2540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE. FEBRUARY 24, _\ Massachusetts favoring pensions for life-savers-to the Com­ accounting officers of the Treasury Department be authorized to I mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. audit, adjust, and settle the mutual claims of the United States By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana (by request): A joint resolution and the State of Vermont in respect to ordnance and quarter­ of the legislature of Idaho relative to the boundary between master stores furnished in the years 1864 and 1865, etc., which Idaho and Montana--to the Committee on Appropriations. was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED. THE .ALASKAN BOUNDARY. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com· the following titles were introduced and severally refen-ed, as munication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a follows: letter from the Secretary of State submitting a draft of a pro­ By Mr. DWIGHT: A bill (H. R. 17502) granting a pension to posed appropriation of $50,000, in view of the ratification of the Warren Ht;tghes-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. treaty of January 24, 1903, for the purpose of meeting the ex­ penses of the part the United States of the Joint Commission for the Adjustment of the Alaskan Boundary; which, with the ac­ PETITIONS, ETC. companying paper, was referred to the Committee onAppropria­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII: the following petitions and papers tions, and ordered to be p1inted. were laid on the Clerk's desk and ref~rred as follows:· MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. By Mr. CLAYTON: Petitions of retail druggists of Ozark, A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Geneva, Dothan, and Enterprise, Ala. ,asking for favorable action BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had agreed on the bill reducing the tax on alcohol-to the Committee on to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 16) to provide Ways and Means. for the erection at Washington, D. C., of bronze equestrian By Mr. DALZELL: Petition of the Woman's Civic Club of statues to the memory of the late Brig. Gen. Count Casimir Pu­ Turtle Creek, Pa., to prohibit liquor selling in Government build­ laski and Baron Steuben. ings, etc.-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. The message also announced that the House had passed the By Mr. DRAPER: Re olutions of the Department of New joint resolution (S. R. 159) granting to New York and Jersey York, Grand Army of the Republic, urging the passage of House Railroad Company the right to construct and operate an under­ bill14105, giving preference to honorably discharged war veter­ ground railway under land owned by the United States in the ans in appointments-to the Committee on Reform in the Civil city of New York. Service. The message further announced that the House had passed a By Mr. GRIFFITH: Medical testimony to accompany House bill (H. R. 17493) making appropriations to supply deficiencies in bill for increase of pension of William H. Lows-to the Commit­ the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, and tee on In.valid Pensions. for prior years, and for other purposes; in which it requested the By Mr. HAMILTON: Resolutions of J. M. Pond Post, No. 460, concurrence of the Senate. of Saugatuck: General I. C. Smith Post, No. 451, of Reed City, Department of Michigan, Grand Al"'DY of the Republic, in sup­ PETITIONS . AND MEMORIALS. port of House bill17103, permitting the payment of the value of Mr. PLATT of New York presented a petition of the Mer­ public lands to persons entitled to make entry upon such lands in chants' Association_of New York City, N. Y., praying for the certain cases-to the Committee on the Public Lands. ratification of the pending Hay-Bond Newfoundland reciprocity By Mr. HAY: Resolutions of the Philadelphia Maritime Ex­ treaty; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ change, fav01ing a pension to Emily Lawrence Reed, widow of tions. Walter Reed, late major and surgeon, United States Army-to He also presented memorials of Cigar Makers' Local Union the Committee on Pensions. No. 119, of Dansville: of Cigar Makers' Local Union No. 149, of By Mr. McANDREWS: Resolutions of Romania Lodge, No. Brooklyn; of Cigar Makers, Local Union No.7, of Utica, and of 170, of Chicago, ill., Order of B'rith Abraham, against the exclu­ Cigar Makers' Local Union No. 210, of Rome, all of the American sion of Jewish immigrants at the port of New York-to the Com­ Federation of Labor, in the State of New York, remonstrating mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. against the ratification of the pending Cuban reciprocity treaty; By Mr. METCALF: Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. of San Francisco, Cal., favoring the immediate increase of the He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Mount Vernon, Navy in vessels, personnel, etc.-to the Committee on Naval Tuckahoe, and New York City, all in the State of New York; of Affairs. sundry citizens of Oshkosh, Wis.; of Norton, Kans.; of sundry By Mr. OTJEN: Resolutions of Cream City Lodge, No. 76, Or­ citizens of Indianapolis, Ind., and of sundry citizens of Hazard­ der of Sons of Benjamin, Milwaukee, Wis., relative to immigra­ ville and South Norwalk, in the State of Connecticut, praying for tion-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. the enactment of legislation to recognize and promote the effi­ By Mr. SPERRY: Resolutions of Men-iam Post, No.8, Grand ciency of chaplains in the Army; which were refen-ed to the Army of the Republic, of Meriden, Conn., favoring the passage Committee on Military Affairs. of a service pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid P ensions. He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Rochester, By Mr. YOUNG: Resolutions of the Merchants' Association of Buffalo, New York City, and Utica, all in the State of New York, the Port of New York, favoring the passage of the ship-subsidy praying for the establishment of a laboratory for the study of the bill-to the Commitule on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. criminal, pauper, and defective classes; which were ordered to lie on the table. He also presented petitions of United Israel Lodge, No. 182, of SENATE. New York City; of Samuel Lodge, No. 241, of Syracuse; of Abra­ ham Lodge, No. 1, of New York City, and of Romener Lodge, TUESDAY, February 24, 1903. No. 7S, of New York City, all of the Order of B'rith Abraham, in the State of New York, praying for the enactment of legislation Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington. to modify the methods and practice pursued by the immigration The Secretary proceeded to rea<l the Journal of yesterday's officers at the port of New York; which were referred to the proceedings, when, on request of Mr. CULBERSON, and by unani­ Committee on Immigration. mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. He also presented petitions of the Alliance Publishing Com­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Jour­ pany, of New York City; of the Royal Pattern Company, of New n~ will stand approved. The Chair hears none, and the Journal York City; of Supreme Lodge, No. 1190, Order of Mutual Protec­ is approved. · tion, of Odin; of the Original Five Points Mission. of New York NEW YORK POST-OFFICE BUILDING. City, and of the l\f. T. Richardson Company, of New York City, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ all in the State of New York, praying for the enactment of legis­ munication from the Secretary of tne Treasury, transmitting the lation providing a pound-rate postage on city magazines; which report of the commission authorized by Congress to secure a grant were refen-ed to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. · for the erection of a post-office building in the city of New York, He also presented petitions of Local Unio No. 96, of Stapleton; which, with the accompanying paper, was refened to the Com­ of Local Union No. 4-08, of Palmyra; of Local Union No. 425, of mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be Utica, and of Local Union No. 124, of Fort Edward, all of the 1ninted. American Federation of Labor, in the State of New York, and of CLAIMS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT. Local Union No. 454, of New London, Conn., praying for the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ passage of the so-called eight-hour bill; which were ordered to lie munication from the Secretary of the Treasury,. recommending on the table. that to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the-State of He also presented petitions of R. Whalen & Co., of Rochester; Vermont the sum appropriated to that State under the act of of the Retail Cigar and Tobacco Dealers' Association, of New .July 1, 1902, or such part thereof as it may be entitled to, the York City, and of L. T. Dick, of Elmira, all in the State of New 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2541 York, praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the intoxicating liquors which may be shipped into their territory return of any part of any internal-revenue package of tobacco, from other States; which was referred to the Committee on Inter­ snuff, cigars, or cigarettes to any person, firm, or corporation; state Commerce.
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