Fort Jlancock Size, Personnel May B© Cut Diatrlbntion Weather Today Mostly sunny but windy and cold* er today, afternoon temperatures in low 30s. Clear and colder to- 26,475 night, low around 15. Fair, con< Red Bank Area f tinued cold tomorrow, high around 30: Friday's outlook, part- Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1966. DIAL 7414)010 ly cloudy and cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS limed dally. Monday through Friday. Second Clan p<»tag« 7c PER COPY VOL. 89, NO. 143 Pall tx ft«d Bank aai u Additional Mailing Otdcea. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18,1967 PAGE ONE U.S. Pledges to Study State Expressway Problems By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON State Parkway to the New Jersey Highway Authority so that In a hotly contested debate last fall, the state Legisla- Informed sources reported ue told Mr. Bridwell ths WASHINGTON — New Jersey officials put it on the line tolls may be imposed. ture approved the right of the authority to acquire three parkway authority could not finance its part, which he made to the Johnson Administration yesterday that its help is es- Listening to the appeal was Undersecretary of Transporta- free areas of parkway from the former state Highway De- clear is the major share of. the project, without getting title sential in solving the Garden State's most critical highway tion Lowell Bridwell. partment and set up toll stations. to the parkway free sections. problem. They got a promise of consideration. Taking part on behalf of the state were David J. Gold- But the action was subject to Congressional approval. Basis for repurchase approval from the U. S. stemmed The subject: Action to permit construction of the 1965 berg, the state's new transportation commissioner; D. Louis Congressman Howard introduced the necessary legislation but from the fact that the free areas, in Union, Middlesex, Ocean proposed Central Jersey Expressway System, estimated to Tonti, executive director of the parkway authority, and John drew opposition from fellow representatives in the affected and Cape May counties, were built more than 20 years ago cost several hundred million dollars. V. Spinale, executive aide to Gov. Richard J. Hughes. free areas and from the U. S. Bureau of Roads. with 50 per cent federal aid. A state delegation headed by Paul L. Troast, chairman Under the expressway, plan, which would produce a criss-; The federal position was that the growing tendency The state's 1966 repurchase plan guaranteed repayment of a New Jersey Task Force for the expressway, and in- cross of superhighways north and south and east and west toward toll roads being built instead of comparable free high- of the U. S. funds but also called for a return allocation of cluding Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J., appealed to the in mid-Jersey, the authority would build the most costly ways should be discouraged. them to other New Jersey projects. U. S. Department of Transportation to drop barriers raised' links. ' ., ' Though the governor has said that some means will be Reports have circulated that if the state would drop its last fall. Its bonding lawyers insist that it gain the right • to im- found to build the essential parts of the system even if demand for reapplication the federal position might be revised. Jamming up the New Jersey bottleneck is refusal so far pose, tolls on the parkway free sections to protect bondholders federal approval is withheld, Mr. Troast gave no such indi- Gov. Hughes, who has made completion of the Central of Congress to okay sale of free sections in the state's Garden against possible loss of revenue diverted to the new system, cation to Mr. Bridwell. (See HIGHWAY, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Articles Will Feature Red China Area Men in Vietnam "Anybody here from Monmouth County?" remain there for at least four months on his With those words, news correspondent fact-finding tour. and author Edward Hymoff of 60 Hooper In Power , Mr. Hymoff, home for Christmas leave, Ave., Atlantic Highlands, has come to be registered high praise for the fighting ability known to Monmouth County residents serv- of the Americans and said their morale is ing with the armed forces in Vietnam. high. With the fighting units in the field and behind the lines, he is seeking out Mon- This marks Mr. Hymoff's second trip to mouth servicemen and will report on them Vietnam. The Vietnam war is the fifth he from time to time in a series of articles pre- has covered as a correspondent—and the sixth war he has actually seen. He is a World War TOKYO (AP) — Red China's Chi, there was every indication pared especially for The .Daily Register. feuding Communist leaders ap- it had been ignored - and that No matter where he goes in Vietnam,- II veteran. He is the author of more than 1,000 magazine articles and has written peared deadlocked in their pow- Mao's .boast of support from the Mr. Hymoff asks if there are Monmouth er struggle today with each un- armed forces had not budged his County residents around — "and it;is sur- several important books. willing to compromise or to opponents. prising the number who come front and You won't want to miss Mr. Hymoff's force a showdown. center," he ^ays. - on-the-scene reports .about Monmouth County Mao's New China News Agen- Mr. Hymoff is in Vietnam also to gather servicemen in, Vietnam. The first report— A week after Mao Tse-tung is- cy referred in one dispatch to material for two books he is writing. He will with photos—will appear Friday. sued a virtual ultimatum to the "the bastions in which counter followers of President Liu Shao- revolutionary revisionism has en- trenched itself" and refrained from .proclaiming final .victory MISSILE CONTROL AREA — Aerial photo show* radar fire control area; of Battery. By Northeast Sewerage Authority over what It called the "latest C, 3d Battalion, Slst Artillery, at Fort Hancock. It is heart of Nike Hercules air de- counter attack" by Mao's oppo- nents.' ' ' fense area from which missiles would be controlled after launch in event of attack. The Peking correspdndent of Under planned Defense Department economy cutback, Nike Hercules missile area of the Japanese newspaper Yonaiuri Fort Hancock would remain intact. In background is Atlantic Ocean. ,849,600 U.S. Grant Sought TcporWd,.that.the upheavaiori the mainland seemed to have "passed OCEANPORT — ;The Northeast grant for aid In construction of approved ia each of the mem- glonal system, The third is a.sub' j^ ahd that tension.was Monmouth County Regional Sewer- collector severs. '-' .V.- ber towns to cement a long- division . ordinance - *mendrn^itt' age Authority last" night autho- £» Shangnai, Nanking, The authority has completed term commitment'itfoat they wlli providing fof'('dr^9ewe«a'w Peking and other cities. rized its chairman; Michael J. preliminary plans Jar the. sewer- give all their sewage business to housing, developments, but - same Rafferty, to sign and submit an the authority. -' ' - : of the boroughs' have already age of Little Silver, Fair Haven, mosphere to Mao's personal as- application for a $2,849,600 federal Shrewsbury, Monmouth Beach, adopted it, Mr. Schissler said. grant. 'Paul F. Schissler of Shrews- sumption of leadership. West Long Branch and this bor- bury, chairman of the authority's : Mr. Rafferty said he was--ap- The money hopefully will be 1 proached yesterday morning With '"..:.-''•?'..5viiBik»"-iof.Pause ^ M-' ough. ,','•'' legal committee, said three or- available under the federal Water Push Final Plans - a request for a joint, meeting with -But: *he .^available, evidence Slated for Cutback Pollution Control Act, and would dinances will accompany the ser- Red-Bank officials. He said the pointed out, a pauise only. help finance construction of a Engineers are now at work on vice contracts when they are dis meeting probably would t>e held By JACQUELINE ALBAN family housing would be re- Fort Hancock's commander, In Shanghai, where Mao's of- treatment plant and ocean out- final, detailed plans for the sys- tributed. • . ' early next week. And FRANK W. HARBOUR tained. Brig. Gen. Walter M. Vann, was ficial news; outlets admitted anti- fall complex at Monmouth tem, it was reported last night. •Red Bank has been invited to SANDY HOOK — Plans com- The 455 acres reportedly will not available for comment. Two of them, to be. adopted by Mao strikes and' sabotage had Beach. pleted yesterday by the U.S. De-be turned over to the federal But the deputy commander, Also announced was completion governing bodies and boards of be a customer of the authority, occurred,. Liu's followers pre- partment of Defense to cut the General Services Administration Col. Daniel W. Johnson, main- The authority applied in Novem- of work on the service contract, a health in each town, will require but wants a voting membership, sumably ' were dinging to size of Fort Hancock and reduce for disposal. tained that if the plans are car-ber for a $1.5 milion federal 2&page document Chat must be residents to hook into' the re- which the authority has 'declined. the municipal party apparatus. Its personnel may cause prob- Howard Notified ried out, problems will result. blems at the installation, The When called last night to veri- Stating that the installation Daily Register has teamed. fy reports of the Defense Depart- needs all the land, he noted that July 1, 1968, is set tentatively ment's plans, Rep. James J. How- the sewer plant, on the ocean as the date for the changes. ard said he had been "informal- side, and the water plant, ad- B52 Fire Bombs Rain on ! The department plans to re- ly" notified of the contemplated jacent to Crab Creek; are on op- SAIGON (AP)-High-flying B52 In 'Washington, Gen.
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