# Order Setting Series Code #1 Code #2 # Name Date Author Notes Status 1 4 Forgotten Realms The Moonshae Trilogy FR Moon 1-3 1 Darkwalker on Moonshae May-87 Douglas Niles Read 2 1 Forgotten Realms The Icewind Dale Trilogy FR Ice 1-3 1 The Crystal Shard Jan-88 RA Salvatore Read 3 5 Forgotten Realms The Moonshae Trilogy FR Moon 2-3 2 Black Wizards Apr-88 Douglas Niles Read 4 Forgotten Realms Shandrill's Saga FR Shan 1-3 1 Spellfire Jul-88 Ed Greenwood Got 5 7 Forgotten Realms The Finder's Stone Trilogy FR Find 1-3 1 Azure Bonds Oct-88 Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb Got 6 2 Forgotten Realms The Icewind Dale Trilogy FR Ice 2-3 2 Streams of Silver Jan-89 RA Salvatore Read 7 6 Forgotten Realms The Moonshae Trilogy FR Moon 3-3 3 Darkwell Feb-89 Douglas Niles Read 8 Forgotten Realms The Avatar Series FR Ava 1-5 1 Shadowdale Apr-89 Richard Awlinson Got 9 Forgotten Realms The Avatar Series FR Ava 2-5 2 Tantras Jun-89 Richard Awlinson Got 10 Forgotten Realms The Avatar Series FR Ava 3-5 3 Waterdeep Aug-89 Richard Awlinson Got 11 22 Forgotten Realms The Heroes of Phlan Trilogy FR Phlan 1-3 1 Pool of Radiance Nov-89 James M Ward & Jane Cooper Hong Got 12 3 Forgotten Realms The Icewind Dale Trilogy FR Ice 3-3 3 The Halfling's Gem Jan-90 RA Salvatore Read 13 8 Forgotten Realms The Finder's Stone Trilogy FR Find 2-3 2 The Wyvern's Spur Feb-90 Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb Got 14 10 Forgotten Realms Maztica Trilogy FR Maz 1-3 1 Ironhelm Mar-90 Douglas Niles Got 15 13 Forgotten Realms The Empires Trilogy FR Emp 1-3 1 Horselords Mar-90 David Cook Got 16 14 Forgotten Realms The Empires Trilogy FR Emp 2-3 2 Dragonwall Jul-90 Troy Denning Got 17 11 Forgotten Realms Maztica Trilogy FR Maz 2-3 2 Viperhand Aug-90 Douglas Niles Got 18 16 Forgotten Realms The Dark Elf Trilogy FR Dark 1-3 1 Homeland Aug-90 RA Salvatore Got 19 17 Forgotten Realms The Dark Elf Trilogy FR Dark 2-3 2 Exile Dec-90 RA Salvatore Got 20 15 Forgotten Realms The Empires Trilogy FR Emp 3-3 3 Crusade Jan-91 James Lowder Got 21 9 Forgotten Realms The Finder's Stone Trilogy FR Find 3-3 3 Song of the Saurials Mar-91 Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb Got 22 12 Forgotten Realms Maztica Trilogy FR Maz 3-3 3 Feathered Dragon Apr-91 Douglas Niles Got 23 18 Forgotten Realms The Dark Elf Trilogy FR Dark 3-3 3 Sojourn May-91 RA Salvatore Got 24 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 1-16 1 The Parched Sea Jul-91 Troy Denning Got 25 Forgotten Realms The Harpers & Songs & Swords FR Harp 2-16 FR Song 1-5 2 & 1 Elfshadow Oct-91 Elaine Cunningham Got 26 26 Forgotten Realms The Cleric Quintet FR Cleric 1-5 1 Canticle Oct-91 RA Salvatore Ebay 3 27 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 3-16 3 Red Magic Dec-91 Jean Rabe Got 28 23 Forgotten Realms The Heroes of Phlan Trilogy FR Phlan 2-3 2 Pools of Darkness Feb-92 James M Ward & Anne K Brown Got 29 19 Forgotten Realms The Druidhome Trilogy FR Druid 1-3 1 Prophet of Moonshae Mar-92 Douglas Niles Got 30 27 Forgotten Realms The Cleric Quintet FR Cleric 2-5 2 In Sylvan Shadows Apr-92 RA Salvatore Got 31 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 4-16 4 The Night Parade Jun-92 Scott Ciencin Got 32 28 Forgotten Realms The Cleric Quintet FR Cleric 3-5 3 Night Masks Aug-92 RA Salvatore Got 33 20 Forgotten Realms The Druidhome Trilogy FR Druid 2-3 2 The Coral Kingdom Sep-92 Douglas Niles Got 34 Forgotten Realms Legacy of the Drow FR Drow 1-4 1 The Legacy Sep-92 RA Salvatore Got 35 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 5-16 5 The Ring of Winter Nov-92 James Lowder Got 36 25 Forgotten Realms Realms of Valor Anthology FR Valor #1 0 Realms of Valor Feb-93 James Lowder Editor Got 37 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 6-16 6 Crypt of the Shadowking Mar-93 Mark Anthony Got 38 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 7-16 7 Soldiers of Ice Mar-93 David Cook Got 39 21 Forgotten Realms The Druidhome Trilogy FR Druid 3-3 3 The Druid Queen Mar-93 Douglas Niles Got 40 29 Forgotten Realms The Cleric Quintet FR Cleric 4-5 4 The Fallen Fortress Jun-93 RA Salvatore Got 41 Forgotten Realms The Avatar Series FR Ava 4-5 4 Prince of Lies Aug-93 James Lowder Ebay 18 42 Forgotten Realms Legacy of the Drow FR Drow 2-4 2 Starless Night Aug-93 RA Salvatore Got 43 24 Forgotten Realms The Heroes of Phlan Trilogy FR Phlan 3-3 3 Pool of Twilight Nov-93 James M Ward & Anne K Brown Got 44 Forgotten Realms The Harpers & Songs & Swords FR Harp 8-16 FR Song 2-5 8 & 2 Elfsong Jan-94 Elaine Cunningham Got 45 Forgotten Realms The Harpers & Shandril's Saga FR Harp 9-16 FR Shan 2-3 9 & 2 Crown of Fire Apr-94 Ed Greenwood Got 46 30 Forgotten Realms The Cleric Quintet FR Cleric 5-5 5 The Chaos Curse Jun-94 RA Salvatore Got 47 Forgotten Realms Legacy of the Drow FR Drow 3-4 3 Siege of Darkness Aug-94 RA Salvatore Got 48 34 Forgotten Realms The Twilight Giants Trilogy FR Giants 1-3 1 The Ogre's Pact Sep-94 Troy Denning Got 49 31 Forgotten Realms Realms of Infamy Anthology FR Infamy #1 0 Realms of Infamy Dec-94 James Lowder Editor Ebay 26 50 Forgotten Realms The Elminster Series FR Elm 1-5 1 Elminster: The Making of a Mage Dec-94 Ed Greenwood Got 51 35 Forgotten Realms The Twilight Giants Trilogy FR Giants 2-3 2 The Giant Among Us Feb-95 Troy Denning Got 52 Forgotten Realms The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy FR Shad Ava 1-3 1 Shadows of Doom Mar-95 Ed Greenwood Got 53 32 Forgotten Realms - FR Guide #1 0 Once Around the Realms Apr-95 Brian Thomsen Guide Got 54 33 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Nobles FR Noble 1-6 1 King Pinch May-95 David Cook Got 55 Forgotten Realms The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy FR Shad Ava 2-3 2 Cloak of Shadows Jun-95 Ed Greenwood Got 56 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 10-16 10 Masquerades Jul-95 Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb Got 57 Forgotten Realms Starlight and Shadows FR S&S 1-3 1 Daughter of the Drow Aug-95 Elaine Cunningham Got 58 Birthright - Birth 1-6 1 The Iron Throne Aug-95 Simon Hawke Got 59 36 Forgotten Realms The Twilight Giants Trilogy FR Giants 3-3 3 The Titan of Twilight Sep-95 Troy Denning Got 60 WAIT Forgotten Realms The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy FR Shad Ava 3-3 3 All Shadows Fled Oct-95 Ed Greenwood Got 61 37 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Nobles FR Noble 2-6 2 War in Tethyr Oct-95 Victor Milan Got 62 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 11-16 11 Curse of the Shadowmage Nov-95 Mark Anthony AbeBooks 39 63 38 Forgotten Realms Realms of Magic Anthology FR Magic #1 0 Realms of Magic Dec-95 Brian Thomsen & J Robert King Editor Got 64 39 Planescape Online Novel Plane #1 1 Fire and Dust Jan-96 James Alan Gardner 41 65 Planescape The Blood Wars Trilogy Plane BW 1-3 1 Blood Hostages Jan-96 J Robert King Got 66 Birthright - Birth 2-6 2 Greatheart Feb-96 Dixie Lee McKeone Ebay BID 43 67 40 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Nobles FR Noble 3-6 3 Escape from Undermountain Feb-96 Mark Anthony Got 68 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Mysteries FR Myst 1-2 1 Murder in Cormyr Mar-96 Chet Williamson 69 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 12-16 12 The Veiled Dragon Mar-96 Troy Denning 70 Forgotten Realms Starlight and Shadows FR S&S 2-3 2 Tangled Webs Apr-96 Elaine Cunningham 71 Forgotten Realms Realms of the Underdark Anthology FR Underdark #1 0 Realms of the Underdark Apr-96 J Robert King Editor 72 Birthright - Birth 3-6 3 War May-96 Simon Hawke 73 Forgotten Realms Netheril Trilogy FR Neth 1-3 1 Sword Play May-96 Clayton Emery 74 Planescape The Blood Wars Trilogy Plane BW 2-3 2 Abyssal Warriors Jun-96 J Robert King 75 Birthright - Birth 4-6 4 The Hag's Contract Jun-96 John Betancourt 76 Forgotten Realms The Harpers & Songs & Swords FR Harp 13-16 FR Song 3-5 13 & 3 Silver Shadows Jun-96 Elaine Cunningham 77 Forgotten Realms The Cormyr Saga FR Cormyr 1-3 1 Cormyr: A Novel Jul-96 Ed Greenwood & Jeff Grubb 78 Forgotten Realms Legacy of the Drow FR Drow 4-4 4 Passage to Dawn Aug-96 RA Salvatore 79 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Nobles FR Noble 4-6 4 The Mage in the Iron Mask Aug-96 Brian Thomsen 80 Birthright Birth 5-6 5 The Spider's Test Sep-96 Dixie Lee McKeone 81 Planescape Plane #2 2 Pages of Pain Sep-96 Troy Denning 82 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Mysteries FR Myst 2-2 Murder in Halruaa Oct-96 Richard Meyers 83 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 14-16 14 Stormlight Oct-96 Ed Greenwood 84 Forgotten Realms Netheril Trilogy FR Neth 2-3 2 Dangerous Games Nov-96 Clayton Emery 85 Forgotten Realms The Harpers & The Lost Gods FR Harp 15-16 FR Lost 1-2 15 & 1 Finder's Bane Jul-97 Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb 86 Planescape The Blood Wars Trilogy Plane BW 3-3 3 Planar Powers Jul-97 J Robert King 87 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Nobles FR Noble 5-6 5 The Council of Blades Sep-97 Paul Kidd 88 Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms: Nobles FR Noble 6-6 6 The Simbul's Gift Oct-97 Lynn Abbey 89 Forgotten Realms Realms of the Arcane Anthology FR Arcane #1 0 Realms of the Arcane Nov-97 Brian Thomsen Editor 90 Forgotten Realms The Elminster Series FR Elm 2-5 2 Elminster in Myth Drannor Nov-97 Ed Greenwood 91 Forgotten Realms The Lost Gods FR Lost 2-2 2 Tymora's Luck Dec-97 Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb 92 Forgotten Realms The Harpers FR Harp 15a-16 15a Rise of the Blade Jan-98 Charles Alexander Moffatt Online 93 Forgotten Realms Netheril Trilogy FR Neth 3-3 3 Mortal Consequences Jan-98 Clayton Emery 94 Forgotten Realms Double Diamond Triangle Saga FR DDT 1-9 1 The Abduction Jan-98 J Robert King 95 Forgotten Realms Double Diamond Triangle Saga FR DDT 2-9 2 The Mercenaries Jan-98 Ed Greenwood 96 Forgotten Realms Double Diamond Triangle Saga FR DDT 3-9 3 The Paladins Jan-98 James M Ward & David Wise 97 Forgotten Realms The Avatar Series FR Ava 5-5 5 Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad Feb-98 Troy Denning 98 Forgotten
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