By John Minnls AssistantPark'sEdrtor chief of detectives retires after three decades F?r as far back as he can remember, De- Retirement from the Park notwithstand. tec~1Vf~Sgt. James LaPratt wanted to be a ing, LaPratt is looking for work. Marines. The irony, LaPratt said, is that he pohceman - and he still does. "I'm not going to sit in this house," he enJ.isted in the Navy in 1950 to keep from tIme. After 33 years with the Grosse Pointe said. "I'm just not going to do it. I have a getting drafted The Navy taught him to be La Pratt said he was then intervieWed by ~ark POlice department, LaPratt, 58, is reo wealth of experience, and I'm not going to a medic, and the Marines needed a few good the Park POlice Department, where he has waste it." men. tlr1~g Feb. 24, although he'd like to stay on been ever since. the Job. A faUlty heart valve is forcing him Even though LaPratt is being forced to He and Mary Ann were married in 1953 "There's no ifs, ands or buts about about to retlr~. He said the heart problem doesn't retire prematurely, he has no regrets and and they raIsed seven chIldren on LaPratt's it," he saId, "1 always wanted to be a POlice. po bitterness. cause hIm dIfficulty, IS correctable, and he detective's pay in a large house on Grayton man. It was a vocation I wanted." could go for years without it affecting him. "1 loved my job," he said. "In fact, it in Detroit. The La Pratts, though empty. In 1960, Patrolman LaPratt was sent to . But pohcy at the Grosse Pointe Park Pub- wasn't a good job; it was a great job." nesters, stllllive there. detective school. "I was very fortunate to be hc Safety Department requires everyone to He started with the Grosse Pointe Park In 1954, LaPratt landed a tool-and.dle ap- picked," he saId. In 1961 he was assigned to be 100 percent healthy, LaPratt said, and Police Department as a 25.year.old rookie prenticeship, but that was not the kind of the detective bureau; in 1964, he was prom. he supports the policy. on Aug. 6, 1956. He said all rookies didn't work he wanted. He filled out applicatIOns oted to detective; in 1967 he made sergeant; "We thought about it (retiring) " LaPratt go through the police academy in those WIth local police departments, including De- and In 1968 he was put in charge of the saId. "1 may have been a year a~ay from it days, as they do today. In the '50s, LaPratt troIt. He showed up late fur a pre-employ. "DB," a positIon he held ever since. anyway." received 120 hours of in.service training. ment examination for the Detroit POlice LaPratt said there are a lot of outstanding Before becoming a policeman, he served Department and a tough old sergeant who cases he and his fellow detectives worked on in the Korean War as a corpsman for the wouldn't pass today's phYSIcal fitness re- through the years. One case set a precedent qUIrements told him to come back another See RETIRES, page 17A Grosse Pointe News Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 f~: GandeJot Violent crime down in Farms ........3A won't seek Woods man charged Defense spending re-election with armed robbery cuts resisted 6A By Ronald J. Bernas Basic us. Staff WrJler School board President Jon B. of pizza delivery man advanced EMS 7A Gandelot announced Monday By John Minnis delIvery man, who m turn night that he will not seek re- ASSistantEditor grabbed the gun and began to Bryant discusses electIOn In June A 30 year-old Grosse POInte wrestle With Lucas Blanchard plan 8A In a statement read to the Woods man IS SItting In Wayne Durmg the struggle, the Doml- board, Gandelot said, "Being a Recycling center County JaIl thIS week after he no's drIver yelled for help HIS member of the board of educa- allegedly pulled a shotgun on a yells were heard by a neighbor opened 1OA tion over the past 12 years has Dommo's PIzza delivery man across the street who came to been a demanding task. The Jan. 31 the delIvery man's aid DUring Obituaries 15A time commitments attendant to Damel Lawrence Lucas, of the the struggle another neIghbor being a board member are slgnlf. 1500 block of Fairholme, pleaded called police' Cleaners taken icant. My family and my busi- Innocent before MUnICIpal Judge Patricia SchneIder Feb 1 on fe _. to cleaners 16A ness have made sacrifices these past 12 years. lony charges of armed robbery H . t d the and commISSion of a cnme With Oln 'Internal Affairs' ". Whatever I have given in e p e a firearm Usmg a firearm car- is a thriller 18A service as a board member does nes a maxImum two.year JaIl shotgun and said, not hegJn to repay the benefits I h sentence, dnd armed robbery 'You picked t e 'Flashback': received from prior boards and Vl\rteo; from two years to hfe In h' the staB' of this system " pn:.on. Wrong Ouse. Rebel and yuppie ..19A Gandelot was elected to the Schneider set bond at $1,000 Domino's pizza Home sales board 12 years ago and. has cash, whIch Lucas was unable to served as president five tunes. raise. He is being held in Wayne delivery man up in 1989 .20A He said he has been encouraged County Jail. ;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=== to run again by members of ~e The Domino's driver, a 26. Buick LeSabre: year-old East DetrOit man, told community, but after. much dis. polIce that he was deliverIng a Best-made car?.......21A cussion with his fanuly, he de- \Vhen polIce arrived, the man Pizza at the Fairholme address from across the street had p0s- • > cided 12 years was enough. Photo by Rosh Sd lars . when Lucas came around the session of the shotgun and was G.P. authors' B In that 12 years, he was one of Shovelin' off Side of the house and pomted a strugglmg WIth Lucas The tIrSt sizzling prose 1 three board members targeted shotgun at hIm and said, "You officer at the scene ordered the for recall when the board reeom. This was the scene Frl'day and Saturdayd afteras residentsa snow- picked the wrong house " neighbor to put the gun on the Debutantes nded closing several elemen. cleared aU sidewalks, ~vew:::e:~ w~a:.r was blamed Lucas then took the pizzas and ground. The officer then held are back 3B ~ schools. After a bitter cam. storm covered the area. e w Baranek above. shovels a demanded the delivery man's Lucas at gunpoint until other of- money, according to polIce :e. ficers arrIved. paign that diVided the for widespread aC~ideD~. the sZ:ow feU on GrouD- ;~at ports When offered $18 m. sm- Club news 9B community, no one w~ .~lleel. walk in Grosse PobearlDte. ar o'n the arrival of spring _ does When Lucas was searched, a Gandelot said that It IS time to dhog Day has no mg les, Lucas dropped the pIzzas wad of yellow napkms was fo~d it? :nd grabbed the money Lucas Spli.sh, splash 1C step aSIde and let someone else In his pocket. InSIde the napkms serve. then raIsed the gun toward the was a toy cap pIstol GPHA results .2C "I am makmg this ann.ounce. ment early in the year In the Classified ads 5C f See GANDELOT, page 17A District to sell superintendent's ho~~'~I~~ tha G""" By Dan JaMS want to ensure that any rezon. system In the w~nter of 1953..54 POInte School DIstrIct for Staff Wnter h 01 bd from Grosse Pomte Umverslty The Grosse POInte sc 0 sioning wouldof the prohIbitproperty theor thesu conn'IVI. School WIth the intendedh use as $2 O,OOOeh'ouse was also used at board has decided It wIll no Th longer prOVIde a house for the structlOn of a second home 0 hvmg quarters for t e supenn. one tIme as a dnver's trammg p~~,~ supenntendent of schools. the sIte tendent \vrltten test SIte by the Grosse Board PreSident Jon Gandelot The councIl approved a pubhc Dunng the late 1930s, the POKInteschools. the headmaster's announc ed Plans to end dthe ha.nog f", M.,cl> 19 fo' crt"an hou,," w., usad ., tha G""", nown., ua" foot nearly 40-year tradItIon Mon ay Input and poSSIble approval of Pomte Country Day SchoolChead. chottage, tlhle~~62be sqhsted for James ~:l~O~uthonty"....., ni ht He saId the school ~a~d tha ""omog "quast. , <Ian" M., oun. ousa"" h pl:ns to sell the house smce It~s The house, bUilt around 1920 master s ~::I eel WIth the DetrOIt $285,000, as announcerl by t e By John Minnis and role expanded, but oth~rs no longer needed as part of t e Day,fO! thewasheadmasteracqUIred byoftheCountryschool ~~I~e%lty ~hool In 1941, the school board AssistantEditor f G Pointe would lIke to see the authonty package to attract school super- James Kellow 0 . rosse a disbanded altogether Park Isn't a captaIn WIthout Actually Kellow wears three Intendents. 11th shIp, but he could end up as a hats. Alo~g with headmg the Gandelot saId plans to se e house at 51 Grosse Pointe Blvd harbor master wlt~out a por'the port authority, he ~s ~neral hmges on rezoning from the cIty As executive dIrector 0 A manager of the DetroIt Wmdsor of Grosse POInte Farms.
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