USOO9005681 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,005,681 B2 Ichihara et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 14, 2015 (54) FOOD PRODUCT CONTAINING STARCH (58) Field of Classification Search GEL STARCH GRANULE, PRODUCTION CPC .............................. A23L 170522: A23L 1/095 METHOD AND USE THEREOF USPC ............................................ 426/48,578,549 See application file for complete search history. (75) Inventors: Takashi Ichihara, Osaka (JP); Junya Fukuda, Osaka (JP); Masakazu (56) References Cited Kimura, Osaka (JP); Kenichi Kurita, Osaka (JP) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,445,950 A 8/1995 Kobayashi et al. (73) Assignee: Glico Nutrition Co., Ltd., Osaka (JP) 6,461,656 B1 * 10/2002 Bindzus et al. ............... 426.242 2005/0204425 A1 9/2005 Myers et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2007, 0110847 A1 5/2007 Okamoto et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (21) Appl. No.: 13/383,060 CN 101028101 A 9, 2007 JP 59 196O72 11 1984 .............. A23L 1.325 JP 1-159047 A 6, 1989 (22) PCT Filed: Aug. 11, 2010 JP 5-112469 A 5, 1993 JP 06-269291. A 9, 1994 (86). PCT No.: PCT/UP2O1 O/OOSO46 JP 11-2558O2 A 9, 1994 JP 7-063324 B 7, 1995 S371 (c)(1), JP 8-277230 A 10, 1996 (2), (4) Date: Sep. 24, 2012 JP 10-215795 A 8, 1998 JP 11-192052 7, 1999 JP 2001-103991 A 4/2001 (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2011/021372 JP 33 12225 8, 2002 JP 2003-2198.13 A 8, 2003 PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 24, 2011 JP 3723860 B2 12/2005 JP 2007-302767 A 11, 2007 (65) Prior Publication Data JP 417.0062 10, 2008 WO 96,03513 A2 2, 1996 US 2013/OO22711 A1 Jan. 24, 2013 WO 2005/096839 A1 10/2005 WO 2006/065579 A2 6, 2006 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data WO 2008/O59992 A1 5, 2008 Aug. 18, 2009 (JP) ................................. 2009-189567 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (51) Int. Cl. JP-59-196072-Official Translation. A2.3L. I./0522 (2006.01) Protein Search Result-1. ID AAB84206 (May 7, 2013).* A2ID 2/18 (2006.01) Protein Search Result-1–IDAAY77741 (5-7-20130.* A23G 3/42 (2006.01) Chinese Office Action for corresponding Chinese Application No. A23G 9/34 (2006.01) 20108.0036978.3 issued Jan. 15, 2013 and English translation. A2.3L. I./6 (2006.01) (Continued) A2.3L I/31 (2006.01) A2.3L I/34 (2006.01) A2.3L I/37 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Hamid R Badr CI2N 9/44 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Renner, Otto, Boisselle & A2.3L. I./00 (2006.01) Sklar, LLP A2.3L. I./87 (2006.01) A2.3L. I./22 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT A2.3L I/24 (2006.01) Here is provided a method of producing a starch gel-contain A2ID 8/04 (2006.01) ing food, the method comprising the steps of treating starch A2.3L I/325 (2006.01) granules with an enzyme at a temperature of about 10°C. or (52) U.S. Cl. higher and about 70° C. or lower to obtain an enzyme-treated CPC A2ID 2/186 (2013.01); A23G 3/42 (2013.01); starch; mixing a food material, the enzyme-treated Starch and A23G 9/34 (2013.01); A23L I/0522 (2013.01); water to obtain a mixture; heating the mixture thereby gela A2.3L 1/16 (2013.01); A23L I/31 (2013.01); tinizing the enzyme-treated Starch in the mixture; and cooling A2.3L I/31409 (2013.01); A23L I/31418 the mixture containing the gelatinized enzyme-treated Starch (2013.01); A23L I/317 (2013.01); C12N thereby gelling the starch to obtain a starch gel-containing 9/2451 (2013.01); C12N 9/246 (2013.01); food, wherein the enzyme is selected from the group consist CI2Y302/01033 (2013.01); C12Y302/01068 ing of amyloglucosidase, isoamylase, C-glucosidase, C.-amy (2013.01); A23L I/3175 (2013.01); A23L I/005 lase having a characteristic capable of improving a gel form (2013.01); A23L 1/1875 (2013.01); A23L ing ability of a starch, and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase. 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Chinese Office Action for corresponding Chinese Application No. Absar et al., Enzymatic hydrolysis of potato starches containing 20108.0036978.3 issued Jan. 4, 2015 and partial English translation. different amounts of phosphorus, Food Chem. Jan. 1, 2009, Vo. 112, No. 1, p. 57-62. * cited by examiner US 9,005,681 B2 1. 2 FOOD PRODUCT CONTAINING STARCH degree is added to a food, since a large amount of the starch GEL STARCH GRANULE, PRODUCTION needs to be used so as to obtain the desired hardness, the METHOD AND USE THEREOF obtained food has increased powdery texture, thus causing deterioration of quality of a final product. Therefore, there is TECHNICAL FIELD a limit on the use amount of the starch having a low crosslink ing degree. In addition, processing of the starch utilizing a The present invention relates to a starch gel-containing chemical reaction also has such problems that there is a strict food, a starch having a high viscosity and a gel forming legal restriction on a processing method and a processing ability, a food containing the starch, and a method of produc degree so as to secure safety, and that it is not necessarily ing thereof. More particularly, the present invention relates to 10 Suited to needs of consumers who require security and safety. a method of producing a starch gel-containing food using an For the purpose of deigning these processed foods, it is enzyme capable of improving a gel forming ability of a urgently necessary to develop a processing technique to starch. obtain a processed Starch which exhibits various physical properties and has high safety. BACKGROUND ART 15 As a result of intensive studies, we have found that a food with rich elasticity, crispy sensation and the like can be pre With diversification of foods, foods having various shapes, pared by adopting the steps of treating starch granules with a physical properties and textures have been required. Particu starch hydrolase or a glycosyltransferase in advance; then larly, intense interest has recently been shown towards melt in mixing the resultant with a food material and water; and mouth and texture as important physical properties for the heating the mixture. purpose of designing foods. Also in the fields related to A starch is a material utilized for various purposes and the deglutition and care toward which intense interest has most important function thereof is the thickening function recently been shown, texture has been studied as important and the gel forming function. Particularly in the food industry, physical properties. the thickening function and the gel forming function of the In the case of designing processed foods, utilization of a 25 starch are widely utilized for forming the shape, physical gelling agent is important so as to improve texture and physi properties and texture of a food. The structure of a starch cal properties, and it is possible to develop various products delicately varies depending on plant from which the starch according to how to use. derived (for example, corn, potato, wheat, and cassava). As a For the purpose of altering physical properties of foods, result, the thickening function and gel forming function also various gelling agents have hitherto been added to food mate 30 vary depending on the plant from which the starch derived.
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