Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072 1 ORIGINAL ARTICLE 2 3 Sedimentary arsenite-oxidizing and arsenate-reducing 4 bacteria associated with high arsenic groundwater from 5 6 Shanyin, Northwestern China 7 H. Fan1,C.Su2, Y. Wang1, J. Yao2, K. Zhao1, Y. Wang2 and G. Wang1 8 9 1 State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China 10 2 Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of Ministry of Education, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China 11 12 13 14 15 Keywords Abstract aoxB 16 , arsenate-reducing bacteria, arsenic, arsenite-oxidizing bacteria, groundwater. Aims: Shanyin County is one of the most severe endemic arsenism affected 17 areas in China but micro-organisms that potentially release arsenic from sedi- 18 Correspondence ments to groundwater have not been studied. Our aim was to identify bacteria 19 Gejiao Wang PhD, State Key Laboratory of with the potential to metabolize or transform arsenic in the sediments. 20 Agricultural Microbiology, College of Life Methods and Results: Culture and nonculture-based molecular methods were Science and Technology, Huazhong 21 performed to identify arsenite-oxidizing bacteria, arsenate-reducing bacteria Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, 22 and arsenite oxidase genes. Arsenite-oxidizing bacteria were identified only 23 China. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] from the land surface to 7 metres (m)-deep underground that were affiliated to 24 a- and b-Proteobacteria. Arsenate-reducing bacteria were found in almost all 25 2007/1589: received 29 September 2007, the sediment samples with different depths (0–41 m) and mainly belong to 26 revised 18 January 2008 and accepted 19 c-Proteobacteria. Several novel arsenite oxidase genes (aoxBs) were identified 27 January 2008 from the upper layers of the sediments (0–7 m) and were found to be specific 28 for arsenite-oxidizing bacteria. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2008.03790.x 29 Conclusions: The distribution of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria in upper layers and 30 arsenate-reducing bacteria in different depths of the sediments may impact the 31 arsenic release into the nearby tubewell groundwater. 32 Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides valuable sources of 33 micro-organisms (and genes) that may contribute to groundwater arsenic 34 abnormality and may be useful to clean arsenic contaminated groundwater. 35 36 37 38 found in Shanyin county of Shanxi province where Introduction 39 groundwater is the only water supply. About 50 000 40 Arsenic (As) is widely distributed and toxic to humans people drink groundwater with arsenic concentration ) 41 and animals. Arsenic pollution has become a severe reaching up to 1Æ93 mg l 1 resulting in severe clinical 42 worldwide problem in recent years, especially in Bangla- symptoms of arsenism (Guo et al. 2003). 43 desh, India and China (Chowdhury et al. 2000; Sun There is an urgent need to develop low cost and effi- 44 2004). Chronic intake of groundwater with high levels of cient technologies to clean arsenic from groundwater in 45 arsenic has caused arsenism in several provinces of China. this region. For this goal, we first have to gain knowledge 46 The arsenic contaminated area of China was found to be of biotic and abiotic factors that contribute to the arsenic 47 larger than that of Bangladesh and new endemic regions enrichment in such environment. Shanyin is located in 48 were continuously emerging (Xia and Liu 2004). Shanxi the south of the Datong Basin. The arsenic rich metamor- 49 province is a geological abnormal region for arsenic. Well phic rocks and coal bearing strata around the margin of 50 water in all the investigated villages showed elevated con- the basin are the natural origins of arsenic sources. Lacus- 51 centration of arsenic and 52% of the tubewell water is trine deposits with high organic materials are the second- 52 unsafe (Sun 2004). Endemic arsenism cases caused by ary media containing arsenic. High arsenic is mainly 53 drinking arsenic contaminated groundwater were mainly found in tubewell groundwater between 10 and 50 m ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 1 JAM 3790 Dispatch: 14.3.08 Journal: JAM CE: Ulagammal Journal Name Manuscript No. B Author Received: No. of pages: 11 PE: Karuppiah Arsenic resistant bacteria in groundwater H. Fan et al. 1 below land surface (Pei et al. 2005). A previous study tion of groundwater (Islam et al. 2004). The effect of 2 showed that chemical reducing condition was a key factor microbial oxidation on groundwater environment is still 3 affecting the dissolution of arsenic from sediments to unclear. Especially in China, there is no study of micro- 4 groundwater and the authors pointed out that the trans- bial species related to the enrichment and transportation 5 formation of arsenic may mainly caused by microbial of arsenic in groundwater. 6 metabolisms (Guo et al. 2003). The aim of this study was to investigate sedimentary 7 Many micro-organisms that interact and transform arsenite-oxidizing bacteria, arsenate-reducing bacteria and 8 inorganic arsenic species have been identified. Certain arsenite oxidase genes (aoxBs) from a well characterized 9 bacteria could oxidize arsenite [As(III)] to arsenate arsenic rich site of Shanyin County. Results of this study 10 [As(V)] and they are termed arsenite-oxidizing bacteria will provide both valuable information on microbial spe- 11 or arsenite oxidizers. Such oxidation process is considered cies with arsenic redox metabolisms that may contribute 12 as a detoxification metabolism because As(V) is much less to the arsenic abnormality of groundwater in this region 13 toxic than As(III). Furthermore, As(V) is negative charged and valuable sources of arsenic resistant micro-organisms 14 and easy to be absorbed, thus arsenite-oxidizing bacteria that may be useful for bioremediation of arsenic contami- 15 have been used in cleaning system of arsenic contami- nated groundwater. 16 nated water (Lie`vremont et al. 2003). Some arsenite- 17 oxidizing bacteria have been isolated from arsenic Materials and methods 18 contaminated environments and classified as Achromo- 19 bacter, Agrobacterium, Alcaligenes, Hydrogenophaga, Pseu- Site description and sampling 20 domonas and Thermus etc. (Osborne and Enrlich 1976; 21 Philips and Taylor 1976; Abdrashitova et al. 1985; Santini Sediment and water samples were collected at Gucheng 22 et al. 2000; Oremland et al. 2002; Salmassi et al. 2002). Village, Shanyin County (Fig. 1). Shanyin is an arid- 23 The As(III) oxidation reaction was catalysed by a peri- semiarid region which is located in the south of Datong 24 plasmic arsenite oxidase. This enzyme contains two Cenozoic Basin, Shanxi Province. Alluvial and lacustrine 25 subunits encoded by the genes aoxA (small Fe-S Rieske sediments were accumulated in the Basin. It was reported 26 subunit) and aoxB (large Mo-pterin subunit) respectively that arsenic is concentrated in the bottomland between 27 (Mukhopadhyay et al. 2002; Silver and Phung 2005). Shangan River and Huangshui River (Fig. 1), as well as in 28 Recently the aoxB gene encoding the large subunit of the downfold connecting with pluvial plain and alluvial- 29 arsenite oxidase has been found in different soil and laustrine plain (Pei et al. 2005). Aquifers in the sediments 30 water systems containing arsenic (Inskeep et al. 2007), are mainly composed of alluvial–lacustrine silty sands and 31 but has not been identified in Chinese arsenic contami- silts that are rich in organic matters and arsenic in such 32 nated groundwater environments so far. enclosed-semienclosed geological environment (Guo et al. 33 Many arsenate-reduction bacteria (or arsenate reducers) 2003). 34 capable to reduce As(V) to As(III) have also been identi- Sediment samples were collected using the rotary dril- 35 fied and classified as Bacillus, Clostridium, Citrobacter, ling method to make a borehole between two ground- 36 Desulfomicrobium, Sulfurospirillum and Wolinella etc. water tubewells (W1 and W2) that were 6 and 10 m away 37 (Silver and Phung 2005). The reduction of arsenate by respectively (Table1). The water surfaces of W1 and W2 38 micro-organisms occurs via two mechanisms, dissimila- were about 34 and 59 m deep underground respectively. 39 tory reduction and detoxification. Dissimilatory reduc- The borehole was drilled from the surface to 41 m under- 40 tions of arsenate are carried out by microbes either strict ground. The water and sediments were kept in sealed 41 anaerobic or facultative anaerobic that couple growth plastic bags at 4°C during transport and storage. The ) 42 with arsenate as the terminal electron acceptor (Malasarn water samples were filtered through 0Æ45 lmol l 1 mem- 43 et al. 2004). The arsenic detoxification was first catalysed branes for chemical analysis using AFS (AFS-830, Titan 44 by the cytoplasmic arsenate reductase ArsC to reduce Instruments, Beijing, China). Analyses of the sediment 45 As(V) to As(III) and later used an efflux pump to extrude samples were performed as described by Guo et al. 46 As(III) outside the cell (Silver and Phung 2005). (2003). Sediment samples were stored at 4°C for 1 week 47 The impacts of microbial arsenite oxidation and arse- before bacterial and DNA isolation. 48 nate reduction have been reported to associate with 49 arsenic cycle of soil and saline lakes (Ahmann et al. 1997; Isolation and characterization of As(III)-oxidizing 50 Macur et al. 2004; Oremland et al. 2004). It was reported bacteria and As(V)-reducing bacteria 51 that in Bengal delta plain sediments, dissimilatory arse- 52 nate reduction caused arsenic transformation from solid A total of nine arsenic contaminated sediment samples 53 phase into aqueous phase, resulting in arsenic contamina- with different depths were used in this study (4–41 m, ª 2008 The Authors 2 Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology H.
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