ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Jahr/Year: 2001 Band/Volume: 22 Autor(en)/Author(s): Naumann Stefan, Peigler Richard S. Artikel/Article: Four new species of the silkmoth genus Samia 75-83 74 Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 22 (2): 75–83 (2001) 75 Four new species of the silkmoth genus Samia (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) 1 Stefan Naumann and Richard S. Peigler Dr. Stefan Naumann, Potsdamer Strasse 71, D-10785 Berlin, Germany; email: [email protected] Dr. Richard S. Peigler, Department of Biology, University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas 78209-6397, USA; email: [email protected] Abstract: During preparation of a revision of the silkmoth genaueren und weiteren Fundortdaten, Literaturzitaten und genus Samia Hübner 1819 (“1816”), (Saturniidae) a large sonstigen Informationen wird in der Gattungsrevision dar- amount of material from Asia in institutional and private gestellt, im vorliegenden Artikel beschreiben wir lediglich collections was examined by the authors, and in recent folgende Arten als neu: Samia abrerai spec. nov. von Bali years additional material from areas which were not pre- und Java, Indonesien, männlicher Holotypus in The Natu- viously well represented in collections became available. ral History Museum, London; Samia naessigi spec. nov. Some species were found to be undescribed, although some von der Insel Halmahera, Indonesien, männlicher Holoty- of them have been collected commonly for over 100 years pus im Zoologischen Museum der Humboldt-Universität zu and are not rare in collections. Other species were only col- Berlin; Samia kohlli spec. nov. vom südostasiatischen Fest- lected quite recently in quantity, which made comparisons land, männlicher Holotypus aus Westmalaysia ebenfalls im possible and geographical distributional data available. As Zoologischen Museum der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; the work on the revision is not yet completed, we decided und Samia wangi spec. nov. aus den südlichen Bereichen to make the names for those undescribed species available der Volksrepublik China, von Taiwan und dem nördlichen in this work; a survey with all distributional data, literature Vietnam, männlicher Holotypus aus der chinesischen Pro- citations, and further information will be published later in vinz Guangdong im Natural History Museum of Los Ange- the revisional work. Here we describe the following species: les County, Los Angeles. Sämtliche Holotypen werden dorsal Samia abrerai spec. nov. from Bali and Java islands, Indo- und ventral in Farbe abgebildet. nesia, male holotype in The Natural History Museum, Lon- don; Samia naessigi spec. nov. from Halmahera Island, Indo- nesia, male holotype in Zoologisches Museum der Hum- Introduction boldt-Universität, Berlin; Samia kohlli spec. nov. from South East Asian mainland, male holotype from West Malaysia The genus Samia Hübner 1819 (“1816”) (= Philosamia in Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin; Grote 1874) is currently being revised by us. It contains and Samia wangi spec. nov. from southern mainland China, more than 15 species of large sized moths from tropical Hainan, Taiwan, and Vietnam, male holotype from Guang- and temperate eastern Asia, two of which were intro- dong Province, China, in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles. All holotypes are figured in duced to several countries around the world for their color. silk in the 19th century (Peigler 1992). Because the spe- cies superficially resemble one another, most have tradi- Key words: Saturniidae, Samia, wild silkmoths, new species, tionally been considered to be subspecies of S. cynthia South East Asia, China, Bali, Java, Halmahera, Indonesia, (Drury 1773). This confusion has persisted into recent West Malaysia literature, in which many species were cited under the wrong names (e.g. Allen 1981: 111, Barlow 1983: 152, Vier neue Arten der Seidenspinnergattung Samia (Lepi- doptera: Saturniidae) Lampe 1984: 5, Holloway 1987: 113, Paukstadt & Pauk- stadt 1991: 89 ff., Paukstadt et al. 1994: 51, D’Abrera Zusammenfassung: Während der Vorbereitungen der Revi- 1998: 86). Other new species have been described in sion der Saturniidengattung Samia Hübner 1819 („1816“) wurden mittlerweile große Mengen an Sammlungsmaterial recent years (Naumann & Nässig 1995, Paukstadt et al. in diversen asiatischen, europäischen und amerikanischen 1998, Naumann 1998). Museen und Privatsammlungen eingesehen und untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde in den letzten Jahren vermehrt versucht, This paper describes four species, considered by us to durch eigene und fremde Expeditionen an Belege aus Gegen- be previously unnamed, based on our examination of all den zu kommen, die bisher nicht oder nicht ausreichend in extant primary type specimens, original descriptions for diesen Sammlungen vertreten waren; mehrere Arten konn- all names, and a large sample of pinned specimens of ten so schon als neu beschrieben werden (Naumann & Näs- moths in this genus. Our only purpose here is to describe sig 1995, U. Paukstadt et al. 1998, Naumann 1998). Von and name these taxa, and to define their known geo- einigen Arten liegen jedoch in verschiedenen Museen Beleg- stücke vor, die bereits vor etwa 100 Jahren gefangen wurden graphical distributions. Much more detail on the synony- und die teilweise auch heute in Sammlungen nicht selten mies, life histories, phylogeny, and variation will be pro- sind, jedoch bisher durch die Verwirrung in der Literatur vided in the forthcoming revision. Moths in the genus nicht als unbeschriebene Taxa erkannt und immer wieder Samia do not show significant sexual dimorphism, so we bereits benannten Arten zugeordnet wurden. Da die Arbei- only provide a few comments pertaining to the females. ten an der Revision noch nicht abgeschlossen sind, einige Arten aber gut durch ihre externe Morphologie zu definie- The male genitalia are more diagnostic, and therefore ren sind, haben wir uns entschlossen, vorab die Namen für males were selected as holotypes for these new species. diese Taxa verfügbar zu machen; ein Gesamtüberblick mit It is with pleasure that we dedicate these new species to 1 7th contribution to the Saturniidae fauna of China (6th contribution: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo, Frankfurt am Main, N.F. 21 (4): 201–206, 2001). © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 76 77 our colleagues who have helped both of us for several deposited in the BMNH in London when the revision of the years in our study of this genus. genus is completed. Paratypes (48♂♂, 7♀♀ from Bali, 44♂♂, 31♀♀ from Java): Abbreviations cited in the type lists for the collections are as follows: Allotype: ♀, Indonesia, Bali Island, Buleleng District, Lake Tamblingan, 1105m, 9–10 Jan 2000, leg. U. Paukstadt, coll. AS Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing, People’s W.A. Nässig (SMFL). Republic of China. A red allotype label will be fixed accordingly. The other Beeke Martin Beeke, Hille, Germany. paratypes with blue paratype labels. Brechlin Ronald Brechlin, Pasewalk, Germany. Indonesia, Bali Island: Brosch Ulrich Brosch, Hille, Germany. Tabanan District: 1♂, E. Bali, Batoeriti, 3500 ft, April 1936, BMNH The Natural History Museum [formerly British leg. J.P.A. Kalis, Rothsch. Bequest (BMNH); 1♂, Batukau, Museum (Natural History)], London, United April 1997 (Naumann); 1♂, Mt. Bedugul, 1100m, Nov 1982 Kingdom. at light, leg. Paukstadt, GP 360 Paukstadt (Paukstadt); 3♂♂, 1♀, Bedugul, 1300m, May 1998 (Paukstadt); 2♂♂, Kohll Steve Kohll, Kayl, Luxembourg. Bedugul, 1200m, Sept & Oct 1998 (Naumann); 2♂♂, 1♀, LACM Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Bedugul env., 1350m, Nov 1999, leg. local people (Pauk- Angeles, California, USA. stadt); 4♂♂, same locality, Jan 2000, leg. local people (Pauk- Lampe Rudolf Lampe, Nürnberg, Germany. stadt); 2♂♂, same data (Nässig); 1♂, same data (Brech- lin); Buleleng District: 1♂, West Bali Reserve, Titap, near Löffler Swen Löffler, Lichtenstein, Germany. Papuan, rainforest, 550m, 8°25’N 114°58’E, 29–30 Jan 1998, Meister Frank Meister, Prenzlau, Germany. leg. Jakl, Schintlmeister, & Cervenka, GP 275/98 Naumann MHNL Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Lyon, Lyon, France. (Naumann); 1♀, same data (Brechlin); 8♂♂, West Bali MNHN Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle, Laboratoire National Park, Pucaksari–Sepang, 650m, 25 Dec 1998, leg. d’Entomologie, Paris, France. Naumann, GP 355 & 356/99 Naumann (Naumann); 2♂♂, same data (Peigler); 1♂, 1♀, Lake Buyan, 1550m, ex pupa MTD Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Aug 1991 on avocado, leg. Paukstadt, GP 362 Paukstadt Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany. (Paukstadt); 4♂♂, Lake Tamblingan, 1105m, 4–5 Jan 2000, MZB Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Cibinong, Bogor, leg. U. Paukstadt (Paukstadt); 1♂1♀, same data (Brech- West Java, Indonesia. lin); 1♂, same data (Nässig); 4♂♂, same locality, 8–9 Jan Nässig Wolfgang A. Nässig, collection now deposited in 2000, leg. U. Paukstadt (Paukstadt); 3♂♂, same locality, SMFL. 9–10 Jan 2000, leg. U. Paukstadt (Paukstadt); 1♂, same data (Brechlin); 1♂, same locality, 1050m, 7 July 2000, leg. Naumann Stefan Naumann, Berlin, Germany. local people (Paukstadt); 1♀, same locality, ex ovo 20 June Paukstadt Laela Hayati Paukstadt, Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 2000, cult. L. H. Paukstadt (Paukstadt); Bangli District: Peigler Richard S. Peigler, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 1♂, N. Bali,
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