JOURNALS OF THE Legislative Assembly OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO From 26th of January to 12th of April 1960 Both Days Inclusive IN THE EIGHTH AND NINTH YEARS OF THE REIGN OF OUR SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN ELIZABETH II BEING THE First Session of the Twenty-Sixth Parliament of Ontario SESSION 1960 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY VOL. XCIV ONTARIO <* .' TORONTO PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE QUEEN'S PRINTER 1960 INDEX Journals of the Legislative Assembly, Ontario 8-9 ELIZABETH II, 1960 1st Session Twenty-sixth Parliament January 26th to April 12th, 1960 CCESS ROADS: ^^\ See Community; Forestry; Mining. ACCIDENTS : See Motor Vehicle A ccidents; Sickness. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: Re-organization of, 12. ADMINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE PROBLEMS OF GOVERNMENT, SELECT COM- MITTEE ON: 1. Notice of motion for, 160. 2. Appointed, 188. 3. Members named, 230. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE: See Ontario, also Department of Agriculture. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INQUIRY COMMITTEE: Interim Report referred to, 11. AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE: 1. Appointed, 24. 2. Notice of motion re, 39. Carried as amended, 42. 3. Certain Crown Agencies referred to, 56. 4. Report, 131. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT: See Department. ALBERTA: See Page, Hon. J. Percy. ii INDEX 1960 ALCOHOLISM: Treatment to be widened, 9. ALCOHOLISM RESEARCH FOUNDATION: 1. Report, 130. (Sessional Paper No. 42.} 2. Statement re participation in conference called by U.S. Government, 149. ANACONDA IRON-ORE (CANADA) LIMITED: Question re road closed by, 191. ANGLO-NEWFOUNDLAND DEVELOPMENT Co. LTD.: See Question No. 31. ART COLLEGE: See Ontario. ATOMIC ENERGY: Paper presented by Canada-India to Second International Conference on Peaceful Uses of, 66. (Sessional Paper No. 60.) See also Uranium. ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT: See Department. AUDITOR: See Provincial Auditor. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE: 1. Select Committee on, forecast, 11. 2. Notice of motion re, 15. Withdrawn, 202. 3. Notice of motion proposing government plan, 20. 4. Notice for Select Committee on, 157. Appointed, 196. Members named, 230. OARRETTE, HON. J. ANTONIO, PRIME MINISTER OE QUEBEC: Visits Legislature, 203. BAILIFFS: Question re, 38. BANCROFT Question re, 137. 1960 INDEX 1960 BILLS, PUBLIC: t~- OO 1^5 O OO vC * "* -^t "* * *+ CN CN CN CN CN CN _ - = -2 t- -t or^oo-r -000000^-^-1^ O3ri u~. vC vO _O O _f~ ~ + >" . -t~- . 00 r~~ ' O O O "~> O IT) CN t^ - to 10 ^^ sC y I "^'-H I 00 C O <^ C xC t^LOOOCt^-tN"~. CC u 1960 INDEX BILLS, PUBLIC: ' *-* OO ^ 00 OO OO VC 00 ON O Ov O" O ON 00 O \C Q O O O O O O -t~-t~O I/} ^* "^ W) *f ^f *T "^ ^ *O Wy *f ^ ^f u") Tf 1C ^ -^* ic 01 oj 01 01 oi 01 oi oj oj oi oi oi oi oj oj o oi oj oi oi CN oi oi O4 oj oi oj 04 01 O) Ol Ol 04 O4 O4 04 s 1 *1 I"** iO *O t"* ^5 ^3 "5 "3 f*"* Ol ON *O **** ^^ ^ t""* t** ON ON t** t- \O I * OO ON ON i""** ON ON ^O t^ C**l ^D OO *O O * oo-*f Osfsir^.t^ONO>r^ r-io\OfMt^-t^-fM -esr^iocN t^-^t rNOOr^t^-oj r^ioor^ot^- fN ^ t^ ! ; 04 ; ; 1 tOO- ^ -^PO^OOO^^^^C^^ OOON^C O^OO^C^O ! ^^ -! ^^n!r<jr^ r<jrc ^,^-,(vi ^H,-.;^^ r^ IO^H ^^^H^. ^-^OO^H] ; OO OO OO ^"* O^ *. ^ fc fc ^ K ^ >* ^ ^ fc ^ \O fj ^i <**! \O ^O O\ VO OJ t"" ^i* ^O ON ^O VO OO OO ^O *O OO O\ OJ OO OO ^O t^* O^ VO *O ^O t^ ^O "O CS fl t*** *"4 ^-H \O Ol ^H ^H \O t-* Ol \O *^ '^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ *"H ^H ^H ^^ VO ^^ ^^ *"^ ^^ *~* *^" ^^ '"^ ^"^ ^H t^"" *H ' ^^ ^^ ^^ O] ^ 1 H ^ OO OOOOOOO * i OO ^OOOOfO^r^iO^OOiO OfN ^OJiOO*/^ r^oO^iO^Cc^ -ON 1^ ^ to s 1 .\O ro ^Ol^fr^^^O^ rf^O !O Ol ^O >O ^O iO t- 10 **C t** ^ I * -OO oj \O t^ "+ ^ 1O t^- "^* iO O Ol O ON c 5^ < - - ic ic oo ic O^ O OO r~ ic oo * 't 00 -* -^ ic oo oc r OO oo O 04 -* oo 't oc 04 04 -rf u-; ic C O Tf o - OOOlf*>cviOOO >OO4'"'^OO oioOrOOOOf*5'i''*>'5r';oiir5 OI^C fCr^OO't< >'i OO<"3O< '>--t< >OOOOO't< r*; -*<>OO-^OO'-<oi>-iO) -t-oi<-^O -*c>OOoit 01 <^5>C OOJ- t-oo OvOOiC'fOioivO-HOir-o t- O4O4C\O\O04-rtlC -,OOO-t^O01<^-4,fviO't 041C r^-tOOOl-f OOOOO-'t't'^'tr^J 01 r^ . .....'.... 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O -s W u < < r- D "en O - = o^: x 4 4) la rt rt rt .0< a wjSi - - 1 > .o sf SJP.9-.9-.9-.9- S M CJO OX) t> O w w c ^ _ rt <y c" cd o u rt ^ u, ? fe fe I'l'i'l ^l J^ g^ .^ Q 06660 d^c-EcS iScSoicIoi VI INDEX i960 1960 INDEX VI 1 BILLS, PUBLIC: ONOOt^t O O OOOOOO< -* rf) OO tN 00 IO O'O'O-'fOO IO r*3 ^- O -- - -*1 CN fN O ON r*3 -H -H Vlll INDEX 1960 BILLS, f =' ~3 ^ CJ f* 1 u3 M -g"gl DH be ;y) "O i i Ctf HI So LJ CeS c/f -J ,J 5 1960 INDEX IX BILLS, PRIVATE: & o c 8.1 <n >-> 3 0-0 v- 60 o S 4J ."' C O) I 60 3 O X INDEX 1960 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS: Report of, 79. (Sessional Paper No. JS.) BLIND PERSONS' ALLOWANCE: See Question A7o. 24. BRACEBRIDGE SHERIFF: Question re, 55. BRIDGES, SKYWAYS AND CAUSEWAYS: Agreements with adjoining States re, referred to, 10. See also Question No. 33. BROTHERHOOD WEEK: References to, 76. BRYDEN, MR.: Tabled copies of letters he referred to in Throne Debate, 74. (Sessional Paper No. 62.) BUDGET STATEMENT: Presentation, 86. (Sessional Paper No. 4.) See also Supply. BURLEY TOBACCO: Question re allotment of acreage to growers, 74. BURLINGTON SKYWAY: Question re abatement of smoke nuisance near, 53. Answered, 74. BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC SERVICE, LIMITED: See Workmen's Compensation Board. DR. ROBERTO DE OLIVEIRA, AMBASSADOR AT LARGE CAMPOS,FOR BRAZIL: Visits Legislature, 171. CANCER: See Ontario. 1960 INDEX x[ CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF CONSUMERS: Grant to, forecast, 8. CARPENTERS' STRIKE IN HAMILTON: Settlement announced, 53. CAUSEWAYS : See Bridges. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT PROGRAM: To be doubled, 9. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETIES: Question re payments to Ontario Hospital Services Commission, 144. CIVIL DEFENCE SERVICES: Re-organization forecast, 13. CIVIL SERVICE: Salary revisions and other benefits referred to, 13. CIVIL SERVICE ASSOCIATION: Notice of motion re its recognition as bargaining agent, 15. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: Report, 169. (Sessional Paper No. 35.) CLERK OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: His Estimates, including Sessional Requirements, passed, 147. COLOMBO PLAN: Students from other lands attending Ontario Universities under, 9. COMMERCIAL FISHING: See Question No. 4. COMMITTEES: V. 1. Standing Committees authorized on: Agriculture; Conservation; Educa- tion; Energy; Game and Fish; Government Commissions; Health; INDEX 1960 xji Highway Safety; Labour; Lands and Forests; Legal Bills; Mining; Municipal Law; Printing; Private Bills; Privileges and Elections; Public Accounts; Standing Orders; Travel and Publicity. 2. Striking Committee appointed, 19. 3. Mr. Morrow (Ottawa West) elected Chairman of Committees of Whole House, 19. 4. Striking Committee report appointing Standing Committees, 24. 5. "Committee on Health" changed to "Committee on Health and Wel- fare"; and "Committee on Highway Safety" changed to "Committee on Highways and Highway Safety", 28. 6. Substitutions on certain committees, 32, 51, 178, 179. 7. Select Committee appointed to study Bill 149, An Act respecting the Members of the Assembly, Bill 150, An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act, and Bill 151, An Act to amend The Executive Council Act, 185. Report, 200. Re-appointed with new Order of Reference, etc., to sit between Sessions, 226. 8. Select Committee on Administrative and Executive problems of Government appointed, 188. Members named, 230. 9. Select Committee on Automobile Insurance appointed, 196. Members named, 230. 10. Select Committee on Cost of Drugs appointed, 201. Members named, 230. 11. Select Committee on Land Expropriation procedures appointed, 222. Members named, 230. 12. Select Committee on Crop Insurance appointed, 223. Members named, 230. (For Reports see under Titles of respective Committees.) COMMUNITY ACCESS ROADS: Additional, planned, 10. CONCILIATION BOARDS: See Question No. 23. CONNAUGHT LABORATORIES: See Question No. 43. 1960 INDEX xiii CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: 1. Appointed, 24. 2. Notice of motion re, 39. Carried as amended, 42. CONSUMERS' ASSOCIATION: See Canadian. CONSUMERS' BUREAU: Notice of motion re, 23. CONVALESCENT HOSPITALS : Plans to promote, 9. CO-OPERATIVE LOANS BOARD: See Department of Agriculture. CORK: See Question No. 5. CORNWALL: See Question No. 46. CORPORATIONS ACT: Reports, 109, 110. (Sessional Papers Nos.
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