAKAR IN FEBRUARY 1975 ARRANGEMENTS TO PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICAN COUNTRIES 1 TRADE, AND PARTICULARLY OF DIRECT INTRA­ AFRICAN TRADE - 229 - 497 38 RELATIONS BE~WEEN THE COI~~SSION AND OTHER INTER­ NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS - 498 - 5C5 80 INTERNATIONAL vJOMEN 1 S YEAR 506 - 508 82 DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT MEETING 509 82 REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL 510- 5ll 82 - iv - . TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cent 1 d) PART III RESOLUTIONS AND OTHER DECISION ADOPTED BY THE COl~ENCE OF IVIINISTERS AT ITS THIRD MEETING 83 Resolutions 253(XII) to 287(XII) 85 - 122 Other decision - 122 PART IV RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION BY THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL 123 PART V PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES: MEDIUM-TERM PLAN FOR 1976-1979* ANNEX I. MEETINGS OF SUBSIDIARY BODIES HELD DURING THE PERIOD UNDER Illi"'VIE\rJ 124 IIe LIST OF OTHER MEETINGS Alv.D TRAINING COURSES HELD DURING THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEH - 125 III. PUBLICATIONS AND PRINCIPAL DOCUMENTS ISSUED DURING. THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEw 128 * This part of the report is printed separately as volume II, document number E/CNol4/642/Add.lo -v- AB:BREVIA. TI01'S ACOSC.A. African Co-operative Savings and Credit Assocation ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific (countries) A:DB African l•evelopment Bank AID Agency for International Development (United States of America) ASlriEA Association for Social Work Education in Africa CAFRAD African Centre for Administrative Training and Research for Levelopment CILSS Permanent Inter-State Committee on Lrought Control in the Sahel CMF'..A Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ECA Economic Commission for Africa FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of,the United Nations IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDEP African Institute for Economic Development and Planning ILO International Labour Organisation IMCO Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization IMP International Monetary Fund ITU International Telecommunication Union OAU Organization of African Unity OECIJ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development STRC Scientific Technical and Research Corrmission U.DEA.C Central African Customs and Economic Union UNCTA.D United Nations Conference on Trade and Development TJNDP "Gnited Nations Development Prograffiffie UNEP United Nations Environment Programme "GNESCO United Nations Educational 7 Scientific and 0ultural Organization UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities l:""NICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization WARDA West African Rice Development Association WFP World Food_Programme lrHPO World Intellectual Property Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization .'i vi INTRODUCTION 1., The present annual report of the Economic Commission for Africa covers the period from 24 February 1974 to 28 February 1975.. V It will be submitted for the consideration of the Economic and 3ocial Council at its fifty-ninth session in accordance with paragraph 17 of the terms of reference of the Commission. ·PART I WORK OF THE COMMISSION SINCE 24 FEBRUARY 1974 A. MATTERS THA.T REQJIRE ACTION BY, OR ARE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION, OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL 2. At its twelfth sessionf the Commission adopted a resolution on the inclusion of Arabic among the working languages of the Commission (see part III below, resolution 253(XII )) and1 with the object •f enabling representatives of liberation movements recognized by the Organization of African Unity to participate in the activities of the Commission, a resolution amendingthe c~mmission's rules of procedure and a resolution concerning proposed amendments to the Commission's terms of reference (see part III below, resolutions 254(XII) and 255(XII)~ The Commission also approved a draft resolution for action by the Economic and Social Council (see part IV below) .. B.. ACTIVITIES OF SUBSIDIARY BO:DIE:l 3. :During the period from 24 February 1974 to 28 February 1975, the Commission organized meetings of the Executive Committee, the Technical Committee of Experts, the Conference of African :Demographers, the Co~~erence of African Planners and the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology :Development. A list of the meetings held by these bodiesi together with further information about their officers and their reports, is contained in annex I to this report .. C., OTHER ACTIVITIES 4o Under the programme of work of the Commission for the period 1973-1975 and in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the Conference of Ministers, the Commission carried out the following activitieso Implementation of the :Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples 5. In pursuance of General Assembly resolution 262l(XXV) and Economic and Social Council resolution 1892(LVII) on the implementation of the :Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the Co~ission amended its Rules of Procedure to enable liberation movements in A~ica to participate in its activities. Towards the same end 1 the Commission decided to forward to the Economic and Social Council, for action1 a draft resolution concerning amendmerrGs to the terms of reference of the Commission. 6. As far as direct assistance to liberation movements was concerned, the Commission prepared a programme c~vering rural development, education and training manpower planning and industry.. Agreement was being sought with OAU for the ini tiar­ tion of the programme as soon as funds became available .. I' l/. For the previous report of the Commission covering the period from 24 February 1973 to 23 February 19741 see Official Records of the Economic and Social Couricil-7 fifty-seventh session, Supplement No .. 8 (E/5471 )., - 2- 7, Tho activities of:CCA in the field of agriculture continued to be centered on the promotion of multinatio:ne.l co-oper~tion and the expansion of' intercountry trc.de in a,_:;ricul turc~.l products as a me:;.r.s of incre2.sing c:.gricultural product ion cmd i~E',rm income. Tl1e principal project executed by the Joint ECA/F£>.0 Agriculture Division in ti1at resl)ect rel .. ted to field work in Dahomey 1 Niger and Ni:seria to identify the basis of measures to promote co-operation ·for 2..gricultural development and ending with a general analysis applicable to other African countries. The grouping of the three countries provided an opportunity for assessing the relc1.tionship which could exist between coastal and land-locked countries c.md between small and L~.rge countries.
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