2015. SCImago SJR Q1-Q3 SJR Best Title Type ISSN eISSN SJR Country Quartile 2D Materials journal 2053-1583 4.344 Q1 United Kingdom 3D Research journal 2092-6731 0.214 Q3 South Korea 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature journal 0128-5157 0.36 Q1 Malaysia 4OR journal 1614-2411 1619-4500 1.073 Q1 Germany A Contrario. Revue interdisciplinaire de sciences sociales journal 1660-7880 0.101 Q3 Switzerland A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture journal 1302-8324 0.112 Q2 Turkey AAA, Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik journal 0171-5410 0.101 Q3 Germany AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication journal 1477-3848 0743-4618 1.091 Q1 United Kingdom AACL Bioflux journal 1844-8143 1844-9166 0.2 Q3 Romania AACN Advanced Critical Care journal 1559-7768 0.301 Q3 United States AANA Journal journal 0094-6354 0.238 Q2 United States AAPG Bulletin journal 0149-1423 1.978 Q1 United States AAPG Memoir journal 0271-8529 0.691 Q1 United States AAPS Journal journal 1550-7416 1.192 Q1 United States AAPS PharmSciTech journal 1522-1059 1530-9932 0.718 Q1 United States Ab Imperio journal 2166-4072 2164-9731 0.405 Q1 United States Abacus journal 0001-3072 0.48 Q2 United States Abdominal Imaging journal 1432-0509 0942-8925 0.723 Q2 United States Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg journal 0025-5858 0.447 Q2 Germany Abhandlungen der Senckenberg Gesellschaft fur Naturforschung book series 1868-0356 1.43 Q1 Germany Abstract and Applied Analysis journal 1687-0409 1085-3375 0.512 Q3 United States Academic Emergency Medicine journal 1069-6563 1.385 Q1 United States Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering journal 1583-7904 0.113 Q3 Romania Academic Medicine journal 1040-2446 2.202 Q1 United States Academic Pediatrics journal 1876-2867 1876-2859 1.402 Q1 United States Academic Psychiatry journal 1042-9670 1545-7230 0.492 Q2 United States Academic Radiology journal 1076-6332 1.008 Q1 United States Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal journal 1087-9595 0.165 Q3 United States Academy of Management Annals journal 1941-6520 1941-6067 15.472 Q1 United States Academy of Management Journal journal 0001-4273 10.317 Q1 United States Academy of Management Learning and Education journal 1537-260X 1.551 Q1 United States Academy of Management Perspectives journal 1558-9080 4.258 Q1 United States Academy of Management Review journal 0363-7425 8.83 Q1 United States 1 2015. SCImago SJR Q1-Q3 SJR Best Title Type ISSN eISSN SJR Country Quartile Academy of Strategic Management Journal journal 1544-1458 0.142 Q3 United States Acadiensis journal 0044-5851 0.167 Q2 Canada Russian Acarina journal 0132-8077 2221-5115 0.507 Q2 Federation Acarologia journal 0044-586X 0.561 Q2 France Accident Analysis and Prevention journal 0001-4575 1.109 Q1 United Kingdom Accountability in Research journal 0898-9621 0.341 Q2 United Kingdom Accounting and Business Research journal 0001-4788 0.677 Q2 United Kingdom Accounting and Finance journal 0810-5391 0.547 Q1 Australia Accounting and the Public Interest journal 1530-9320 0.299 Q3 United States Accounting Education journal 0963-9284 1468-4489 0.655 Q2 United Kingdom Accounting Forum journal 0155-9982 0.612 Q2 Australia Accounting Historians Journal journal 0148-4184 2327-4468 0.506 Q2 United States Accounting History journal 1032-3732 1749-3374 0.357 Q1 United Kingdom Accounting History Review journal 2155-286X 2155-2851 0.344 Q1 United Kingdom Accounting Horizons journal 0888-7993 1558-7975 1.063 Q1 United States Accounting in Europe journal 1744-9499 1744-9480 0.325 Q2 United Kingdom Accounting Perspectives journal 1911-382X 0.262 Q3 Canada Accounting Research Journal journal 1030-9616 0.26 Q3 United Kingdom Accounting Review journal 0001-4826 4.478 Q1 United States Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal journal 0951-3574 0.88 Q1 United Kingdom Accounting, Organizations and Society journal 0361-3682 2.515 Q1 United Kingdom Accounts of Chemical Research journal 1520-4898 0001-4842 11.465 Q1 United States Accreditation and Quality Assurance journal 0949-1775 1432-0517 0.378 Q2 United States ACI Materials Journal journal 0889-325X 1.43 Q1 United States ACI Structural Journal journal 0889-3241 2.088 Q1 United States ACM Computing Surveys journal 0360-0300 3.405 Q1 United States ACM Inroads journal 2153-2192 2153-2184 0.25 Q3 United States ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems journal 1550-4832 0.366 Q2 United States ACM SIGPLAN Notices journal 1523-2867 0.49 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing journal 1936-7228 0.355 Q3 United States ACM Transactions on Algorithms journal 1549-6325 1.796 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Applied Perception journal 1544-3965 1544-3558 0.364 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems journal 1556-4665 0.797 Q1 United States 2 2015. SCImago SJR Q1-Q3 SJR Best Title Type ISSN eISSN SJR Country Quartile ACM Transactions on Computation Theory journal 1942-3454 1.024 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Computational Logic journal 1529-3785 0.985 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Computer Systems journal 0734-2071 2.626 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction journal 1073-0516 1.194 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Computing Education journal 1946-6226 0.659 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Database Systems journal 0362-5915 0.792 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems journal 1084-4309 0.349 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Graphics journal 0730-0301 2.552 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Information and System Security journal 1094-9224 1.772 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Information Systems journal 1046-8188 0.737 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology journal 2157-6912 2157-6904 1.516 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Internet Technology journal 1533-5399 0.565 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data journal 1556-4681 1.292 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems journal 2158-656X 0.665 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software journal 0098-3500 1.26 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation journal 1049-3301 0.378 Q3 United States ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications journal 1551-6857 0.586 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems journal 0164-0925 1.256 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems journal 1936-7406 1936-7414 0.249 Q3 United States ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks journal 1550-4859 0.839 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology journal 1049-331X 0.98 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing journal 1550-4883 1550-4875 0.255 Q2 United States ACM Transactions on Storage journal 1553-3077 0.88 Q1 United States ACM Transactions on the Web journal 1559-1131 0.915 Q1 United States ACME journal 1492-9732 0.583 Q1 Canada Russian Acoustical Physics journal 1562-6865 1063-7710 0.355 Q3 Federation Acoustical Science and Technology journal 1346-3969 1347-5177 0.303 Q3 Japan Acoustics Australia journal 0814-6039 0.378 Q2 Australia Across Languages and Cultures journal 1588-2519 1585-1923 0.366 Q1 Hungary ACS applied materials & interfaces journal 1944-8252 1944-8244 2.381 Q1 United States ACS Catalysis journal 2155-5435 4.208 Q1 United States ACS chemical biology journal 1554-8937 1554-8929 2.863 Q1 United States 3 2015. SCImago SJR Q1-Q3 SJR Best Title Type ISSN eISSN SJR Country Quartile ACS Chemical Neuroscience journal 1948-7193 1.842 Q1 United States ACS Combinatorial Science journal 2156-8944 2156-8952 1.037 Q1 United States ACS Macro Letters journal 2161-1653 2.497 Q1 United States ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters journal 1948-5875 1.37 Q1 United States ACS Nano journal 1936-0851 1936-086X 7.12 Q1 United States ACS Photonics journal 2330-4022 3.475 Q1 United States ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering journal 2168-0485 1.456 Q1 United States ACS Synthetic Biology journal 2161-5063 2.339 Q1 United States ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal journal 1091-5397 0.206 Q3 United States Acta Academica journal 0587-2405 0.13 Q3 Canada Acta Acustica united with Acustica journal 1610-1928 0.671 Q1 Germany Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia book series 0065-0900 0.176 Q1 Italy Acta Adriatica journal 0001-5113 0.339 Q3 Croatia Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica - Section A: Animal Science journal 1651-1972 0906-4702 0.545 Q2 United Kingdom Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica - Section B Soil and Plant Science journal 1651-1913 0906-4710 0.345 Q3 United Kingdom Acta Agriculturae Slovenica journal 1581-9175 0.187 Q3 Slovenia Acta Amazonica journal 0044-5967 0.32 Q2 Brazil Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica journal 0001-5164 0.228 Q3 Belgium Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica journal 0001-5172 1399-6576 1.02 Q1 Denmark Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica journal 1875-4597 0254-1319 0.338 Q2 Taiwan Acta Analytica journal 0353-5150 0.387 Q1 Netherlands Acta Applicandae Mathematicae journal 0167-8019 1572-9036 0.624 Q2 Netherlands Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae journal 1588-2551 0001-5210 0.143 Q2 Hungary Acta Arithmetica journal 0065-1036 0.763 Q2 Poland Acta Astronautica journal 0094-5765 0.726 Q2 United Kingdom Acta Astronomica journal 0001-5237 1.335 Q2 Poland Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica journal 1745-7270 1672-9145 0.881 Q2 United Kingdom Acta Biochimica Polonica journal 0001-527X 0.534 Q2 Poland Acta Biologica Colombiana journal 0120-548X 0.157 Q3 Colombia Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica journal 0001-5296 0.268 Q3 Poland Acta Biologica Hungarica journal 0236-5383 0.274 Q3 Hungary Acta Biologica Szegediensis journal 1588-385X 1588-4082 0.252 Q3 Hungary Acta Biomaterialia journal 1742-7061 2.02 Q1 Netherlands 4 2015.
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