ACTA ICHTHYOLOGICA ET PISCATORIA (2013) 43 (4): 307–314 DOI: 10.3750/AIP2013.43.4.08 MEDITERRANEAN FISH— GAMMOGOBIUS STEINITZI BATH, 1971 (ACTINOPTERYGII: PERCIFORMES: GOBIIDAE)—A NEW REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BLACK SEA ICHTHYOFAUNA Oleg A. KOVTUN 1* and Leonid G. MANILO 2 1 Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University , Department of Hydrobiology and General Ecology, Hydrobiological Station, Odessa, 65058 Ukraine 2 National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 01601 Ukraine Kovtun O.A., Manilo L.G. 2013. Mediterranean fish— Gammogobius steinitzi Bath, 1971 (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Gobiidae)—a new representative of the Black Sea ichthyofauna. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 43 (4): 307–314 . Abstract . Gammogobius steinitzi Bath, 1971, a goby species endemic to the Mediterranean Sea, was observed for the first time in the Black Sea in marine caves of western Crimea (Tarkhankut, Ukraine). A description of the morphological and ecological characteristics is given on the basis of the analyses of 5 specimens. The morpho - logical and ecological characteristics of the Black Sea specimens do not differ from the Mediterranean ones . Keywords: Tarkhankut, marine caves, Gobiidae, Steinitz’s goby, new record, morphological characteristics Gobiidae is one of the most numerous families of the Black Sea (Kovtun and Pronin 2011, Kovtun 2012) and order Perciformes. It has at least 1950 valid species, rep - Discoveries of rare species, which were described for resenting 210 genera. Gobiids are distributed in tropical the Black Sea but their presence was considered doubtful and temperate latitudes of the northern and southern (Manilo 2008–2009, Kovtun 2013). Morphological and hemispheres from the intertidal zone to a depth of 200 m ecological characteristics of these fish have not yet been (Nelson 2006). In terms of the number of species, gobies described in the scientific literature. represent 10%–12% of the Mediterranean ichthyofauna The main purpose of this paper is to describe external (Quignard and Tomasini 2000, Manilo 2011). Over the morphological features of the Steinitz’s goby, last decade, as a result of comprehensive research in all Gammogobius steinitzi Bath, 1971—newly identified by regions of the oceans, the number of representatives of the present authors in the Black Sea, inhabiting marine this family has greatly increased. caves of Cape Tarkhankut (the Black Sea, western In the Black Sea, there are 30 species and sub-species Crimea, Ukraine). of gobies, comprising about 17% of the marine ichthy - Fish sampling from marine caves of the western ofauna (Manilo 2011). A number of representatives of Crimea was performed within June and August of three Mediterranean ichthyofauna have appeared in the coastal consecutive years (2010, 2011, and 2012). During the zone of the Crimea during the last ten years, which has led study period five specimens of Gammogobius steinitzi to an increase in the specific diversity of the Gobiidae were captured. family in the Black Sea (Boltachev and Yurahno 2002, The fish were caught with a small landing net, while Boltachev et al. 2009, Boltačëv et al. 2010, Boltačëv and diving in the caves and were fixed in 10% formalin solu - Karpova 2010). tion. Due to the small size of the specimens, all measure - All gobies in the Black Sea, that have been studied, are ments were performed using an electronic callipers (to the inhabitants of open coastal waters. The composition of nearest 0.1 mm) under a binocular dissecting microscope underwater caves and grotto ichthyocenoses—an element (MBS-9). Additionally, meristic counts were performed. of the shelf zone along the coast of the Crimea—have For a clearer display of genipore rows, the front part been poorly studied to date. The presently reported study of the goby body was first thoroughly washed to remove has been encouraged by: the fixing liquid; it was then immersed into 50% solution Recent discoveries of small, rare goby fish in under - of azure-eosin and dried gently. The usage of this dye water caves previously not recorded from Ukraine and the greatly facilitated genipore counting. * Correspondence: Dr. Oleg A. Kovtun, [ Ковтун Олег Олексійович, канд. біол. наук, доцент ] Кафедра гідробіології та загальної екології, Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, Гідробіологічна станція, Шампанський провулок , 2, Одеса, Odessa, 65058 Ukraine, phone: +38 (067) 7501013, e-mail: (OAK) [email protected] ; (LGM) [email protected] . 308 Kovtun and Manilo The location and proper labelling of the cephalic later - of the upper jaw, o = horizontal diameter of the eye, al line canals with pores of small and large, transverse and po = postorbital distance from the rear edge of the eye to longitudinal genipore rows, were presented in accordance the upper corner of the gill operculum, pro = preorbital dis - with the work of Sanzo (1911) and Miller (1986). tance (the shortest distance on the side of the head between We filmed our underwater explorations with a 3CCD the upper lip and the eye), io = interorbital distance. video camera Sony TRV900e, after which colour photo- The following meristic characters were also calculat - images and data on the behaviour and ecology of the ed: D1 = the number of rays in the first dorsal fin, D2 = the species were analysed. To define and clarify identification number of rays in the second dorsal fin, A = the number of the fish to species level, we used a number of taxonom - of rays in the anal fin, P = the number of rays in the pec - ic keys and other published sources. The principal ones toral fin, V = the number of rays in the ventral fin; Squ = were Bath (1971), Miller (1986), Kovačić (1999, 2008), the number of longitudinal rows of scales, TR = the num - Scsepka and Ahnelt (1999). ber of transverse rows of scales. The following symbols and abbreviations were used: GOBIIDAE TL = total body length, SL = standard body length, Gammogobius steinitzi Bath, 1971 H = height of the body to the base of the first dorsal fin, Material examined. Ichthyological collection of the h = height of the caudal peduncle, hA = height of the body Zoological Museum of the National Museum of Natural at the beginning of anal fin, aD 1 = distance from the History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, beginning of the upper lip to the base of the first dorsal No. 9261, 5 specimens. (♀ 2, ♂ 3), Ukraine, Crimea, fin, aD 2 = distance from the upper lip to the base of the Chernomorsky district, Cape Tarkhankut, “Maly Atlesh”, second dorsal fin, aP = distance from the upper lip to the marine karst caves, Black Sea, 08.2012, landing net , col - beginning of the pectoral fin, aV = distance from the lector O.A. Kovtun. upper lip to the base of the ventral sucker, aA = distance Description . Body elongate and slightly compressed lat - from the upper lip to the beginning of anal fin, aa = dis - erally (Fig. 1). Anterior part of body (including all head) tance from the beginning of the upper lip to the anus; mostly scaleless. Small part of middle and posterior body pD = distance from the base of the second dorsal fin to the covered with ctenoid scales. Several rows of cycloid base of the middle caudal fin rays, lD 1 = length of the base scales located at base of pectoral fin and on ventral side of the first dorsal fin, hD 1 = height of the first dorsal fin, towards anus. Head large, somewhat pointed, constituting lD 2 = length of the base of the second dorsal fin, ≤32.6% SL. Anterior end of head compressed in dorso- hD 2 = height of the second dorsal fin, lA = length of the ventral plane. Head width (from beginning of gill opercu - base of the anal fin, hA = height of the anal fin, lP = length lum along dorsal side) approximately equal to its height. of the pectoral fin, lp с = length of the caudal peduncle Back muscles extending to posterior edge of eye. Lower from the vertical end of the anal fin to the base of the mid - jaw protruding; eyes large, oval, shifted to upper profile dle caudal fin rays, lV = length of the ventral sucker, of head, and positioned close to each other (Fig. 2a). Front V-an = length of the belly from the base of the ventral suck - Nostrils short, tubular, not reaching upper lip in pressed er to the anus, c = length of the head from the start of the position and without outgrowths from rear edge. Rear upper lip to the upper corner of the vertical gill operculum, nostrils rounded, larger than front ones. Interorbital dis - wc = head width on the spin between the beginning of the tance very narrow, constituting 3.3 %–4.4% of head length gill slits, hc = height of the head through the centre of the or 11.4 %–15.6% of eye diameter (Fig. 2a). Corners of eye, Hc = height of the head at the end of the gill opercu - mouth ending under front part of eye. Snout length small - lum, r = length of the snout from the beginning of the upper er than eye diameter and constituting 23.7 %–27.0% of lip to the front edge of the eye, lmx = length of the branch head length. Eye diameter slightly larger then snout A B Fig. 1. Gammogobius steinitzi from a marine cave in western Crimea, Cape Tarkhankut, Ukraine; underwater photo - graph in a cave (depth of 5 m); A ♀, B ♂ (please note that the fish lives on the ceiling of the caves, in an up-side- down position with its belly facing the ceiling) Gammogobius steinitzi new to Black Sea ichthyofauna 309 length, representing 27.1 %–29.5% of head length. Mouth The papillae rows 1, 2, 3, and 4 are placed in front of longi - large, sloping upwards.
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