7 ‘ SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS, 194S Average Daily Circnbtkm The Weather iilitttrbFBtFir lEsFititto RFntlb For tke Month ot November, 1942 ______________ f____ • • Poreoest of C. S. Weather Boieee John R. Mroaek. o t Pearl street, the Highway department la busy ■“ " \ during and after the storm of 7,814 a student at Clark University. Flavell Heads OoaUened eoM tonight; dtnahi- IIIJ! [t Town Cut Furlough "dental fillin g these chug holqs. Mototev of the Aedlt Worcester. Maas., took part in a Heard Along Main Str^t At M il eg wimto. debate with a team representing I o f OlTCSletiou the University of Maine, held at For Inductees «i,About five weeks ago the Per- Orange Lodge •atmtloii Toun* Clark last night. And on Some of Manchester's Side Stteetsi Too manent ArmisUee Day committee Martchester-^A City of VUlage Charm l«glon win ■pedal voted to send a letter to the r at 6 Board of Selectmen and have a A on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Verplanck The shortage of meats for home • were taking a shuttle train from Is Elected Worthy Mas* (ClaaeUled ASvertlsIeg on Sage 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 14.1942 (SIX'^EN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS U n . MUm ley in Only 10 Days to Be suitable honor roll erected In VOL. LXII., NO. 63 of Elwood road are planning to eonatimption and the general Times Square to the Grand Cen­ Cor. Main and Middle Tpk. leave Monday for takeland, Fla. Mancheeter. This ex-aervlce men’a ter for the Fourth Allowed Next Group prosperity of the people have com­ tral station In New Yorit (Sty. group did not attem pt'to tell the They wUl make the trip by train. bined to make dinlng-out places 'They used to tell a story yeara St. Jamec’a Children of They expect to remain in Florida Due for Exams Dec. 17 Selectmen where such a roll Consecutive Time. more popular than ever. Not both­ ago when the trolleys were still should be erected, merely request­ McCandless' Awarded Congressional Medal Sodality will hold iU regu> until spring. ering to shop about for meats, and , operating about a man who want­ iBMtlng tomorrow afternoon The local Selective Service ed that it be done. The tenor of Harry Flavell was again named having ready cash in their pock-! ed to go to the old Glastonbury that meeting when the resolution Fliers Continuing ^ dock in the church baae- The Asbury group of the South board waa noUfled yeaterday by eta more folks than ever are go- j worthy master of Washington L. Artillery Fire Halts Knitting Mill at Manchester Green. VUm Winifred Pentland, was adopted Seemed to .Indicate Methodist W. S. C. 8. will hold its State headquarters that its next ing to restaurants, grills and The first man he asked told him that the men from Manchester O. L., No. 117 a t Its annual meet­ i, MiM Maty Sullivan, co- Christmas party Tuesday after­ nearby roadhouse reatauranta. induction group will receive only to wait for the Green trolley and should have their names placed on ing last night. This la t&gi fourth „ i , are in charge of the noon at 2:30 at the church. The But, the reatauranta are having , board that. He waited for hours c il U a 10 days furlough following ac­ an honor roll and that it should time he has been eledtod to this Hard Bomb Raids that will follow the meet- members are requested to provide their troubles, too. It is difficult and all that came along were yel­ ceptance at the Army center In for them to get the varied kinds of . be kept up. Many of the veterans office. ten-cent ^fta. The refreshment low trolleys. told how other towns were treat­ committee Includes Mrs. Samuel Hartford. The next group will be meats necessary to make up an Other officers elected were: Nazi Motor Column; The way the bus signs are han­ ing this subject and thought that Deputy Master, David Dougan: n te regular monthly meeting of Strain. Mrs. Ellen Crossen and sent to Hartford for the Armed attractive menu. And, it is diffl- i Services examination in Thura- cult to get help. Chefs are at a dled nowadays would be Just as Manchester should do Ukewrlse. recording secretary, William On New Jap Base 8. C. Choral Club of the Sec- Mrs. Ines Truax.. day, Dec. 17. premium. They are long paat the confusing to a stranger. Thus far, at least, no one seema to Stratton; treasurer, John Cham­ n> Congregational church wilj be know exactly what action, if any, bers; financial secretary, Albert _ jld Tueaday evening, December Since a 10 days furlough wvuld independent stage. Group No. 2 of the Memorial Venison la going to be scarce, Pete Happeny, who once operat­ the selectmen took in this matter. Weir; chaplain, James Vennart; (Brectly after choir .rehearsal. end on Sunday it ia expected I ?arpet Sweepers . .$5.50 up Ground Action on Guad> Hospital Woman’s Auxiliary, Mrs. next group would leave here if the demand for it continues ed a fire truck at No. 3’a house on Thursday evening the subject was D. of C., Albert Turktngton; com­ P ay Order Wreck Troop Traiit George W. House, leader, will Fort Devens, Maas., on Monday, rough the winter, and it is Spruce street, is now with a tank brought up once more by the vet­ mittee' chairman, Thomas Ven- lathroom Scales . .$4.00 op alcanal Limited to r -' Ben O. Eldridge, of 29 Harvard meet Monday afternoon at 2 destroying outfit at a camp in erans and it seems that a delega­ nart; I. T., Robert Rogers; O.'T.. Dec. 28. Those accepted on Dec. 17 lund to as beef continues to be (Clothes Hampers . .$3.98 ftoad, has been spending a few o’clock at the hospital. Group 4 at HarUord will be noUfled defi­ acibixe. Chicken and spaghetti Texas. He says it la a tough outfit tion is going to find out why ac­ WUUam Moorb; membera of com­ Routine Patrol Ac- nya at the Fifth Avenue hotel, membe.rs will join them. nitely at that time when they are dinnkn continue popular in the and he is losing poundage—which tion has not been started. mittee, John Hughes, Edward (Clothes Baskets ..$ 2 .0 0 up May Bring Forces Northeast of York City. BoItoiKhills, but they can’t be eat­ he can well afford. Murray, Thomas Smith and Wil­ tivity; Lone Enemy General Denies Farm Goods to leave Manchester for Fort Mail P oxes..............$1 25 op Medjez El Bab Broken Devens. However, the former two en eveW day else one spoil hia In writing a letter back to The office bachelor says that liam Brennan; trustee, James The monthly meeting of the A marriage license was Issued taste for\hat fine party dish. friends in town, Pete told o f a Plane Drops Three yesterday at the Hartford Bureau weeks furlough la now dropped after looking over the tax sched­ NelU. louse Radios... .$i9 95 up Die Strike Up by (]annon; 282 ltd of trustees of the Manches- and it ia expected that beginning The toi^in scarcity came to humorous incident. Privates aren’t ules for the ■ coming year he s These officers wUI be installed Bombs Near Airfield. British Press Sales Seen . „.• Memorial hospital will be held of Vital StetisUcs to Edward Zl- light the oUW day however, when too anxious to give the salute to . uice O’M a ts ......... $2.95 up kus of this town and Miss Mar­ with the January quota only one looking forward to a ’Tight by the district deputy on January Out of .3 0 0 Aboard! li d the hospital next Tuesday aft- week will be given the inductees. one local or^t^^tlon reported it every officer they meet. And as Christmas.” 8 at Orange hall at which time a Pyrex D ish es............35c up Maximum Wages Order larnoon at 4:30. garet M. Beattie of Hartford. had changed itsNdate for a get to­ Washington, Dec. 14.— A fter War Train Killed, Wound* The local board was also in­ everyone in the service knowa they —A. Non. supper wlU be served. Hop Handles...................20e Given Favors formed yeaterday that Voluntary gether three tlm ^ because of the adopt various means of avoiding — American Air Forces in May Result in Na- ed or Captured When Officer Candidate enlistments can inability to get a caterer. Nearly meeting or of directly facing an Wooden Ironing Boards.. the South Pacific were re- be accepted by the Selective Serv­ every caterer they tentacteo was officer as the salute would be ab­ . .............................. $1.98 op tion - Wide Stop- McClure Hits Editorial Wickartl Sees Market French Open Fir© dated up, and some qUters, for­ solutely necessary. porte^d by the Navy today to ice boards from those 18 to 38 War Bond Metal Box and be continuing their heavy page in Tool Plants. years of age. Following the presi­ merly in the bu8ineso,\are in a It seems that Happeny and an­ REYMANDER’S FOOD -------BETTER THAN EVER! Comment in American For Every Product After Mine E.xplodes*. dential directive prohibiting fur­ war plant, far removed from the other fellow in hia outfit were Lock ...............95c bombardment of the new Farmer Can •OAK GRILL' ther enlistments Voluntary Offi­ trouble of trying to get\ beef, strolling down the street In Texas HAVE A GOOD TIME — DINE AND DANCE! Detroit, Dec. 14—(>P)—Sharply Papers Charging Dis­ Produce steaks, augar, coffee and xjther Outdoor Japanese air base at Munda Alliwl Headquarters in cer Candidate enrollments were and they saw a couple of officers ROAST TURKEY AND ALL THE FIXIN’S criticizing a War Labor board or­ -WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” things for other folks to eat.
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