Agenda Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee Date: Wednesday, 16 August 2017 ___________________________________________________________________ Time: 10:00 ___________________________________________________________________ Venue: Council Chamber, Clydebank Town Hall, Clydebank ___________________________________________________________________ Contact: Nuala Quinn-Ross, Committee Officer Tel: 01389 737210, [email protected] Dear Member Please attend a meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee as detailed above. The business is shown on the attached agenda. Yours faithfully JOYCE WHITE Chief Executive Page 1 Distribution:- Councillor Iain McLaren (Chair) Councillor Diane Docherty (Vice Chair) Councillor Gail Casey Councillor Karen Conaghan Provost William Hendrie Councillor Caroline McAllister Councillor David McBride Councillor Jonathan McColl Councillor Marie McNair Councillor John Mooney Councillor Martin Rooney Vacancy All other Councillors for information Chief Executive Strategic Director of Regeneration, Environment and Growth Date of Issue: 3 August 2017 Page 2 INFRASTRUCTURE, REGENERATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, 16 AUGUST 2017 AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are invited to declare if they have an interest in any of the items of business on this agenda and the reasons for such declarations. 3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 5 - 8 Submit, for approval as a correct record, the Minutes of Meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee held on 21 June 2017. 4 BUSINESS GATEWAY CONTRACT FOR WORKSHOPS AND 9 - 12 EXPERT HELP Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration seeking approval to secure workshops and expert help services to be delivered on behalf of the Council’s Business Gateway service. 5 REGENERATION FUND- PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR 13 - 49 DUMBARTON WATERFRONT PATHWAY AND BALLOCH VILLAGE SQUARE PROJECTS Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing detailed project proposals for the Dumbarton Waterfront Pathway and Balloch Village Square projects that are supported by the Council’s Regeneration Fund. 6 SALE OF LANGCRAIGS CARE HOME, 2 GOOSEHOLM ROAD, 51 - 55 DUMBARTON Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration advising on the outcome of the marketing of Langcraigs Care Home and seeking approval to conclude disposal of the site. 7 Page 3 7 SALE OF GROUND AT CARROCHAN ROAD, BALLOCH, 57 - 73 G83 8EG Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration advising on the outcome of the marketing of the ground at Carrochan Road, Balloch and seeking approval to conclude disposal of the site. 8 DEMOLITION OF PLAYDROME, 2 ABBOTSFORD ROAD, 75 - 78 CLYDEBANK Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing an update on the progress of the disposal of the Clydebank Town Centre Development Opportunity Site -Playdrome Site and seeking approval to afford the preferred developer Henry Boot Developments Limited permission to demolish the building formerly known as the Playdrome prior to conclusion of the sale of the whole site. 9 INFRASTRUCTURE, REGENERATION & ECONOMIC 79 - 95 DEVELOPMENT BUDGETARY CONTROL REPORT 2017/18 TO PERIOD 3 (30 JUNE 2017) Submit report by the Strategic Director – Regeneration, Environment and Growth providing an update on the financial performance to 30 June 2017 (Period 3) of those services under the auspices of this Committee. 10 WORKING WELL TOGETHER – ATTENDANCE 97 - 108 MANAGEMENT: QUARTER 1 (APRIL – JUNE 2017) Submit report by the Strategic Lead – People and Technology advising on attendance levels across the Council for Quarter 1 and providing detailed analysis on the attendance performance for the strategic lead areas within the locus of this Committee. ___________________________________________________________________ Page 4 ITEM 3 INFRASTRUCTURE, REGENERATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE At a Meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee held in Committee Room 3, Council Offices, Garshake Road, Dumbarton on Wednesday, 21 June 2017 at 2.00 p.m. Present: Provost William Hendrie and Councillors Gail Casey, Karen Conaghan, Diane Docherty, Caroline McAllister, David McBride, Jonathan McColl, Iain McLaren, Marie McNair, John Mooney and Martin Rooney. Attending: Richard Cairns, Strategic Director – Regeneration, Environment and Growth; Ronald Dinnie, Strategic Lead – Environment and Neighbourhood; Jim McAloon, Strategic Lead – Regeneration; Craig Jardine, Capital Investment Programme Manager; Michael McGuinness, Economic Development Manager; Alan Young, Housing Asset and Investment Manager; Stuart Gibson, Assets Co-ordinator; Sally Michael, Principal Solicitor and Nuala Quinn-Ross, Committee Officer. Councillor Iain McLaren in the Chair MINUTE OF SILENCE Having heard the Chair, Councillor McLaren, the Committee observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect for the victims of the recent tragic events in London and Manchester. WELCOME Councillor McLaren, Chair, welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee since the local government elections on 4 May 2017. Introductions were made by all those present. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST It was noted that there were no declarations of interest in any of the items of business on the agenda at this point in the meeting. Page 5 REGENERATION DELIVERY PLAN 2017/18 A report was submitted by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration presenting the Regeneration 2017/18 Delivery Plan and noting the progress made on the actions in the 2016/17 Delivery Plan. After discussion and having heard relevant officers in further explanation of the report and in answer to Members’ questions, the Committee agreed:- (1) to approve the Regeneration Delivery Plan 2017-18 subject to the following amendment:- Section 1. Overview and Profile – Challenges ahead Add ‘that a challenge ahead is the economic sustainability of Clydebank Shopping Centre.’; and (2) to note the progress made on delivery of the 2016/17 actions. ENVIRONMENT & NEIGHBOURHOOD DELIVERY PLAN 2017/18 A report was submitted by the Strategic Lead – Environment and Neighbourhood presenting the Environment & Neighbourhood 2017/18 Delivery Plan and noting the progress made on the actions in the 2016/17 Delivery Plan. After discussion and having heard the Strategic Lead – Environment and Neighbourhood in further explanation of the report and in answer to Members’ questions, the Committee agreed:- (1) to approve the Environment & Neighbourhood Delivery Plan 2017-18; and (2) to note the progress made on delivering the 2016/17 actions. REGENERATION FUND UPDATE A report was submitted by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration advising on the progress to date with the development of projects from the Regeneration Fund. After discussion and having heard relevant officers in further explanation of the report and in answer to Members’ questions, the Committee agreed to note the progress to date with the development of projects from the Regeneration Fund. Page 6 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor McNair declared an interest in the item ‘Site of Former Dumbarton Cottage Hospital, Townend Road, Dumbarton’, being the Chair of the West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership Board and asked the Principal Solicitor for advice on whether she should leave the meeting when the Committee considered this item of business. The Principal Solicitor advised that in her opinion Councillor McNair could remain in the meeting. Councillor Casey then declared an interest, being a substitute member of the West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership Board. Both Councillors Casey and McNair advised that they would remain in the meeting during consideration of this item of business. SITE OF FORMER DUMBARTON COTTAGE HOSPITAL, TOWNEND ROAD, DUMBARTON A report was submitted by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration seeking approval to support NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde in the disposal of the site of the former Dumbarton Cottage Hospital, Townend Road, Dumbarton. After discussion and having heard the Strategic Lead - Regeneration in further explanation of the report and in answer to Members’ questions, the Committee agreed:- (1) that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Regeneration, Environment & Growth to support NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde in the disposal of the site of the former Dumbarton Cottage Hospital, Townend Road, Dumbarton on condition that the net revenue gain from the disposal be allocated to West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (WDHSCP) to support local community / health purposes; and (2) that authority be delegated to the Strategic Lead – Regulatory to formalise the agreement subject to such legal conditions that are considered appropriate. WORKING WELL TOGETHER: MARCH 2017 RESULTS & ANNUAL RESULTS A report was submitted by the Strategic Lead – People and Technology providing a summary of the absence statistics and associated management information for March 2017, and updating on actions being progressed through the Employee Wellbeing Group. After discussion and having heard the Strategic Director in further explanation of the report the Committee agreed:- (1) to note the contents of the report namely that in March 2017, an average of 1.10FTE days per employee were lost due to sickness absence, an increase of 14.5% compared to the same period last year (0.96 FTE days); and Page 7 (2) to note that the annual results for
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