FEB 6 2021 SONG INDEX 100 (Ozuna Worldwide, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt ANTES QUE SALGA EL SOL (Kobalt Songs BLINDING LIGHTS (KMR II Music Royalties II CONEY ISLAND (TASRM Publishing, BMI/ DRUGS (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Avocados GO CRAZY (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/Music By Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/La Dura De Las SCSp, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/William Bowery And Affogatos Music, BMI/BMG Gold Songs, Culture Beyond Ur Experience Publishing, BMI/ RHLM Publishing, BMI/Sony/ATV Latin Music Duras Publishing, ASCAP/Kobalt Music Services LLC, ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Sal & Music Publishing.BMI/Ingrid Stella Music, ASCAP/Songs About Dreams, ASCAP/Universal Songs Of YSL Music Publishing, BMI/Atlantic Publishing, LLC, BMI/A Million Dollar Dream, America, GMR/Aphotic Prince Hits, GMR/Songs CO WC Publishing Designee, SOCAN/Universal ASCAP/Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, ASCAP/Cortelyou Music Corp., ASCAP/KillaGraham Music, Songs, BMI/Reservoir 416, BMI/Sais Aznou ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/NumeroUno Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ Music Corp., ASCAP/MXM, ASCAP/Wolf Cous- Publishing, ASCAP/BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP), ASCAP) RO 40 Publishing Designee, BMI/Benji Publishing, Publishing, ASCAP), AMP/HL, LT 16 Songs Of LVS Music Publishing, BMI/Sony/ ins, STIM/Warner Chappell Music Scandinavia HL, RO 32 DRUNK FACE (BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP/Beat BMI/Dounia Aznou Publishing Designee, BMI/ 21ST CENTURY VAMPIRE (Publishing Designee ATV Discos Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/ AB, STIM), AMP/HL, H100 3 ; RBH 1 ; RBS 1 CONTRA EL MUNDO (Ozuna Worldwide, BMI/ Poet Music, ASCAP/Electric Feel Music, BMI/ Cloud 9 Holland Music Publishing, BUMA/ Of Chase Hudson, BMI/Dear You Publishing, Editora de Musica Mambo Kingz INC, ASCAP/ BODY (1501 Certified Publishing, BMI/Hot Girl Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Omer Fedi Music, Downtown DLJ Songs, ASCAP/Esoexosupreme BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Universal Musica Unica Publishing, BMI/HTMG Music, BMI/Sony/ATV Songs LLC, BMI/Songs Of Inc., BMI/Music By RHLM Publishing, BMI/ BMI/For Casie Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music, BMI/3MG Publishing, BMI/WC Music Inc., BMI/Torrey Songs, BMI/Songs Of Brill Publishing, ASCAP/Los Magnifikos Music Pub- Universal, Inc., BMI/CD Baby, BMI/Tarik Brad- NumeroUno Publishing, ASCAP/Songs Of LVS Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/Victorious Corp., ASCAP/BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/ Building, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing lishing, ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/ ford, BMI), HL, H100 18 ; RBH 6 ; RS 4 Music Publishing, BMI/Editora de Musica Secret, SESAC), HL, RO 26 Wayne Samuels Publishing Designee, APRA/ Rimas Music, ASCAP/Hear This Gang Publish- Hood2Go, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/NOTICE ME PUBLISHING, BMI/ BOOKER T (RSM Publishing, ASCAP/Universal Mambo Kingz INC, ASCAP/Hear Rimas Publish- DYNAMITE (Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, ASCAP), HL, Rap Kingpin Music, ASCAP/Prescription Songs, ing, ASCAP/Dice World Publishing, BMI/The ing, ASCAP) LT 42 Corp., BMI/Zakaria Kharbouch Publishing Des- Royalty Network, Inc., BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Music Corp., ASCAP/Kid From Bklyn Publishing, H100 46 ignee, BMI/Beaming Music Worldwide, BMI/ ASCAP/BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP/Beat Poet ASCAP/Irving Music, Inc., BMI), HL, LT 20 COVER ME UP (Fame Publishing Company LLC, Music, ASCAP), AMP, RO 27 Publishing Corp., BMI/Mickey Then Publishing, -E- Songs Of Stone Buddah, BMI/Universal Music BMI/New Dae Publishing Group, BMI), AMP/ BREAKING ME (Sony/ATV Music Publishing/ BMI/Songs Of Emchant, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Corp., ASCAP/Protoons, Inc., ASCAP/APG WC 2 PHUT HON (MUSICALLSTARS B.V., BUMA/ HL, LT 49 Allegro Germany, GEMA/Universal Music Pub- Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI) CS 20 ERRBODY (Four Entertainment Music, ASCAP/ Publishing Designee, BMI/300 Rainwater Music, STEMRA/Warner Chappell Music Holland B.V., lishing Germany, GEMA/BMG Germany, GEMA), ; H100 74 Wolf Pack Global Music Publishing, ASCAP/ BMI/Tre Samuels Publishing Designee, APRA/ BUMA/STEMRA), AMP, DES 43 ANYONE (Bieber Time Publishing, ASCAP/Uni- versal Music Corp., ASCAP/Song Goku, ASCAP/ HL, DES 7 COWBOY LIKE ME (TASRM Publishing, BMI/ Quality Control QC Pro, ASCAP/Universal Music Thou Art The Hunger, ASCAP), AMP/HL, H100 6 34+35 (Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/GrandAri- BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP/What Key Do You Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Ingrid Stella Corp., ASCAP/Rai’Shaun Williams Publishing ; RBH 2 ; RBS 2 BREAKING UP WAS EASY IN THE 90’S Designee, BMI), HL, RBH 46 Music, ASCAP/Avex Music Publishing, ASCAP/ Want It In Music, BMI/Songs With A Pure Tone, (Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/Between the Music, ASCAP/Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, ASCAP), GOLDEN (HSA Publishing Limited, GMR/Uni- Victoria McCants Music, ASCAP/BMG Gold BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/ Pines, LLC, ASCAP/BIPOD, ASCAP/Spirit Two HL, RO 43 EVERMORE (TASRM Publishing, BMI/Songs versal Music Works, GMR/Universal PolyGram Songs, ASCAP/Taylor Monet Music, BMI/War- BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/R8D Music, BMI/ Nashville, ASCAP/Miller Crow Music, ASCAP/ CRY BABY (1501 Certified Publishing, BMI/Hot Of Universal, Inc., BMI/William Bowery Music Int. Publishing Inc., ASCAP/Songs By Cabin ner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Reservoir Songs Of BBMG, BMI/Kobalt Music Copyrights, Kyler’s Kinda Night, ASCAP/Songs Of Universal, Girl Music, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ Publishing.BMI/April Base Publishing, ASCAP/ Mobile, BMI/These Are Pulse Songs, BMI/One Media Music, ASCAP/1501 Certified Publishing, SARL/1916 Publishing, ASCAP/BBMG Music, Inc., BMI/Ern Dog Music, BMI/Big Loud Moun- WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Katie Smith Publishing Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/ Year Yesterday Publishing, BMI/Creative Pulse BMI/Hot Girl Music, BMI/Doja Cat Music, BMI/ ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, tain, BMI/Tree Vibez Music, LLC, BMI/Sony/ATV Designee, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Justin Deyarmond Edison Vernon Publishing Music, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI), Prescription Songs, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 4 ASCAP/Andrew Watt Music, BMI/Songs Of Accent, ASCAP/Smackborne Music, ASCAP), Corp., BMI/Baby Jesus Publishing, ASCAP/ Designee, ASCAP), HL, RO 33 HL, H100 65 7 SUMMERS (Big Loud Mountain, BMI/Bo Wal- Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ HL, CS 33 South Coast Music Group, ASCAP/Universal EVERY STEP OF THE WAY (Red Street Blue GOLD RUSH (TASRM Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Volta Music Inc., BMI/AIX Publishing, ASCAP/ lace Publishing, BMI/Round Hill Compositions, BREAKTHROUGH MIRACLE POWER (worship- Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP/HL, H100 54 ; RBH Publishing, BMI/Cade Thompson Music, BMI/ Universal, Inc., BMI/Sony/ATV Songs LLC, BMI/ BMI/Tempo Investments-Smack Hits, GMR/ Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Art In The Fodder 18 ; RS 13 Centricity Songs, BMI/Buffalo Paradise, BMI/ Ducky Donath Music, BMI), HL, RO 19 Music, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 26 together.com songs, ASCAP/sixsteps Music, Smackstreet Music, GMR/Warner Geo Met ASCAP/Kristian Stanfill Publishing Designee, Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/HowieCowie Ric Music, GMR/Sony/ATV Accent, ASCAP/ -D- GONE (Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., APRICOTS (BMG Rights Management (UK) Ltd., ASCAP/Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/SHOUT! MP Publishing, ASCAP/Curb Word Music, ASCAP/ BMI/A Boy Named Ford, BMI/Ben There Wrote Smackborne Music, ASCAP), AMP/HL, CS 3 PRS/Beating Heart Project, PRS/Cellier Editions, Carrington, BMI/Bede Benjamin-Korporaal Des- DAKITI (RSM Publishing, ASCAP/Universal WC Music Corp., ASCAP/So Essential Tunes, ; H100 23 That Publishing, BMI/Artist 101 Publishing SUISA) DES 45 ignee, BMI/Centricity Songs, BMI), HL, CST 49 Music Corp., ASCAP/EMI Blackwood Music Inc., SESAC/Man Cub’s House Of Music, SESAC), Group, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing BMI/A Million Dollar Dream, ASCAP/Songs AMP/HL, CST 26 865 (Big Loud Mountain, BMI/Blake Pendergrass ASHES (Siddhant Banerjee Publishing Designee, THE BUSINESS (Musical Freedom Publishing, America, Inc., BMI/Hits From The Tape Room, Publishing Designee, BMI) CS 22 ; H100 77 BMI) RO 50 Of Juju, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing EVIDENCE (Bethel Music Publishing, ASCAP/ BMI/Round Hill Compositions, BMI/W.C.M. ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, Corp., BMI/Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing, -A- ASCAP/Julia Karlsson Publishing Designee, Be Essential Songs, BMI/EGH Music Publishing Music Corp., SESAC/Niko Moon Publishing, -B- LLC, BMI/KOA & LUNA, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 LLC, BMI/Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/We The SESAC), AMP, CS 35 BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/ 20 ; LT 1 ACTING LIKE THAT (BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP/ BACKDOOR (Not Listed) RBH 42 Dogghammer Productions, STIM/BMG Rights Kingdom Music, BMI), HL, CST 7 GOODBYE (Copyright Control/Effective Records, Beat Poet Music, ASCAP/Catsnip Music, Management (UK) Ltd., PRS), AMP, DES 5 DAMAGE (Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/I Am BACK IN BLOOD (Lontrell Williams Publishing -F- PRS/Strengholt Music Group, BUMA/Peermusic ASCAP/Zakk Cervini Publishing Designee, H.E.R. Publishing, ASCAP/Heartfelt Productions (UK) Ltd, PRS/Method Paperwork, SESAC/Kobalt ASCAP/Civere Sounds, ASCAP/Locomotion Designee, ASCAP/Christopher Pearson Pub- BUSS IT (1501 Certified Publishing, BMI/EMI LLC, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Anthony lishing Designee, ASCAP/Durk Derrick Banks Blackwood Music Inc., BMI/Kobalt Songs FACE TO FACE (NG Entertainment, BMI/Sony/ Group Music Publishing, SESAC/Spirit B-Unique Music, BMI/For Casie Publishing, BMI/Songs Clemons Jr. Publishing Designee, BMI/Tiara ATV Tree Publishing, BMI/Pure Note Publishing Hits, BMI/Tileyard Music Publishing Ltd., BMI/ Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI) Publishing Designee, ASCAP) H100 40 ; RBH Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Swing T, ASCAP/ Thomas Music, BMI/KMR II Music Royalties II 14 ; RS 10 Universal Music - MGB Songs, ASCAP/WC Worldwide, BMI/Centricity Music Publishing, Lighthouse Music Publishing, BMI/SHOUT! RO 34 SCSp, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing ASCAP/Capitol CMG Genesis, ASCAP), HL, Music Publishing Australia, APRA/Universal Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP/HL, H100 67 ; RBH LLC, ASCAP), HL, H100 52 ; RBH 16 ; RBS 6 ADDERALL (CORVETTE CORVETTE) (Cooper BACK TO THE STREETS (Aleicia Gibson Pub- 23 ; RS 18 CST 31 Music Publishing Pty.
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