Branch Council Agenda Australian Education Union ACT Branch Date: 1 May 2021 Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Location: Boiler House Lecture Theatre, University of Canberra Item Topic Paper Time 1 Welcome and Acknowledgement of No papers 2 min Country 2 Apologies No papers 2 min 3 Confirmation of Previous Minutes To note: 2 min 3.1 Branch Executive Minutes 10 March 2021 To consider for approval: 3.2 Branch Council Minutes 13 February 2021 3.3 Branch Council Minutes 31 March 2021 4 Business Arising (matters not included To note: 1 min elsewhere in the agenda) 4.1 Response from Minister for Health and Aged Care regarding COVID vaccination for education workers Council’s appreciation has been conveyed to Steve Provins for his work as Branch Returning Officer for 2021 Rule change has been lodged with the Fair Work Commission 5 School budgets Councillors are invited to comment on the 20 min issues raised in the presentation to February 2021 Council on School budgets by David Matthews, Deputy Director- General 5.1 Summary of Council’s discussion/questions following that presentation 6 Presentation from Tim Bavinton, CEO, Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT on the findings 30 min from the Writing Themselves in 4 research 7 Treasurer’s Report To note: 5 min 7.1 Profit & Loss Report for March 2021 Branch Council Agenda Australian Education Union ACT Branch 8 Senior Officer’s Report To note a report providing an update on 20 min relevant national and ACT matters including: 8.1 Budget letter from Chief Minister 8.2 Letter to Minister Gentleman regarding family violence leave provisions 8.3 Letter from Minister Berry regarding implementation of public education pledge commitments 8.4 Federal Government announcement of initial teacher education review and AEU media release 8.5 Summary of recommendations from the ACT Standing Committee on Education and Community Inclusion 9 Organising Report To note the latest membership statistics: 15 min 9.1 Membership Statistics 10 Industrial Report No papers 15 min 11 Bargaining Report To consider final log of claims: 15 min 11.1 Background Paper 11.1 School Assistant Enterprise Agreement 11.2 CIT Enterprise Agreement 12 NAPLAN 2021 To consider a motion from Branch Executive: 10 min 12.1 NAPLAN motion 13 Questions No papers 10 min 14 Motion of which due notice has been given To consider the following motions from: 10 min 14.1 Lanyon High School Sub-Branch 15 General business No papers 10 min 16 Report back to Sub-Branches No papers 5 min 17 Next meeting To note that the next meeting is scheduled for 5 June 2021 Branch Executive Meeting Minutes 3.1 Wednesday 10 March 2021, 5.00pm-9.00pm CPSU Meeting Rooms 40 Brisbane Avenue, Barton 1. Order of Business 1.1 Acknowledgement of Country We respectfully acknowledge the Ngunnawal people who are the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land on which this meeting takes place. 1.2 Welcome & Apologies Ninetta McCauley E10.03.01: Moved: Sarah Warren / Karl-Erik Paasonen CARRIED 1.3 Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest declared. 2. Administrative Matters 2.1 Confirmation of Previous Minutes 2.1a Branch Executive Meeting minutes – February 2021 That Branch Executive endorses the previous minutes from February 2021 subject to the inclusion of the sentence, “Branch Executive requests the Branch Secretary report to the next meeting on the process for writing off member welfare fund loans” as part of item 2.3d E10.03.02: Moved: Murray Chisholm / Trina Cleary CARRIED 2.2 Business Arising 2.2a Purchase Orders This matter was addressed under item 4.2 2.2b TQI Registration The Branch Secretary reported that he had spoken to the CEO of TQI and was satisfied that teachers would receive adequate reminders to renew their registration. 2.3 Treasurer’s Report 2.3a Profit & Loss February 2021 2.3b Financial Commentary February 2021 2.3c Balance Sheet February 2021 Page 1 of 6 Branch Executive Meeting Minutes Wednesday 10 March 2021, 5.00pm-9.00pm CPSU Meeting Rooms 40 Brisbane Avenue, Barton That Branch Executive approves the Profit and Loss Statement for the period ending 28 February 2021. E10.03.03: Moved: Glenn Fowler / Holly Godfree CARRIED 2.3d Member Welfare Fund – February 2021 Report received. Branch Executive approves the Member Welfare Fund report for February 2021. Branch Executive requested information on the process for writing off outstanding loans be provided, noting that loans 40 and 41 had been inadvertently removed from the February report. E10.03.04: Moved: Sarah Veitch / Holly Godfree CARRIED 2.3e Membership Cancellations Report received. Branch Executive approves cancellations from February 2021. E10.03.05: Moved: Glenn Fowler / Holly Godfree CARRIED 2.3f Member refund request Branch Executive endorses the member fee refund of $438.65. E10.03.06: Moved: Glenn Fowler / Sarah Warren CARRIED 2.3g Union payment – maternity leave Report received. The Branch President handed the Chair to Vice President Karen Noble. 2.4 Branch Policies 2.4a Policy Recommendation to Branch Executive 2.4b POL055 Employee Recruitment 2.4c POL054 Employee Professional Development 1. That Branch Executive approve the proposed Employee Recruitment policy to replace the existing Staff Recruitment policy. 2. That Branch Executive approve the proposed Employee Professional Development policy to replace the existing Staff Professional Development policy. Page 2 of 6 Branch Executive Meeting Minutes Wednesday 10 March 2021, 5.00pm-9.00pm CPSU Meeting Rooms 40 Brisbane Avenue, Barton E10.03.07: Moved: Angela Burroughs / Roger Amey CARRIED Karen Noble handed the Chair back to Angela Burroughs. 2.5 Unfilled Executive Positions 2.5a Branch Executive - resignation Branch Executive accepts the resignation of Katie Slater and thanks her for her work on behalf of AEU ACT members. Branch Executive looks forward to working with Katie in the future. E10.03.08: Moved: Roger Amey / Holly Godfree CARRIED 2.5b Expressions of Interest – Branch Executive Branch Executive discussed the expressions of interest received in relation to Branch Executive vacancies. Branch Executive approved the appointment of Stephanie O’Neill and Tabatha Kellett to the positions of General Membership Representatives on Branch Executive. E10.03.09: Moved: Roger Amey / Holly Godfree CARRIED 2.6 Brisbane Avenue Sale 2.6a Sale of Brisbane Ave and post-sale occupancy The Branch Secretary provided an oral report on the proposed sale of the Brisbane Ave site and potential arrangements to rent space for up to three months following the sale. Branch Executive agreed in principle to the sale of the building subject to successful contract negotiations. E10.03.10: Moved: Murray Chisholm / Peter Curtis CARRIED 2.6b Potential purchase of new property Executive endorses expenditure of up to $100,000 for the engagement of professional services related to the purchase of new AEU premises. These professional services could include property searches, building reports, legal advice, design advice, valuations, planning and usage advice, or anything relevant to a potential real estate purchase as determined by the Secretary. E10.03.11: Moved: Murray Chisholm / Peter Curtis CARRIED 2.7 Public Education Dinner Page 3 of 6 Branch Executive Meeting Minutes Wednesday 10 March 2021, 5.00pm-9.00pm CPSU Meeting Rooms 40 Brisbane Avenue, Barton Report received with request that the dinner be scheduled to the first or second week of term four. 2.8 Branch Council Agenda 2.8a Branch Council Agenda – March 2021 Branch Executive endorses the March Council agenda with noted amendments. E10.03.12: Moved: Sarah Warren / Murray Chisholm CARRIED 3. Policy Matters/Administrative Matters 3.1 Strategic Planning 3.1a Operational Plan 3.1b Letter from Chief Minister – ACT Budget 3.1c Letter from Yvette Berry – Family Violence Leave 3.1d School Autonomy Reform and Social Justice Progress Report 3.1e Warning on the segregation of school students and the risk to business 3.1f Deleted. 3.1g CIT Log of Claims 3.1h LSA Log of Claims Report received. 3.2 NAPLAN The Branch Secretary tabled a draft motion concerning NAPLAN. Following discussion Executive recommended the following resolution to Council: Council notes: • the teaching profession’s long-standing and consistent opposition to NAPLAN, which is a high stakes test that has come to define teachers’ work in public discourse. Page 4 of 6 Branch Executive Meeting Minutes Wednesday 10 March 2021, 5.00pm-9.00pm CPSU Meeting Rooms 40 Brisbane Avenue, Barton • that many of the negative and perverse outcomes of NAPLAN were predicted by the profession more than a decade ago, yet other negative and perverse outcomes have occurred that were not even imagined. • that any claim to quality longitudinal data was seriously undermined in 2018 with the variance between online and pen and paper results, and further in 2019 when there were widespread IT system crashes. • that, due to COVID-19, NAPLAN did not occur in 2020 and nobody missed it. • that the AEU has set out a superior alternative, which has the support the teaching profession. Council directs members to adhere to the shared ACT Government/AEU official position that they should provide no academic preparation for students who sit NAPLAN 2021. Council strongly encourages all AEU members to withdraw their own children from NAPLAN 2021, reminding members that NAPLAN is not compulsory. Council asks members to encourage the same action from their family and friends. Council requests that the Secretary lead a well-resourced, vigorous campaign to encourage the ACT’s parents and carers to withdraw their children from NAPLAN 2021. Council requests that the Secretary seek the cooperation of the Independent Education Union NSW/ACT Branch in the campaign. E10.03.13: Moved: Sarah Warren / Peter Curtis CARRIED 3.3 Organising Report.
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