Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited

Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited

MADHYA PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED CIN-U40109MP2001SGC014880, vkbZ ,l vks : 9001-2008 STATE LOAD DESPATCH CENTRE, Nayagaon, Rampur, Jabalpur ISO: 9001-2008 Telephone: (0761) 2970089 Fax: (0761) 2664343 e-mail [email protected] No-07-05/PM-68A/SEA-9.1/3135 Jabalpur, dtd: 29/10/2018 To 1. The Chief General Manager (Comml), 4. The Chief General Manager (Comml.), MPPMCL, Jabalpur. (MPPuKVVCL), Jabalpur 2. The Chief Engineer (Comml.), O/o MD 5. The Addl. Chief Engineer (CS-GENCO), MPPGCL, (MPPaKVVCL), Indore Jabalpur. 3. The Chief General Manager (Comml.), 6. General Manager (F&A), MPPMCL, Jabalpur MPMKVVCL, Bhopal. Sub: Revised State Energy Account for the month of SEPTEMBER-2018. Ref: This office letter no. 07-05/PM-68A/SEA-9.0/3014 dated 08.10.2018. ….. The State Energy Account (SEA) for the month of SEPTEMBER -2018 has been revised. A copy of the same is uploaded on SLDC website for kind perusal and needful please. The State Energy Account has been revised on account of the following: i. The Entitlement and scheduled energy of SEZ and Discoms for dated 4th Sept 2018 as intimated by MPPMCL vide letter no. CGM/PM/816 Dated 09.10.18. The scheduled energy of SEZ and Discoms has been revised due to inadvertent error for dated 7th & 10th Sept 2018. ii. The JMR data of Pench HPS has been replaced with actual ABT meter data of PGCIL meters as the same was not received at the time of issuance of provisional SEA. The signed copy of SEA is available on SLDC website under commercial section which may please be downloaded for needful please. All the Intra State entities are requested to check and verify the State Energy Account and intimate the discrepancies observed if any within a period of 15 days. (S S PATEL) Superintending Engineer (LD: ABT&OA) MPPTCL, Jabalpur ….. MPPTCL, JABALPUR STATE LOAD DESPATCH CENTRE REVISED STATE ENERGY ACCOUNT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER -2018 Based on MPERC Balancing & Settlement Code, 2015 DETAILS OF MONTHLY PLANT AVAILABILITY FACTOR OF SSGS & IPP Page: A-1 No - 07-05/PM-68A/SEA-9.1/3135 Dated: 29/10/2018 Target Actual Monthly Cummulative SR. NO. STATION PAF % PAF % PAF % I. THERMAL 1 AMARKANTAK -III (210 MW) 85.00 100.52 81.37 2 SATPURA 75.00 58.60 54.17 3 SATPURA IV 85.00 85.73 80.45 4 SGTPS I & II 80.00 53.43 68.16 5 SGTPS III (500MW) 85.00 97.04 81.71 6 SHRI SINGAJI TPP 85.00 91.44 67.01 II. HYDEL 1 GANDHI SAGAR 85.00 95.65 86.59 2 PENCH 85.00 96.25 83.31 3 BARGI 85.00 101.11 87.56 4 BANSAGAR -I (TONS) 85.00 100.00 76.89 5 BANSAGAR-II (SILPARA) 90.00 61.17 67.99 6 BANSAGAR-III (DEOLOND) 85.00 105.00 92.08 7 RAJGHAT 85.00 66.67 25.69 8 BIRSINGHPUR 85.00 100.00 62.25 9 BANSAGAR-IV (JHINNA) 85.00 110.00 90.46 10 MADIKHEDA 85.00 101.67 76.79 III. NHDC 1 INDIRASAGAR PROJECT 85.00 100.00 86.63 2 OMKARESHWER PROJECT 90.00 100.00 95.15 IV. IPPs 1 BLA POWER (UNIT-I) 85.00 0.00 49.88 2 BLA POWER (UNIT-II) 85.00 0.00 26.92 3 JP BINA POWER 85.00 63.74 79.95 Note - The Plant Availability Factor of IPPs is computed on the basis of DC given by IPPs for contracted power. MADHYA PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LTD. STATE LOAD DESPATCH CENTRE JABALPUR REVISED STATE ENERGY ACCOUNT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER -2018 SUMMARY OF GENERATION / DRAWAL OF SCHEDULED ENERGY Page: A-2 No - 07-05/PM-68A/SEA-9.1/3135 Dated: 29/10/2018 Sl.No: Particulars TOTAL MPPuKVVCL MPMaKVVCL MPPaKVVCL MPAKVNL A. SCHEDULED ENERGY OF SSGS THERMAL STATIONS 1,648,876,750 485,494,505 620,789,462 508,688,782 33,904,000 B. SCHEDULED ENERGY OF SSGS IPP STATIONS 100,006,405 32,648,030 36,318,211 31,040,164 0 C. SCHEDULED ENERGY OF SSGS HYDRO STATIONS ON ACTUAL GENERATION BASIS 287,934,474 80,825,603 83,079,781 124,029,090 0 D. DETAILS OF MONTHLY SCHEDULED/ACTUAL ENERGY FROM NHDC/NVDA HYDEL STATIONS 342,557,185 84,085,176 85,639,299 172,832,710 0 E. ADJUSTMENT OF BILATRAL PROJECTS 323,793 96,782 103,063 123,948 0 F. SCHEDULED ENERGY OF ISGS STATIONS 3,360,047,197 1,128,351,004 1,156,519,738 1,075,176,455 0 G. SCHEDULED ENERGY OF ISGS STATIONS (Against RAJGARH SOLAR) 25,167,605 7,522,598 8,010,847 9,634,160 0 H. SCHEDULED ENERGY OF INTER STATE OPEN ACCESS (BILATERAL & COLLECTIVE) -1,114,845,052 -333,227,179 -354,855,184 -426,762,688 0 I. SCHEDULED ENERGY OF INTRA STATE OPEN ACCESS 0 0 0 0 0 J. ENERGY PURCHASED BY MPPMCL FROM OTHER SOURCES 541,873,708 165,434,043 182,611,440 193,828,225 0 K. APPORTIONMENT OF FIRM/INFIRM POWER PURCHASED BY MPPMCL FROM CPPs 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 5,191,942,065 1,651,230,562 1,818,216,657 1,688,590,846 33,904,000 Wheeled energy of Renewable and Open Access Customers to Discoms for computation of Deviation charges A. SOLAR ENERGY WHEELED THRU DISCOMS 26,893,142 1,320,926 8,833,217 16,738,999 B. WIND & OTHERS ENERGY WHEELED THRU DISCOM 4,999,160 907,632 739,847 3,351,682 C. INTRA STATE OPEN ACCESS CUSTOMERS ENERGY WHEELED THRU DISCOM 0 0 0 0 D. INTER STATE OPEN ACCESS CUSTOMERS ENERGY WHEELED THRU DISCOM -433,821 0 -433,821 0 TOTAL 31,458,481 2,228,558 9,139,243 20,090,680 ALL FIGURES IN KWH UNLESS UNTILL SPECIFIED OTHERWISE MADHYA PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LTD. STATE LOAD DESPATCH CENTRE, JABALPUR REVISED STATE ENERGY ACCOUNT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER -2018 DETAILS OF ENTITLEMENT OF DISCOMS Page: A-3 No - 07-05/PM-68A/SEA-9.1/3135 Dated: 29/10/2018 A. DETAILS OF ENTITLEMENT OF DISCOMS IN SSGS THERMAL STATIONS MPPaKVVCL(% Sl.No: STATION TOTAL MPPuKVVCL MPMaKVVCL MPPaKVVCL MPAKVNL MPPuKVVCL(%) MPMaKVVCL(%) MPAKVNL(%) ) 1 Amarkantak Thermal Power Station -III 138,303,500 36,842,325 54,581,240 45,029,535 1,850,400 27 40 33 - 2 Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station I&II 294,072,500 80,263,820 114,662,600 91,730,080 7,416,000 28 40 32 - 3 Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station -III 328,396,250 90,736,447 129,623,480 103,698,773 4,337,550 28 40 32 - 4 Satpura Thermal Power Station 315,171,250 88,439,199 118,935,470 97,588,077 10,208,504 29 39 32 - 5 Satpura Thermal Power Station -IV 282,395,000 83,094,912 88,488,155 106,419,303 4,392,630As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis - 6 SHREE SINGAJI THERMAL POWER PROJECT 748,555,750 221,372,183 235,740,273 283,510,447 7,932,847As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis - TOTAL 2,106,894,250 600,748,886 742,031,218 727,976,215 36,137,931 B. DETAILS OF ENTITLEMENT OF DISCOMS IN SSGS IPP STATIONS Sl.No: STATION TOTAL MPPuKVVCL MPMaKVVCL MPPaKVVCL MPPuKVVCL(%) MPMaKVVCL(%) MPPaKVVCL(%) 1 M/s BLA POWER PVT. LTD. , UNIT-I 0000As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 2 M/s BLA POWER PVT. LTD. , UNIT-II 0000As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 3 M/s JAYPEE BINA THERMAL POWER PLANT, UNIT-I&II 136,479,356 43,949,192 49,855,262 42,674,902 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis TOTAL 136,479,356 43,949,192 49,855,262 42,674,902 C. DETAILS OF ENTITLEMENT OF DISCOMS IN ISGS STATIONS Sl.No: STATION TOTAL MPPuKVVCL MPMaKVVCL MPPaKVVCL MPPuKVVCL(%) MPMaKVVCL(%) MPPaKVVCL(%) 1 Korba Super Thermal Power Stations 229,495,857 89,503,384 64,258,840 75,733,633 39 28 33 2 Korba Super Thermal Power Stations-III 35,309,422 11,387,172 12,983,284 10,938,966 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 3 Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Stations-I 194,446,758 70,000,833 66,111,898 58,334,027 36 34 30 4 Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Stations-II 190,024,604 68,408,858 60,807,873 60,807,873 36 32 32 5 Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Stations-III 154,287,048 50,914,726 47,828,985 55,543,337 33 31 36 6 SIPAT SUPER THERMAL POWER STATION-I 195,418,824 63,069,776 71,853,453 60,495,595 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 7 Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Stations-IV 175,291,119 56,896,957 64,576,069 53,818,093 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 8 SIPAT SUPER THERMAL POWER STATION-II 118,218,021 46,105,029 30,736,685 41,376,307 39 26 35 9 Kawas Gas Power Project 90,354,581 31,624,104 22,588,645 36,141,832 35 25 40 10 Gandhar Gas Power Project 47,259,057 15,122,898 14,177,717 17,958,442 32 30 38 11 Mouda NTPC Power Plant (I) 79,355,601 25660145 29119797 24575659 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 12 Mouda NTPC Power Plant (II) 86,614,714 27279483 31973656 27361575 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 13 SASAN ULTRA MEGA POWER PROJECT 868,686,750 280322236 320255320 268109194 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 14 Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Stations-V 85,724,555 27797844 31584095 26342616 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 15 SOLAPUR SUPER THERMAL POWER PLANT 54,920,161 17030964 20326968 17562229 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 16 ANTA_GF 0000As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 17 ANTA_LF 198,455 63377 73511 61567 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 18 ANTA_RF 547,993 178639 201673 167681 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 19 AURY_GF 0000As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 20 AURY_LF 500,787 159722 185000 156065 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 21 AURY_RF 688,975 225952 253434 209589 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 22 CHAMERA2 495,690 158813 183481 153396 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 23 CHAMERA3 302,480 97421 112012 93047 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 24 DADRI_GF 4,011,325 1373828 1490968 1146529 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 25 DADRI_LF 461,257 148929 171313 141015 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 26 DADRI_RF 631,118 207835 231871 191412 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 27 DHAULIGNGA 456,010 148130 169285 138595 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis 28 DULHASTI 720,908 233784 265601 221523 As Per Power Allocation done by MPPMCL on Day-Ahead Basis MADHYA PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LTD.

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