i^r.^ ' ■■■. i- ' V' '■■•• '■ - ■?■='■ ’ '■>' <;.. L NET PRESS RXJy AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION •' ' TH» WKATHKR — - for the month of Febrcarj'', 1929 rw acnt br B. •. Weatlwr Bareaa.- 5 , 2 8 4 Now" U'a'daa' *' Member of the Aodlt Bnxcan ot Rain toni^t; WTednes^y^ Circulation* Ing; sUgtitly coldw." VOL. XLIIL, NO. 119. (Classified AdTertislng on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESIB^, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1929. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS -2- HOME TOWN I REPUBUCANS THE OLD AND NEW OPENS ARMS I PEERING INTO TO COOUDGE' THE FUTURE Northampton Takes to ItsIFirstDay of Hoover sPresi- ReTolotion in Mexico Is Bosom ''the Boy Whoj dency Finds Leaders Plan- Spreading Hourly-I-Ten Went to the City and | mng for the Next Big Was Yale Bootlegger States Now in Reyol^ Made Good.” I Election. New Haven, March 5 — Yale ^checks for “flying lessons” was re­ Goyemment Keeps Strict students have, been drinking not vealed with the arrest of the “fly­ . Northampton, Mass., March 5.— i Washington, March 5.—Herbert alone from the fount of knowledge, ing instructor” on the campus. but indeed out of something much, Comes Prom D. C. Censorship on News; Main street stretched out its arms j Hoover’s first day in the White much stronger. He- gave the name of Armand today and took Calvin Coolidge to i House today vas signallized by the The beginnings of a good sized ■Williamsi 31 years old, of the “Dis­ American Property and its bosom. The boy who had gone to | outlining of a comprehensive plan scandal in this college town were trict of Columbia” but more recent­ the city and made good, was back i to keep him there beyond the one made evident today, but ’ere long, ly of the Hotel Taft. from present indications, the rum- Williams said be was a captain Lives Safe So Far; Lmdy home, i term—or at least to Insure per- soaked atmosphere of the campus in the Italian flying Corps and In “Oh! There’s No Place Like | petuity of Republican control of will be purified and all will again his possession were found numer­ Home,” bravely blared the Ameri- the government, be serene. ous testimonials, papers, letters, In Mexico City— Troops How certain undergraduates, etc., from officials and other prom- can Legion band as the man wbo A hundred members of the Re- many of thein from prominent , inent persons of Hartford and this had been 29th President of the! publican national committee as- families, paid for liquor by giving Mobilized to Defend City. United States stepped from his pri- sc-mbled for a general stock-taking their own or their rich papa’s (Cuntiuiicd on page 2) vate car into the rain, and the session under Dr. Hubert Work, BULLETIN! home folks roared a vociferous as- the national chairman, and heard sent. from him a new conception of how HOOVER TO AVOID NEED 4 BILLION Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, Ten years ago this thin-faced, the national politics should be con­ Mar. 5.—Preparing to march sandy-haired man, who had once ducted. on Mexico City, 3,000 rebel, been their mayor went away to be­ CABINET DISPUTE troops, under the leadership come governor of the state, and in Appraising the past campaign + ’ TO RUN NATION of Gen. Rabele, today were that intervening time he became and peering into the futm*e. Dr. concentrating at Navojoa, in Vice-President and then President, Work sees no reason why the busi­ southern Sonora, according to today, he returned a private citizen, ness of keeping Republicans in reports reaching the border. power should not be reduced to a Down historic Pennsylvania avenue, acclaimed by cheers from thousands of throats, rode the new Names of Mellon and Davis Budget Estimates That Soon Gen. Jaime Carrillo and a prepared once more to cast his lot i’resideut and the old. Here you see Herbert Hoover, within a few minutes President-of the United States with theirs, to live in their midst business-like basis, with alt the ef­ force of federal troops under ficiency and organization that char­ and Calvin Coolidge, only a private citizen again, side by side in the automobile, that bore them to the capL his command have retreated to- and to do as they do. tol and the inauguration ceremonies. ' Not to Be Sent to Senate .\rrived This Fleming acterizes the conduct of a success­ Five Billions Will Become Mazatlan, Sinaloa, in the face It was just quarter of nine this ful corporation. of the revolutionary move­ morning when Calvin and Grace •AVork’s Idea for Confirmation. Necessary. ment. Coolidge stepped off the private car His idea, as broadly outlined to *Twas Wet Inauguration that had brought them straight the committee, is that the national Mexico City, March 5—A Federar committee and. the various stale NEWPRESIDING from the pageantry of the cere­ Army will be concentrated on the committees should be kept func­ Washington, March 5.—The Washington, March 5. — The southern front to give battle to the monies in Washington incidental In More Ways Than One names of Secretary of the Treasury to the inauguration of Herbert tioning at top-speed every day in “Lame Duck” session of Congress rebels in that part of Mexico, ac­ Hoover as Northampton's most dis­ the year; and not merely be gal­ OFFICERS HEAD Andrew W. Mellon and Secretary of appropriated $3,284,874,526.77 to cording to a communique issued at tinguished son’s successor in the vanized into feverish activity a few Labor James J- Davis, both Penn­ run the government next year and the office of President EmiUo weeks before each campaign begins. W asliingtrn, March 5.—It was a & night. Prices kept going up Sun- Fortes Gil, today. It will be com­ White House. They had remained wet inauguration iu more ways than day and Monday and today quota­ sylvanians, will not be sent to the indefinite appropriations upon manded by Geii. Juan Andrea aboard since their arrival shortly Such methods. Dr. Work observed, one. are wasteful and antiquated in this tions by even the most “reliable” of T H E ^ E M B L Y Senate for confirmation anew when which no legislative action was Almazan, military chief of the State after one o'clock this morning so While the thousands of visitors the recognized vendors in the capi­ of Nuevo Leon, and the youngest all of the town that cared to could modern age of business efficiency. ivere getting drenched to the skin, President Hoover asks approval of necessary will increase the total to “The headquarters of our last tal were from two to four times division general in the Mexican be present for the welcome. Most Washington police blotters recorded above last week. his Cabinet,, it was reported today more than $4,600,000,000, a sur­ Army. of the town, it seemed, wanted to campaign expended $3,500,000— 148 charges of into.xication. Most of A heavy rain increased the de­ on'good authority. vey of appropriation bills dis­ twice that necessary if organization John H. Hill Directs Lower closed today. The announcement contains the be present, despite the rain. those arrested forfeited collateral in mand, while the stern language of President Hoover, it was said, first concrete, news of the govern­ The Legion baud had arrived had been timely,” said Dr. Work. police courts. President Hoover in referring to the will continue Mellon and Davis in Congress hewed closely to the In national campaigns a state unit ment’s step to crush the revolt.,All early shortl.v after 8 and seranaded. Liquor prices sky-rocketed for enforcement of the 18th Amend­ House and Harry R. Du­ office under the appointments'^given line of demarcation set down In day -j*estqrday and throughout much Promptly at 8:30 o'clock Mayor system should be in * motion six the inauguration. ment didn't tend to encourage boot­ them by President Coolidge. President -Coblidge’s budget, al­ months before the national conven­ though the total was more than of the night the streets clattered Jesse A. G. Andre marshalled the The combination of the heavy leggers to drop their price list?.; A fight against confirmation of, and.rumbled to the echo of march­ reception committee he had ap­ tion. penalties of the new Jones bill and A few bootleggers suspepded jde- rant the Senate— Today's Mellon apparently will be avoided $50,000',000 above the recom­ Selective Draft mendations carried in the budget ing troops, field artillery units, am­ point and they, climbed aboard the 215,000 visitors gaye the bootleg- livery during the inaugural period by this process, although Demo-, munition'trains and supply wagons, car. “The selective draft in the late .gers a good excuse to more than declaring that the penitentiary cratic-Insurgent leaders have de­ sent to Congress on its opening Legislative Business. day. but the destinations of the moving “.Mr. Coolidge,” said the mayor, war put 3.500,000 men in unifornT double the figures at which their sentences and high fines for viola­ clared, they will “do something troops, was not known outside of “I welcome you. We are happy to and had 12,000,000 classified on dubious wares could be obtained. tions in the Jones bill made the about i f ’ if Hoover withholds the Budget Estimates. Prices Go Up. Supplemental budget estimates, official circles. have you here.” Armistice day. We could do as well. risk too great, with the large sWarm •p-prffr„-ri tr -7 names. The opposition to Mellon, The sweep of revolution through­ To which the former president re­ We now have 3,000,000 Hoover- The bull market started Saturday of dry agents in the citj'.
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