1914. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 4971' the rules and practice of the House requ1red to be done by tbe Clerk WASHINGTON. of the House. 1\Iae 0. Gray to be postm!lster at Stevenson, Wash. Office be­ Respectfully submitted. · SooTn Tr.nrnLE, came presidential January 1, 1914. Olerl;, of the IIo1tse. Anna P. Hanley to be postmaster at Enumclaw, Wash., in MARCH 17, 1914. place of Wll1ium F. Koenig. Incumbent's commission expires EXTENSION OF llEMARKS. April 5, 1914. · Mr. SIMS. Mr. Speaker, I wish to ask unanimous consent to Charles 0. Jackson to be postmaster at Eatonville, Wash. extend my remarks in the RECoRD by publishing some letters I Office became presidential January 1, 1914. have pertaining to the proposition of the increase in the freight Charles H . Runkel to be postmaster at Arlington, Wash., in rates in the enstern district. place of Charles H. Jones. Incumbent's commission e~rpires The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Tennessee asks unani­ March 17, 1914. mous consent to extend his remarks by printing some letters on WEST VIRGINIA. the subject of the increase in freight rates in th-e eastern divi­ Har\ey Ewart to be postmaster at Hinton, W. Va., in place sion. Is there objection? of Siru W. Willey. Incumbent's commission expired March 16, Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I object. 1914. J . K. Kerwood to be postmaster at Ripley, W. Va., in place PENSIONS. of Henry W . Deem. Incumbent's commisslon expires April 13, Mr. HELVERING. 1\Ir. Speaker, I move that the Hou.se re­ 1914. solT"e itself into the Committee of the Whole House to consider . Buckner F. Scott to be postmaster at Terra Alta, W. Va., in pension bills on the Pri"mte Calendar; and, pendlng that, I want place of William T. 'Yhite, resigned. to ask unanimous consent that H. R. 14234 be considered in the Joseph F . Thompson to be postmaster at 1\Iartinsburg, W . Va., House as in Committee of the Whole Honse. in place of E. C. Henshaw. Incumbent's commission expires The SPEAKEr... The gentleman from Kansas moves that the April 28, 1914. House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House for A. H . Wiedebusch to be postmaster at Wheeling, W. Va., in the purpose of considering pension bills on the Private Calen­ place of Robert Hazlett, resigned. dar; and, pending that, he asks unanimous consent that H . R. J ames W . Wilson to be postmaster at BarboursyilJe, W. Va., 14234 be considered in the House as in Committee of the Whole in place of James Brady, resigned. House. Is there objection? Mr. MAJ\'1~. 1\Ir. Speaker, reserving the right to object, the WISCOl."'iSIN. gentleman understands, of course, that }Jrovides for no general Lyle I. Daigneau to be postmaster at Boycey-ille, Wis. Office debate. became presidential January 1, 1914. Mr. HELVERING. I will say to the gentleman from illinois WYOMING. I understand there is no desire for general debate on this bill. C. ,V. Dow to be postmaster at Newcastle, Wyo., in place of The SPEAKER. May the Chair inquire of the gentleman if Frank B. Fawcett. Incumbent's commission expired March this is the only bill be has? 16, 1914. Mr. HELVERIJ. TG. This is the onJy bill reported by the Committee on Invalid Pensions. There is one from the Pen­ sions Committee to be taken up. CONFIRMATIONS. The SPEAKER. Is there objection that the bill H. R. 14234 Executire nominations CO'I_tjirmed by t11.e Senate Ma-rch 17, 191./j.. be considered in the Committee of the Whole House? IAfter POSTMASTERS. a pause.] The Chair hears no objection. The question now is on the House resolving itself into the Committee of the Whole MICHIGAN, House Lor the consideration of pension bills. Charles E. Adair, Utica. The question was taken, and the motion was agreed to. Edgar E . Bedell, Bellaire. George L. Belcher, Leslie. EXTENSIO~ OF REMARKS. Samuel D. Bonner, Newaygo. Mr. SMITH of Minnesota. Mr. Spcaket·-- Ernest .J. Dube, Houghton. The SPEAKER For what purpose does the gentleman rise? Thomas G. Finucan, Charle\oix. Mr. SMITH of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker, I wish to ask unani- 1\Iichael Hoban, St. Ignaee. mous consent to extend my remrrrks in the RECO!ID on the subject James L. Klett, Whitehall. of hydroelectric power by printing a petition from the Min­ Chrjstopher Lowney, Lamiurn. neapolis Civic and Commerce As...coeiation. Charles F . P arker, Middleville. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Minnesota asks unani­ Jacob C. Rough, Buroana.n. mons consent to extend his remarks on bydroejectric power. Is J ohn E . Shekell, Jackson. th-ere o.bjection Y [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. 'Ih-e N. C. Sutherland, Romeo. Clerk will r eport the first bill. VIRGINIA. PENSIONS. J ohn S. White, Charlottesville. The Clerk read as follows: A bill (H. R. 14234) granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War nnd certain widows and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. dependent children of soldiers and sail()rs of said war. Mr. HELVEUING. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous cons~t TUESDAY, March 17, 1914. that the first reading of the bill be disp~n-sed with. The SPEAKER. The gentlerru:m asks unanimous consent that The House met at 12 o'cloek noon. the first reading of the bill be dispensed with. Is there objec­ Rev. Dr. Joseph H. Crooker, of Boston, :Mass., offered the tion. [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. Members will following prayer : bear in mind that this bill is being read for amendment, section Almighty God, our Father, infinitely fatherly, a Friend for­ by section. ever friendly, we honor and glorify Thy high and holy name, The Clerk read as follows : and we thank Thee for the blessings of life that come to us The name of J"ames Chambers, late of Co~pany C, Forty-third Regi­ from day to day; we thank Thee for our country) its schools, ment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay h1m a pension at the rate of and courts, and churches; we thank Thee for the American $24 per month in J.Wu of that he is now receiving. home.. woman's kingdom and man's paradise ; we invoke Thy Mr. HELVEIUNG. Mr. Speaker, I move, page 21, lines 21 blessmg, we seek Thy grace, we crave Thy forgiveness, we to 24, to strike out the name of "James Chambers." would learn Thy truth, we would obey Thy Jaw we would The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the amendment. establish Thy kingdom on earth, and now we give Thee praise The Clerk read as follows : from grateful hearts e\ermore. In the name of our common Amend by striking out, on page 21, lines 21, 22, 23, and 24.. Master. Amen. The question was taken, and the amendment wns agreed to. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and The Clerk read as follows : 'approved. The name of William Eastlick, late of Company G, One hundredth CLEI!K PRO TEMPORE. Regiment Pffinsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pn.y him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that be is now receiving. The SPEAKER laid before the Hou-se the following com· munication from the Clerk of the House : Mr. HULINGS. Mr. Speaker, I offer an amendment. page 28, line 3, by strjking out "forty" and inserting "fifty." To the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE : The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the amendment. Desiring to be absent from my office for a short period of time, I The Clerk read as follows: hereby designate the Chief Clerk, J. C. South, Esq., to sign all papers .that may require my official signature, and to do all other acts under Amend, page 28, line 3, by striking out " $40 " and inserting " $50." !1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 17, Mr. HULIXGS. l\Ir. Speaker, I had brought this to the atten­ Mr. RUSSELL. The report also states that this gentleman tion of the chairman of the Committee on Pensions, Gen. SHER­ is almost blind. It does not show be. is totally blind. wooD, and he agreed with me that under the circumstances this Mr. HULINGS. He is totally blind to the extent that while was a mistake, and that he would offer this amendment to-day. able to distinguish between night and day he requires some­ Now, the circumstances are yery peculiar in this case. This body to be with him all the time. He can not see for any man has sened about four years, as will be seen by the report practical purposes. on page 60 of the report of the committee, and $40 will scarcely l\fr. RUSSELL. And then this report states that he has pay the physician's attendance, which he requires two or three $900 worth of property. It has been a rule of the committee to times every day. The man is blind, totally helpless, has no reduce the amount of pension where they have property. reyenues except the pension that he is now getting of $15 per Mr. HULINGS. He has a little bit of a place there, about month, and I would like to bring that to the attention of the $900 worth, a lot and a little house in which he lives, but House and have this amendment made. he bas no revenue except his pension. The SPEAKER pro tempore (l\fr. DIFENDERFER). The ques­ Mr. RUSSELL. Will the gentleman yield again? tion is on agreeing to the amendment offered by the gentleman Mr. HULINGS. I will. from Pennsylvania [Mr.
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