25 1 1 Ichthyol. Explor. Frcshwatcrs, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp, 251-260.6 figs,, 2 tabs., November 1993 O 1993 by Vcrlag Dr. Fricdrich Pfcil, Münchcn, FRG - ISSN 0936-9902 Two new species of Aguamnichthys from the Amazon basin (Siluroidei: Pimelodidae) Jansen A. S. Zuanon *, Lúcia H. Rapp Py-Daniel * and Michel Jégu ** Two new species of A~iinriiriiclifliysare described and compared with A, torosrts. Agimrrrriicli!/i!ys tomitiriserisis, new species, from the Tocantins River, differs from A. tornsirs by having a larger orbital diameter, overlapping branchiostegal membranes, distance between snout tip and anterior nostrils less than distance between anterior and posterior nostrils, and distance bctwccn snout tip and posterior nostrils less than distancc bctwcrn postcrior nostrils m~clposterior cdgc of orhit8ilrini, A,~tf~i~tftril./it//!/.~i/tpii, ncw speciris, Iron1 thc Solim(kv Itivor, ciifftys from thc othor two species by having a broader liead, smaller eyes and a widcr mouth. Introduction Material and methods A~i~nrirniclrfh!yst~i~osirs lias been described by Measurements and counts follow Stewart (1986). Stewart (1986) based on a single specimen from Institutional abbreviations: INPA, Instituto Na- tlie Peruvian Amazon; it is distinguishable from cional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus; other pimelodid genera by the unus'ual shape of LACM, Los Angeles County Museum, Los An- the air bladder, which lias finger-like projec- geles; MNHN, Muséum National d'Histoire tions on its posterolateral margin and anterior Naturelle, Paris; MZUSP, Museu de Zoologia tubular extensions, and by a subterminal mouth da Universidade deSão Paulo, São Paulo. Other with broad premaxillaries ending in posterola- abbreviations: HL, head length; SL, standard teral extensions. length. The description of colouration is based Reccnt I y, col Icc t inns madc i ti t hc Sol i mdes on both fresh and preserved specimens of Itivcr, Marchantaria Island, and on the rocky A. tocnritiriserisis and on tlie preserved holotype bottoni of the Tocantins River (Fig. 1) resulted of A. irrpni. in the discovery of specimens of A~iinrriiiiclithys * which turned out to represent two undescribed species. * SCT/lnstituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Caixa Postal 478, CEP 69011 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil * * Convênio ORSTOM/CNPq/lnstituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Caixa Postal 478, CEP 69011 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Ichthyol, Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 4, No, 3 't I I I I I O0 70 60 50 40 Fig. 1. Type localities of ASimrirtiiclitltys torosiis (circle), A. itipni (triangle) and A. focntititisettsis (squares). Key to the species of Agunrunichthys Aguarunichthys tocantinsensis, new specie! (Fig. 2a) 1, - Head and body robust, stout (head width 84.9 % HL, 24.0 % SL); mouth width 55.5 % Holotype. INPA 5400,301 mm SL; Brazil: Pai HL; eye small (orbital diameter 6.3 % HL, State: Tocantins River drainage, rapids abm 1.8 % SL); cream coloured with faint small Marabá; M. Jégu, 21 November 1990. dark spots on head and body (Solimões River). .Paratypes. BRAZIL: PARA STATE: INPA 539 ........................................................... A, iiipni 3, 211-317" SL; Tocantins River drainag - Head and body elongate (head width below the Tucurui dam, rotenone; M. Jégu,Sel 66-70 % HL, 18-21 % SL); mouth width tember 1984. - INPA 5401, 3, 240-295 mm SI 37-45 % HL; head and body olive-brown Tocantins River drainage, rocky ponds belos with large darker spots. the Tucurui dam, just after closing the dan n .................................................................... *.,L G.M. dos Santos, November 1984. - MZUS uncat., 1,282 mm SL, MNHN uncat., 1,211 mi 2. - Interdorsal distance (distance between dor- SL; Tocantins River drainage, below the Tua sal and adipose fin) 10.0-12.6 % SL; eye rui dam, rotenone; M. Jégu, September 1984. large (orbital diameter 11.6-14.6 % HL; 3.2-4.0 % SL) (Tocantins River). Diagnosis. Agunnrnichtlrys tocnntiizseizsis is di! ............................................ A. tocnntinsensis tinguished from the other species of the gem - Body more elongate (interdorsal distance by presenting a larger orbital diamett 9-5% SL); eye small (orbital diameter 8.2 % (3.2-4.0 % SL, vs. 2.1 % SL in A. torosiis an HL; 2.1 % SL) (Cenepa River). 1.8 % SL in A. inpni), a smaller interdorsal di! ....................................................... A. torosus tance (10.0-12.6 % SL, vs. 9.5 % in A. torosirs an Zuanon et al.: Two new Agimnrriiclttk, 253 5 I. "' .., . .. ., i'..'.' Fig. 2. a, AgiinriwicMhys tocnufirisemis, páratype, INPA 5399,317 mm SL; b, A. iripni, holotype, INPA 5398,420 mm SL (rightside, reversed). 7.1 % in A. i?ipi),and a smaller internares dis- tions of cephalic lateral line system run along tance (4.3-4.9YO SL, vs. 5.1 % SL in A. tor'osirs supraoccipital process, almost parallel to it. Eye and 5,5 % SL in A. i11p7i). large, in a latero-superior position. Anterior nostril closer to snout than to posterior nostril Description. Morphometric and meristic data and at the same level of insertion of maxillary are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Ventral profile barbel. Posterior nostril, anteriorly surrounded of body almost straight; dorsal profile strongly by dermal flap, closer to tip of snout than to ascending from tip of snout to dorsal fin origin, posterior edge of orbital rim. Supraoccipital i- horizontal till anterior third of adipose fin, and process long and narrow, in contact with pre- IS then, gradually descending till end of caudal dorsal plate. Only one detectable fontanelle, long, 'r peduncle. Head longer than wide, weakly de- extending from just behind posterior nostrils to d pressed, Cephalic lateral line system well devel- about posterior edge of orbit. Mouth distinctly I- oped, although more conspicuously seen on subterminal, with mouth opening slightly d snout and on infraorbital region. Some projec- arched. Maxillary barbel reaching posteriorly to Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 4, No. 3 t I 4 Fig. 3. Ventral view of left half of air-bladder of: a, Agunrrrnz'chthys tocnutitisemis, INPA 5399, 280 mm SL; b, Ahpi, holotype, INPA 5398, 420 mm SL, Scale bars: 5". approximately second third of adipose fin. In er than simple ones. Adipose base long and not smallest specimens (below 245 mm SL), maxil- connected to dorsal. Adipose fin higher at antc- lary barbcl can reach beyond adipose fin, Outer rior third, Forked caudal fin, with dorsal lobc mental barbel reaching middle of pectoral spine; slightly longer and more pointcd than ventral inner nicntal barbel generally cxtcnding to pec- lobe. Caudal fin with 17 procurrent rays dorsal- toral origin, Branchiostegal membranes over- ly and ventrally. Total vertebrae countings 43-44 lapping at midline, Gill rakers, on first left plus one for the PU1 centra, branchial arch: ventral limb with 1-3 rudimen- tary rakers and 10-11 normal rakers; dorsal limb Coloration, Live specimen: head, body and with 4-5 rakers; total 15-18. fins brownish green with black spots. Barbels Air-bladder as in A. forosirs (Fig. 3a) black. Predorsal plate triangular, extending poste- Preserved specimens: dorsal surface light riorly on both sides of dorsal spine. First ray of brown, with darker brown, rounded spots. dorsal fin present, weakly developed, but with- Flanks spotted, the largest spots being on the out locking mechanism. Posterior margin of middle portion of the sides; their size decreases dorsal fin straight to slightly concave. Dorsal anteriorly and posteriorly, All spots are smaller spine flexible, not pungent, without serrations, than eye diameter. Ventral surface cream col- and about as long as first branched ray. When oured, without spots, but with melanophores depressed, tip of dorsal rays reaches beginning dispersed around mouth and on infraorbital of adipose keel. Posterior margin of pectoral region. Small blotches around anal fin base, concave, its tip not pointed. Pectoral spine flat- more numerous on ventral surfacc of caudal tened dorso-vcntraliy, flexible, with about 65 peduncle. Maxillary barbel brown dorsally and wcnk scrrnc on posterior margin, largcr and beige ventrally; nicntal bnrbcls cream coloured more densely concentrated on proximal half. with few melanophores on the base, more con- Pectoral spine as long as first branched ray. spicuous on outer ones. Whole surface of fins Pectoral fin, when depressed, not reaching pel- brown with small dark spots. Posterior portion vic origin. Posterior margin of pelvic fin straight, of caudal fin lighter and less conspicuously spot- with simple ray slightly longer than first ted. Both pectoral and pelvic fins more conspic- branched ray. Posterior margin of anal conspic- uously spotted dorsally than ventrally. uously concave, with branched rays much long- Zuanon et al.: Two new Aguantniclilhys 255 Etymology. Named tocmtin~ensisafter the riv- Most of the specimens were collected about 15 er where the type series has been collected. days after closing the Tucurui dam, in the To- cantins River, when the riverbed was almost Discussion. Direct comparison between simi- exposed. Intensive studies and collections were lar size specimens of A. torosits (346 mm SL) done 5 years before the closing of the dam but and A. tocniifiriserisis (317 mm SL) shows a clear A, tocmitinsensis was not found at that time. differenciation. Ag~inrirnichtliystocnriHn8ensis has Even local fishermen were not familiar with this a larger eye (orbital diameter 11.6 % HL, vs. species. The discovery of fish species in the Rio 8.2 % in A. torosrrs), a smaller interorbital dis- Tocantins which had not been caught before the tance (25.4 Ir HL, vs, 29.1 %), a stouter body closing of the dam, as Pnrnncistrirs nrrmrrtincirs (head length 27.3 % SL, vs, 25.2 %), a greater (Rapp Py-Daniel, 19881, Snrtor. hrcrrrrriertsc (San- predorsal distance (37.5 '30 SL, vs. 34.7 %), more tos & Jégu, 1987), Teleocichln cirrdcrdln (Kullan- gill rakers (15-18, vs. 13-14), and more densely der, 1988), Creriiciclrln spp. (Ploeg,1986) gives us spotted body (Figs. 4-51, new insights in the fish fauna of the rapids, a Agimrrtniclith!ys tocnrrtiriserisis was collected biotope strongly endangered by the construc- in areas with strong currents and rocky bottom.
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