INDEX TO JOURNALS ONE HUNDRED TENTH VOLUME SECOND SESSION, TWENTY-FIFTH LEGISLATURE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA MEANING OF ABBREVIATIONS 1R. - First Reading S.P. - Sessional Paper 2R. - Second Reading MR - Motion for Return C. of W. - Committee of the Whole WQ - Written Question 3R. - Third Reading $ - Money Bill A. - Assented to A ADDRESS IN REPLY TO SPEECH FROM THE THRONE Debated ............................................ 19, 25-26, 36, 40, 80 Engrossed and presented to the Lieutenant Governor (Motion 19)................................... 80 Proposed ........................................................... 10 AMENDMENTS (HOIST, REASONED, REFERRAL) Bills Bill 11, referral amendment considered at Third Reading on May 8, 2002, proposed by Ms Carlson on behalf of Mr. MacDonald — Defeated .................209-210 Bill 12, 6-month hoist amendment considered at Third Reading on March 13, 2002, proposed by Ms Carlson — Defeated ...................68-69 Bill 205, 6-month hoist amendment considered at Third Reading on May 6, 2002, proposed by Dr. Pannu — Defeated .................196-198 Bill 208, 6-month hoist amendment considered at Second Reading on November 25, 2002, proposed by Ms Carlson — Debate adjourned .................265-266 1 AMENDMENTS (HOIST, REASONED, REFERRAL) Bill 208, 6-month hoist amendment considered at Second Reading on December 2, 2002, proposed by Ms Carlson on November 25, 2002 — Agreed to .................... 293 B BILLS INTRODUCED A numerical listing is provided in Appendix A. GOVERNMENT BILLS Administrative Penalties and Related Matters Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Dr. Taylor) (Bill 13) (c4) 1R. 37-38; 2R. 46; C. of W. 159; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Adult Interdependent Relationships Act (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 30) 1R. 201; Withdrawn 236-237. Adult Interdependent Relationships Act (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 30-2) (cA-4.5) 1R. 236-237; 2R. 245-246; C. of W. 282; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. Agriculture Financial Services Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Klapstein) (Bill 7) (c5) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 39; C. of W. 154; 3R 209; A. 230-231. Alberta Corporate Tax Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Melchin) (Bill 25) (c28) 1R. 121; 2R. 158; C. of W. 246-247; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. Alberta Personal Income Tax Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mrs. Nelson) (Bill 21) (c6) 1R. 89; 2R. 105, 143; C. of W. 200; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Appropriation Act, 2002 ($) (Hon. Mrs. Nelson) (Bill 27) (c7) 1R. 203; 2R. 208; C. of W. 214, 214-215; 3R. 221; A. 230-231. Appropriation (Interim Supply) Act, 2002 ($) (Hon. Mrs. Nelson) (Bill 17) (c2) 1R. 54; 2R. 72; C. of W. 81; 3R. 87; A. ** Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2002 ($) (Hon. Mrs. Nelson) (Bill 8) (c1) 1R. 31; 2R. 35-36; C. of W. 39-40; 3R. 46; A. * Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2002 (No. 2) ($) (Hon. Mrs. Nelson) (Bill 36) (c29) 1R. 260; 2R. 267; C. of W. 274; 3R. 282; A. 306-307. Child and Family Services Authorities Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Ms Evans) (Bill 2) (c8) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 35-36; C. of W. 39-40; 3R. 204; A. 230-231. Child Welfare Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Ms Evans) (Bill 9) (c9) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 35-36, 46; C. of W. 186-187; 3R. 209; A. 230-231. Child Welfare Amendment Act, 2002 (No. 2) (Hon. Ms Evans) (Bill 24) (c10) 1R. 121; 2R. 143, 163-164; C. of W. 176, 200; 3R. 209; A. 230-231. Climate Change and Emissions Management Act ($) (Hon. Dr. Taylor) (Bill 32) 1R. 236-237; 2R. 273, 274; Not proceeded with. *Royal Assent granted March 14, 2002 **Royal Assent granted March 20, 2002 2 ***Royal Assent granted May 21, 2002 BILLS INTRODUCED: GOVERNMENT BILLS Dairy Industry Omnibus Act, 2002 ($) (Hon. Mrs. McClellan) (Bill 15) (c11) 1R. 37-38; 2R. 46; C. of W. 159; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Education Services Settlement Act (Hon. Dr. Oberg) (Bill 12) (cE-0.5) 1R. 48; 2R. 58, 58-59; C. of W. 59-60, 61-65; 3R. 67, 68-69; A. * Energy Information Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Strang) (Bill 11) (c12) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 39; C. of W. 73, 136; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Gaming and Liquor Amendment Act, 2002 ($) (Hon. Mr. Stevens) (Bill 14) (c15) 1R. 37-38; 2R. 82, 109; C. of W. 154; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act (Mr. Rathgeber) (Bill 5) (cI-3.5) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 35-36, 40; C. of W. 73; 3R. 204; A. 230-231. Intestate Succession Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 29) (c16) 1R. 201; 2R. 208; C. of W. 214; 3R. 214; A. 230-231. Irrigation Districts Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. McFarland) (Bill 3) (c3) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 35-36; C. of W. 88; 3R. 88; A. * Justice Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 20) (c17) 1R. 89; 2R. 105, 129; C. of W. 154, 181; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 28) (c18) 1R. 201; 2R. 208; C. of W. 214; 3R. 214; A. 230-231. Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (No. 2) (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 38) (c30) 1R. 275; 2R. 294; C. of W. 295; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. Municipal Government Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. VanderBurg) (Bill 23) (c19) 1R. 111; 2R. 136, 154; C. of W. 204; 3R. 209; A. 230-231. North Red Deer Water Authorization Act (Hon. Dr. Taylor) (Bill 33) (cN-3.5) 1R. 249; 2R. 267, 288; C. of W. 295; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 2002 (Rev. Abbott) (Bill 37) (c31) 1R. 262; 2R. 288, 294; C. of W. 295; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. Public Health Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Mar) (Bill 4) (c20) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 35-36; C. of W. 73; 3R. 204; A. 230-231. Public Works Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Snelgrove) (Bill 10) (c21) 1R. 14-15; 2R. 39; C. of W. 159; 3R. 209; A. 230-231. Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Recognition Act ($) (Hon. Mr. Klein) (Bill 1) (cQ-0.5) 1R. 10; 2R. 35-36, 36; C. of W. 39-40; 3R. 72; A. * Racing Corporation Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Stevens) (Bill 16) (c22) 1R. 37-38; 2R. 82, 129; C. of W. 181; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Security Management Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 31) (c32) 1R. 226; 2R. 246; C. of W. 255, 295; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. Seniors Advisory Council for Alberta Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Woloshyn) (Bill 34) (c33) 1R. 236-237; 2R. 267; C. of W. 295; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. *Royal Assent granted March 14, 2002 **Royal Assent granted March 20, 2002 3 ***Royal Assent granted May 21, 2002 BILLS INTRODUCED: GOVERNMENT BILLS Social Care Facilities Review Committee Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Ms Evans) (Bill 18) (c24) 1R. 48; 2R. 86, 113; C. of W. 176; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Student Financial Assistance Act ($) (Hon. Dr. Oberg) (Bill 6) (cS-20.5) 1R. 37-38; 2R. 46; C. of W. 163; 3R. 204; A. 230-231. Teachers’ Pension Plans Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Dr. Oberg) (Bill 35) (c34) 1R. 256; 2R. 267; C. of W. 295; 3R. 302; A. 306-307. Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Melchin) (Bill 22) (c25) 1R. 106; 2R. 129; C. of W. 204; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Veterinary Profession Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Danyluk) (Bill 19) (c26) 1R. 82-83; 2R. 105; C. of W. 181; 3R. 209-210; A. 230-231. Workers’ Compensation Amendment Act, 2002 (Hon. Mr. Dunford) (Bill 26) (c27) 1R. 150; 2R. 176, 187, 200; C. of W. 205, 210, 214-215, 222-224; 3R. 224, 225, 231; A. *** PRIVATE BILLS Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Maskell) (Bill Pr1) 1R. 111; 2R. 162; C. of W. 163; 3R. 186; A. 230-231. PRIVATE MEMBERS’ PUBLIC BILLS Alberta Wheat and Barley Test Market Act (Mr. Hlady) (Bill 207) (cA-37.5) 1R. 32; 2R. 153, 175, 198; C. of W. 220, 264-265; 3R. 292-293; A. 306-307. Community School Partnerships Act (Dr. Massey) (Bill 230) 1R. 269; Not proceeded with. Electoral Fairness Commission Act (Dr. Pannu) (Bill 209) 1R. 32; 2R. 293; Not proceeded with. Environmental Protection and Enhancement (Residential Land Disclosure) Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Cao) (Bill 214) 1R. 75; Not proceeded with. Environmental Protection and Enhancement (Clean-up Instructions) Amendment Act, 2002 (Mrs. Jablonski) (Bill 202) (c13) 1R. 20; 2R. 30; C. of W. 79-80; 3R. 103; A. 230-231. Fair Trading (Cost of Credit) Amendment Act, 2002 (Rev. Abbott) (Bill 215) 1R. 75; Not proceeded with. False Claims Act (Mr. Lord) (Bill 216) 1R. 75; Not proceeded with. Fiscal Stability Fund Calculation Act (Dr. Nicol) (Bill 208) 1R. 32; 2R. 265-266, 293 hoisted. Fisheries (Alberta) Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Danyluk) (Bill 206) (c14) 1R. 32; 2R. 127-128, 153; C. of W. 196; 3R. 219-220; A. 230-231. Gas Flaring Elimination Act (Mason) (Bill 203) 1R. 20; 2R. 30, 49-50 defeated. Marriage (Preparation Course) Amendment Act, 2002 (Mr. Yankowsky) (Bill 211) 1R. 75; Not proceeded with. *Royal Assent granted March 14, 2002 **Royal Assent granted March 20, 2002 4 ***Royal Assent granted May 21, 2002 BILLS INTRODUCED: PRIVATE MEMBERS’ PUBLIC BILLS Matrimonial Property (Division of Property on Death) Amendment Act, 2002 (Ms Graham) (Bill 210) 1R. 32; Not proceeded with. School Trustee Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (Mrs. O’Neill) (Bill 205) 1R. 32; 2R. 103, 127-128; C. of W. 175; 3R. 196-198; A. 230-231. Traffic Safety (Cellular Phone) Amendment Act, 2002 (Mrs. Gordon) (Bill 204) 1R. 32; 2R.
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