Eolaire Pobail Iarthuaisceart Dhún na nGall North West Donegal Community Directory Covering the districts of Derryveagh, Gaoth Dobhair, Fintown and the Rosses 1 2 Réamhrá Bunaíodh Líonra um Thacaíocht Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh an Iarthuaiscirt go luath i 2019 le tacaíocht ón Roinn um Chosc, Chomhpháir%ocht agus Thacaocht Teaghlaigh i Tusla. T$ ceithre lonra comhchos'il (ile sa chontae. Bailonn na lonra seo na Seirbhs Pobail agus Reacht'la i gceantar geografach a mbonn ag obair le p$is%, daoine ga agus a dteaghlaigh le ch(ile. I ngach aon lonra bonn ionadaithe na scoileanna, seirbhs ige, seirbhs sl$inte, seirbhs um thacaocht teaghlaigh, seirbhs um ch'ram leana, An .arda Soch$na agus Tusla chomh maith le go leor seirbhs pobail $i/'la at$ lonnaithe sa cheantar. Is ( aidhm an lonra n$ cinn/' go bhfuil baill an lonra uilig ar an eolas faoi na seirbhs at$ ar f$il sa cheantar chun tacaocht a shol$thar do ph$is%, daoine ga agus teaghlaigh. Ba ( ceann de na priomhspriocanna i mbunadh na Lonra n$ cinn/' nach mbeadh 0doras contr$ilte 0 ar bith roimh teaghlaigh agus iad i mbun tacaocht a chuart'. Cuirtear seo i gcrch frd an tuiscint at$ forbartha ag achan uile dhuine mar ionada ar an Lonra faoi na tacaochta at$ ar fail. Is ioma seirbhs sa Lonra at$ oilte 1eitheal a shol$thar2 pr iseas tacaochta do ph$is% agus do dhaoine ga faoi ocht mbliana d(ag d3aois a bhonn ag streachailt sa bhaile n ar scoil. Beireann an 1eitheal tacaocht don tuismitheoir agus don duine g a gcuid riachtanas a aimsi' agus tacaochta a sca4$il thart ar an teaghlach chun tabhairt faoi na riachtanais seo. Bonn 1eitheal ar f$il fud fad Dh'n na n.all. Beidh an t2eolaire seo ina acmhainn iontach don phobal agus do na seirbhs ag obair i gceantar an Iarthuaiscirt. Buochas chro le gach aon duine a chuir leis an /onscnamh seo agus go h$irithe le foireann Pobail le Ch(ile a chuir s$r obair isteach an t2Eolaire a chur le ch(ile. Nicola 6arvey Comhordaitheoir Sinsearach an Lonra um Thacaocht Leana agus Teaghlaigh Foreword The North West Child and 8amily Support Networ: was established in early 2019 with the support of the Preven/on, Partnership and 8amily Support Department in Tusla. It is one of ;ve similar networ:s across the county. These networ:s bring together all Community and Statutory Services in a geographic area who wor: with children, young people and their families. In each networ: you have representa/ves from schools, youth services, health services, family support services, childcare services, the .ardai, Tusla, as well as many of the locally based community groups in the area. The purpose of the networ: is to ensure that all members have a good understanding about the services that are available in their area to support children, young people and families. One of the main aims of establishing the Networ:s was to ensure that there is 0 no wrong door ” when families go loo:ing for support and this is achieved through each member’s awareness of the supports that are available from being part of the Networ:. 1any of the services in Networ:s are also trained in the 1eitheal approach which is a suppor/ve process for children and young people under 18 years who might be struggling either at home or at school. The 1eitheal supports the parent and young person to iden/fy what their needs are and puts supports in place around the family to meet these needs. 1eitheals are available across Donegal. This Directory will be a great resource to both the public and the services wor:ing in the North West area. 6uge than:s to all who contributed and a special word of than:s to the sta@ in Pobail le Ch(ile CDP who have wor:ed so hard pulling the Directory together and all who contributed to its content. Nicola 6arvey Snr. Child and 8amily Support Networ: Coordinator 3 Intreoir Beartaodh an t2eolaire gairid seo ag cruinni' de chuid Lonra um Thacaocht Leana agus Teaghlaigh an Iarthuaiscirt mar sl chun eolas $bhartha ar Badr(imseach na heagraochta pobail, deonacha, um thacaocht teaghlaigh agus foll$ine a tharraingt le ch(ile in aon $it amh$in.8i' le f in p ca agus suomhanna idirln is f(idir deacrachta a bheith ann teacht ar an tseirbhs n ar uimhir ghuth$in an ghrupa pobail a dteastaonn uait. Shl muid go d/ocfadh leis an eolaire seo bheith ina chuidi'. T$ na /onscnaimh, seirbhs agus tacaochta eagraithe againn faoi th(ama agus faoi ord aibtre. Cuirtear roinnt eagraochta i l$thair go minic de r(ir an r(imse seirbhs agus cl$r a shol$thraonn siad. Is ( an ceantar geografach at$ i gceist n$ ceantar na tr 8hoireann C'ram Sl$inte Promh'il a chl'daonn Iarthuaisceart Dh'n na n.all C Doire Bheatha D n Craoslach go .ort an ChoirceEF An Bhun Beag agus Doire BeagF Baile na 8inne agus ceantar na Rosa. Seans go bhfuil seoladh i Lei/r Ceanainn n $it eile ag cuid de na seirbhs ach t$ siad san $ireamh mar gheall ar na seirbhs a shol$thraonn siad i limist(ar na tr 8hoireann C'ram Sl$inte Promh'il a chomhdh(anann ceantar an Iarthuaiscirt. T$ an leabhr$n seo idir foilsithe agus ar f$il ar suomhanna idirlne (ags'la www.donegalchn.org agus www.parenthubdonegal.ie san $ireamh. 1$s rud ( go dtabharf$ bot'n faoi deara n gur mhaith leat eolas f$ seirbhs at$ f$gtha ar l$r againn a mholadh thig leat an t2eolas a chur chuig coordGpobail.org n chuig NicolaC.6arveyGtusla.ie Leas far leagan an eolaire ar lne chun d$ta. Bheadh f$ilte romhat nasc don eolaire ar lne a chur ar do chuid me$in sh isialta agus do suomh idirln f(in fosta. Paul Hernan, DEagarth ir .nomhachE Introduc"on This short directory was proposed at a mee/ng of the North West Donegal Child and 8amily Support Networ: as a means to gather together as much relevant informa/on about the enormous range of community, voluntary, family support and wellbeing organisa/ons and put it all together in one place. In these days of mobile phones and on2line informa/on it can be eItremely diJcult to ;nd the service you need or the phone number of a community group and we thought this liKle publica/on could help. In these pages we have grouped all the proLects, services and supports by theme and in alphabe/cal order and some organisa/ons appear several /mes depending on the range of services or programmes they o@er. The geographical area covered is the three Primary Care Team areas that cover the North West of Donegal 2 Derryveagh Dfrom Creeslough to .ortahor:EF Bunbeg and Derrybeg and the 8intown and Rosses area. Some of the services listed might have an address in LeKer:enny or elsewhere but they are included because they cover or provide services into the three PCT areas that ma:e up the North West. This boo:let is printed and also available online at a number of website loca/ons including www.donegalchn.org, www.parenthubdonegal.ie and www.cypsc.ie Donegal page. If you spot an error or want to suggest an entry for an organisa/on or service we have missed please send the informa/on to coordGpobail.org or NicolaC.6arveyGtusla.ie The on2line version will be updated. Also, you are welcome to post a lin: to our on2line directory on your own social media or website. Paul Hernan Pobail le Ch(ile CDP, DAc/ng editorE 086 08A 1A33, coordGpobail.org A Activity, recreation and walking groups Organisations offering recreational choices (also see sports & recreation - final section) Organisa/onO 8alcarragh par:run DBallyconnell Estate, 8alcarraghD ServicePAc/vityO 8ree wee:ly /med run P wal: 2 Saturday mornings 9.30am Contact NameO Tom 8eeney and Paul 1c8adden Contact detailsO mO087 278N601 Tom 8eeney eO falcarraghoJceGpar:run.com Organisa/onO Dungloe par:run ServicePAc/vityO 8ree wee:ly /med run P wal: every 2 Saturday mornings 9.30am Contact detailsO eO dungloeGpar:run.ie Organisa/onO Dunfanaghy Strollers Wal:ing .roup ServicePAc/vityO .roup wal:s at a relaIing, easy going pace. Contact detailsO Dunfanaghy 8amily Resource Centre tO 07A91 36NA8 EagrasO Chair Aerobics 2 Ionad -3Phobail, 1hachaire Rabhartaigh Raireanta OscailteO Ach$n D(ardaoin 11 2 11.AN o chlog ar maidin Ainm Teagmh$laO 1$irn N Dh'g$in Rimhir Teagmh$laO tO 07A 913NNN6 Organisa/onO Creeslough Strollers Wal:ing .roup ServicePAc/vityO .roup wal:s at a relaIing, easy going pace. Contact detailsO CPO Day Centre tO 07A 91 38A67 Organisa/onO Chair Aerobics 2 Pobail le Ch(ile Ac/vity Programme ServicePAc/vityO Chair Aerobics, wal:s and gentle eIercise Opening TimesO Tuesday 10am 2 .reen Room Ionad Naomh 8ionn$n Contact detailsO tO 07A 91 80111 mO 086 08A 1A33 eO pobaillcGgmail.com EagrasO Ionad Naomh P$draig .nomhaochtaO Soga P Tai Chi P EIercise for over N03s P Hangoo Rimhir Teagmh$laO tO 07A 9N329A9 Organisa/onO Dunlewey Haya:ing ServicePAc/vityO .uided :aya: trips, family sessions U coaching on Dunlewey La:e Contact detailsO mO 086 306 682N eO dunlewey:aya:ingGgmail.com Organisa/onO Sel:ie Sailing at Corveen , Derrybeg ServicePAc/vityO Water sports li:e Sailing, Haya:ing, sur;ng, coasteering and camp2outs Contact detailsO Voe 1c8adden mO 086 222 3328 eO selchiesailingGyahoo.ie Organisa/onO Seamus Doohan ServicePAc/vityO Wal:ing group leader, guide for the Wild Atlan/c Way, 8ailte Ireland Approved at TOn the 6ills of Ireland’ Contact detailsO tO 07A 916NAA3 wO www.wal:ingdonegal.net eO InfoGwal:ingdonegal.net N Addiction services & supports Treatment, support and information about addiction to gambling, alcohol & other drugs Organisa/onO Donegal Drug U Alcohol Outreach 2 START ProLect ServiceP The service provides non2Ludgemental support guidance U educa/on to Ac/vityO drugPalcohol users, their families and the community, enabling them to cope with the e@ects of drugPalcohol use in everyday life.
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