Plot Tree Dista- Bear- Slope Species Diam Diam POM POM Remarks 2015 Remarks 2018 No No nce ing Angle 2015 2018 2015 2018 (m) (cm) (cm) (m) (m) 1 1 2.6 48 -7 Stemonurus scorpioides 12 12.2 1.3 1 2 15 34 -12 Parashorea parvifolia 37 39.3 1.3 1 3 12.2 35 -18 Beilschmiedia 18 17.7 1.3 1 4 16.3 38 -14 Shorea macrophylla 29 30.4 1.3 1 5 20.2 41 -8 Shorea macrophylla 30 30.6 1.3 1 6 8 60 -4 Parashorea parvifolia 93 99 4 P1-1 1 7 17.8 62 -4 Shorea macrophylla 19 20.3 1.3 1 8 13.7 67 -6 Shorea angustifolia 14 1.3 Dead 1 9 17.8 69 0 Pentace laxiflora 21 20.8 1.3 1 10 16.7 77 -3 Shorea macroptera 21 20.5 1.3 1 11 9.5 79 -4 Anisoptera costata 25 26.1 1.3 1 12 4.5 79 0 Nephelium maingayi 28 1.3 Dead 1 13 6.8 90 1 Shorea angustifolia 54 58 2.6 P1-2 1 14 11.4 89 -7 Madhuca kingiana 20 20.3 1.3 1 15 18.6 88 -6 Shorea xanthophylla 30 33.4 1.3 1 16 18.6 88 -6 Canarium littorale 45 46.4 1.3 1 17 1.8 110 0 Vatica dulitensis 36 37.1 1.3 1 18 16.3 90 -8 Shorea xanthophylla 19 19.1 1.3 1 19 13.6 96 -6 Teijsmanniodendron 18 18.3 1.3 1 20 14.9 96 -6 Shorea xanthophylla 23 24 1.3 1 21 17.2 106 -6 Lithocarpus beccarianus 31 30.9 1.3 1 22 6.1 116 -10 Shorea xanthophylla 20 21.5 1.3 1 23 6.9 137 -16 Lithocarpus sp. 26 28.2 1.3 1 24 14.2 128 -22 Shorea parvifolia 23 25.3 1.3 1 25 16.4 129 -22 Shorea parvifolia 26 34.7 1.3 1 26 12.3 137 -30 Durio 12 14 1.3 1 27 19.1 144 -28 Eusideroxylon zwageri 39 28.6 1.3 1 28 1.9 163 0 Eusideroxylon zwageri 35 34.8 1.3 P1-3 1 29 5 163 -24 Artocarpus lanceifolius 14 15.6 1.3 1 30 10.5 155 -30 Shorea parvifolia 15 19.2 1.3 1 31 16.5 155 -33 Macaranga gigantea 19 23.1 1.3 1 32 13.6 169 -42 Shorea macrophylla 19 22.1 1.3 1 33 2.4 188 -17 Shorea xanthophylla 29 31 1.3 1 34 6.5 213 -29 Glochidion rubrum 17 20.3 1.3 1 35 17.5 201 -30 Artocarpus odoratissimus 28 28.6 1.3 1 36 19.8 208 -30 Shorea macrophylla 24 25.2 1.3 1 37 7.5 241 -25 Dehaasia firma 40 40.5 1.3 1 38 8.4 245 -18 Dryobalanops lanceolata 76 77 1.3 P1-4 1 39 9 245 -18 Shorea gibbosa 86 87.2 1.3 1 40 10.1 240 -24 Knema laurina 19 18.1 1.3 1 41 10.7 240 -24 Shorea macrophylla 20 23 1.3 1 42 11.8 240 -24 Knema latericia 13 12.4 1.3 1 43 12.5 240 -24 Vatica albiramis 20 18.7 1.3 1 44 18 240 -24 Vatica albiramis 15 14.7 1.3 1 45 12.7 257 -23 Dacryodes cf. rubiginosa 27 27.7 1.3 1 46 19.9 253 -25 Vatica albiramis 21 21.2 1.3 1 Plot Tree Dista- Bear- Slope Species Diam Diam POM POM Remarks 2015 Remarks 2018 No No nce ing Angle 2015 2018 2015 2018 (m) (cm) (cm) (m) (m) 1 47 20.5 259 -26 Dialium kunstleri var. 20 20.7 1.3 trifolia 1 48 11.3 276 -24 Vatica albiramis 25 24.9 1.3 1 49 10.3 285 -30 Vatica albiramis 15 15.8 1.3 1 50 12.1 295 -33 Gluta wallichii 60 62 1.3 1 51 16.4 295 -35 Knema latifolia 26 26.5 1.3 1 52 22 296 -37 Diospyros mindanaensis 14.4 15 1.3 1 53 5.7 305 -20 Dryobalanops lanceolata 88 86.7 1.3 P1-5 1 54 8 310 -28 Dacryodes 18 19.1 1.3 1 55 14.4 311 -35 Madhuca kingiana 15 15.7 1.3 1 56 14.3 311 -35 Dacryodes 16 15.2 1.3 1 57 18.4 329 -35 Macaranga pearsonii 27 27.8 1.3 1 58 18.4 329 -37 Aporosa nigrescen 20 19.5 1.3 1 59 13.6 334 -32 Shorea macroptera 13 13.8 1.3 1 60 18.9 336 -32 Shorea macroptera 19 20.2 1.3 1 61 18.5 336 -32 Dryobalanops lanceolata 15 15.9 1.3 1 62 6.7 340 -28 Knema furfuracea 25 25.8 1.3 1 63 11.6 352 -33 Vatica dulitensis 19 19.6 1.3 1 64 14.4 10 -35 Xanthophyllum flavescen 15 14.2 1.3 1 65 16.9 10 -35 Pterygota horsfieldii 25 24.5 1.3 1 66 17.4 9 -29 Shorea macroptera 14 13.9 1.3 1 67 6.3 26 -19 Shorea xanthophylla 18 19 1.3 1 68 10.1 30 -18 Xanthophyllum 26 1.3 Dead 1 69 16.2 29 -30 Heritiera sumatrana 25 25.3 1.3 1 70 13.15 297 -32 Vatica albiramis 16.6 16.9 1.3 1 71 17.29 294 -34 Vatica albiramis 16.3 16.5 1.3 1 72 4.87 307 -23 Vatica dulitensis 18 18.1 1.3 1 73 6.66 57 -9 Vatica albiramis 14 14.3 1.3 1 74 13.31 128 -22 Lithocarpus 13.1 14.08 1.3 1 75 14.56 126 -22 Kayea borneensis 12.2 12.3 1.3 1 76 8.34 325 Shorea ferruginea 10.4 1 77 11.11 335 Gluta wallichii 12 1 78 14.49 330 Gluta wallichii 14 1 79 13.22 341 Macaranga gigantea 10.2 1 80 14.13 12.3 Ardisia macrophylla 11.1 1 81 10.28 14 Alangium javanicum 12 1 82 15 46.3 Artcarpus kemando 16.9 1 83 6.92 60.2 Artocarpus lanceifolius 10.8 1 84 10.77 140 Lithocarpus canfleyanus 11.6 1 85 11.46 161 Shorea parvifolia 11.8 1 86 1.2 87.7 Vatica albiramis 10.5 1 87 1.58 152 Lithocarpus beccarianus 11.9 2 1 8.2 360 -12 Dipterocarpus 105.5 107 1.56 palembanicus 2 2 15 360 -18 Lophopetalum 20 20 1.3 P2-1 2 3 11.5 25 -12 Syzygium cf. perigrinum 10.4 13.9 1.3 2 4 17 35 -20 Xanthophyllum 10.4 14.7 1.3 2 Plot Tree Dista- Bear- Slope Species Diam Diam POM POM Remarks 2015 Remarks 2018 No No nce ing Angle 2015 2018 2015 2018 (m) (cm) (cm) (m) (m) 2 5 15.4 40 -22 Xanthophyllum 10.2 11.4 1.3 2 6 10.3 55 -10 Shorea havilandii 50.6 56.2 2.2 2 7 3.8 40 0 Hopea beccariana 10.8 19.4 1.3 2 8 5.5 60 2 Diospyros cf. ridleyi 60 65 1.3 P2-2 Perapang 2 9 10 60 -2 Hopea beccariana 20 21.7 1.3 2 10 12.8 60 -5 Lophopetalum 50.2 52 1.3 2 11 16.4 62 -7 Ochanostachys 20.6 26.1 1.3 amentacea 2 12 10.4 75 -1 Drypetes eriocarpa 10.2 11.1 1.3 2 13 16 75 -3 Shorea macroptera 10.6 17.8 1.3 2 14 13.8 77 0 Scaphium macropodum 10.5 14.2 1.3 2 15 8 90 14 Madhuca kingiana 20.2 22.6 1.3 2 16 15.5 88 5 Vatica albiramis 14 13.9 1.3 2 17 19 94 7 Omitted 17 17.2 1.3 Tree is located outside of the plot 2 18 18.1 100 10 Shorea macroptera 86 86.9 1.98 P2-3 2 19 12 110 10 Shorea agami 13 13.1 1.3 2 20 15.9 110 13 Hopea beccariana 12 11.6 1.3 2 21 15.4 120 13 Xanthophyllum 12.2 15.6 1.3 2 22 9 125 17 Diospyros 28 12 1.3 2 23 7.9 125 17 Vatica albiramis 14 24.9 1.3 2 24 10.3 125 18 Shorea macroptera 16 34.3 1.3 2 25 12.6 128 15 Shorea agami 11.5 37 1.5 2 26 17.3 130 10 Shorea agami 24.2 31 1.3 2 27 6.2 140 20 Vatica oblongifolia 35 90 2.4 2 28 10.6 140 16 Hopea beccariana 39 94.6 1.8 2 29 13.7 140 15 Syzygium 30 31 1.8 2 30 19.4 148 18 Dipterocarpus 90 90 1.3 P2-4 Perapang palembanicus 2 31 11.6 160 13 Canarium denticulatum 93.6 94.6 3.3 2 32 12.8 155 15 Canarium denticulatum 15 15 1.3 2 33 15.3 154 15 Shorea agami 10 10.2 1.3 2 34 17.8 154 14 Lithocarpus sericobalanus 13 13.9 1.3 2 35 14.6 154 14 Hydnocarpus woodii 14 14.9 1.3 2 36 15.2 154 14 Dipterocarpus 12 12 1.3 palembanicus 2 37 17.7 170 5 Shorea pilosa 74 103.7 1.3 2 38 4.5 175 13 Vatica albiramis 14 14.2 1.3 2 39 11.1 174 9 Vatica chartacea 11 11.5 1.3 2 40 7.7 180 8 Vatica oblongifolia 13 13.2 1.3 2 41 14.8 180 3 Hopea 21 21.4 1.3 2 42 1.7 202 5 Mezzetia cf.
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