5738 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1885. In Parliament.—Session 1886. be revived by the Bill, and of the railways or Norbh Pembrokeshire and Fishguard Railway. some of the railways proposed to be authorised by the Bill, or shall be repaid to the depositors (Revival of Powers of Rosebush and Fishguard thereof, or to make such other provision as to- ' Railway Act, 1878, as to portion of Railway the application, or for the payment out of court ' authorised thereby; Release or application of 1 of the said money or some part thereof, as may Deposit made in respect of the said Act; Con- be deemed expedient. - struction of Deviation and NBAV Railways in To authorise the Company to make and main- County of Pembroke; Abandonment of portions tain the works hereinafter mentioned, or some ' of authorised Railways; Compulsory purchase or one of them, or .some part or pai-ts thereof ' of Land; Tolls; Extension of Time for com- respectively, together with all proper and suffi- pulsory purchase of Land for completion of cient bridges, viaducts, rails, sidings, junctions, •portion of authorised Railway; Application turntables, stations, sluices, drains, culverts, of-existing and power to raise further Capital; dams, embankments, defences, groynes, walls, Running Powers over portion of South Wales approaches, roads, buildings, yards, and other Section of Great Western Railway, and Work- works and conveniences connected therewith, ing Agreements with and Subscription by that is to say :— v 'Great Western Railway Company; Amend- (1) A deviation railway, commencing in the ment of Acts, &c.) parish of Morvil by a junction with the- 1^[ OTICE is hereby given, that application is railway authorised by the Act of 1878, at i.^1 intended to be made to Parliament in the the point at which the centre line of the ensuing session, by or on behalf of the North said railway is shown on the plans of 1878 Pembrokeshire and Fishguard Railway Company as intersected by a fence which separates- _(in this notice called " the Company."), for leave from each other the properties numbered to bring in a Bill for effecting the purposes or respectively on the said plans 74 and 75 in some of the purposes following, that is^bo say:— the said parish of Morvil, and terminating 1. To revive the powers conferred upon the in the parish of Llanwnda by a junction Company (under the name of " The Rosebush with the railway authorised by the Act of.' and Fishguard Railway Company") by the 1878, at a point shown on the plans of 1878 Rosebush and Fishguard Railway Act, 1878 (in as indicating the distance of 13 miles from this notice called ."the Act of 1878"), for the the point of commencement of that railway.. construction of so much of the railway by that And the Bill will or may authorise the Com- . Act authorised in the county of Pembroke as pany to abandon and relinquish (1) so much of lies between its point of commencement in the the railway authorised by the Act of 1878 as p.arish of Maenclochog as shown on the plans will be rendered unnecessary by the construc- • deposited at the office of the Clerk of the Peace tion of the intended deviation railway above- for. the county of Pembroke at Haverfordwest, described, and (2) the deviation railway author- for and referred to in the said Act of 1878 (which ised by the Rosebush and Fishguard Railway p.lans are hereinafter called " the plans" of 1878), * Act, 1881. and the point of commencement in the parish of (2) [Clarbeston - road to Letterston].—A Mqrvil of the deviation railway authorised by railway commencing in the parish of the Rosebush and Fishguard Railway Act, 1881, Wiston by a junction with the Great as shown upon the plans deposited at the afore- Western Railway (South Wales Section) at said office of the Clerk of the Peace for Pem- a point 400 yards or thereabouts measured brokeshire for and referred to in that Act, and along the said Great Western Railway in a so far as may be necessary to revive the powers north-westerly direction from the bridge- of the Company for the compulsory purchase of carrying the public road over the said. ' or dealing with lands and property for the pur- Great Western Railway at the Clarbeston- poses of the said portion of railway. road Station, and terminating in the parish To revive and extend and to enable the of Little Newcastle by a junction with the- Company and (so far as necessary) the Great deviation railway above described and Western Railway Company, and the owner or proposed to be authorised by the Bill, in the owners for the time being of the Nai-beth Road field numbered 244 on the Tithe Commuta- and Maenclochog Railway, to exercise in respect tion Map for the said parish of Little New- of the railways of the Company as proposed to castle. be altered and revived by the Bill, all or some of (3) Harbour branch.—A railway wholly in the powers and provisions of the Act of 1878, the parish of Llanwnda commencing by a and especially the powers and provisions thereof junction with the railway authorised by • relating to the levying, demanding, and taking the Act of 1878 at the point at which the' of tolls, rates, and charges, and the making and centre line of the said railway is shown on carrying into effect agreements between the the plans of 1878 as being intersected by a Company and the Great Western Railway Com- fence which separates from each other the pany, and the owner or owners for the time properties numbered respectively on those- being of the Narberth Road and Maenclochog plans 62 and 70 in the said parish of Railway for the purposes mentioned in that Act. Llanwnda, and terminating on the western To discharge and relieve the Company from side of Fishguard Bay at a point 100 yards- any penalties, liabilities, and obligations which or thereabouts to the north-east of the New they, have incurred, or may hereafter incur by (or Cow and Calf) Life-Boat House at reason of the non-completion of the said portion Goodwick in that parish. of railway authorised by the Act of 1878 within The said railways will be constructed, in or- • th.e period by that Act limited in that behalf. will pass from, through, or into the following To provide that the money deposited with the parishes, townships, and places, or some of them, Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice all in the county of Pembroke, that is to say— in England as security for the completion of the Maenclochog, Morvil, Pnncheston, Castle Bythe, authorised railways of the Company, or some Little Newcastle, Wiston, Rudbaxton, Walton portion of that money, shall remain as a security East, Spittal, Ambleston, Saint Dogwellsr for the completion of the said portion of railway, Letterston, Llanstinan, Jordanston, Manorowen,, the powers to' construct which are proposed to Fishguard, and Llanwnda..
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