Senate Seleelect Com-- Rockefeller Headsds Sa Presidential Commlulon Rockxkeleller and C

Senate Seleelect Com-- Rockefeller Headsds Sa Presidential Commlulon Rockxkeleller and C

-----------.. .I - . ■ ,- B' f i' l l s i P ^ a^^LapgeuJEveni — ------^ ^ ^ .' : • •• '~1 ' I C f IvinWul«utar . ^ -"T l i t y e o r ■ . TWItVIN FAILS, IDAHO, WEDNESIlESDAY, JUNE 4 .1 9 7 5 15* MrrUrODMHlirtry ................................ ••' " J E s id e is n c e tilli i m iB B E jf l e > / WASHINGTONWi (UPI) Franknk Church, tlvlty.'.’, ■ . ChiChurch said he was referring to statemementsby Republic, both of whichUchoccurrcdlnl96l. ( r ’ /A D-Idaho, chalnnan of a Senate Seleelect Com-- Rockefeller headsds sa presidential commlulon Rockxkeleller and C. Douglas Dlllonlon, vice He said he prefersrs lo withhold further com- . | m ittee in v e stig a tin g .th e C entral In(<[ntelllgence that Is finishing upp ilsHi five month Invcstigotlon . chairlalrman of the commission, whichI ItIn effcct ment until he sees the RockefellerF Commission Agency.-today ’said there is evldenanee to lm- , oftheCIAandreleasleasing a 3S0i)agc report on lU absol>solved th e CIA ot any grav e m isdeeds.ds. : report. - - « plicateUrt agfeney wm urderplots.- -----------------------nndlngsthlsweekeiid:6iid.---------------- ----------------- ------------"1-"rdm orregBrd-murdcr'plotsTis-iis - a m inor--------•'B ui'li la clc arK nrme'thaiThe n e'i statem entsthus-^H i in briw --— IChurch 8tron^y_crltlc^^rem arka rk s m a d e " I h av e been cohc<ohcemed aboul the apparent mananner," Church said, emphasizingIg h c w as fa r cre ate an im presssli^ l o n regarding th e subject . jl •• MonMonday' by "Vico 1*resldcnf Nell^elsoh' A, altempt of certainI mim em bers of. th e R ockefeller . lalkl:ilklngTjr*plotsinthcplaral;“-r- ------------------------------ of-assasslnalten-atene-iene-lhat-<an’t-bft-JustllMi^!----------X Rockefeller-thal.tb&-CIA..was.gullty-ty.ol some— Commission lo-lead.!ad-tho-public-to-belleve-lhBt --------<SIurch-sal(l-hc*wg5-speaW^^o^cvtdvtdence-^Jf— Church saldr^*l-am-sui Wyoming crash kllU WeWells n a n .. uiegillegal acts but “they are not major."' any misdeeds of thethe CIA were minor and thal CIAlA assasslnalloni plots, nol reports. effort to dismiss orr mlminimize this. II would be iJ , “In due course, our commiltce willwl make the agency has beeneen relatively without guilt." He said his commlltee "has heareard from quite wrong to criticizeIclze the report Itself. It may - ,-] *aei E. Christensen,-Wells. EVANSTON, Wyo. IUPI) - M ldlit neccsury disclosures,” Church said,id, "I think Church said. seve!veral witnesses arid will hear fromI m o re and d eal with subJecU In susuch a way a s'to elim inate ^ Niv.: *«J BUed T«Jii«r In a cur^rudruckCoUlslonat^'deKmron the 'committee has heard enough and lhe "I do not know’ whatwh the Rockefeller report induI due course the a c t^ U be disclosed."J." anybaslsforcritlclsm.'Ism ." ' IiilOTUlelOtwhere. tlieW jora|n^li^lgliwayPalwJsalil --- Rc^Kefeller Commission Itself has hearcard enough will coticlude.-J am referring to statements ChurchCti declined lobt^drawn out on reports Church was conven)ivening his committee later . ... j oft*of this evidence lo substantiate my slatjlatement. made In advanceice of the report. These llnkinking the CIA specifically with thee kkilling of today after a holidayiday recess lo question CIA .“ M urder plots a rc not a m inor m aliter tte and th e sta te m en ts relate'clc;clearly lo th e Ira n g re sslo n s o f . bne-iiie-lline Congo Pre m ie r P a tric e Lumn ur um ba a n d D irector WUliam EE. QColby, who will be making - • 't\ c iA Pol planis lound; TF rnnmanchfci»tfca CIA h ^ b e c n Im plicated In this kindkin of ac- theCIA." • ■ ■ , Presruldent Rafael Tnijlllo of the DothinlcanDo his fourth appearanceance before that body under -' -■ o a th . TWIN, FA lii - Jack Ew ip!?,'ar. MTrVfin Falls, has been — charged by Twfn F a lls County o ltlcc:c rs w ith the m anufacture of L a coM nll^ nibstance. OfOcera Mid Elsinger was arrestire s te d a fte r 179 m arijuana Bank plahEsw^owran^ rroifrom'fl'dlicJnirfffannneld— ----------- ’ north^of^Falis. The defcndent requested a prclpreliminary hearing when *| arraigned In.maglstrate court. He-hile-has-been released on 5500 heist1 ^ - p p o i n t e d ' VASHJNGTON (UPl) - f l R ear a r Adm. Klnnlard R. p^ r o K e d ^ ‘ McKee;Kee, 45, has been appointed M. superlijerlntendcnt of the U.S. HAGERMANH - In- N avalival Academy at Annopolls, vestigationvest ts continuing today 1. - - - - - intoin lo the armed robbery. ricKee-' becomes the TuesdayTuei morning at the Idaho youngfungest superintendent In th e StateStati Bank In which a lone r, '.'M acaderademy’s hlslo^. He is gunmangum fled with more than presenesently commander o f'a' ’ i|i;o( i : o o ( i r ~ ----------------------------------------- ..;Bubm£bmarlne group attached IdentityId of the leller andthe lo thithe SUth Fleet In the exactexai amount ot money are MedIUedlterranean. b^ngb<^r withheld by the FBI. ■ ■■ acciaccording to Jolm Bums. -------------------------------- -- ----------- 5P^>edaljgcnlin.Bullc_M « ont________ ............. ;___________ ' • —— ' . r ? plcklJSF.16 ^ Hc said theligcncy fe«vlt Is Belginm hints ll will pti best nol fo Identify the t^ler— ■ BRUMELS (UPD— The Belgianglan-govemment -Bnnounced — -becibecause jof - the- possibilUy; of----------- lbelbec-lbiLUnlledJlales.or__..jeofjeopardijUng a fututftWilMM^_______ — -BBABUTANIWafld ’ Fra n ce wUI win the 12 blHioa” a rmisdealofthecentury," s de - Tl*^0 i\gent said law en- - .dr«w to oew podtiom m u 1 Uo-Tlndamans aU.buL.con- fq»torcement officers would .' fi • ■■■ firmed what Informed sources5 hihad been saying .-that appappreclaie intormallon from " I s r a f ^ aarn io i’ n*wi/es ( out:..■ ''-‘Iw e te puDwl b M k 18 1 ^ n U a d fli ool America's General Dynamics F1616 Ifighter will win over the anyoneany oVHagerman Main ebmpletad today, ooe day b tte o tb StreetS tn shortV aner 10 a.m. Jsi«epeoad. (Story, p .i)(U I^' French Mirage Ft. ... ' - ■ ' ■ _ -----------Tu<Tuesday-wbo Happened lo see "- • ' ■ ' 'i BBui^ refiB^}^^ • a ' ' '- ■' • ^ Economic crisis oustsli F i n n c a b i n e t on .whether offl^s had lm il5 h -ccalltk m -g o v em n » n t---------jJJ(-ta to -rc a r« r-n o trR o « B )lo e lu i----------- headed by Social E>emocrat P rcm:m ic l^ Kalevi Sorsa resigned were, set up with stat^aiid _ >ew govettim ienTwwildenable ...... loSayln IHaTeleclfon'ofa iiew; Munly offTceS Tuesday bui so intelUniice agencies that, CN.Y.Tl^esServlce EnforcementEr Assistance of Hs plan, and a t least one infiinformatlmqrslem because It .inte the country to combat Finland's steisteadily worsening economic far the suspect' has not been ' exdianged informatiea with WASHINGTON - An , Administration, made WhWhite House official has fallfails to guard the privacy of exd crisis. fou(o u n d .. " Ai available to the New York ‘ regregistered a complaint about a mitllbns'ml of tarmei^ and the)IbeDefenaeDepartment.-'. v ^___The government a greed to continutlnue In a caretaker capacity “We know who was In the 58®agency wllhitf the Justice av; iTimes—Tucsday;r:ltrxechoed.---rttcrecenh-;Justiee~I}epartffieclr=^ unin new elections can be herd! TJanEi”bar Burris'sald. ''and have' D^artment- ha*- denounced = a ^ T ii plan by the Fediu^l.Bui'cau nf .. similarsir complaints from the. actionact lh a t he said appeared to nainames are contained: in tbe ^rig Informationlnf( from them, but It P*®' 1960s. either bad-:b(BeO. Inve8tlgatlon_ for expanded WhileWl House Office of puipush the bureau closer lo Its agiag«K7't«l8ttngfilM. 196( m aay be som e deliv ery m an o r . ; '^hV destroyed-orawalled-.^rdiBl - : eommurilcatlons and ‘ rccord- Tclecommunicaliohs:Tc Policy, -In:-I a third development. - <lest w om an shipping sa w som eone - !orde8tn>etloft.bulihiM 4»‘wa»,^‘^--^ kcep>goh"lHe'KuHdthat tfie' ’thlhe-DomestIc"Councll’^ IIn a second development DeputyDe "Defense Secretary'-lori Fresh shooting oulbreireak rocks Belrnt running,". “rdaUvely certain" thfr-4h - . ' compulerizcd system might CommitteeCo on Privacy,* and concerningcor federal computers. DavidDa Cooke told a House “rd T h e suspect Is described as a '; Government Operations fortformatioa bad been escbanged ' - BEIRUT IU P I)- Warring polltlctItlcal factions traded bullets, lead to f^eral control of the theihi Chairmen of bolh the House the General Accounting Office . Go t’s suburbs today,-crumbling . C aucasian m ale. 2S to 30 years w ith oth e r agCBCtessu c h M tb e - ' rocketi and mortar fire in Beirut’s s police. • andan Senate Constitutional haihas recommended , thiit the sutsubcommittee Tuesday thal wlU old, slender build and belween FBI. the Centra! InM llg^ -' : the shaky cease^flre thal had lempornporarlly reslor^ calm after The blunt criticism of the RightsRl subcommittees. AgAgriculture Department bc doidossiers the Army had com- FBI 5 feel 8 lo 10 Inches lall, J l Agency aiid the National' weeksofvlolence. F B I from a s is te r agency In thb Dc^lte1 the wide opposition, pnprohibited from going ahead piledpit bn Vietnamese-war Age w eighing betw een 155 and 165 - Security Agency. < No casualties were reported,IniBeihe nghilrtg;c€mered around Justice Department was made theth' . F B I . reportedly Is still wiiwith iU $398 million eight-year ppro n testo rs and other dissidents S e c pounds, J*" .. (OootimMdoDp.2) suburban Chlah and Eln Rum nuneh,«h.lhoarcasmostaffectcdby i ~ aggressively seeking approval pitplan to develop a computer mlmight still exist In federal Bums said the gunman In a 19-page report of the Law ag two weeks«I.QghUng betw ^P alestileslinlan guerrillas and rlghj- reportedly handed a woman wing mllltlamen-lhathas lefl 138S de ad and m ore than 300 in* ' leller a note demanding money -J u re d ------ :------------^ ^ ----------- ; ....................

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