GAZETTEER 2018 LOCATION GRID REF LOCATION GRID REF 5 Roads Roundabout NO425267 Balgove Bay NO483184 Abden NT276879 Balgove Farm NO483171 Abdie NO259163 Balgownie Mains NS982889 Aberdour NT190853 Balgriebank NO352043 Aberhill NO374003 Balhelvie NO308218 Abernethy Bank NO217190 Balhouffie NO550064 Abertay Sands NO533284 Balkaithly NO548111 Aiky Hill NT002929 Ballantagar NO310137 Airdrie NO568084 Ballgillie Reservoir NO239036 Angle Park GP NO294113 Ballinbreich NO273203 Annets Hill NO343044 Ballindean NO369223 Annfield NO319078 Ballingall Mill NO249028 Annfield Farm NO399063 Ballinkirk Farm NO327047 Annsmuir NO313112 Ballo Craigs Wood NO224056 Anstruther NO567035 Ballo Reservoir NO224050 Approach Wood NO302130 Ballomill NO329106 Ardie Hill NO356225 Balmakin NO489049 Ardross Farm NO508007 Balmalcolm NO320084 Arncroach NO514051 Balmeadowside NO317181 Auchindownie NO421056 Balmerino NO359248 Auchmuir Bridge NO218011 Balmonth Reservoir NO542068 Auchterderran NT213960 Balmullo NO428207 Auchtermuchty Common NO235132 Balmungo House NO523146 Auchtertool NT215907 Balmuto NT221897 Ayton Farm NO303183 Balneil Farm NO473056 Aytonhill Pond NO295187 Balwearie Castle NT251904 Babbet Ness NO593142 Bandrum NT039915 Backmuir of Pitfirrane NT062885 Bankhead Farm NT245995 Baincraig NO230120 Bankhead Moss NO447103 Balass NO392144 Bankton Park NO305085 Balbaird NO436057 Bannaty Mill NO177086 Balbedie Farm NT195993 Barham NO317126 Balbeggie Pond NT291961 Barnhill Bay NT186841 Balbirnie Park NO289025 Barns Farm NT167844 Balbougie NT142849 Barnslee NO305015 Balbuthie NO502020 Barnsmuir NO597062 Balcarres Den NO487043 Barnyards Marsh NO484024 Balcaskie Estate NO525035 Barrington NO217092 Balchrystie NO460030 Bath NS972909 Balcomie NO625098 Bath Moor Plantation NS970913 Balcomie Beach NO631103 Bawbee Bridge NO375006 Balcormo Farm NO514042 Beley Farm NO537107 Balcurvie NO338010 Beleybridge NO542101 Baldinnie NO431113 Bell Craig NO394225 Baldridge Burn NT095889 Bell Rock View NO541095 Balgeddie NO256028 Belleknowes Industrial Estate NT129836 Balgonie Castle Wood NO311007 Bellfield Farm NO319011 1 LOCATION GRID REF LOCATION GRID REF Belliston NO500056 Broombrae Farm NO241124 Bellknowes NT091845 Broomhall NT076836 Bellsknowe Pond NT126839 Brownhills Farm NO527152 Benarty Hill NT153977 Brucefield Farm NO297105 Bents Farm NT055923 Brucehaven NT091834 Bernard’s Smithy NT196881 Bruckley NO436186 Berryhill Farm NO259159 Bruntsheils NO435102 Beveridge Park NT270909 Buckhaven NT360986 Bickramside NT010910 Buddo Rock NO563150 Billow Ness NO562027 Bullions Farm NT036849 Birkhill House NO336234 Bunnet Stone NO194072 Birnie & Gaddon Lochs LNR NO283127 Burnbrae Plantation NO553099 Birns Farm NO293119 Burnside NO164079 Bishops Wood NO457151 Burnside Farm NO573140 Black Craig NO314200 Burntisland NT225865 Black Hill NO227076 Burntisland GC NT246868 Black Loch NO262149 Burrowine Muir NS964900 Black Wood NO390235 Byresloan NT314993 Blacketyside Farm NO388029 Cabbagehall NO545089 Blacklaws NO565063 Cadgerford Wood NS988925 Blackwalls NO454111 Cadham NO277020 Blair Castle NS965857 Caiplie NO589051 Blairadam Forest NT122951 Cairncluse Farm NO539091 Blairhall Bing NT004884 Cairneyhall NO272157 Blairhall Farm NS997876 Cairneyhall Woods NO273159 Blebocraigs NO431152 Cairneyhill NT047865 Bluebrae Plantation NO243069 Cairnfield Muir NO299108 Bluther Burn NS989887 Cairnie Hill NO279156 Boarhills NO565140 Cairnsmill NO496148 Boarhills Pond NO577148 Calais Muir Pond NT125868 Boathaven NO570150 Calais Muir Wood NT131868 Boghall beach NO595135 Calaisburn NT126867 Boglily Farm NT253911 Caldwells Farm NO267132 Bogside Farm NS966903 Cambo Den NO608116 Bonerbo NO548073 Cambo Ness NO608118 Bonfield NO452161 Cambo Sands NO605122 Bonnet Stane NO190070 Cameron NT348993 Bonnytown NO546125 Cameron Farm NO474116 Bordie Moor NS955873 Cameron Reservoir NO472111 Boreland NT303945 Camilla Loch NT220915 Boulterhall Sandpit NO421243 Canmore GC NT094886 Bouprie Banks NT177859 Cantyhall NO521048 Bow of Fife NO321128 Car Craig NT199830 Bowershall NT096911 Cardenbarns NT224941 Bowhouse Farm (East Neuk) NO269101 Cardenden NT224947 Bowhouse Farm NO513016 Cardsknolls NO307056 Bowstard Loch NO265171 Carlhurlie Reservoir NO395049 Brackmont Quarry NO432223 Carlingnose Point NT136807 Bracks Plantation NO222067 Carnbee NO531065 Braefoot Point NT176830 Carnbee Reservoir NO525068 Braeside of Cults NO350085 Carngour NO520127 Braeside of Lindores NO257174 Carnock NT046889 Branxton Farm NO405073 Carphin NO320195 Brewsterwells March NO481098 Carpow Lea NO295191 Brighouse NO407215 Carrick Villa NO438026 2 LOCATION GRID REF LOCATION GRID REF Carriston Farm NO323041 Comerton NO467213 Carriston Reservoir NO328037 Comielaw NO521045 Carslogie NO351144 Comrie Colliery NT002910 Carslogie Farm NO350413 Comrie Mains Farm NT008897 Carvenom NO547057 Cornceres Farm NO579053 Cash Wood NO237087 Coul Den NO269037 Cassindonald Farm NO464122 Coul Reservoir NO269038 Cast Farm NO461229 Coultra Wood NO354230 Castlandhill Farm NT120827 Cowdenbeath NT163917 Cauldcots NO556049 Cowdenlaws NT307956 Causewayhead NO435277 Cowdenshaws Strip NT304952 Cellardyke NO574038 Cowstrandburn NT035908 Ceres NO400115 Craigen Gaw NO199071 Ceres Moor NO393130 Craigencalt NT258875 Chance Inn NO372103 Craigend Farm NT202997 Chancefield NO233081 Craighall Den NO405105 Chapel Level NT263940 Craighead Farm NO632099 Chapel Wood NT317946 Craigie Farm NO454243 Charleshill Point NT186838 Craigkelly NT233872 Charlestown NT064839 Craigluscar NR NT068903 Charleton House NO459039 Craigmead NO227062 Charlottetown NO293106 Craigrothie NO377107 Chesterhill NO570145 Craigs Plantation NT070849 Clammieduff Hill NO199136 Craigsanquhar NO394192 Claremont NO458146 Craigtoun CP NO481143 Clash Wood NO486121 Crail NO612076 Clatchard Craig Quarry NO242176 Crail Airfield NO625089 Clatto Farm NO437156 Crawford Priory NO349112 Clatto Hill NO355065 Crawhill NO557040 Clatto Reservoir NO362078 Creich NO328212 Clayton Caravan Park NO431182 Crescent Wood NO373057 Cleish Hills NT075960 Croftgary Farm NT183868 Cleughie Burn NO385213 Crombie NT046852 Clinthill House NT154853 Crombie Point NT032846 Clockmadron NO426087 Crossford NT066871 Cluny NT246955 Crossgates NT147890 Cluny Mains Farm NT242965 Crowhill Wood NT167838 Coal Farm NO534021 Cruicks Quarry NT130818 Coaltown of Balgonie NT299998 Cruivie Farm Pond NO402224 Coaltown of Burnturk NO329075 Crumblie Hill NO412224 Coaltown of Callange NO418116 Cullaloe LNR NT187877 Coaltown of Wemyss NT327075 Culross NS985860 Coble House Point NO465198 Cult Hill NT026963 Coble Shore NO467193 Cult Ness NT122812 Cockcairnie NT169852 Cults Farm NO351093 Cocklaw House NO583094 Cults Hill NO348084 Cocklemill Burn NO469012 Cults Mill NO342107 Cocklemill Marsh NO460010 Cunnoquhie NO314152 Colinsburgh NO474035 Cupar NO376145 Collessie NO288133 Cupar Mill Damside NO363128 Collessie Den Pond NO283136 Cupar Muir NO362133 Collister NO572076 Cupar Wards NO367132 Colvins Knowe NT188919 Cuttlehill Farm NT156894 Colzie NO210144 Daftmill Farm NO316122 Colzie Hill NO228145 Dairsie NO414173 3 LOCATION GRID REF LOCATION GRID REF Dairsie Bridge NO416161 Dura Den NO415146 Dalbeath Marsh NR NT150907 Durie House NO374025 Dalgairn NO375154 Dysart NT305932 Dalgety Bay NT170835 Earl’s Seat NT319974 Dalginch NO312023 Earlsferry NT477995 Damhead of Torr NO378199 Earlshall Muir NO496227 Damside NO379177 East Feal NO213034 Damside (Cupar) NO363129 East Lomond NO244062 Dandies Wood NO385234 East Links Wood Pond NO422242 Daubs Farm NO257109 East Sands NO519163 Dean Plantation NT053880 East Wemyss NT340968 Demperston NO225115 Easter Balgarvie NO357157 Den of Lindores NO252172 Easter Bucklyvie NT173885 Denbrae Farm NO390187 Easter Friarton NO437263 Denburn Wood NO613080 Easter Kilwhiss NO280107 Denhead NO468138 Easter Kincaple NO474179 Denmuir NO303188 Easter Kinnear NO403232 Denork NO455139 Easter Kinsleith NO333185 Devil’s Burdens NO194062 Easter Lathrisk NO285082 Devilla Forest NS961882 Easter Newburn NO446049 Devon NO340058 Easter Pitcorthie NO501039 Devon Common NO338051 Eastfield NS996946 Dirdum NO425164 Eden Estuary Centre NO451191 Dogton Farm NT236970 Eden Estuary LNR NO478195 Donibristle Bay NT160827 Eden Park NO378146 Douglasbank Cemetery NT091839 Edenside NO455191 Downans Plantation NT185848 Edenstown NO292101 Downing Point NT159824 Edenwood NO357118 Dreel Burn NO559036 Elie Ness NT496993 Dreelside NO562035 Elie Estate NO496008 Drinkbetween NT263884 Elmwood College Farm NO357130 Drony Road NO594127 Fairmont Devlin GC NO548145 Drumain NO212048 Falfield NO446089 Drumain Reservoir NO223042 Falkland NO254072 Drumcarro NO453128 Falklandwood NO248087 Drumcarrow Craig NO458134 Falside NO543053 Drumdreel Farm NO205089 Feddinch NO485135 Drumeldrie NO441033 Fernie Castle NO315147 Drumly NO552101 Ferniemill NO319152 Drummy Wood NO322053 Ferry Hills NT130813 Drumoig NO438250 Ferrytoll NT124821 Drumrack NO545082 Fetterdale NO471257 Drumtenant NO298091 Fife Ness NO639098 Duloch Park NT132881 Fife Ness Muir NO635097 Dumbarnie Links NO441023 Fincraigs Farm NO366228 Dun Moss NS982925 Findas Knowe NO366098 Dunbog NO285178 Fingask NO397182 Dunbog Hill NO287164 Fleecefaulds NO402089 Dunearn NT211872 Flisk Wood NO329230 Dunfermline NT088875 Fliskmillan NO299211 Duniface Farm NO354011 Fluke Dub NO626107 Dunino NO538109 Fluthers Wood NO392045 Dunmore NT172983 Foodie NO383172 Dunnikier Park NT280942 Foodieash NO379167 Dunshalt NO251103 Fordelhill NO434241 4 LOCATION GRID REF LOCATION GRID REF Fordell Firs NT142856 Helen’s Myre NO291106 Forgan Church NO446259 Hermit’s Well NO599058 Formonthills NO259035
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