Appendix A Appendix A Table of Contents Public Participation Plan For Transportation Public Participation Planning In The Davenport-Moline-Rock Island Plan For Transportation Urbanized Area ...................................................... 1 Planning In The Regional Transportation Advisory Group (RTAG) – ADavenport-Moline-Rock Island Urban Area Interest .............................................. 4 Urbanized Area Public Involvement Status Summary ....................... 6 In compliance with the provisions of the Moving 2014-12 MindMixer Survey Monkey Report .......... 10 Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 2045 LRTP Public Input 5-22-14 ............................. 33 Policy Committee for the Davenport, Iowa-Illinois Davenport-Bettendorf Engineering Conference Urbanized Area has approved the following public Form ...................................................................... 38 participation plan to engage interested parties and 2015-05-27 2045 LRTP BSRC Status Newsletter .. 39 resource agencies in the transportation planning process. Transportation Presentation Scott Community College .................................................................. 41 The transportation planning process takes place 2015-09-22 LRTP BSRC Status Newsletter ........... 43 at local, regional, tribal, state and federal levels. It is based on comprehensive, continuing and coor- Transit Summit Flyer ............................................... 45 dinated activities that work together to identify, 2045 LRTP Public Input 12-2-15 ............................. 46 prioritize and meet transportation needs at these 2045 LRTP Community Outreach December 2015 various levels. Public participation in this process Flyer ...................................................................... 50 begins with finding what opportunities are available and expressing interest or concern. 2045 LRTP Multi-Cultural Outreach Public Input 12-10-15/12-12-15 ................................................. 51 Bi-State Regional Commission is the Metropoli- Public Input Meeting Flyer, 2-2-16 .......................... 57 tan Planning Organization (MPO) designated to cooperatively facilitate public participation in the 2045 LRTP Service Report, February 2016 Public transportation planning process with Quad Cit- Input Meetings ..................................................... 58 ies Metropolitan Planning Area communities and 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan Input ......... 61 counties, and state/federal Departments of Trans- portation, and among the various modes of trans- portation. The MPO is charged with carrying out ed at Bi-State Regional Commission offices and on metropolitan transportation planning that provides the Bi-State Regional Commission website (www. early and on-going opportunities for involvement,, while minutes are web-posted timely information, reasonable access to informa- following approval by these committees. In addition, tion, adequate notification, diverse participation and proposed amendments to the annual Transportation periodic review and evaluation of the participation Improvement Program or Transportation Planning process. This public participation plan outlines the Work Program shall be sent to the same local media parameters for conducting these requirements. and RTAG, as well as local jurisdictions within the Davenport, Iowa-Illinois Urbanized Area, as part of Public Notification the Policy Committee agenda. Other transporta- All meeting announcements and agendas of the tion related advisory committees may be posted on Transportation Technical Committee and Policy this website to provide added transportation related Committee shall be sent to local news media and information, such as the Bi-State Regional Trails the Regional Transportation Advisory Group (RTAG) Committee and Bi-State Region Air Quality Task prior to the actual meeting date at forty-eight hours Force meetings. Notice of public hearings will be in advance. Agendas of these committees are post- published in local newspapers of general circulation Page A-1 Appendix A and posted on the Bi-State Regional Commission Committee meetings on the annual Transportation website per the time period noted in “Public Hear- Planning Work Program (TPWP) activities, Trans- ings” of this plan. portation Improvement Program (TIP), Regional ITS Architecture Plan, Regional Transit Development Regional Transportation Advisory Committee Plan, Long Range Transportation Plan, and the Public The intent of the federal transportation legislation Involvement Plan, through the process outlined is to provide a special effort for an early and con- under “Public Notification” above. This process sat- tinuing public involvement process that seeks out isfies Program of Projects (POP) public participation and considers the transportation needs of a diverse requirements for Bettendorf Transit, Davenport Citi- public, including the traditionally underserved popu- Bus, River Bend Transit, and the Rock Island County lations (Executive Order 12898 – Federal Action to Metropolitan Mass Transit District (MetroLINK). Address Environmental Justice in Minority and Low- In the case of the Public Participation Plan, a mini- Income Populations, 1994) as well as providing an mum of a forty-five (45) day comment period shall opportunity for consultation with resource agencies be provided prior to action by the Transportation as defined in the current transportation act. The Policy Committee as required by the current trans- Regional Transportation Advisory Group (RTAG) portation act. The Long Range Transportation Plan will fulfill that role. Involvement in the RTAG is will require a minimum of a thirty (30) day comment open to any interested party, business, organization, period prior to action by Bi-State Regional Commis- or interested citizen within the Davenport, Iowa- sion. The prioritization process of both the Surface Illinois Urbanized Area wanting to be involved in the Transportation Program (STP) and the Transpor- transportation planning process. RTAG serves as tation Alternatives Program (TAP) will require a the diverse, multi-modal advisory committee to the minimum of a thirty (30) day comment/notification Transportation Technical Committee. Members will period to be provided prior to action by the Trans- receive all meeting notices, as noted in “Public No- portation Policy Committee. In matters involving tices” above, for the Technical and Policy Committee adoption or amendments to the Transportation meetings. In addition, members will receive noti- Planning Work Program, Transportation Improve- fication of proposed Transportation Improvement ment Program (TIP), Regional Transit Development Program (TIP) amendments, Surface Transportation Plan, and Regional ITS Architecture Plan, a minimum Program (STP) submittal notices, and proposed seven (7) day comment period shall be utilized prior changes to the Public Participation Plan, Regional to approval by the Transportation Policy Committee. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture Additional notice may be provided through meet- Plan, Regional Transit Development Plan (TDP) or ings of the Transportation Technical Committee in the Long Range Transportation Plan. advance of action by the Policy Committee. Annual TIP Project Request Notifications Publications Individual jurisdictions, members of RTAG, and the The MPO shall publish or otherwise make available media shall be informed as to when projects are be- for public review at a minimum the Long Range ing sought for inclusion in the annual Transportation Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Transportation Improvement Program through an announcement Improvement Program (TIP) in an electronically requesting Transportation Improvement Program accessible format and means (to the maximum annual element additions, modifications, or deletions extent practicable), such as the World Wide Web. for the proposed fiscal years, as part of an annual The LRTP and TIP publications developed by the document update cycle, typically thirty (30) days MPO will be placed on the Bi-State Regional Com- prior to a draft document review by the Technical mission website, Other Committee. transportation planning publications may be posted to allow for interested parties to review and access Public Comment/Notification additional MPO transportation planning information. The general public shall be afforded the opportunity Within these publications, the MPO shall employ to provide comments via the Technical and Policy visualization techniques to help clarify transporta- A-2 Page Appendix A tion planning issues and/or activities. At a minimum, Area, including demographics and identification of visualization techniques shall be applied to the LRTP potential barriers (language, mobility, temporal or and TIP. Visualization techniques may include maps, other) that may prevent underserved persons from graphs, charts, tables, diagrams or other methods. effectively participating in the metropolitan trans- portation planning process. Public Hearings Prior to approval of the final Transportation Im- Accommodation provement Program (TIP), the Transportation Policy Persons requiring special material or presentation Committee shall hold a public hearing on all the formats will be asked within a public notice for projects being considered for approval in the TIP. advanced request of at least one week prior to a The Transportation
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