YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP MEDAL STANDINGS As of 9 AUG 2009 AFTER 10 OF 10 EVENTS Men Women Total Rank Rank NOC By G S B Tot G S B Tot G S B Tot Total 1 KOR - Korea 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 4 1 2 7 1 2 DEN - Denmark 1 1 2 2 =6 3 MEX - Mexico 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 =2 4 ITA - Italy 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 =2 5 RUS - Russian Fed. 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 5 6 CHN - P.R. China 1 1 1 1 2 =6 7 FRA - France 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 =2 8 ESA - El Salvador 1 1 1 1 =8 8 NZL - New Zealand 1 1 1 1 =8 10 RSA - South Africa 1 1 1 1 =8 10 SUI - Switzerland 1 1 1 1 =8 Total: 4 4 4 12 4 4 4 12 10 10 10 30 Legend: = Equal sign indicates that two or more NOCs share the same rank by total B Bronze G Gold S Silver Tot Total AR0000000_C95 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:57 Page 1/1 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP MEDALS BY EVENT As of 9 AUG 2009 AFTER 10 OF 10 EVENTS Event Name Date Medal Name NOC Code Compound Women's Team SUN 9 AUG GOLD BALZHANOVA Viktoria RUS KOROBEYNIKOVA Ekaterina LOGINOVA Albina SILVER CRISANTO Ana Del Milagro MEX OCHOA Almendra OCHOA Linda BRONZE FABRE Valerie FRA LEBECQUE Pascale VOLLE Francoise Compound Men's Team SUN 9 AUG GOLD JAIME Hafid MEX OCHOA Ruben VILLASENOR Eduardo SILVER CLIFTON Stephen NZL TEASDALE Shaun WADDICK Tony BRONZE BENADE Nico RSA CILLIERS Seppie GATES Wesley Recurve Women's Team SUN 9 AUG GOLD JOO Hyun-Jung KOR KWAK Ye Ji YUN Ok-Hee SILVER BORODAY Tatyana RUS ERDYNIYEVA Natalya SEGINA Tatiana BRONZE LIONETTI Pia Carmen ITA TONETTA Elena VALEEVA Natalia Recurve Men's Team SUN 9 AUG GOLD IM Dong-Hyun KOR LEE Chang-Hwan OH Jin Hyek SILVER AUBERT Thomas FRA GIROUILLE Romain VALLADONT Jean-Charles BRONZE MARIN COELLO David MEX SERRANO Juan Rene VELEZ SANCHEZ Luis E. AR0000000_C93 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:58 Page 1/2 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP MEDALS BY EVENT As of 9 AUG 2009 AFTER 10 OF 10 EVENTS Event Name Date Medal Name NOC Code Compound Mixed Team SUN 9 AUG GOLD DAMSBO Martin DEN SOEMOD Camilla SILVER OCHOA Linda MEX OCHOA Ruben BRONZE ANASTASIO Anastasia ITA PAGNI Sergio Recurve Mixed Team SUN 9 AUG GOLD OH Jin Hyek KOR YUN Ok-Hee SILVER CHEN Wenyuan CHN ZHAO Ling BRONZE GIROUILLE Romain FRA SCHUH Berengere Compound Women's Individual SUN 9 AUG GOLD SOEMOD Camilla DEN SILVER ANASTASIO Anastasia ITA BRONZE LOGINOVA Albina RUS Compound Men's Individual SUN 9 AUG GOLD PAGNI Sergio ITA SILVER JIMENEZ Jorge ESA BRONZE HOFER Patrizio SUI Recurve Women's Individual SUN 9 AUG GOLD YUN Ok-Hee KOR SILVER SCHUH Berengere FRA BRONZE KWAK Ye Ji KOR Recurve Men's Individual SUN 9 AUG GOLD CHEN Wenyuan CHN SILVER OH Jin Hyek KOR BRONZE IM Dong-Hyun KOR AR0000000_C93 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:58 Page 2/2 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP NUMBER OF ENTRIES BY EVENT As of 9 AUG 2009 Event No. Archers No. Countries No. Teams Recurve Men's Individual 70 22 20 Compound Men's Individual 40 17 8 Recurve Women's Individual 55 19 14 Compound Women's Individual 30 13 6 Legend: No Number AR0000000_C30A 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:46 Page 1/1 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP NUMBER OF ENTRIES BY COUNTRY As of 9 AUG 2009 Total NOC Men Women Competitors AUS - Australia 6 5 11 BRA - Brazil 1 0 1 CAN - Canada 5 0 5 CHN - P.R. China 8 8 16 CRO - Croatia 0 2 2 DEN - Denmark 2 3 5 ESA - El Salvador 1 0 1 ESP - Spain 4 4 8 FIN - Finland 3 1 4 FRA - France 6 6 12 GBR - Great Britain 3 4 7 GER - Germany 3 3 6 INA - Indonesia 5 2 7 IND - India 3 4 7 ITA - Italy 4 4 8 JPN - Japan 3 3 6 KAZ - Kazakhstan 3 3 6 KOR - Korea 3 3 6 KSA - Saudi Arabia 6 0 6 MAS - Malaysia 4 0 4 MEX - Mexico 8 8 16 NED - Netherlands 1 0 1 NZL - New Zealand 3 3 6 PHI - Philippines 3 0 3 POL - Poland 3 3 6 RSA - South Africa 6 2 8 RUS - Russian Fed. 8 8 16 SUI - Switzerland 1 0 1 UKR - Ukraine 4 4 8 VEN - Venezuela 0 2 2 Total: 30 110 85 195 AR0000000_C30 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:46 Page 1/1 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP ENTRIES BY COUNTRY As of 9 AUG 2009 Country Back Country Name Discipline Code No. AUS Australia GRAY Matthew 6 Recurve Men's Individual KIM Sky 38 Recurve Men's Individual NARAY Michael 56 Recurve Men's Individual CARSON Dennis 20 Compound Men's Individual COGHLAN Patrick 5 Compound Men's Individual WALLACE Brendan 19 Compound Men's Individual BRIDGER Deonne 48 Recurve Women's Individual LINDSAY Jade 43 Recurve Women's Individual DARBY Rebecca 19 Compound Women's Individual FERRIS Madeleine 16 Compound Women's Individual HYDE Fiona 22 Compound Women's Individual BRA Brazil DOS SANTOS Roberval 28D Compound Men's Individual CAN Canada BURNES John David 64 Recurve Men's Individual DUENAS Crispin 12 Recurve Men's Individual MAC DONALD Hugh 35 Recurve Men's Individual TATARYN Kevin 8 Compound Men's Individual TRILLUS Dietmar 11 Compound Men's Individual CHN P.R. China CHEN Wenyuan 3 Recurve Men's Individual LI Wenquan 40 Recurve Men's Individual XING Yu 30 Recurve Men's Individual XUE Hai Feng 26 Recurve Men's Individual GUO Yan 29 Compound Men's Individual REN Jingquan 32 Compound Men's Individual SHEN Yan 31 Compound Men's Individual WANG Mingrui 36 Compound Men's Individual CHEN Yeqing 18 Recurve Women's Individual OUYANG Ruyu 14 Recurve Women's Individual ZHAO Ling 5 Recurve Women's Individual ZHU Jiani 30 Recurve Women's Individual WANG Lu 28 Compound Women's Individual XU Huanli 30 Compound Women's Individual ZHANG Qiong 27 Compound Women's Individual ZHU Haixia 29 Compound Women's Individual CRO Croatia BUDEN Ivana 5 Compound Women's Individual ZORMAN Tanja 14 Compound Women's Individual DEN Denmark LAURSEN Martin Klingenberg 63 Recurve Men's Individual DAMSBO Martin 2 Compound Men's Individual CHRISTIANSEN Carina R. 35 Recurve Women's Individual JAGER Maja Buskbjerg 14D Recurve Women's Individual SOEMOD Camilla 6 Compound Women's Individual AR0000000_C32E 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:47 Page 1/6 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP ENTRIES BY COUNTRY As of 9 AUG 2009 Country Back Country Name Discipline Code No. ESA El Salvador JIMENEZ Jorge 4 Compound Men's Individual ESP Spain CUESTA Elias 27 Recurve Men's Individual GOMEZ Andres 51 Recurve Men's Individual MORILLO Daniel 33 Recurve Men's Individual RIERA Raul 47 Recurve Men's Individual BUITRON Gema 26 Recurve Women's Individual CABRERO Beatriz 45 Recurve Women's Individual FERNANDEZ Helena 54 Recurve Women's Individual FOULON Magali 28 Recurve Women's Individual FIN Finland HATAVA Matti 28 Recurve Men's Individual TIAINEN Eetu 59 Recurve Men's Individual VIRTANEN Aki 46 Recurve Men's Individual KOURULA Laura 51 Recurve Women's Individual FRA France AUBERT Thomas 23 Recurve Men's Individual GIROUILLE Romain 8 Recurve Men's Individual VALLADONT Jean-Charles 9 Recurve Men's Individual BRASSEUR Sebastien 22 Compound Men's Individual DELOCHE Pierre Julien 23 Compound Men's Individual GENET Dominique 10 Compound Men's Individual DELAMARE Cyrielle 50 Recurve Women's Individual DODEMONT Sophie 46 Recurve Women's Individual SCHUH Berengere 3 Recurve Women's Individual FABRE Valerie 13 Compound Women's Individual LEBECQUE Pascale 8 Compound Women's Individual VOLLE Francoise 18 Compound Women's Individual GBR Great Britain GODFREY Laurence 21 Recurve Men's Individual TERRY Simon 25 Recurve Men's Individual WILLS Alan 39 Recurve Men's Individual BURGESS Charlotte 40 Recurve Women's Individual FOLKARD Naomi 9 Recurve Women's Individual WILLIAMSON Alison 29 Recurve Women's Individual HUNT Nicky 3 Compound Women's Individual GER Germany FLOTO Florian 34 Recurve Men's Individual PIEPER Jens 43 Recurve Men's Individual ROHRBERG Sebastian 32 Recurve Men's Individual RICHTER Elena 19 Recurve Women's Individual SCHAEFER Christina 24 Recurve Women's Individual WINTER Karina 8 Recurve Women's Individual AR0000000_C32E 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:47 Page 2/6 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP ENTRIES BY COUNTRY As of 9 AUG 2009 Country Back Country Name Discipline Code No. INA Indonesia ALI SOFIAN Mohammad Ali 62 Recurve Men's Individual SULISTIAWAN Rahmat 45 Recurve Men's Individual SUPRIANTO Hendro 58 Recurve Men's Individual KUSWANTORO . 35 Compound Men's Individual SETIJAWAN Hendra 33 Compound Men's Individual PUSPITASARI Rina Dewi 38 Recurve Women's Individual HELIARTI Lilies 24 Compound Women's Individual IND India BANERJEE Rahul 18 Recurve Men's Individual CHAMPIA Mangal Singh 24 Recurve Men's Individual TALUKDAR Jayanta 10 Recurve Men's Individual BANERJEE Dola 11 Recurve Women's Individual BORO Pratima 31 Recurve Women's Individual BURIULY Rimil 6 Recurve Women's Individual KUMARI Reena 32 Recurve Women's Individual ITA Italy GALIAZZO Marco 54 Recurve Men's Individual GIORI Lorenzo 19 Recurve Men's Individual TONELLI Amedeo 36 Recurve Men's Individual PAGNI Sergio 3 Compound Men's Individual LIONETTI Pia Carmen 15 Recurve Women's Individual TONETTA Elena 27 Recurve Women's Individual VALEEVA Natalia 12 Recurve Women's Individual ANASTASIO Anastasia 4 Compound Women's Individual JPN Japan KIKUCHI Hideki 20 Recurve Men's Individual YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 13 Recurve Men's Individual YOSHINAGA Hiroyuki 17 Recurve Men's Individual KANIE Miki 36 Recurve Women's Individual MATSUNAGA Asako 37 Recurve Women's Individual MATSUSHITA Sayami 21 Recurve Women's Individual KAZ Kazakhstan GANKIN Artyom 55 Recurve Men's Individual GANKIN Denis 60 Recurve Men's Individual SAIDIYEV Oibek 49 Recurve Men's Individual BANNOVA Anastassiya 25 Recurve Women's Individual LI Yelena 53 Recurve Women's Individual PILIPOVA Olga 42 Recurve Women's Individual KOR Korea IM Dong-Hyun 7 Recurve Men's Individual LEE Chang-Hwan 2 Recurve Men's Individual OH Jin Hyek 1 Recurve Men's Individual JOO Hyun-Jung 2 Recurve Women's Individual KWAK Ye Ji 7 Recurve Women's Individual YUN Ok-Hee 1 Recurve Women's Individual AR0000000_C32E 1.0 Report Created SUN 9 AUG 2009 17:47 Page 3/6 YUAN SHEN STADIUM ARCHERY WORLD CUP ENTRIES BY COUNTRY As of 9 AUG 2009 Country Back Country Name Discipline Code No.
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