Department of Justice ,"'''''''''<11 Bureau of Investigation ,Operational Technology Division WIRELESS EVDLUTIDN IN THIS Iselil-it:: .. WIRELESS EVOLUTIDN I!I TECH BYTES • LONG TERM EVOLUTIQN ill CLDUD SERVICES • 4G TECHNOLOGY ill GESTURE-RECOGNITION • FCC ON BROADBAND • ACTIVITY-BASED NAVIGATION 'aw PUIi! I' -. q f. 8tH'-.1 Waa 8RI,. (!.EIi/RiW81 R.d-nl)) - 11 - I! .el " Ij MESSAGE FROM MANAGEMENT b7E he bou~~aries of technology are constantly expanding. develop technical tools to combat threats along the Southwest Recognizing the pathway of emerging technology is Border. a key element to maintaining relevance in a rapidly changing technological environment. While this The customer-centric approach calls for a high degree of T collaboration among engineers, subject matter experts (SMEs), proficiency is fundamentally important in developing strategies that preserve long-term capabilities in the face of emerging and the investigator to determine needs and requirements. technologies, equally important is delivering technical solutions To encourage innovation, the technologists gain a better to meet the operational needs of the law enforcement understanding of the operational and investigative needs customer in a dynamic 'threat' environment. How can technical and tailor the technology to fit the end user's challenges. law enforcement organizations maintain the steady-state Rather than developing solutions from scratch, the customer­ production of tools and expertise for technical collection, while centric approach leverages and modifies the technoloe:v to infusing ideas and agility into our organizations to improve our fit the customer's nFlFlrt~.1 ability to deliver timely, relevant, and cutting edge tools to law enforcement customers? Balancing these two fundamentals through an effective business strategy is both a challenge and an opportunity for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Organizations that have traditionally been successful in vertical This ~dition .of th~ Emerging Technr.::0.:,;:lo.li:i:;::;es:....:.:=:::.:.:::::.:....J.=.!!.!L., lines of production (sometimes referred to as stovepipes) can also benefit from an injection of this type of horizontal "internal consultancy" to jumpstart their capabilities. One L-_______...Jln the last decade, smartphone technology and the ability to communicate data over handheld way to implement this customer-centric business strategy and other portable devices have grown exponentially. Simple is to empower a team of engineers and SMEs with the Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) have been replaced with latitude to work across multiple departments, selecting those the iPhone, Android, and other Global Positionin System technologies that best fit the customer's needs. By setting (GPS) enabled hybrid devices. the customer's requirements as the end goal, the internal and external collaboration is driven by the user's requirements. The unique tool or capability derived from this process is the product of the collaboration. As law enforcement moves forward into the 21st century, emerging technologies such ~.IoW.L"""'liiLLLL.W~.I.II.II.LJJ..LIOJ.-'I1.IiLol, When we consider strategies to mitigate risks posed by other wireless tech nolo ies a......::-:-_~_~_~ ______.....IThe concepts of innovation and collaboration focused on the customer's requirements are not limited to technology. These principles rm..;a.:..y_b;;.;e_a;;....;;.s.;;.;ou:.;;n;.;;;d...;:·s:.::tr;.;;;at.::e;su...:.::.:.~:a..:;::::.:.:.:...:::.:~~.:.:.:::.:!IL_---J can help deliver relevant technical solutions successfully, especially when the technology is changing at such a rapid pace. We can count on technology to change. Our strategy for L-________.JAs an alternative, consider the dealing with this change can make a difference in the technical opportunity to employ a customer-centric business strategy tools we provide our Federal, state, and local law enforcement that combines technology, innovation, and collaboration. This customers. strategy was recently incorporated into the FBI's efforts to ~=======--------~~--.---.. _.- 1. Message From, Management . • . • • . • . • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• I 2. The FCC's Net Neutrality Rules (CIU) •••..•••.••••.•.••••...••••..•.•.•..••••••.•••••.....•. 2 3. Wireless Evolution •..••••.•.•...•....•.•..•.•••••••...••••••.•••.••••••.••.•.••.••••••• 4. 4. !,:ong Term Evolution .................................................................... ~':I: 5. 4G: Technology. ••.•.••....•... '..•..•. " ..••..• '. • • . • . • • . • . • • • • • . • • • • . • . • • . • . • • • • • • •• 26 6. WI.reless. Cell PhQnQ< TQQhnQlog,es: A; ShQrHuJQrlC!1.. .•••• " •.••...••...... " . .•••••.•....•••••• 30 7. Opera.tQt'~ l;>i1em.m~1 femtQcelt or'WHW' •••....•.•..•.••.••..•• , •••. , ••• , •.••••.••••••.•.•• 3~ 8. fCC's, P.Qsltion: Qn: SJQij,<1.Q.iYJd.l Whit~ SRC!~Q-.... " • ", •• " ........... , .... '. " ..................... 3'4l 9~ elou~ Ser.v.iQ~s.......... " ...... " .•• , ...................... '.• ' ., •.• , •••••••••.•••• " •.• , •. , .•. 3QJ tQ~ Wlreg;v.s. Wl.reles$, ••••••••.••••.•• " ••••.....•... " •.... '.••• , , ......••. " , •.••..... , . , •• , 4? U. Qri<1~jn~:th~H~.~p., Wi-,lii, HQ.t$p-qts; .• " ................................................. " • , ... 4:~ ~2.'. Fr.Qffl; Wl-f.1 tc)'. MiF,i, '.' ~ ••••.•••..• '.....•.••.•..••. " . " ..••...•••.....•..•.......•••••.•. 49; t3'. $lu,Fp. l;>i~itaL ~y'edrgeP'er ..••••..•.....••.••.•.• , •• , ••.••..•••••••••••.•.••.•.••••.•.••• 5(:)' :1.:41., Hu.ma,l)) 1;)Q.t.§: Trantm!~~iqo~. • ............ , • • • • . • . • • • • . .. • • • • . .•••• , . • • • . • . • • s~ t;S •. G-e$tu.re.,r.e<;:qg,nitiQI1l ..•..•..•.•..... '. , ...•.•••..•.••...•••..•......••••...•.••.•.••••. ~6J :!i.Q. Mlcr;QsQfi WIJfler • '.••.•• , ••.••••.••.•...•..•.•..•.••.. , ................................ ~9: 1;1. CQu.nt~r.t~it ~a(lgQts.. • . • . • • • • . ............................................. , ...•••.•• 6Q~ ~S'. A.<;:tiv.itY-basec;t; Naxig,atiQI1: '....... " ......... , ............................................. 9~ t9~ Tech· Sytes •.••.•. '................ " ............................ , . " ••.•••• , ................. 6Q. ~Q:. Patents; Qf.lnterest ••••••.•• " ••...••..••••. , ..•.....•••......••.•..•....•••.••........• 6~. 2:1;. GIQssar.y ••••••••.•.•...•••• , •••••••.•. , ...•.•..• , •.••.••..•••..••••.••••.••••..••.•• 69. ~2·. Teclt Insights ...............................' ..•.••...•••.•.•••.•.••.•..•••.•..•.. , •.. • 12 6Qing Dark - A Rev.iew. QUhe NatiQnal' ~awful Int~rcept Strategy. ..................................... 7.3, 23. FYI' ..•.••••••••••••••••••••....•••••.••...•••• , .....•.•••.••.••...•...••..•.•••••. 76 While this document is believed to contain correct information, neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, or assumes legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, Dr usefulness of any information, apparatus. product, service, or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any speCific commercial product, process, or service by its trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. This document contains privileged, deliberative, sensitive information which relates to the.electronic surveillance procedures and capabilities, of law enforcement and other government agencies as well as their state of knowledge relating to such issues. The public or unauthorized and inappropriate disclosure of this document/information will, in fact facilitate the circumvention of the law. Circulation of this document, either physically or electronically is controlled and reserved exclusively to the FBI. Recipients of this document from the FBI may not publish, circulate or re-disclose this document or any information contained herein to any other person outside their agency without the express prior, written consent of the FBI. The only authorized methods of disposal are shredding or burning. -' ! am En" iii Ail , ' ! ¥ II P Ifllalsl Yes 8::1, (1!iS,'j;QIIQ) Rallillluu 'etl:stiaad b; JlI = I; i 2. THE FCC'S NET NEUTRALITY RULES I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY than fixed broadband. However, the FCC's rules prohibit On December 21, 2010, the Federal Communications mobile broadband providers from blocking lawful websites Commission (FCC) approved new rules aimed at regulating and applications that compete with their voice and video how broadband service providers offer ifldividuals and telephony services. organizations the ability to access the Internet. The Transparency FCC's goal was to, "... provide greater clarity and certainty A key purpose of the FCC's transparency rule is to enable regarding the continued freedom and openness of the third-party experts (e.g., independent engineers and Internet." In doing so, it adopted four basic principles: consumer watchdogs) to monitor and evaluate network • Transparency. Fixed and mobile broadband providers management practices, in order to surface concerns must disclose the network management practices, regarding potential open Internet violations. The rule itself performance characteristics, .and terms and conditions reads: of their broadband services; UA person engaged in the provision of broadband •
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