okf”kZd fjiksVZ 2013-2014 Annual Report-2013-2014 vuqØef.kdk@CONTENTS ifjp;@Introduction 4-10 if'pe {ks= lkaLÑfrd dsUnz@West Zone Cultural Centre 4 ckxksj dh gosyh@Bagore Ki Haveli 6-8 lg xfrfof/k;k¡@Co-Activities 9-10 f'kYixzke@Shilpgram 11-12 ikjaifjd esys o mRlo@Traditional Fairs & Festivals 13 jaxk;u@Rangayan 14-16 f'kYixzke ifjlj@Shilpgram Campus 17-23 uwiqj@Nupur 24 cky izo`fÙk;k¡@Children Activities 25-26 jk"Vªh; mRlo ,oa izn'kZfu;k¡@National Festivals & Exhibitions 27-31 yksd dyk o f'kYi mRlo@Folk Art & Craft Festivals 32 fp=dkj lekxe@Painters Meet 33 QksVksxzkQh dk;Z'kkyk@Photography Workshop 34 laLÑfr ;k=k&if'pekyki@Sanskriti Yatra-Paschimalap 35-38 yksd jax@Lok Rang 39 ne.k mRlo@Daman Festival 39 nho mRlo@Diu Festival 39 ckxksj dh gosyh xfrfof/k;k¡@Bagore Ki HAveli Activities 39-40 ;qok izfrHkk dyk iqjLdkj@Young Talent Artist Awards 40 fujUrj pyus okyh xfrfof/k;k¡@Ongoing Activities 41 izys[ku ,oa izdk'ku@Documentation & Publications 42 cSBdsa@Meetings 43 okf"kZd xfrfof/k;k¡@Annual Activities 44-50 lfefr;ksa ds ekuuh; lnL;x.k@Hon'ble Members of Various Committees 51-54 dsUnz ds vf/kdkjh o deZpkjh@Staff of WZCC 54-55 vads{k.k izfrosnu@Audit Reports 56-64 ckxksj]dh gosyh ifjp; INTRODUCTION f'pe {ks= lkaLÑfrd dsUnz ,d iathÑr laLFkk gS] ftldh LFkkiuk 1986 esa dh xbZA ifjpe {ks= lkaLd`frd dsUnz bl dsUnzi dh LFkkiuk if'peh {ks= jktLFkku] xqtjkr] egkjk"Vª] xksok o dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k neu] nho o nknjk West Zone Cultural Centre uxj gosyh esa lkaLÑfrd jpukRed fodkl] izn'kZudkjh est Zone Cultural Centre is a registered society dykvksa] pk{kq"k dykvksa] lkfgfR;d dk;Z] ikjEifjd yksd o Westablished during 1986. The Cultural Centre is set up tutkfr dykvksa ds mUu;u o laj{k.k ds fy, dh xbZA to provide facilities for the creative development of performing lkaLÑfrd dsUnzksa dh LFkkiuk dk mís'; lkaLÑfrd arts, visual arts, literary work, folk, traditional and tribal art fojklr dks can n'kZd nh?kkZvksa dh ctk; fofHkUu lkaLÑfrdf orms in the Western region of India in the States of Rajasthan, laLFkkvksa ds lg;ksx ls ns'k ds djksM+ksa yksxksa rd igq¡pkuk gSAGujar at, Maharashtra, Goa and the Union territories of Daman, Diu and Dadra Nagar Haveli. From the limited audience of a dsUnzksa dh LFkkiuk yksxksa dh lgHkkfxrk ,oa lkaLÑfrd closed auditorium, these Centres are intended to outgrow into iquthZou rFkk {ks= dh yqIr izk;% dyk o f'kYi 'kSfy;ksa dk cultural organisations for the teeming millions of India as its izys[ku djus ds fy;s dh xbZ gSaA audience. There is a definite emphasis on people's if'pe {ks= lkaLÑfrd dsUnz bl {ks= esa fofHkUu participation & cultural rejuvenation besides documentation of LFkkuksa ij QSyh dykvksa ds fodkl rFkk izksRlkgu ds fy, vanishing art & crafts of the region. WZCC strives hard to dM+k ifjJe dj jgk gS rFkk ;= r= QSyh Hkkjr dh le`)dev elop and promote the rich diversities and uniqueness of the various art forms prevalent in the Zone to upgrade, lkaLÑfrd fojklr ls yksxksa dks ifjfpr djkus ds fy;s disseminate and enrich consciousness among the people about psruk tkx`r dj jgk gSA bu mís';ksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, dsUnzIndia's rich cultural heritage. To achieve these objectives, fofHkUu jkT;ksa] dsUnzh; vdknfe;ksa o Lo;alsoh laLFkkvksa ds various programmes & activities are organized at village level, lg;ksx ls xzkeh.k Lrj] rglhy] ftyk] jkT; Lrj] vUr%{ks=taluk a level, district level, state level, inter and intra-zonal level o cká {ks= rFkk lEiw.kZ Hkkjr esa fofHkUu dk;ZØe ,oa throughout the country in collaboration with various State, lkaLÑfrd xfrfof/k;ka lapkfyr dj jgk gSA if'pe {ks= Central Academies and voluntary organisations. The office of lkaLÑfrd dsUnz dk dk;kZy; ,sfrgkfld ckxksj dh gosyh] the West Zone Cultural Centre is located in the historical Bagore mn;iqj esa fLFkr gSA ki Haveli. 4 5 ifjp; INTRODUCTION f'pe {ks= lkaLÑfrd dsUnz dks jktLFkku ljdkj i n the year 1986, Government of Rajasthan handed us o"kZ 1986 esa ,sfrgkfld ckxksj dh gosyh dks over the historical Bagore ki Haveli to West Zone dsUnz dk eq[;ky; cukus ds fy, lkSaikA ckxksj dh gosyh I fiNksyk >hy ds fdukjs x.kxkSj ?kkV ij fLFkr gS] tgka ls tx Cultural Centre to set up its headquarters. Bagore ki fuokl ¼vc ysd iSysl gksVy½ ,oa tx eafnj Li"V fn[kkbZ nsrs Haveli is located on the Gangaur Ghat on the banks of gaSA bl gosyh dk fuekZ.k o"kZ 1751 ls 1778 rd egkjk.kk Lake Pichola, overlooking Jag Niwas (now hotel Lake izrkiflag f}rh;] jktflag] vjh flag o gehj flag ds 'kklu Palace) & Jag Mandir. It was built by Shri Amar Chand Bagore dky esa esokM+ ds iz/kkuea=h jgs Jh vej pan cMok us djok;k Badwa, who was the Prime Minister of Mewar from 1751 Jh vej pan cMok dh e`R;q ds i'pkr ;g gosyh esokM+ jkT; to1778 during the regimes of Maharanas Pratap Singh-II, ds 'kkgh ifjokj ds vkf/kiR; esa vk xbZA blds ckn ;g gosyh Raj Singh, Ari Singh and Hamir Singh. After the death of egkjk.kk ds HkkbZ egkjktk ukFk flag ds vf/kdkj esa vkbZ] Amar Chand Badwa, the edifice came under the domain Ki rRi'pkr esokM+ 'kkgh ifjokj esa ckxksj fBdk.kk ,d egRoiw.kZ of Mewar state royal family. Maharana's brother LFkku cu x;kA blds ckn ckxksj ds fBdk.ks dk eqf[k;k Maharaj Nath Singh occupied the Haveli and with that egkjkt dgykus yxkA tc dHkh 'kkgh ifjokj esa iq#"k Bagore Thikana became a very important place in the Haveli mÙkjkf/kdkjh ugha gksrk Fkk rc esokM+ 'kklu dks pykus ds fy, Mewar royal family. The chief of Bagore Thikana was ckxksj dh gosyh ls yM+dksa dks xksn fy;k tkrk FkkA hereafter called Maharaj. o"kZ 1828 ls 1884 dh vof/k esa ckxksj fBdk.ks ls pkj egkjk.kk ljnkj flag] Lo:i flag] 'kEHkw flag Whenever the royal family was left with no male heir to succeed, boys o lTtu flag xksn fy;s x;s ftudk cpiu o were adopted from Bagore ki Haveli to succeed the Mewar throne. tokuh ckxksj dh gosyh ds pkSd o xfy;kjksa esa Between 1828 and 1884, four Maharanas of Mewar namely, Sardar chrkA egkjkt ukFk flag ds ckn xn~nh ij cSBs Singh, Swaroop Singh, Shambhu Singh and Sajjan Singh were adopted egkjkt Hkhe flag us fiNksyk ds fdukjs x.kxkSj from Bagore Thikana who had spent their entire childhood & youth ?kkV dk fuekZ.k djok;k] tgk¡ ij izfro"kZ pS= playing in the numerous chowks & corridors of Bagore ki Haveli. ¼ekpZ@viszy½ ekg esa x.kxkSj mRlo euk;k tkrk gSA egkjk.kk lTtu flag ¼1874&1884½ vafre Maharaj Bhim Singh who succeeded Maharaj Nath Singh built the 'kkld Fks ftudks ckxksj fBdk.ks ls xksn fy;k Fkk] Gangaur Ghat on Lake Pichola, which became the venue of annual mUgksusa muds firk egkjkt Jh 'kfDr flag dks Gangaur Festival celebrated in Chaitra (March/April) every year. ckxksj dk ekfydkuk gd buke esa nsdj 'kfDr Maharana Sajjan Singh, (1874-1884) the last one to be adopted from flag th dks ckxksj dk izeq[k cuk fn;kA Bagore Thikana, awarded the ownership of Bagore to his father Maharaj Shri Shakti Singh and made him chief of Bagore. In 1878, Maharaj Shakti Singh built the palace with exquisite glass inlay work on the tripolia (three arch gates) at Gangaur Ghat. 6 7 gkjk.kk 'kfDr flag dh e`R;q ds i'pkr] ckxksj fBdk.ks esa e fter the death of Maharaj Shakti Singh, the thikana fdlh Hkh iq#"k mÙkjkf/kdkjh ds ugha gksus ds dkj.k ckxksj Aof Bagore was resumed by the Mewar State, since fBdk.ks ij esokM+ jkT; dk vkf/kiR; gks x;kA egkjk.kk Qrg flagthere was no male descendent to succeed Bagore ¼1884&1930½ us ckxksj dh gosyh dks ß[kkylkÞ ?kksf"kr djds bls Thikana. Maharana Fatehsingh (1884-1930) declared esokM+ jkT; esa feyk fn;kA muds mÙkjkf/kdkjh egkjk.kk Hkwiky Bagore ki Haveli 'Khalsa' and merged it with the state flag th ¼1930&1955½ us bl gosyh dk iquZfuekZ.k djok;k rFkk of Mewar. His successor, Maharana Bhupal Singh (1930- bls 'kkgh ifjokj ds Bgjus ds fy, r`rh;&Js.kh ds foJkfUr x`g esa1955), renovated this haveli and converted into grade III ifjofrZr fd;kA vktknh ds ckn jktLFkku ljdkj us bl gosyh Guest House, where royal guests were accommodated. dks jkT; ljdkj ds deZpkfj;ksa ds fuokl ds fy, mi;ksx esa After Independence, the Government of Rajasthan fy;kA yxHkx pkyhl o"kZ rd gosyh ds j[k j[kko ij /;ku ughaused the building for housing government employees. fn;s tkus ds dkj.k ;g ttZj voLFkk esa igqap xbZA For nearly 40 years, the Haveli's condition deteriorated to a deplorable extent without any maintenance during o"kZ 1986 esa tc if'pe {ks= lkaLÑfrd dsUnz dk xBu gqvk rks which the damage & neglect went unchecked. jkT; ljdkj us ckxksj dh gosyh dks dsUnz dk eq[;ky; LFkkfir djus ds fy;s lkSaikA bl gosyh dks ftlesa 138 d{k] cjkens o dbZWhen West Zone Cultural Centre was formed in 1986, xfy;kjs gSa] dks Bhd djuk cgqr dfBu dk;Z FkkA bl ,sfrgkfldthe Government of Rajasthan handed over Bagore ki gosyh dh izkekf.kdrk o LFkkiR; 'kSyh dks /;ku esa j[krs gq;s Haveli to set up its office headquarters.
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