NAWKO? CARPET 1 I export ca KABIR & CO. LTD BffKest exporters of - Afehan displays highest quality newold nx handicrafts offering - the best furs, genuine antique po-- nnrr arms, quality Afghan products at: ' osteenchaa anil nthnrWW', Afghan t handicrafts: , HOC ili MES KABIR BOUTIQUE: Address: Shar Nan nniwulfa Address: Charahl Ansari (Share Blue Mosque reis: 32035 and 31051. - Tela; 30189 Cable: Nawroz Kabul. and 31183. Post Box: 406. Cable. PUSTINCOA v VOL. X NO. 186 KABUL, TUESDAY, 'NOVEMBER' 9,' 1971 (AQRAB 18, 1350 S.H.) ; DDTfiP A W A Bowling club opened Researchers find US. bombing in Alcbar Maina r MWiiiiiM ? llUVIIJJIIbU 200 attend ceremonies ITHACA, New York, Nov- 9,(Reuter)v-- A research report published here yesterday said that by the end of this year, United states four-alle-y aircraft will have dropped as much bomb tonnage on Indo-Chin-a iat new center in three ytiars under the Nixon administration ag. under President Johnsonfc five year term. j By Our Own Reporter . The new Atlas Bowling Centre was officially ope- A summary Ma-,ced- of the repbrt pro- - cessful counter-insurgen- cy in ned last night, and at the same time, the sport of bow- ? 3 researchers it Corn-- laya", the report said. ling was introduced to Afghanistan. ', cW university, said "tne data revealed that, contrary gesture,, Af- to repo- In a symbolic the President of rts and impressions, the .air war Hakim heads ghan Air Authority, Sultan Mahmud Ghazi, -- cut a in Indo-Chi- na is not being wo- blue ribbon leading to the alleys, and bowled the und down like the ground war. Afghan delegation , v " first ball v.y "As U.S. troops are withdra- Over two hundred people' attended the opening in wn, massive, aerial fire power re- at FAO meeting guest was comprised of mains to substitute for manpow- formal evening dress. The list er," Royal Family high government offi- KABUL, Nov. 9, (Bakhtar). members of the Agriculture Min- v and Irrigation foreign embassi- 4 - "In ' cials, representatives from the , guerilla and iV N 'I warfare...substk ister .Abdul Hakim, left here es in Kabul. tuting lavish fire-pow- er for man- yesterday for Rome to partici- power is both inefficient and in- - pate in tfie 16th meeting of the ' uiscnminaung . Fond Orcnnisn- - A banquet of food and dr-- - The new bowling center has it said. and Asrlrultnro inks was served for the guests, four alleys with mutn oomDing was being tion ot tne United Nations. boys, one for QOne in 1971 as Unc Hnna tVirn- - ' TV10 moatina in haA un tun catered by the Intercontinental , pin setters. Pin Ilrrknnl J TYT TV uftnuuL vvona war u, ana in years, issues related to technic Hotel. each alley and working three the " first eight months of budgetary, . shifts a dav. manuallv re-s- et this al, and administrative year, it added. the pins after two balls, have affairs of the FAO are consider- - Abassi, Dr. Ravan been thrown. There are com ed. , .'j - ."Over half a million tons of air- Representatives mem- fortable couches behind the al- tg$fL9 Afghan Olympics Association President Mohammad Farouk dropped munitions were se- taking part, leys for relaxing. The of used, ber nations are and attend senate rest Seraj, bowling one of the first ballg at the Atlas Bowling Centre ven times the total amount used the Minister will lead the Af- the center has a snack bar, th-- last night. IPhoto: Moaim by ! the Kabul Tinusl-t the British 10 ! 1.11 L! - . .." r- in years of suc-- ghan delegation. pin-Da-u J ... ree macnines, ana1 iwu The members of the delegation committee meeting mock-footba-ll games. There is are: Veterinary President Dr..' bowling from 10 a.m. 12 p.m (House Aslam Khamosh, Pl Nov. 9, (Bakhtar.) committees chairmen elected Mohammad KABUL, seven davs a wpek. anning Abdul Majid, Foreign International KABUL, Nov. 9, (Bakhtar) --The plenary session of the House President The and qalahnHdin Mahmnhd of the People yesterday Touryalai Osman, charge d'- Agriculture, Mines presided by Dr. Mohammad and Affairs, and Af?w over House President Omar Wardak approved the elections of the of Afghan Embassy Committees meetings zi, oi Auas executjve of the House committees. ' affaires the Industries councils some of in Rqme. .' of the Senate were convened ye Company, said in an interview As the meetinc ODened. th Ho. from Oarabaeh of Ghazhi orov-- deDutv fmm RncWnn rontro nh. sterday, 8"i e meet .u. use secretary Sayed Mobin Shah mce, deputy chairman. .airman; Nezamudin Amirie. de- - "i cenrer wnne on a ' Sayed Qal- The Minister of Information , opwiing inp Amir declared the quorum fulL Anbya. deputy from - puty from Darai Souf. denutv eh. 10,000 tons sugar and Culture, Mohammad Ebrah- - abroad. He said ne teit tnat He then read some urgent pro- - ai Kah, secretary. airtnan; and Nour Mohammad im Abbasi. and the Deputy Mi- - .bowling provided an excellent posals. all of which were adopted Law and Legislative Affairs Co- - Akbarie, deputy from the first of ages, nlster for Foreign Affaii(si D9 outlet for people all by unanimous vote. Then the na-- mmittee: , contituency of Kandahar city delivered at in an now, sec.' Ravan Farhadi, participated outlet which .until mes of the executive council me- - Abdul Raouf Benawa deDutv retary; Afghanis- - the Foreign and International had been missing m mbers of the committees were from Musa Qala Chairman Mo National Defence Affairs Com- - ; Sher Khan port Affairs Committee meeting and tan, "Bowling is a clean, re-- read all of which were approved. hammad'Alam Fni? zH mfttee: answered questions on recent de- - creational sport , said Ghazi.v Following are the names of Anv the from Chah Ab, deputy chairman Mohammad Janeed Alizoy, de-- KABUL, Nov. 9, (Bakhtar!).-T- wo and Sayed Zalvr Shah, deputy puty from Kohsan district of He carrying 600 tons of eign Afghanistan. wo-- ships relations bf many Afghans as possible the committees Agriculture and from - Shakardara sec- rat province chairman; ' Sayed Kh- m- - district, sugar have arrivea in Shair The Agriculture, Mines ana ma turn to bowling their Cattle Breeding Committee: . Mohammad Rafiq Nadem, depu- in retary. an Bandar. So far eleven ships dustries Committees considered time. Kamaluddin Eshaqzai, deputy ty, .' leisure Interior and Local Administra- from Tolak, deputy chairman carrying sugar for Afghanistan expenditure of the first and Ghu-A- the from Sare Pol, chairman; t tion ; Committee: and Abdul Majid Mushwani de- port fr- on petro-le- u have arrived at the river second five year plans this time however, thej lam Naqshband Nasher, deputy Ghulam Dastageer puty from Badghis, secretary. past mand gas prospecting in Nor- Watanyar, om the Soviet Union in the prices at tne center are very Public Health Affairs Commit- weeks. thern Afghanistan, and the mica high. To bowl one game costs tee: two monopo- and gold mines of Zarkashan. 50 Afghanis, and should the troupe Serajuddin Mangal, deputy A source of the sugar i of 42 opens 10,000 of sugar will The committee decided to ask want something from Samkani, chairman; . Moh- - lies said tons tired bowler anotn- - the Mines and Industries Minist- eat after his efforts, he is be imported by today and back- to m Aignan- - ry to provide ft with the confronted with a food price show at Kabul Nandarey from Dahraoud. deputy chairman er 10,000 will arrive on the subje- .1 ni. a) r t 1 two months. The ground information 40 ana onanpazii nnxnaa ai, aepu-- icnn within list which is even higher sugar being imported under cts. Afs. for a "local" hamburger,. ty from Sayed Karam, secretary, is committee also considered " . By Our Own Reporter new agreement. The 50 pizza, 85 Planning and Basic Organise the law on water rights Afs for and and A variety show performed by artists of Radio Afghanistan was From the last agreement, 2070 the draft tion: . ... an "imported" cheese- Sat-urda- y for the lands in Kajaki and Afs for opened at Kabul Nandarey evening. 42 singers, and tons of suear will be arriving, ac- - burger for exampler At th- instrumentalists are taking part in the show which is performed Mohammad Akbar deputy from cording to the source. The Bagh-- ese prices, bowling in Afghan- nignuy ai b p.m. at Jtvamu iManaa- - rey. Panjab, chairman, Abdul Aziz,. Ian Sugar Factory will also begin istan can only be for foreign The show also includes the op ers. and offer her" the hand - and Koshani. deDutv from the centre Droduction shortly. Anti-small-p- ox ers and the most elite Afghans rette, Samandar Khan (played by me protection 01 a nusDana. of Badakhshan, deputy chairman Salahuddin Mahmoud Ghazi Zhela, Rafiq Sadiq, and Helal are In other parts of the Show, the and Mohammad Aslam deDutv wek3 1 in conceded that the costs were playing the leading roles of the songs of Kamargul Zakhel, and from Behsoud. secretary. lory Continues Us-ta- prohibitive for the average operette which is composed by Zia the tabla (drums) playing of d Some deputies were also intro- man. He said that the high Karizada. , Hashem and his brothers are duced to various committees as By Our Own Reporter provinces; overhead cost involved in ope- , Zhela who is one of the highly especially soothing, and enthral- members and their membership Work on the new fsteqlal hi- various ' rating only four alleys was the popular singers of Radio Afgha- ling. was approved by the meeting. gh school is fast in progress. participates stage per- ta- oc-- KANDAHAR. Nov. 9, (Bakhtar) reason for the high prices. nistan in a Hashem not only is the best They are; Commercial AffaiiV The two storey buildings formance bla player in Afghanistan, The mass vaccination program- "Jn comparative studies ma- for the first time.
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