Earned Income Credit advance return feasible Marines whose gross income for 1979 is because of the child. If the Marine qualifies for expected to be less than $10,000, may be eligi- the unmarried head of the household filing ble for advanced payment of a yearly Earned status, the child need not be claimed as a acome Credit (E.I.C.). dependent unless the child is married as of the E.I.C. is an income tax credit for eligible end of the year. taxpayers whose yearly adjusted gross income To receive the credit payments in advance or earned income, whichever is larger, is less with your regular paycheck instead of waiting than $10,000. The credit is JO% of the first for a Imp sum, you must file a W-5 Earned $5,000 of earned income: Earned income Income Credit Advance Payment Certificate. credit can provide up to $500 maximum. The after being counseled by your unit commander maximum credit is reduced by 12.5% of ,the to make sure that the E.LC. advanced amount by which adjusted gross or earned payment certificate is fully understodd. The income. whichever is larger, exceeds $6,000, W-5 form expires on December 31 of each thus the E.I.C: no longer applies when year and a new one must be filed annually if "- adjusted gross or earned income reaches you wish to continue to collect advance E.I.C. Richard MacDonald 510.000. if you are eligible. GRADUATING CLASS - Navy Commander B.C. Carson, station protestant chaplain, reads If your status should change so that anv diploma inscriptions to the: first IS v lies of the "School for Wives" at Family Services The Marines's expected earned income plus answer on the E.I.C. checklist becomes "No" here Friday. Colonel Mel Saut ter, stayp iiiiithfdynipflicer, then presented the diplomas to the adjusted gross income must together total less or' if you no longer wish to receive the wives as proud husbands looked miff OpRtia,arita41 om. The new school introduces than 510.000. If the individual is married, he advanced payments, then you must a new and/or updates wives on Brigade and StatiMf fatihtleriar and programs. must file a joint tax return and must have a W-5 form, and check the "No" box in question child or children residing in the household. If #1, on the new form to show that you are no he is not married, the Marine must pay more longer qualified or want to receive advance than half the cost of maintaining a household payments. Keep in mind, if you are eligible for Back to s ool in the United States. In addition he or she must earned income credit and you do not have the also have a Child living with him or her full- W-5 form on file, you will receive E.I.C. in a Wives graduate *better understanding time. in the U.S.,- except when the child is away lump sum after you have filed your regular at school or on vacation. annual tax return. Eighteen wives of Station and Brigade. chaplain, the school covered classes on hous- The child must be claimed by the Marine as For more information visit your unit Marines graduated from the "School for ing, energy conservation. Special Serv- a dependent unless the Marine is qualified for administrative office and talk with 'the Wives" pilot program Friday at Marine Corps ices/Family Services, Commissary, Legal, the unmarried head of household filing status disbursing section there to assist you. Air Station Kaneohe Bay's Family Servici.s. Educational and Community Assistance; The ten-day, 20-hour school was designed Navy Relief/ Red Cross, Disbursing, budget- to acquaint spouses with facilities and services ing, credit buying, Drug and Alcohol' Abuse, available in this area and to provide them with Survivors Benefits, Servicemens Group Life an opportunity to ex press their ideas. opinions Insurance, retirement benefits, CHA M PUS and feelings about their role as Marine Corps and chaplain/social worker assistance. wives. "The classes we figured would be the least interesting turned out to be the most "The classes were extremely informative, enlightening," declared Mrs. Jill Noble, wife well organized and well delivered," testified of Staff Sergeant Bruce Noble. Mrs.- Jewell Smith, wife of Sergeant Carl "It is kind of scar y," she continued, "to find Smith of Communications Support Com- out things I should have known ten years ago. pany. She also said, "The class information Thiala why 1 feel all wives should try to attend MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hi. September 28, 1979 was so pertinent that I strongly recommend all the ilebsiol. Programs and services constantly wives attend a future session. I now feet more chiaUtstland we can help our husbands con - Vol. 8 , ) # 39, secure and at dome here in Kaneohe.": sr by keeping abreast of these "Et drY evening, frVY wife and I disv*ii the"' Cs. things she had been taught' at the Sghttoi, plain Carson said the pilot program will informed Chief Warrant Officer (0W0) -2 Jeff now go through an evaluation stage. He is Woicik, technical data systems maintenance confident that -another c4liss Witt-te-offefed officer at Marine Air Control Squadron-2. sometime in late Octohersor early November. "On each of these occasions. I learned about It was the unanimous opinion of the important services which I had previously graduating wives, thett, husbands, the taken Tor granted. Because of the school. we chaplains and teachers tb. the Schott) for now have a large list of things we have to Wives has been very helpfig. It will probably accomplish." become a permanent part. of the base Per- The September 10-21 Wives School was sonnel Assistance Program and represents a organized by Navy Commander B.C. Carson, significant effort to make life a little better for station protestant chaplain. According to the Marines and their families here. Harmony achieved with military/civilian coalition By Sgt, Chuck Henry - In late May of thisyear, following the shooting death of a young Kaneohe-based Marine, an in- depth study into problems between military and civilian persons on Oahu was made. This survey brought to light figures showing an increasing trend of civilian-military personal conficts occuring on the island. In an effort to ease the tension that followed the shooting, and create an atmosphere of goodwill between Windward neighbors, a group of civic leaders and representatives of the air station and 1st Marine Brigade formed a coalition. Known as the Windward COmmunity-Military Relations Council, this ad-hoc committee of about 20 members has set as its goal "to foster a spirit of understanding and cooperation between the civilian and military members of our Windward community." Members of the group include representatives of area neighborhood boards, chambers of com- merce, civic clubs, and government organizations such as the state department of education as well as Marines from the Provost Marshal, Human Affairs, and Public Affairs offices here. The group meets monthly, alternating their meeting locations between on and off-base, to discuss anchinitialeprograms designed to increase positive interaction between Kailua/ Kaneohe citizens and Marines stationed on Mokapu Peninsula. Chaired by Donna Howard, director of institutional relations for Hawaii Loa College in Kaneohe, the council has already seen ,progiess on one of its projects designed to lessen the possibility of assaults on Marines by encouraging improvement of city and county bus service t.) the station's H-3 gate. Other programs, being formulated by the group include presenting local culture workshops for Marines, arranging for Marine involvement in more civilian community events, establishing inter-community sports programs for both young people and adults, increasing the number of visits to schools by. Kaneohe-based Marines and expanding the student tour program aboard the station. "The success we've had so far has really been encouraging," says Joint Public Affairs Officer Photo by Sum RIchard MarDnna Captain Bill Wood, "and it has opened up numerous other opportunities for bettering community PULGUKSA TEMPLE - Beautifully situated in cool mountain surroundings 20 miles from relations. We'd really like to urge others on the air station, military and dependents alike, to get Pusan, Republic of Korea, this majestic Buddhist monastery was just one of the countless speeta- involved. Anyone interested in participating in joint military-civilian prograMs or who have cuter sights viewed by 1st Marine Brigade personnel returning earlier this month from their suggestions for activities should call our office at 257-3319." - adventurous six-month Western Pacific (WestPac) deployment. See pages 4 and S for the exciting According to Chairperson Howard, "Our hope is to serve as an effective vehicle for WettPac liberty story and photos, communication and understandipg between, all the members of our Windward community." Page 2, Hawaii Marine, September 28, 1979 \ At a glance Street understand told carry out NEW BUS SCHEDULE unique opportunity to support many worth- gets, ability to leadership The air station will have a new MMus sche- while organieations with a single contribution school 'policies 'and the potential to role on the council. dule beginning October 5 in order to be more or to give to the organizations of your choice. fill a supervisory the Interested applicants may obtain more Scoo responsive to personnel needs. ' Contributions can be made by contacting Ed ie Jones at 235-5604 Do you feel the Hawaii Marine Marine Corps Air Station personnel will be CFC representive in your unit. information by calling ompfies you with adequate information able to tide TheBus, route 1156, into. Kailua after 5 p.m. about.' significant upcoming activities? and on to Honolulu from the 11-3 Gate on NEW OUTREACH OFFICE MEDICAL SERVICES SURVEYS Friday and Saturday nights.
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